예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Dispose off the current runspace pool
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="disposing">
 /// true to release all the internal resources.
 /// </param>
 public virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (!_isDisposed)
         if (disposing)
             _initialSessionState = null;
             host = null;
         _isDisposed = true;
예제 #2
        static void Main()
            //Box(new List<string> {"abc", "  def", "this is something coo"});

            var iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();
            var rs  = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(iss);

            Runspace.DefaultRunspace = rs;

            PSConsoleReadLine.SetOptions(new SetPSReadlineOption
                EditMode            = EditMode.Emacs,
                HistoryNoDuplicates = true,
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "Ctrl+LeftArrow" }, PSConsoleReadLine.ShellBackwardWord, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "Ctrl+RightArrow" }, PSConsoleReadLine.ShellNextWord, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "F4" }, PSConsoleReadLine.HistorySearchBackward, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "F5" }, PSConsoleReadLine.HistorySearchForward, "", "");
            //PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] {"Ctrl+D,Ctrl+E"}, PSConsoleReadLine.EnableDemoMode, "", "");
            //PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] {"Ctrl+D,Ctrl+D"}, PSConsoleReadLine.DisableDemoMode, "", "");
            // PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] {"Ctrl+D,Ctrl+C"}, PSConsoleReadLine.CaptureScreen, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "Ctrl+D,Ctrl+P" }, PSConsoleReadLine.InvokePrompt, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "Ctrl+D,Ctrl+X" }, CauseCrash, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "F6" }, PSConsoleReadLine.PreviousLine, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "F7" }, PSConsoleReadLine.NextLine, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "F2" }, PSConsoleReadLine.ValidateAndAcceptLine, "", "");
            PSConsoleReadLine.SetKeyHandler(new[] { "Enter" }, PSConsoleReadLine.AcceptLine, "", "");

            EngineIntrinsics executionContext;

            using (var ps = PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace))
                executionContext =
                    ps.AddScript("$ExecutionContext").Invoke <EngineIntrinsics>().FirstOrDefault();

                // This is a workaround to ensure the command analysis cache has been created before
                // we enter into ReadLine.  It's a little slow and infrequently needed, so just
                // uncomment host stops responding, run it once, then comment it out again.

            while (true)
                Console.Write("TestHostPS> ");

                var line = PSConsoleReadLine.ReadLine(null, executionContext);
                line = line.Trim();
                if (line.Equals("exit"))
                if (line.Equals("cmd"))
                    PSConsoleReadLine.SetOptions(new SetPSReadlineOption {
                        EditMode = EditMode.Windows
                if (line.Equals("emacs"))
                    PSConsoleReadLine.SetOptions(new SetPSReadlineOption {
                        EditMode = EditMode.Emacs
                if (line.Equals("vi"))
                    PSConsoleReadLine.SetOptions(new SetPSReadlineOption {
                        EditMode = EditMode.Vi
                if (line.Equals("nodupes"))
                    PSConsoleReadLine.SetOptions(new SetPSReadlineOption {
                        HistoryNoDuplicates = true
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor which creates a RunspacePool using the
        /// supplied <paramref name="configuration"/>, <paramref name="minRunspaces"/> 
        /// and <paramref name="maxRunspaces"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialSessionState">
        /// InitialSessionState to use when creating a new Runspace.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxRunspaces">
        /// The maximum number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool. 
        /// Should be greater than or equal to 1.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="minRunspaces">
        /// The minimum number of Runspaces that can exist in this pool.
        /// Should be greater than or equal to 1.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="host">
        /// The explicit PSHost implementation. 
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// initialSessionState is null.
        /// Host is null.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// Maximum runspaces is less than 1.
        /// Minimum runspaces is less than 1.
        /// </exception>
        public RunspacePoolInternal(int minRunspaces,
                int maxRunspaces,
                InitialSessionState initialSessionState,
                PSHost host)
            : this(minRunspaces, maxRunspaces)
            if (initialSessionState == null)
                throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("initialSessionState");

            if (host == null)
                throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException("host");

            _initialSessionState = initialSessionState.Clone();
            this.host = host;
            ThreadOptions = initialSessionState.ThreadOptions;
            // No ApartmentState In CoreCLR
            this.ApartmentState = initialSessionState.ApartmentState;
            pool = new Stack<Runspace>();
            runspaceRequestQueue = new Queue<GetRunspaceAsyncResult>();
            ultimateRequestQueue = new Queue<GetRunspaceAsyncResult>();
예제 #4
        public PowerShellExecutionResults run_host(ChocolateyConfiguration config, string chocoPowerShellScript, Action <Pipeline> additionalActionsBeforeScript)
            // since we control output in the host, always set these true
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ChocolateyEnvironmentDebug", "true");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ChocolateyEnvironmentVerbose", "true");

            var    result       = new PowerShellExecutionResults();
            string commandToRun = wrap_script_with_module(chocoPowerShellScript, config);
            var    host         = new PoshHost(config);

            this.Log().Debug(() => "Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['{0}']".format_with(commandToRun.escape_curly_braces()));

            var initialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();

            // override system execution policy without accidentally setting it
            initialSessionState.AuthorizationManager = new AuthorizationManager("choco");
            using (var runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(host, initialSessionState))

                // this will affect actual execution policy
                //RunspaceInvoke invoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runspace);
                //invoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy ByPass");

                using (var pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline())
                    // The powershell host itself handles the following items:
                    // * Write-Debug
                    // * Write-Host
                    // * Write-Verbose
                    // * Write-Warning
                    // the two methods below will pick up Write-Output and Write-Error

                    // Write-Output
                    pipeline.Output.DataReady += (sender, args) =>
                        PipelineReader <PSObject> reader = sender as PipelineReader <PSObject>;

                        if (reader != null)
                            while (reader.Count > 0)

                    // Write-Error
                    pipeline.Error.DataReady += (sender, args) =>
                        PipelineReader <object> reader = sender as PipelineReader <object>;

                        if (reader != null)
                            while (reader.Count > 0)

                    var documentsFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments, Environment.SpecialFolderOption.DoNotVerify);
                    var currentUserCurrentHostProfile = _fileSystem.combine_paths(documentsFolder, "WindowsPowerShell\\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1");
                    var recreateProfileScript         = @"
if ((Test-Path(""{0}"")) -and ($profile -eq $null -or $profile -eq '')) {{
  $global:profile = ""{1}""
".format_with(documentsFolder, currentUserCurrentHostProfile);

                    pipeline.Commands.Add(new Command(recreateProfileScript, isScript: true, useLocalScope: false));

                    // The PowerShell Output Redirection bug affects System.Management.Automation
                    // it appears with v3 more than others. It is already known to affect v2
                    // this implements the redirection fix from the post below, fixed up with some comments
                    // http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/2008/07/30/workaround-the-os-handles-position-is-not-what-filestream-expected/
                    const string outputRedirectionFixScript = @"
try {
  $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags] ""Instance,NonPublic,GetField""
  $objectRef = $host.GetType().GetField(""externalHostRef"", $bindingFlags).GetValue($host)
  $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags] ""Instance,NonPublic,GetProperty""
  $consoleHost = $objectRef.GetType().GetProperty(""Value"", $bindingFlags).GetValue($objectRef, @())
  [void] $consoleHost.GetType().GetProperty(""IsStandardOutputRedirected"", $bindingFlags).GetValue($consoleHost, @())
  $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags] ""Instance,NonPublic,GetField""
  $field = $consoleHost.GetType().GetField(""standardOutputWriter"", $bindingFlags)
  $field.SetValue($consoleHost, [Console]::Out)
  [void] $consoleHost.GetType().GetProperty(""IsStandardErrorRedirected"", $bindingFlags).GetValue($consoleHost, @())
  $field2 = $consoleHost.GetType().GetField(""standardErrorWriter"", $bindingFlags)
  $field2.SetValue($consoleHost, [Console]::Error)
} catch {
  Write-Output ""Unable to apply redirection fix""
                    pipeline.Commands.Add(new Command(outputRedirectionFixScript, isScript: true, useLocalScope: false));

                    if (additionalActionsBeforeScript != null)

                    pipeline.Commands.Add(new Command(commandToRun, isScript: true, useLocalScope: false));

                    catch (RuntimeException ex)
                        var errorStackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
                        var record          = ex.ErrorRecord;
                        if (record != null)
                            // not available in v1
                            //errorStackTrace = record.ScriptStackTrace;
                            var scriptStackTrace = record.GetType().GetProperty("ScriptStackTrace");
                            if (scriptStackTrace != null)
                                var scriptError = scriptStackTrace.GetValue(record, null).to_string();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scriptError))
                                    errorStackTrace = scriptError;
                        this.Log().Error("ERROR: {0}{1}".format_with(ex.Message.escape_curly_braces(), !config.Debug ? string.Empty : "{0} {1}".format_with(Environment.NewLine, errorStackTrace.escape_curly_braces())));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Unfortunately this doesn't print line number and character. It might be nice to get back to those items unless it involves tons of work.
                        this.Log().Error("ERROR: {0}{1}".format_with(ex.Message.escape_curly_braces(), !config.Debug ? string.Empty : "{0} {1}".format_with(Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace.escape_curly_braces())));

                    if (pipeline.PipelineStateInfo != null)
                        switch (pipeline.PipelineStateInfo.State)
                        // disconnected is not available unless the assembly version is at least v3
                        //case PipelineState.Disconnected:
                        case PipelineState.Running:
                        case PipelineState.NotStarted:
                        case PipelineState.Failed:
                        case PipelineState.Stopping:
                        case PipelineState.Stopped:
                            if (host.ExitCode == 0)
                            host.HostException = pipeline.PipelineStateInfo.Reason;

                        case PipelineState.Completed:
                            if (host.ExitCode == -1)

            this.Log().Debug("Built-in PowerShell host called with ['{0}'] exited with '{1}'.".format_with(commandToRun.escape_curly_braces(), host.ExitCode));

            result.ExitCode             = host.ExitCode;
            result.StandardErrorWritten = host.StandardErrorWritten;

        /// <summary>
        /// By default serialization preserves all public properties of an object.
        /// This sample looks at an existing .NET class and shows how to make sure that
        /// information from instance of this class is preserved across serialization/deserialization
        /// when the information is not available in public properties of the class
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            string typesPs1XmlPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Serialization02.types.ps1xml");

            if (!File.Exists(typesPs1XmlPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Building the project in Visual Studio should have created a types.ps1xml file at the following path:");
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", typesPs1XmlPath);
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot continue without this file being present.");

            // Create a default InitialSessionState
            InitialSessionState iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();

            // Add our types.ps1xml file to the InitialSessionState
            // (one alternative would be to associate the file with a module or with a snap-in)
            iss.Types.Add(new SessionStateTypeEntry(typesPs1XmlPath));

            // Demonstrate the effects of the types.ps1xml and DeserializingTypeConverter

            using (Runspace myRunspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(iss))

                // Demonstrate that the deserializing an exception results in a live object
                using (PowerShell powershell = PowerShell.Create())
                    powershell.Runspace = myRunspace;
                        # Get an System.Drawing.Point object
                        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
                        $point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 12,34
                        # Verify that the extra property is hidden by default
                        Write-Output 'Below are the results of running $point | Format-List *   :'
                        $point | Format-List * | Out-String
                        Write-Output '----------------------------------------'

                        # Serialize the object
                        $point | Export-CliXml .\Serialization02.xml

                        # Deserialize the object
                        $deserializedPoint = Import-CliXml .\Serialization02.xml

                        # Verify that the extra property got serialized
                        Write-Output 'Below are the results of running $deserializedPoint | Get-Member   :'
                        $deserializedPoint | Get-Member | Out-String
                        Write-Output '----------------------------------------'
                    foreach (string s in powershell.Invoke <string>())

                // Close the runspace and release any resources.

            System.Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to exit...");
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The principal constructor that most hosts will use when creating
        /// an instance of the automation engine. It allows you to pass in an
        /// instance of PSHost that provides the host-specific I/O routines, etc.
        /// </summary>
        internal AutomationEngine(PSHost hostInterface, RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfiguration, InitialSessionState iss)
#if !CORECLR// There is no control panel items in CSS
            // Update the env variable PathEXT to contain .CPL
            var pathext = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PathEXT");
            pathext = pathext ?? string.Empty;
            bool cplExist = false;
            if (pathext != string.Empty)
                string[] entries = pathext.Split(Utils.Separators.Semicolon);
                foreach (string entry in entries)
                    string ext = entry.Trim();
                    if (ext.Equals(".CPL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        cplExist = true;
            if (!cplExist)
                pathext = (pathext == string.Empty) ? ".CPL" :
                          pathext.EndsWith(";", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                    ? (pathext + ".CPL") : (pathext + ";.CPL");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PathEXT", pathext);
            if (runspaceConfiguration != null)
                Context = new ExecutionContext(this, hostInterface, runspaceConfiguration);
                Context = new ExecutionContext(this, hostInterface, iss);

            EngineParser     = new Language.Parser();
            CommandDiscovery = new CommandDiscovery(Context);

            // Initialize providers before loading types so that any ScriptBlocks in the
            // types.ps1xml file can be parsed.

            // Bind the execution context with RunspaceConfiguration.
            // This has the side effect of initializing cmdlet cache and providers from runspace configuration.
            if (runspaceConfiguration != null)
                // Load the iss, resetting everything to it's defaults...
                iss.Bind(Context, /*updateOnly*/ false);

            InitialSessionState.SetSessionStateDrive(Context, true);
예제 #7
 private PowerShell GetPowershell(InitialSessionState initialSessionState)
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of matching commands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pattern">Command pattern.</param>
        /// <param name="commandOrigin"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="rediscoverImportedModules"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleVersionRequired"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <CommandInfo> GetMatchingCommands(string pattern, ExecutionContext context, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, bool rediscoverImportedModules = false, bool moduleVersionRequired = false)
            // Otherwise, if it had wildcards, just return the "AvailableCommand"
            // type of command info.
            WildcardPattern commandPattern = WildcardPattern.Get(pattern, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);

            CmdletInfo cmdletInfo = context.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCmdlet("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Get-Module");
            PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference moduleAutoLoadingPreference = CommandDiscovery.GetCommandDiscoveryPreference(context, SpecialVariables.PSModuleAutoLoadingPreferenceVarPath, "PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference");

            if ((moduleAutoLoadingPreference != PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference.None) &&
                ((commandOrigin == CommandOrigin.Internal) || ((cmdletInfo != null) && (cmdletInfo.Visibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Public))
                foreach (string modulePath in GetDefaultAvailableModuleFiles(isForAutoDiscovery: false, context))
                    // Skip modules that have already been loaded so that we don't expose private commands.
                    string moduleName                  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modulePath);
                    List <PSModuleInfo> modules        = context.Modules.GetExactMatchModules(moduleName, all: false, exactMatch: true);
                    PSModuleInfo        tempModuleInfo = null;

                    if (modules.Count != 0)
                        // 1. We continue to the next module path if we don't want to re-discover those imported modules
                        // 2. If we want to re-discover the imported modules, but one or more commands from the module were made private,
                        //    then we don't do re-discovery
                        if (!rediscoverImportedModules || modules.Exists(module => module.ModuleHasPrivateMembers))

                        if (modules.Count == 1)
                            PSModuleInfo psModule = modules[0];
                            tempModuleInfo = new PSModuleInfo(psModule.Name, psModule.Path, context: null, sessionState: null);

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CommandInfo> entry in psModule.ExportedCommands)
                                if (commandPattern.IsMatch(entry.Value.Name))
                                    CommandInfo current = null;
                                    switch (entry.Value.CommandType)
                                    case CommandTypes.Alias:
                                        current = new AliasInfo(entry.Value.Name, definition: null, context);

                                    case CommandTypes.Function:
                                        current = new FunctionInfo(entry.Value.Name, ScriptBlock.EmptyScriptBlock, context);

                                    case CommandTypes.Filter:
                                        current = new FilterInfo(entry.Value.Name, ScriptBlock.EmptyScriptBlock, context);

                                    case CommandTypes.Configuration:
                                        current = new ConfigurationInfo(entry.Value.Name, ScriptBlock.EmptyScriptBlock, context);

                                    case CommandTypes.Cmdlet:
                                        current = new CmdletInfo(entry.Value.Name, implementingType: null, helpFile: null, PSSnapin: null, context);

                                        Dbg.Assert(false, "cannot be hit");

                                    current.Module = tempModuleInfo;
                                    yield return(current);


                    string moduleShortName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modulePath);

                    IDictionary <string, CommandTypes> exportedCommands = AnalysisCache.GetExportedCommands(modulePath, testOnly: false, context);

                    if (exportedCommands == null)

                    tempModuleInfo = new PSModuleInfo(moduleShortName, modulePath, sessionState: null, context: null);
                    if (InitialSessionState.IsEngineModule(moduleShortName))

                    //moduleVersionRequired is bypassed by FullyQualifiedModule from calling method. This is the only place where guid will be involved.
                    if (moduleVersionRequired && modulePath.EndsWith(StringLiterals.PowerShellDataFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CommandTypes> pair in exportedCommands)
                        string       commandName  = pair.Key;
                        CommandTypes commandTypes = pair.Value;

                        if (commandPattern.IsMatch(commandName))
                            bool shouldExportCommand = true;

                            // Verify that we don't already have it represented in the initial session state.
                            if ((context.InitialSessionState != null) && (commandOrigin == CommandOrigin.Runspace))
                                foreach (SessionStateCommandEntry commandEntry in context.InitialSessionState.Commands[commandName])
                                    string moduleCompareName = null;

                                    if (commandEntry.Module != null)
                                        moduleCompareName = commandEntry.Module.Name;
                                    else if (commandEntry.PSSnapIn != null)
                                        moduleCompareName = commandEntry.PSSnapIn.Name;

                                    if (string.Equals(moduleShortName, moduleCompareName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                        if (commandEntry.Visibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private)
                                            shouldExportCommand = false;

                            if (shouldExportCommand)
                                if ((commandTypes & CommandTypes.Alias) == CommandTypes.Alias)
                                    yield return(new AliasInfo(commandName, null, context)
                                        Module = tempModuleInfo

                                if ((commandTypes & CommandTypes.Cmdlet) == CommandTypes.Cmdlet)
                                    yield return(new CmdletInfo(commandName, implementingType: null, helpFile: null, PSSnapin: null, context: context)
                                        Module = tempModuleInfo

                                if ((commandTypes & CommandTypes.Function) == CommandTypes.Function)
                                    yield return(new FunctionInfo(commandName, ScriptBlock.EmptyScriptBlock, context)
                                        Module = tempModuleInfo

                                if ((commandTypes & CommandTypes.Configuration) == CommandTypes.Configuration)
                                    yield return(new ConfigurationInfo(commandName, ScriptBlock.EmptyScriptBlock, context)
                                        Module = tempModuleInfo
예제 #9
#pragma warning restore 1573
        public int Start(string consoleFilePath, string[] args)
            // For long-path support, Full .NET requires some AppContext switches;
            // (for CoreCLR this is Not needed, because CoreCLR supports long paths by default)
            // internally in .NET they are cached once retrieved and are typically hit very early during an application run;
            // so per .NET team's recommendation, we are setting them as soon as we enter managed code.

            // Set ETW activity Id
            Guid activityId = EtwActivity.GetActivityId();

            if (activityId == Guid.Empty)

            PSEtwLog.LogOperationalInformation(PSEventId.Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart, PSOpcode.WinStart,
                                               PSTask.PowershellConsoleStartup, PSKeyword.UseAlwaysOperational);

            // Windows Vista and later support non-traditional UI fallback ie., a
            // user on an Arabic machine can choose either French or English(US) as
            // UI fallback language.
            // CLR does not support this (non-traditional) fallback mechanism.
            // The currentUICulture returned NativeCultureResolver supports this non
            // traditional fallback on Vista. So it is important to set currentUICulture
            // in the beginning before we do anything.
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = NativeCultureResolver.UICulture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = NativeCultureResolver.Culture;

            RunspaceConfigForSingleShell configuration = null;
            PSConsoleLoadException       warning       = null;
            //      PSSnapInException will cause the control to return back to the native code
            //      and stuff the EXCEPINFO field with the message of the exception.
            //      The native code will print this out and exit the process.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consoleFilePath))
// Special switches for debug mode to allow self-hosting on InitialSessionState instead
// of runspace configuration...
                if (args.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]) && args[0].Equals("-iss", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();
                    configuration = null;
                else if (args.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]) && args[0].Equals("-isswait", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Console.WriteLine("Attach the debugger and hit enter to continue:");
                    ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();
                    configuration = null;
                    ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();
                    configuration = null;
                ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();
                configuration = null;
                //TODO : Deprecate RunspaceConfiguration and use InitialSessionState
                configuration =
                    RunspaceConfigForSingleShell.Create(consoleFilePath, out warning);
            int exitCode = 0;
                var banner = ManagedEntranceStrings.ShellBannerNonWindowsPowerShell;
                var banner = ManagedEntranceStrings.ShellBanner;
                exitCode = Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleShell.Start(
                    warning == null ? null : warning.Message,
            catch (System.Management.Automation.Host.HostException e)
                if (e.InnerException != null && e.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception))
                    System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception win32e = e.InnerException as System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception;

                    // These exceptions are caused by killing conhost.exe
                    // 1236, network connection aborted by local system
                    // 0x6, invalid console handle
                    if (win32e.NativeErrorCode == 0x6 || win32e.NativeErrorCode == 1236)
                System.Environment.FailFast(e.Message, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Environment.FailFast(e.Message, e);
예제 #10
        public PSScriptExecutor(string pathToScripts, string[] modulesToLoad, string psExecutionPolicy, string psOutputDelimiter)
            this.pathToScripts     = pathToScripts;
            this.modulesToLoad     = modulesToLoad;
            this.psExecutionPolicy = psExecutionPolicy;
            this.psOutputDelimiter = psOutputDelimiter;

            // Initialise PowerShell Runspace and preload necessary modules.
            // See here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/17071164
            // See here: http://nivot.org/blog/post/2010/05/03/PowerShell20DeveloperEssentials1InitializingARunspaceWithAModule
            InitialSessionState initialSession = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();

            if (modulesToLoad != null && modulesToLoad.Length > 0)

            if (psExecutionPolicy != "None")
                PSScriptInvoker.logInfo("Setting custom PowerShell Execution Policy: " + psExecutionPolicy);
                switch (psExecutionPolicy)
                case "AllSigned":
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.AllSigned;

                case "Bypass":
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Bypass;

                case "RemoteSigned":
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.RemoteSigned;

                case "Restricted":
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Restricted;

                case "Undefined":
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Undefined;

                case "Unrestricted":
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Unrestricted;

                    PSScriptInvoker.logWarning("Given custom PowerShell Execution Policy is unknown: " + psExecutionPolicy + ". Only one of the following custom policies is allowed: AllSigned, Bypass, RemoteSigned, Restricted, Undefined, Unrestricted. Set to policy 'Default'.");
                    initialSession.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Default;

            // This loads the InitialStateSession for all instances
            // Note you can set the minimum and maximum number of runspaces as well
            // Note that without setting the minimum and maximum number of runspaces, it will use 1 as default for both:
            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.management.automation.runspaces.runspacefactory.createrunspacepool?view=powershellsdk-1.1.0
            // See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24358855
            runspacePool = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspacePool(initialSession);
            runspacePool.ThreadOptions = PSThreadOptions.UseNewThread;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <param name="sb"></param>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <param name="initSb"></param>
        /// <param name="argumentList"></param>
        /// <param name="inputObject"></param>
        /// <param name="psCmdlet"></param>
        /// <param name="currentLocationPath"></param>
        /// <param name="streamingHost"></param>
        public ThreadJob(
            string name,
            string command,
            ScriptBlock sb,
            string filePath,
            ScriptBlock initSb,
            object[] argumentList,
            PSObject inputObject,
            PSCmdlet psCmdlet,
            string currentLocationPath,
            PSHost streamingHost)
            : base(command, name)
            _sb           = sb;
            _filePath     = filePath;
            _initSb       = initSb;
            _argumentList = argumentList;
            _input        = new PSDataCollection <object>();
            if (inputObject != null)
            _output              = new PSDataCollection <PSObject>();
            _streamingHost       = streamingHost;
            _currentLocationPath = currentLocationPath;

            this.PSJobTypeName = "ThreadJob";

            // Get script block to run.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_filePath))
                _sb = GetScriptBlockFromFile(_filePath, psCmdlet);
                if (_sb == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Properties.Resources.CannotParseScriptFile);
            else if (_sb == null)
                throw new PSArgumentNullException(Properties.Resources.NoScriptToRun);

            // Create Runspace/PowerShell object and state callback.
            // The job script/command will run in a separate thread associated with the Runspace.
            var iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();

            // Determine session language mode for Windows platforms
            WarningRecord lockdownWarning = null;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString().Equals("Win32NT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                bool enforceLockdown = (SystemPolicy.GetSystemLockdownPolicy() == SystemEnforcementMode.Enforce);
                if (enforceLockdown && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_filePath))
                    // If script source is a file, check to see if it is trusted by the lock down policy
                    enforceLockdown = (SystemPolicy.GetLockdownPolicy(_filePath, null) == SystemEnforcementMode.Enforce);

                    if (!enforceLockdown && (_initSb != null))
                        // Even if the script file is trusted, an initialization script cannot be trusted, so we have to enforce
                        // lock down.  Otherwise untrusted script could be run in FullLanguage mode along with the trusted file script.
                        enforceLockdown = true;
                        lockdownWarning = new WarningRecord(

                iss.LanguageMode = enforceLockdown ? PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage : PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;

            if (_streamingHost != null)
                _rs = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(_streamingHost, iss);
                _rs = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(iss);
            _ps          = PowerShell.Create();
            _ps.Runspace = _rs;
            _ps.InvocationStateChanged += (sender, psStateChanged) =>
                var newStateInfo = psStateChanged.InvocationStateInfo;

                // Update Job state.
                switch (newStateInfo.State)
                case PSInvocationState.Running:

                case PSInvocationState.Stopped:
                    SetJobState(JobState.Stopped, newStateInfo.Reason, disposeRunspace: true);

                case PSInvocationState.Failed:
                    SetJobState(JobState.Failed, newStateInfo.Reason, disposeRunspace: true);

                case PSInvocationState.Completed:
                    if (_runningInitScript)
                        // Begin running main script.
                        _runningInitScript = false;
                        SetJobState(JobState.Completed, newStateInfo.Reason, disposeRunspace: true);

            // Get any using variables.
            var usingAsts = _sb.Ast.FindAll(ast => ast is UsingExpressionAst, searchNestedScriptBlocks: true).Cast <UsingExpressionAst>();

            if (usingAsts != null &&
                usingAsts.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                // Get using variables as dictionary, since we now only support PowerShell version 5.1 and greater
                _usingValuesMap = GetUsingValuesAsDictionary(usingAsts, psCmdlet);

            // Hook up data streams.
            this.Output = _output;
            this.Output.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;

            this.Error = _ps.Streams.Error;
            this.Error.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;

            this.Progress = _ps.Streams.Progress;
            this.Progress.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;

            this.Verbose = _ps.Streams.Verbose;
            this.Verbose.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;

            this.Warning = _ps.Streams.Warning;
            this.Warning.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;
            if (lockdownWarning != null)

            this.Debug = _ps.Streams.Debug;
            this.Debug.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;

            this.Information = _ps.Streams.Information;
            this.Information.EnumeratorNeverBlocks = true;

            // Create the JobManager job definition and job specification, and add to the JobManager.
            ThreadJobDefinition = new JobDefinition(typeof(ThreadJobSourceAdapter), "", Name);
            Dictionary <string, object> parameterCollection = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            parameterCollection.Add("NewJob", this);
            var jobSpecification = new JobInvocationInfo(ThreadJobDefinition, parameterCollection);
            var newJob           = psCmdlet.JobManager.NewJob(jobSpecification);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newJob == this, "JobManager must return this job");
예제 #12
        public static async Task <ReturnModel> QueryWmi(this QueryWmiModel model)
                ReturnModel         returnModel = new ReturnModel();
                InitialSessionState iss         = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();
                iss.ExecutionPolicy = Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy.Unrestricted;

                using (Runspace rs = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(iss))

                    var script = string.Empty;

                    if (model.isRemoteConnection)
                        script = await("PowerShellAPIFramework.Core.Scripts.query-wmi-remote.ps1").GetTextFromEmbeddedResource();
                        script = await("PowerShellAPIFramework.Core.Scripts.query-wmi.ps1").GetTextFromEmbeddedResource();

                    Command queryWmi = new Command(script, true);
                    queryWmi.Parameters.Add("query", model.query);
                    queryWmi.Parameters.Add("computername", model.computername);
                    queryWmi.Parameters.Add("wmiNamespace", model.wmiNamespace);

                    if (model.isRemoteConnection)
                        queryWmi.Parameters.Add("credential", new PSCredential(model.username, model.securePassword));

                    using (PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create())
                        ps.Runspace = rs;
                        var psResults = ps.Invoke();

                        if (ps.HadErrors)
                            if (ps.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
                                var exceptions = new StringBuilder();

                                foreach (var error in ps.Streams.Error)

                                throw new Exception(exceptions.ToString());
                            foreach (var result in psResults)
                                if (psResults.IndexOf(result) == 0)
                                    returnModel.properties = result.Properties.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();

                                var resultModel = new ResultModel
                                    propertyValues = result.Properties.Select(x => new PropertyValueModel
                                        property = x.Name,
                                        value    = x.Value


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.GetExceptionMessageChain());