예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Standard constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">name of the information type</param>
 /// <param name="description">description</param>
 /// <param name="mode">mode of the information type</param>
 public InformationType(string name, string description, InformationTypeMode mode)
     _name        = name;
     _description = description;
     _typeMode    = mode;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the object data from a dump store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">reader to read the data</param>
 internal void ReadDump(ref BinaryReader reader)
     _typeMode    = (InformationTypeMode)reader.ReadInt32();
     _name        = reader.ReadString();
     _description = reader.ReadString();
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the very first &lt;OBJECT&gt; tag in the sitemap file and extracts
        /// information types and categories.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sText">text of the object tag</param>
        /// <param name="chmFile">CHMFile instance</param>
        private static void ParseGlobalSettings(string sText, CHMFile chmFile)
            int innerPTextIdx = ParamRE.GroupNumberFromName("innerText");

            // get group-name indexes
            int nameIndex  = AttributesRE.GroupNumberFromName("attributeName");
            int valueIndex = AttributesRE.GroupNumberFromName("attributeValue");
            int tdIndex    = AttributesRE.GroupNumberFromName("attributeTD");

            // read parameters
            int nParamIndex = 0;

            // 0... unknown
            // 1... inclusinve info type name
            // 2... exclusive info type name
            // 3... hidden info type name
            // 4... category name
            // 5... incl infotype name for category
            // 6... excl infotype name for category
            // 7... hidden infotype name for category
            int prevItem = 0;

            string sName        = "";
            string sDescription = "";
            string curCategory  = "";

            while (ParamRE.IsMatch(sText, nParamIndex))
                Match mP = ParamRE.Match(sText, nParamIndex);

                string innerP = mP.Groups[innerPTextIdx].Value;

                string paramName  = "";
                string paramValue = "";

                int nAttrIdx = 0;

                while (AttributesRE.IsMatch(innerP, nAttrIdx))
                    Match mA = AttributesRE.Match(innerP, nAttrIdx);

                    string attributeName  = mA.Groups[nameIndex].Value;
                    string attributeValue = mA.Groups[valueIndex].Value;
                    string attributeTD    = mA.Groups[tdIndex].Value;

                    if (attributeTD.Length > 0)
                        // delete the trailing textqualifier
                        if (attributeValue.Length > 0)
                            int ltqi = attributeValue.LastIndexOf(attributeTD);

                            if (ltqi >= 0)
                                attributeValue = attributeValue.Substring(0, ltqi);

                    if (attributeName.ToLower() == "name")
                        paramName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(attributeValue);                         // for unicode encoded values

                    if (attributeName.ToLower() == "value")
                        paramValue = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(attributeValue);                         // for unicode encoded values
                        // delete trailing /
                        while ((paramValue.Length > 0) && (paramValue[paramValue.Length - 1] == '/'))
                            paramValue = paramValue.Substring(0, paramValue.Length - 1);

                    nAttrIdx = mA.Index + mA.Length;

                switch (paramName.ToLower())
                case "savetype":                                // inclusive information type name
                    prevItem = 1;
                    sName    = paramValue;
                }; break;

                case "savetypedesc":                            // description of information type
                    InformationTypeMode mode = InformationTypeMode.Inclusive;
                    sDescription = paramValue;

                    if (prevItem == 1)
                        mode = InformationTypeMode.Inclusive;
                    if (prevItem == 2)
                        mode = InformationTypeMode.Exclusive;
                    if (prevItem == 3)
                        mode = InformationTypeMode.Hidden;

                    if (chmFile.GetInformationType(sName) == null)
                        // check if the HtmlHelpSystem already holds such an information type
                        if (chmFile.SystemInstance.GetInformationType(sName) == null)
                            // info type not found yet

                            InformationType newType = new InformationType(sName, sDescription, mode);
                            InformationType sysType = chmFile.SystemInstance.GetInformationType(sName);

                    prevItem = 0;
                }; break;

                case "saveexclusive":                           // exclusive information type name
                    prevItem = 2;
                    sName    = paramValue;
                }; break;

                case "savehidden":                              // hidden information type name
                    prevItem = 3;
                    sName    = paramValue;
                }; break;

                case "category":                                // category name
                    prevItem    = 4;
                    sName       = paramValue;
                    curCategory = sName;
                }; break;

                case "categorydesc":                            // category description
                    sDescription = paramValue;

                    if (chmFile.GetCategory(sName) == null)
                        // check if the HtmlHelpSystem already holds such a category
                        if (chmFile.SystemInstance.GetCategory(sName) == null)
                            // add category
                            Category newCat = new Category(sName, sDescription);
                            Category sysCat = chmFile.SystemInstance.GetCategory(sName);

                    prevItem = 0;
                }; break;

                case "type":                            // inclusive information type which is member of the previously read category
                    prevItem = 5;
                    sName    = paramValue;
                }; break;

                case "typedesc":                                // description of type for category
                    sDescription = paramValue;
                    Category cat = chmFile.GetCategory(curCategory);

                    if (cat != null)
                        // category found
                        InformationType infoType = chmFile.GetInformationType(sName);

                        if (infoType != null)
                            if (!cat.ContainsInformationType(infoType))

                    prevItem = 0;
                }; break;

                case "typeexclusive":                           // exclusive information type which is member of the previously read category
                    prevItem = 6;
                    sName    = paramValue;
                }; break;

                case "typehidden":                              // hidden information type which is member of the previously read category
                    prevItem = 7;
                    sName    = paramValue;
                }; break;

                    prevItem     = 0;
                    sName        = "";
                    sDescription = "";
                }; break;

                nParamIndex = mP.Index + mP.Length;