public static SerializedProperty AddBindingToBindingArray(SerializedProperty bindingsArrayProperty, int bindingIndex = -1,
                                                                  string actionName        = "", string groups = "", string path = "", string name = "", string interactions = "", string processors = "",
                                                                  InputBinding.Flags flags = InputBinding.Flags.None)
            Debug.Assert(bindingsArrayProperty != null);
            Debug.Assert(bindingsArrayProperty.isArray, "SerializedProperty is not an array of bindings");
            Debug.Assert(bindingIndex == -1 || (bindingIndex >= 0 && bindingIndex <= bindingsArrayProperty.arraySize));

            if (bindingIndex == -1)
                bindingIndex = bindingsArrayProperty.arraySize;


            var newBindingProperty = bindingsArrayProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(bindingIndex);

            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Path").stringValue         = path;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Groups").stringValue       = groups;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Interactions").stringValue = interactions;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Processors").stringValue   = processors;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Flags").intValue           = (int)flags;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Action").stringValue       = actionName;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue         = name;
            newBindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Id").stringValue           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            ////FIXME: this likely leaves m_Bindings in the map for singleton actions unsync'd in some cases

예제 #2
        ////TODO: move this out into a general routine that can take a path and construct a display name
        private GUIContent GetContentForPath(string path, string modifiers, InputBinding.Flags flags)
            if (s_UsageRegex == null)
                s_UsageRegex = new Regex("\\*/{([A-Za-z0-9]+)}");
            if (s_ControlRegex == null)
                s_ControlRegex = new Regex("<([A-Za-z0-9]+)>/([A-Za-z0-9]+(/[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)");

            var text = path;

            ////TODO: make this less GC heavy
            ////TODO: prettify control names (e.g. "rightTrigger" should read "Right Trigger"); have explicit display names?

            ////REVIEW: This stuff here should really be based on general display functionality for controls
            ////        which should be available to game code in just the same way for on-screen display
            ////        purposes

            var usageMatch = s_UsageRegex.Match(path);

            if (usageMatch.Success)
                text = usageMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                var controlMatch = s_ControlRegex.Match(path);
                if (controlMatch.Success)
                    var device  = controlMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                    var control = controlMatch.Groups[2].Value;

                    ////TODO: would be nice to include template name to print something like "Gamepad A Button" instead of "Gamepad A" (or whatever)

                    text = string.Format("{0} {1}", device, control);

            ////REVIEW: would be nice to have icons for these

            // Show modifiers.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifiers))
                var modifierList   = InputTemplate.ParseNameAndParameterList(modifiers);
                var modifierString = string.Join(" OR ", modifierList.Select(x =>;
                text = string.Format("{0} {1}", modifierString, text);

            ////TODO: this looks ugly and not very obvious; find a better way
            // Show if linked with previous binding.
            if ((flags & InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine) == InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine)
                text = "AND " + text;

            return(new GUIContent(text));
        // Equivalent to InputAction.AddBinding().
        public static SerializedProperty AddBinding(SerializedProperty actionProperty,
                                                    SerializedProperty actionMapProperty = null, SerializedProperty afterBinding = null,
                                                    string groups            = "", string path       = "", string name = "",
                                                    string interactions      = "", string processors = "",
                                                    InputBinding.Flags flags = InputBinding.Flags.None)
            var bindingsArrayProperty = actionMapProperty != null
                ? actionMapProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Bindings")
                : actionProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_SingletonActionBindings");

            var bindingsCount = bindingsArrayProperty.arraySize;
            var actionName    = actionProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue;

            int bindingIndex;

            if (afterBinding != null)
                // If we're supposed to put the binding right after another binding, find the
                // binding's index. Also, if it's a composite, skip past all its parts.
                bindingIndex = GetIndex(bindingsArrayProperty, afterBinding);
                if (IsCompositeBinding(afterBinding))
                    bindingIndex += GetCompositePartCount(bindingsArrayProperty, bindingIndex);
                ++bindingIndex; // Put it *after* the binding.
                // Find the index of the last binding for the action in the array.
                var indexOfLastBindingForAction = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < bindingsCount; ++i)
                    var bindingProperty   = bindingsArrayProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
                    var bindingActionName = bindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Action").stringValue;
                    if (actionName.Equals(bindingActionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        indexOfLastBindingForAction = i;

                // Insert after last binding or at end of array.
                bindingIndex = indexOfLastBindingForAction != -1 ? indexOfLastBindingForAction + 1 : bindingsCount;

            ////TODO: bind using {id} rather than action name
                                            bindingIndex: bindingIndex,
                                            actionName: actionName,
                                            groups: groups,
                                            path: path,
                                            name: name,
                                            interactions: interactions,
                                            processors: processors,
                                            flags: flags));
예제 #4
            ////TODO: close with escape

            public override void OnGUI(Rect rect)
                m_ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(rect, m_ScrollPosition, rect);

                // Interactions section.
                var interactionListRect = rect;

                interactionListRect.x     += kPaddingLeftRight;
                interactionListRect.y     += kPaddingTop;
                interactionListRect.width -= kPaddingLeftRight * 2;
                interactionListRect.height = m_InteractionListView.GetHeight();

                ////TODO: draw box around following section

                // Chaining toggle.
                var chainingToggleRect = interactionListRect;

                chainingToggleRect.y     += interactionListRect.height + 5;
                chainingToggleRect.height = kCombineToggleHeight;

                ////TODO: disable toggle if property is first in list (bit tricky to find out from the SerializedProperty)

                var currentCombineSetting = (m_Flags & InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine) ==
                var newCombineSetting = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(chainingToggleRect, Contents.chain, currentCombineSetting);

                if (currentCombineSetting != newCombineSetting)
                    if (newCombineSetting)
                        m_Flags |= InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine;
                        m_Flags &= ~InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine;

                    m_FlagsProperty.intValue = (int)m_Flags;

                    if (onApplyCallback != null)

예제 #5
            public ModifyPopupWindow(SerializedProperty bindingProperty)
                m_FlagsProperty     = bindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("flags");
                m_ModifiersProperty = bindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("modifiers");
                m_Flags             = (InputBinding.Flags)m_FlagsProperty.intValue;

                var modifiers = InputSystem.ListModifiers().ToList();

                m_ModifierChoices = modifiers.Select(x => new GUIContent(x)).ToArray();

                var modifierString = m_ModifiersProperty.stringValue;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifierString))
                    m_Modifiers = InputTemplate.ParseNameAndParameterList(modifierString);
                    m_Modifiers = new InputTemplate.NameAndParameters[0]; //Array.Empty<InputTemplate.NameAndParameters>();
        // Equivalent to InputAction.AddBinding().
        public static SerializedProperty AddBinding(SerializedProperty actionProperty,
                                                    SerializedProperty actionMapProperty = null, string groups = "", string path = "", string name = "",
                                                    string interactions      = "", string processors = "",
                                                    InputBinding.Flags flags = InputBinding.Flags.None)
            var bindingsArrayProperty = actionMapProperty != null
                ? actionMapProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Bindings")
                : actionProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_SingletonActionBindings");

            var bindingsCount = bindingsArrayProperty.arraySize;

            // Find the index of the last binding for the action in the array.
            var actionName = actionProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue;
            var indexOfLastBindingForAction = -1;

            for (var i = 0; i < bindingsCount; ++i)
                var bindingProperty   = bindingsArrayProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
                var bindingActionName = bindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Action").stringValue;
                if (string.Compare(actionName, bindingActionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    indexOfLastBindingForAction = i;

            // Insert after last binding or at end of array.
            var bindingIndex = indexOfLastBindingForAction != -1 ? indexOfLastBindingForAction + 1 : bindingsCount;

            return(AddBindingToBindingArray(bindingsArrayProperty, bindingIndex,
                                            actionName: actionName,
                                            groups: groups,
                                            path: path,
                                            name: name,
                                            interactions: interactions,
                                            processors: processors,
                                            flags: flags));
예제 #7
            public ModifyPopupWindow(SerializedProperty bindingProperty)
                m_FlagsProperty        = bindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Flags");
                m_InteractionsProperty = bindingProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Interactions");
                m_Flags = (InputBinding.Flags)m_FlagsProperty.intValue;

                var interactions = InputSystem.ListInteractions().ToList();

                m_InteractionChoices = interactions.Select(x => new GUIContent(x)).ToArray();

                var interactionString = m_InteractionsProperty.stringValue;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interactionString))
                    m_Interactions = InputControlLayout.ParseNameAndParameterList(interactionString);
                    m_Interactions = new InputControlLayout.NameAndParameters[0];

예제 #8
        ////TODO: move this out into a general routine that can take a path and construct a display name
        private static GUIContent GetContentForPath(string path, string interactions, InputBinding.Flags flags)
            const int kUsageNameGroup   = 1;
            const int kDeviceNameGroup  = 1;
            const int kDeviceUsageGroup = 3;
            const int kControlPathGroup = 4;

            ////TODO: nuke the regex stuff in here

            if (s_UsageRegex == null)
                s_UsageRegex = new Regex("\\*/{([A-Za-z0-9]+)}");
            if (s_ControlRegex == null)
                s_ControlRegex = new Regex("<([A-Za-z0-9:\\-]+)>({([A-Za-z0-9]+)})?/([A-Za-z0-9]+(/[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)");

            var text = path;

            var usageMatch = s_UsageRegex.Match(path);

            if (usageMatch.Success)
                text = usageMatch.Groups[kUsageNameGroup].Value;
                var controlMatch = s_ControlRegex.Match(path);
                if (controlMatch.Success)
                    var device      = controlMatch.Groups[kDeviceNameGroup].Value;
                    var deviceUsage = controlMatch.Groups[kDeviceUsageGroup].Value;
                    var control     = controlMatch.Groups[kControlPathGroup].Value;

                    ////TODO: would be nice to include layout name to print something like "Gamepad A Button" instead of "Gamepad A" (or whatever)

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceUsage))
                        text = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", deviceUsage, device, control);
                        text = string.Format("{0} {1}", device, control);

            ////REVIEW: would be nice to have icons for these

            // Show interactions.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interactions))
                var interactionList   = InputControlLayout.ParseNameAndParameterList(interactions);
                var interactionString = string.Join(" OR ", interactionList.Select(x =>;
                text = string.Format("{0} {1}", interactionString, text);

            ////TODO: this looks ugly and not very obvious; find a better way
            // Show if linked with previous binding.
            if ((flags & InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine) == InputBinding.Flags.ThisAndPreviousCombine)
                text = "AND " + text;

            return(new GUIContent(text));