예제 #1
        public async Task GetLastMonthAuditsReturnsOnlyRequestedComponentAudits()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditDate         = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-1);
            var expectedComponent = this.GenerateComponent();
            var anotherComponent  = this.GenerateComponent();
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate, ComponentId = expectedComponent.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = expectedComponent
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2), ComponentId = anotherComponent.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = anotherComponent

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act & Assert
            var audits = await wrapper.GetLastMonthAudits(expectedComponent.ComponentId);

            audits.Should().ContainSingle(a => a.ComponentId == expectedComponent.ComponentId && a.Date == auditDate);
예제 #2
        public async Task GetCounterSummariesForAuditCountsNoDataAndInProgressAsNoData()
            // Arrange
            var randomizer = new Random();

            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditId = randomizer.Next();
            await context.CheckResult.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId, Value = CheckValue.NoData, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.Critical
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId, Value = CheckValue.InProgress, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.High

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var summary = await wrapper.GetCounterSummariesForAudit(auditId);

            // Assert
예제 #3
        public async Task GetAllComponentsIdsReturnsOnlyUniqueIds()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var today       = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
            var componentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var audits      = new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today, ComponentId = componentId
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today.AddDays(-1), ComponentId = componentId
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(audits);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act & Assert
            var allComponentsIds = await wrapper.GetAllComponentsIds();

            // returned array should have the only one componentId
예제 #4
        public async Task GetCounterSummariesForAuditReturnsZeroSummaryForNotExistingId()
            // Arrange
            var randomizer = new Random();

            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditId = randomizer.Next();
            await context.CheckResult.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId - 1, Value = CheckValue.Succeeded, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.Critical
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId + 1, Value = CheckValue.Succeeded, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.Critical

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var summary = await wrapper.GetCounterSummariesForAudit(auditId);

            // Assert
예제 #5
        public async Task GetAuditsReturnsOnlyLatestAuditAtRequestedDate()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            // create three audits a day before at 00:00, 08:00, 16:00
            var component = this.GenerateComponent();
            var auditDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-1);
            var entities  = Enumerable
                            .Range(0, 3)
                            .Select(i => new AuditEntity {
                Date = auditDate.AddHours(i * 8), ComponentId = component.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(entities);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var audits = await wrapper.GetAudits(auditDate);

            // Assert
            // returned audit should be the latest one at requested day
            audits.Should().ContainSingle(i => i.Date.Hour == 16);
예제 #6
        public async Task GetAuditsReturnsOnlyUniqueComponentAudits()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditDate  = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-1);
            var component1 = this.GenerateComponent();
            var component2 = this.GenerateComponent();
            var component3 = this.GenerateComponent();
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Id = 1, Date = auditDate, ComponentId = component1.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component1
                },                                                                                                                        // this one should be ignored
                new AuditEntity {
                    Id = 2, Date = auditDate.AddHours(6), ComponentId = component1.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component1
                new AuditEntity {
                    Id = 3, Date = auditDate.AddHours(12), ComponentId = component2.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component2
                new AuditEntity {
                    Id = 4, Date = auditDate.AddHours(23), ComponentId = component3.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component3

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var audits = await wrapper.GetAudits(auditDate);

            // Assert
            audits.All(i => i.Id > 1).Should().BeTrue();
예제 #7
        public async Task GetAuditsReturnsOnlyAuditsAtRequestedDay()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditDate  = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-1);
            var component1 = this.GenerateComponent();
            var component2 = this.GenerateComponent();
            var component3 = this.GenerateComponent();
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate, ComponentId = component1.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component1
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate.AddDays(-1), ComponentId = component2.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component2
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate.AddDays(1), ComponentId = component3.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component3

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var audits = await wrapper.GetAudits(auditDate);

            // Assert
            audits.Should().ContainSingle(i => i.Date == auditDate);
예제 #8
        public async Task GetAuditReturnsOnlyAuditAtRequestedDay()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-1);
            var component = this.GenerateComponent();
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate, ComponentId = component.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate.AddDays(-1), ComponentId = component.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = component

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var audit = await wrapper.GetAudit(component.ComponentId, auditDate);

            // Assert
예제 #9
        public async Task GetLastMonthAuditsReturnsOnlyLatestAuditAtAnyGivenDay()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            // create three audits at each day at 00:00, 08:00, 16:00
            var expectedComponent = this.GenerateComponent();
            var today             = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

            foreach (var auditDate in Enumerable.Range(0, 31).Select(i => today.AddDays(-i)))
                var entities = Enumerable
                               .Range(0, 3)
                               .Select(i => new AuditEntity {
                    Date = auditDate.AddHours(i * 8), ComponentId = expectedComponent.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = expectedComponent
                await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(entities);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var audits = await wrapper.GetLastMonthAudits(expectedComponent.ComponentId);

            // Assert
            // returned audit should be the latest one at each day
            audits.All(i => i.Date.Hour == 16).Should().BeTrue();
예제 #10
        public async Task GetLastMonthAuditsReturnsOnlyLast31DaysAudits()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var expectedComponent = this.GenerateComponent();
            var today             = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
            var entities          = Enumerable
                                    .Range(0, 35)
                                    .Select(i => new AuditEntity {
                Date = today.AddDays(-i), ComponentId = expectedComponent.ComponentId, InfrastructureComponent = expectedComponent

            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(entities);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var audits = await wrapper.GetLastMonthAudits(expectedComponent.ComponentId);

            // Assert
            var oneMonthAgo = today.AddDays(-30);

            audits.All(i => i.Date >= oneMonthAgo).Should().BeTrue();
예제 #11
        public async Task GetAllComponentsIdsReturnsIdsForLast31Days()
            // Arrange
            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            // create two audits, that satisfy the criteria ...
            var today         = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
            var correctAudits = new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today, ComponentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today.AddDays(-30), ComponentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(correctAudits);

            // ... and three audits, that do not
            var incorrectAudits = new[]
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today.AddDays(-31), ComponentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today.AddDays(-60), ComponentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                new AuditEntity {
                    Date = today.AddDays(-90), ComponentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
            await context.Audit.AddRangeAsync(incorrectAudits);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act & Assert
            var allComponentsIds = await wrapper.GetAllComponentsIds();

            // returned array should have only items from correctAudits variable
            allComponentsIds.Should().Contain(correctAudits.Select(i => i.ComponentId));
예제 #12
        public async Task GetCounterSummariesForAuditCountsAllNotCriticalAndHighSeverityIssuesAsWarnings()
            // Arrange
            var randomizer = new Random();

            await using var context = JosekiTestsDb.CreateUniqueContext();
            var wrapper = new InfraScoreDbWrapper(context);

            var auditId = randomizer.Next();
            await context.CheckResult.AddRangeAsync(new[]
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId, Value = CheckValue.Failed, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.Medium
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId, Value = CheckValue.Failed, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.Low
                new CheckResultEntity {
                    AuditId = auditId, Value = CheckValue.Failed, Check = new CheckEntity {
                        Severity = CheckSeverity.Unknown

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var summary = await wrapper.GetCounterSummariesForAudit(auditId);

            // Assert