void resourceProfileCombo_EventComboChangePosition(Widget source, EventArgs e) { if (allowResourceProfileSelectedIndexChanged) { if (resourceProfileCombo.SelectedIndex == resourceProfileCombo.ItemCount - 1) //New item { InputBox.GetInput("New Resource Profile", "Enter the name of the new resource profile.", true, delegate(String result, ref String message) { resourceProfileCombo.insertItemAt(resourceProfileCombo.SelectedIndex, result); allowResourceProfileSelectedIndexChanged = false; resourceProfileCombo.SelectedIndex = resourceProfileCombo.findItemIndexWith(result); allowResourceProfileSelectedIndexChanged = true; archiveNameText.OnlyText = result; return(true); }); } else if (resourceProfileCombo.SelectedIndex == 0) { scanResources(null); archiveNameText.OnlyText = ""; } else { scanResources(resourceProfileCombo.SelectedItemName); archiveNameText.OnlyText = resourceProfileCombo.SelectedItemName; } } }
internal void saveMaterials() { HashSet <String> writtenFiles = new HashSet <string>(); bool wroteSomething = false; foreach (var desc in currentDescriptions) { currentOutputFile = desc.SourceFile; if (currentOutputFile != null && !writtenFiles.Contains(currentOutputFile)) { writtenFiles.Add(currentOutputFile); String outputFile = Path.Combine(currentDir, desc.SourceFile); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); serializer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; using (StreamWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(outputFile, false)) { serializer.Serialize(textWriter, this); } wroteSomething = true; Logging.Log.ImportantInfo("Saved material file {0}", outputFile); } } if (!wroteSomething && currentDescriptions.Count > 0) { InputBox.GetInput("Save Materials", "Enter a name for the material file.", true, nameMaterialResult); } }
void addButton_MouseButtonClick(Widget source, EventArgs e) { InputBox.GetInput("Add Preset", "Enter a name for this preset.", true, delegate(String result, ref string errorPrompt) { presets.addItem(result, new RenderPreset(result, renderDialog.RenderWidth, renderDialog.RenderHeight)); return(true); }); }
public override void FKeyUpEvent(int nIdx) { switch (nIdx) { case 1: break; case 4: tcRecipe1.InsertRow(); MainApp.GetDoc().tcFKey1.FKeyBackColor(10, Color.DarkGray); hasChanged = true; break; case 5: tcRecipe1.DeleteRow(); MainApp.GetDoc().tcFKey1.FKeyBackColor(10, Color.DarkGray); hasChanged = true; break; case 7: // Recipe löschen if (textBoxAuftrag.Text != "") { if (askDeleteRecipe(textBoxAuftrag.Text)) { System.IO.File.Delete(rootdir + "\\" + textBoxAuftrag.Text + ending); if (treeView2.SelectedNode != null) { treeView2.Nodes.Remove(treeView2.SelectedNode); } // ein anderes Element selektieren if (treeView2.Nodes.Count != 0) { treeView2.SelectedNode = treeView2.Nodes[0]; } else { textBoxAuftrag.Text = ""; recipeFilename = ""; } } } break; case 8: InputBox box = new InputBox(GetText("New", "Neu anlegen"), GetText("FileName", "Dateiname:")); box.ShowDialog(); if (box.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK && !box.GetInput().Equals("")) { string fileName = box.GetInput(); recipeFilename = rootdir + "\\" + fileName + ending; tcRecipe1.NewFile(recipeFilename); tcRecipe1.WriteData(); treeView2.Nodes.Add(fileName, fileName); textBoxAuftrag.Text = fileName; } break; case 9: tcRecipe1.ReadData(); break; case 10: tcRecipe1.WriteData(); MainApp.GetDoc().tcFKey1.FKeyBackColor(10, oldButtonColor); hasChanged = false; break; case 11: try { // Get recipe data and write to the Plc System.IO.MemoryStream memStream; tcRecipe1.WriteDataToMemory(out memStream); TwinCAT.Ads.AdsStream adsStream = new TwinCAT.Ads.AdsStream((int)memStream.Capacity); adsStream.Write(memStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)memStream.Length); adsServer.PlcClient.Write(".RecipeData", adsStream); memStream = null; } catch (Exception ex) { string tmp = this.Name + " Error writing recipe data to the PLC!"; MainApp.log.Error(tmp, ex); MessageBox.Show(tmp); } break; case 12: timerListbox.Enabled = false; break; } }
void fileBrowser_NodeContextEvent(FileBrowserTree tree, string path, bool isDirectory, bool isTopLevel) { ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); if (isDirectory) { contextMenu.add(new ContextMenuItem("Create Directory", path, delegate(ContextMenuItem item) { InputBox.GetInput("Directory Name", "Please enter a name for the directory.", true, delegate(String result, ref String errorPrompt) { editorController.ResourceProvider.createDirectory(item.UserObject.ToString(), result); return(true); }); })); contextMenu.add(new ContextMenuItem("Add Item", path, delegate(ContextMenuItem item) { AddItemDialog.AddItem(editorController.ItemTemplates, (itemTemplate) => { try { ((ProjectItemTemplate)itemTemplate).createItem(path, editorController); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.show(String.Format("Error creating item.\n{0}", e.Message), "Error Creating Item", MessageBoxStyle.IconError | MessageBoxStyle.Ok); } }); })); contextMenu.add(new ContextMenuItem("Import Files", path, delegate(ContextMenuItem item) { FileOpenDialog fileDialog = new FileOpenDialog(MainWindow.Instance, "Choose files to import.", "", "", "", true); fileDialog.showModal((result, paths) => { if (result == NativeDialogResult.OK) { editorController.importFiles(paths, item.UserObject.ToString()); } }); })); contextMenu.add(new ContextMenuItem("Explore To", path, item => { OtherProcessManager.openLocalURL(editorController.ResourceProvider.getFullFilePath(item.UserObject.ToString())); })); } if (!isTopLevel) { contextMenu.add(new ContextMenuItem("Rename", path, delegate(ContextMenuItem item) { InputBox.GetInput("Rename", String.Format("Please enter a new name for {0}.", item.UserObject.ToString()), true, delegate(String result, ref String errorPrompt) { String originalExtension = Path.GetExtension(item.UserObject.ToString()); String targetName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(item.UserObject.ToString()), result), originalExtension); if (editorController.ResourceProvider.exists(targetName)) { errorPrompt = String.Format("A file named {0} already exists. Please enter another name.", targetName); return(false); } editorController.ResourceProvider.move(path, targetName); return(true); }); })); contextMenu.add(new ContextMenuItem("Delete", path, delegate(ContextMenuItem item) { MessageBox.show(String.Format("Are you sure you want to delete {0}?", item.UserObject.ToString()), "Delete?", MessageBoxStyle.IconQuest | MessageBoxStyle.Yes | MessageBoxStyle.No, delegate(MessageBoxStyle result) { if (result == MessageBoxStyle.Yes) { editorController.ResourceProvider.delete(item.UserObject.ToString()); } }); })); } tree.showContextMenu(contextMenu); }
public void getInputString(string prompt, SendResult <string> resultCallback) { InputBox.GetInput("Enter value", prompt, true, resultCallback); }