protected override void OnSubmitClicked() { // Commented: this is already checked and if there's and error, the submit button is disabled //string reasonIfNotValid; //// Validate again, to make sure the hierarchy wasn't modified //if (!Validate(out reasonIfNotValid)) //{ // DemosUtil.ShowCouldNotExecuteCommandNotification(this); // Debug.Log("OSA: Could not create ScrollView on the selected object: " + reasonIfNotValid); // return; //} var parentGO = Selection.gameObjects[0]; GameObject go = new GameObject("OSA", typeof(RectTransform)); var image = go.AddComponent <Image>(); var c = Color.white; c.a = .13f; image.color = c; var scrollRect = go.AddComponent <ScrollRect>(); var scrollRectRT = scrollRect.transform as RectTransform; var parentRT = parentGO.transform as RectTransform; scrollRectRT.anchorMin = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp01(CWiz.SPACE_FOR_SCROLLBAR / parentRT.rect.width), Mathf.Clamp01(CWiz.SPACE_FOR_SCROLLBAR / parentRT.rect.height)); scrollRectRT.anchorMax = - scrollRectRT.anchorMin; scrollRectRT.sizeDelta =; GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(go, parentGO); var viewportRT = CreateRTAndSetParent("Viewport", go.transform); viewportRT.gameObject.AddComponent <Image>(); viewportRT.gameObject.AddComponent <Mask>().showMaskGraphic = false; var contentRT = CreateRTAndSetParent("Content", viewportRT); scrollRect.content = contentRT; #if SCROLLRECT_HAS_VIEWPORT scrollRect.viewport = viewportRT; #endif Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); // Register the creation in the undo system Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create " +; Selection.activeObject = go; ConfigureScrollView(scrollRect, viewportRT); Close(); var validationResult = InitOSAWindow.Validate(false, scrollRect, false); // checkForWindows=false, becase this windows is already opened if (!validationResult.isValid) { CWiz.ShowCouldNotExecuteCommandNotification(this); Debug.LogError("OSA: Unexpected internal error while trying to initialize. Details(next line):\n" + validationResult.reasonIfNotValid + "\n" + validationResult.ToString()); return; } InitOSAWindow.Open(InitOSAWindow.Parameters.Create(validationResult, false, true, true, true)); }
static void OptimizeSelectedScrollRectWithOSA(MenuCommand command) { ScrollRect scrollRect = (ScrollRect)command.context; var validationResult = InitOSAWindow.Validate(true, scrollRect, false); // Manually checking for validation, as this provides richer info about the case when initialization is not possible if (!validationResult.isValid) { CWiz.ShowCouldNotExecuteCommandNotification(null); Debug.Log("OSA: Could not optimize '" + + "': " + validationResult.reasonIfNotValid); return; } InitOSAWindow.Open(InitOSAWindow.Parameters.Create(validationResult, false, true, true, false)); }
static void CreateTableViewOSA(MenuCommand menuCommand) { if (CWiz.GetTypeFromAllAssemblies(CWiz.TV.TABLE_ADAPTER_INTERFACE_FULL_NAME) == null) { CWiz.ShowCouldNotExecuteCommandNotification(null); Debug.Log("OSA: Import the TableView.unitypackage first"); return; } #if OSA_TV_TMPRO if (Resources.Load <GameObject>(CWiz.TV.Paths.INPUT__FLOATING_DROPDOWN) == null) { CWiz.ShowCouldNotExecuteCommandNotification(null); Debug.Log("OSA: Found 'OSA_TV_TMPRO' scripting define, but package 'TMPro/TableViewTMProSupport.unitypackage' wasn't imported. Please import the package"); return; } #endif if (!CheckForCreateOSAViaWizard()) { return; } var resPath = CWiz.TV.Paths.SCROLL_VIEW; var tvPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(resPath); var go = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(tvPrefab); ="(Clone)", ""); Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); // Register the creation in the undo system Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create " +; Selection.activeObject = go; GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(go, menuCommand.context as GameObject); // Adding this just so the validation will pass, but we don't need it var scrollRect = go.AddComponent <ScrollRect>(); scrollRect.horizontal = false; scrollRect.vertical = true; scrollRect.viewport = go.transform.Find("Viewport") as RectTransform; scrollRect.content = scrollRect.viewport.Find("Content") as RectTransform; var validationResult = InitOSAWindow.Validate(true, scrollRect, true); // Manually checking for validation, as this provides richer info about the case when initialization is not possible if (!validationResult.isValid) { CWiz.ShowCouldNotExecuteCommandNotification(null); Debug.Log("OSA: Could not configure instantiated TableView '" + + "': " + validationResult.reasonIfNotValid); return; } InitOSAWindow.Parameters p = InitOSAWindow.Parameters.Create( validationResult, true, false, false, true, false, CWiz.TV.IMPLEMENTATION_TEMPLATE_NAME, CWiz.GetTypeFromAllAssemblies(CWiz.TV.TABLE_ADAPTER_INTERFACE_FULL_NAME) ); InitOSAWindow.Open(p); }
public static bool Validate(bool forOpeningWindow, out string reasonIfNotValid) { if (!BaseValidate(out reasonIfNotValid)) { return(false); } if (forOpeningWindow) { // Commented: it's safe to re-open the create window //if (IsOpen()) //{ // reasonIfNotValid = "Creation window already opened"; // return false; //} if (InitOSAWindow.IsOpen()) { reasonIfNotValid = "Initialization window already opened"; return(false); } } if (Selection.gameObjects.Length != 1) { reasonIfNotValid = "One UI Game Object needs to be selected"; return(false); } var asRT = Selection.gameObjects[0].transform as RectTransform; if (!asRT) { reasonIfNotValid = "The selected Game Object doesn't have a RectTransform component"; return(false); } if (asRT.rect.height <= 0f) { reasonIfNotValid = "The selected Game Object has an invalid height"; return(false); } if (asRT.rect.width <= 0f) { reasonIfNotValid = "The selected Game Object has an invalid width"; return(false); } if (!GameObject.FindObjectOfType <EventSystem>()) { reasonIfNotValid = "No EventSystem was found in the scene. Please add one"; return(false); } reasonIfNotValid = null; var tr = asRT as Transform; while (tr) { if (!(tr is RectTransform)) { reasonIfNotValid = "Found a non-RectTransform intermediary parent before first Canvas ancestor. " + "Your hierarchy may be something like: ...Canvas->...->Transform->...-><SelectedObject>. " + "There should only be RectTransforms between the selected object and its most close Canvas ancestor"; return(false); } var c = tr.GetComponent <Canvas>(); if (c) { return(true); } tr = tr.parent; } reasonIfNotValid = "Couldn't find a Canvas in the parents of the selected Game Object"; return(false); }