public static void SetBuilderData(InfobipPushBuilder builder) { #if UNITY_ANDROID InfobipPushInternal.Instance.SetBuilderData(builder.ToString()); #endif }
void OnGUI() { if (!Screen.orientation.Equals(lastScreenOrientation) && lastScreenWidth != Screen.width) { centerX = Screen.width / 2; buttonWidth = Screen.width / 4; buttonHeight = Screen.height / 24; buttonSpace = Screen.width / 20; lastScreenOrientation = Screen.orientation; lastScreenWidth = Screen.width; } // Title GUI.Label(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth * 2, 0, Screen.width, buttonHeight), "Infobip Push Demo", labelStyle); // First row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth - buttonSpace, rowY [1], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Debug Mode")) { InfobipPush.LogMode = true; InfobipPush.SetLogModeEnabled(true, 0); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonSpace, rowY [1], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Debug Mode")) { InfobipPush.LogMode = false; } // Second row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [2], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Initialize Push")) { InfobipPushRegistrationData regData = new InfobipPushRegistrationData { UserId = "test New User", Channels = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "News" } }; InfobipPush.Register(applicationID, applicationSecret, regData); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [2], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Is Registered")) { bool isRegistered = InfobipPush.IsRegistered(); ScreenPrinter.Print(isRegistered); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [2], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Unregister")) { InfobipPush.Unregister(); } // Third row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [3], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Device Id")) { string deviceId = InfobipPush.DeviceId; ScreenPrinter.Print(deviceId); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [3], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "User Id")) { string userId = InfobipPush.UserId; ScreenPrinter.Print(userId); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [3], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Set User Id")) { InfobipPush.UserId = "Malisica " + UnityEngine.Random.value.ToString(); } // Fourth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth - buttonSpace, rowY [4], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Register To Channels")) { string[] channels = new string[8] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "F", "G", "H" }; InfobipPush.RegisterToChannels(channels, false); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonSpace, rowY [4], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Get Registered Channels")) { InfobipPush.BeginGetRegisteredChannels(); } // Fifth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth - buttonSpace, rowY [5], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Get Unreceived Notifications")) { InfobipPush.GetListOfUnreceivedNotifications(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonSpace, rowY [5], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Set Badge Number")) { InfobipPush.SetBadgeNumber(0); } // Sixth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [6], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Location")) { InfobipPushLocation.EnableLocation(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [6], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Location")) { InfobipPushLocation.DisableLocation(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [6], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Is Loc. Enabled")) { bool isLocation = InfobipPushLocation.IsLocationEnabled(); ScreenPrinter.Print("isLocation = " + isLocation); } // Seventh row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [7], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Background Loc.")) { InfobipPushLocation.BackgroundLocationUpdateModeEnabled = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [7], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Background Loc.")) { InfobipPushLocation.BackgroundLocationUpdateModeEnabled = false; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [7], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Background Location")) { bool back = InfobipPushLocation.BackgroundLocationUpdateModeEnabled; ScreenPrinter.Print(back); } // Eighth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [8], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Time Update")) { int time = InfobipPushLocation.LocationUpdateTimeInterval; ScreenPrinter.Print(time); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [8], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Set Time Update")) { InfobipPushLocation.LocationUpdateTimeInterval = 5; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [8], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Share Location")) { ScreenPrinter.Print("IBPush - Location Enabled: " + (InfobipPushLocation.LocationEnabled ? "true" : "false")); LocationInfo location = locationService.lastData; InfobipPushLocation.ShareLocation(location); } // Ninth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [9], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Live Geo")) { InfobipPushLocation.LiveGeo = true; ScreenPrinter.Print("Live geo is enabled"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [9], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Live Geo")) { InfobipPushLocation.LiveGeo = false; ScreenPrinter.Print("Live geo is disabled"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [9], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Is Live Geo")) { ScreenPrinter.Print(InfobipPushLocation.LiveGeo); } // Tenth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [10], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Number Of Regions")) { int regions = InfobipPushLocation.NumberOfCurrentLiveGeoRegions(); ScreenPrinter.Print("Number Of Regions: " + regions.ToString()); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [10], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Stop Live Geo Monitoring")) { int regions = InfobipPushLocation.StopLiveGeoMonitoringForAllRegions(); ScreenPrinter.Print("Stop Live Geo Monitoring for all Regions: " + regions.ToString()); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [10], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Set Accuracy")) { double accur = 100.43; InfobipPushLocation.IBSetLiveGeoAccuracy(accur); ScreenPrinter.Print("Live geo Accuracy is set to " + accur.ToString()); } // Eleventh row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [11], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Timezone Update")) { InfobipPush.SetTimezoneOffsetAutomaticUpdateEnabled(true); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [11], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Timezone Update")) { InfobipPush.SetTimezoneOffsetAutomaticUpdateEnabled(false); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [11], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Set Timezone Offset")) { InfobipPush.SetTimezoneOffsetInMinutes(5); } #if UNITY_ANDROID // Twelfth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [12], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Custom Location")) { InfobipPushLocation.UseCustomLocationService(true); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [12], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Custom Location")) { InfobipPushLocation.UseCustomLocationService(false); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [12], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Is Custom Location")) { bool custom = InfobipPushLocation.IsUsingCustomLocationService(); ScreenPrinter.Print("Use custom location: " + custom); } // Thirteenth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [13], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Override MesgHandling")) { InfobipPush.SetOverrideDefaultMessageHandling(true); ScreenPrinter.Print("Override Message Handling is enabled"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [13], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Disable Override MesgHandling")) { InfobipPush.SetOverrideDefaultMessageHandling(false); ScreenPrinter.Print("Override Message Handling is disbled"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [13], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Builder")) { ScreenPrinter.Print("Push Notification Builder"); InfobipPushBuilder builder = new InfobipPushBuilder(); builder.TickerText = "New ticker text"; TimeSpan startTime = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0); TimeSpan endTime = new TimeSpan(8, 50, 0); builder.SetQuietTime(startTime, endTime); builder.SetLightsOnOffDurationsMs(2000, 200); builder.ApplicationName = "New application name"; builder.SetLayoutId("notification_layout", "layout", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetTextId("textDoista", "id", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetImageId("image", "id", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetImageDrawableId("ic_launcher", "drawable", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetTitleId("title", "id", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetDateId("date", "id", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetIconDrawableId("ic_launcher", "drawable", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.SetSoundResourceId("push_sound", "raw", "com.infobip.unity.demo"); builder.VibrationPattern = new int[2] { 1000, 100 }; builder.LightsColor =; builder.Lights = 1; builder.Vibrate = 1; builder.Sound = 1; // ScreenPrinter.Print(builder.ToString()); InfobipPush.SetBuilderData(builder); } // Fourteenth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [14], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Get Builder Data")) { InfobipPushBuilder builder = InfobipPush.GetBuilderData(); ScreenPrinter.Print("BuilderData is: " + builder.ToString()); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - buttonWidth / 2.0f, rowY [14], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Remove Builder data")) { InfobipPush.RemoveBuilderSavedData(); ScreenPrinter.Print("Remove builder saved Data"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX + buttonWidth / 2.0f + buttonSpace, rowY [14], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Set Quiet Time Enabled")) { InfobipPush.SetBuilderQuietTimeEnabled(true); ScreenPrinter.Print("Set Builder Quiet Time Enabled"); } // Fiftheenth row if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonSpace, rowY [15], buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Toggle rotation")) { if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait) { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape; } else { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; } } #endif }