public ActionResult OzellikVer(int ID, UrunOzellik oz) { using (eTicaretEntities db = new eTicaretEntities()) { var result = db.UrunOzelliks.Where(x => x.OzellikDegerID == oz.OzellikDegerID && x.OzellikTipID == oz.OzellikTipID && x.UrunID == ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (result == null) { ViewBag.Hata = "Daha önceden bu ürüne bu özellik yüklenmiş tekrar yüklenemez."; } var urun = db.Urunlers.Where(x => x.ID == ID).SingleOrDefault(); if (urun == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } else { InfoVM info = new InfoVM(); db.UrunOzelliks.Add(oz); oz.UrunID = ID; info.Message = "Özellik başarıyla eklendi"; db.SaveChanges(); info.Statu = true; info.LinkText = "Geri dönmek için tıklayınız"; info.Url = "/Admin/OzellikTip/UrunListesi"; return(View("_info", info)); } } }
public InfoPage() { InitializeComponent(); HistoryIconConverter.Converter = new HistoryToIconConverter(); ViewModel = new InfoVM(); refreshAll(); }
public IActionResult Index(bool?r) { InfoVM model = new InfoVM(); if (r == null) { r = true; } int Id = Autentification.GetLoggedUser(HttpContext).Id; model.ActiveTickets = ticketRepository.GetTickets(Id).Where(x => x.Active).Count(); model.DayActiveTickets = ticketRepository.GetTickets(Id).Where(x => x.Active && x.Date.Day == DateTime.Now.Day).Count(); model.AverageRating = reviewRepository.AverageRating(Id); model.LatestReviews = reviewRepository.GetReviews(Id).Take(4); model.LatestTickets = ticketRepository.GetTickets(Id).Take(10); model.MonthAverageRating = reviewRepository.MonthAverageRating(Id); model.MonthTicketsSold = ticketRepository.GetMonthSum(Id); model.MonthTotal = ticketRepository.GetMonthTotal(Id); model.result = Convert.ToBoolean(r); model.TicketsSold = ticketRepository.GetSum(Id); model.Total = ticketRepository.GetTotal(Id); return(View("Index", model)); }
public override IEnumerable <HealthCheckStatus> GetStatus() { var info = new InfoVM(); FixAllContent(ref info, fix: false); var descripcion = string.Format("Found {0} of {1} vorto properties in {2} content items. {3} errors.", info.vortoPropiedades,, info.totalContent, info.errores.Count); foreach (var item in info.errores) { descripcion += "<br/>" + item; } return(new HealthCheckStatus("Vorto Properties") { ResultType = StatusResultType.Info, Description = descripcion, Actions = new HealthCheckAction("Fix", this.Id) { Name = "Fix" }.AsEnumerableOfOne <HealthCheckAction>() }.AsEnumerableOfOne <HealthCheckStatus>()); }
public IActionResult Info(int id) { InfoVM model = new InfoVM() { CharacterId = id, }; return(PartialView("_Info", model)); }
public MenuVM() { tableVM = new TableVM(); accountVM = new AccountVM(); settingsVM = new SettingsVM(); infoVM = new InfoVM(); CurrentActionVM = tableVM; // Повесить команды на MenuButtonClick MenuButtonClick = new RelayCommand(ClickExecute); }
public ActionResult Info() { var currentUser = db.Users.Find(User.Identity.GetUserId()); var model = new InfoVM() { DOB = currentUser.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString(), Email = currentUser.Email, FirstName = currentUser.FirstName, LastName = currentUser.LastName }; return(View(model)); }
public void FixAllContent(ref InfoVM info, bool fix = true) { var rootContent = _contentService.GetRootContent().ToList(); //pruebas //var rootContent = new List<IContent>(); //rootContent.Add(_contentService.GetById(1379)); foreach (var item in rootContent) { FixContent(item, ref info, fix: fix); } }
public ActionResult Create(UrunOzellikTipVM model) { using (eTicaretEntities db = new eTicaretEntities()) { InfoVM info = new InfoVM(); db.UrunOzellikTips.Add(model.Tip); info.Message = model.Tip.Adi + " başarıyla eklendi."; db.SaveChanges(); info.Statu = true; info.LinkText = "Geri dön"; info.Url = "/UrunOzellikTip/List"; return(View("_info", info)); } }
public IActionResult Index() { InfoVM model = new InfoVM(); model.MuseumsRegistrated = museumRepository.MuseumsRegistrated(); model.MuseumsRegMonth = museumRepository.MuseumsRegMonth(); model.TicketsRevenue = 0; model.TicketsRevenueMonth = 0; model.TicketsSale = 0; model.TicketsSaleMonth = 0; model.UsersRegistrated = clientRepository.GetRegClients(); model.UsersRegMonth = clientRepository.GetRegClientsMonth(); model.ActiveMuseums = 0; model.InactiveMuseums = 0; model.museumTicketSales = new List <MuseumTicketSale>(); IEnumerable <Museums> museums = museumRepository.GetMuseums(); museums = museums.Where(x => x.OnlineTickets).ToList(); foreach (Museums x in museums) { int total = ticketRepository.GetSum(x.UserId); model.museumTicketSales.Add(new MuseumTicketSale { Museum = x.Name, Quantity = total }); if (x.User.Active) { model.ActiveMuseums++; } else { model.InactiveMuseums++; } model.TicketsSale += total; model.TicketsSaleMonth += ticketRepository.GetMonthSum(x.UserId); model.TicketsRevenue += ticketRepository.GetTotal(x.UserId); model.TicketsRevenueMonth += ticketRepository.GetMonthTotal(x.UserId); } model.TotalMuseumTicketSales = model.museumTicketSales.Select(x => x.Quantity).Sum(); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult CreateOrUpdateInfo(InfoVM info) { MVCLogin_dbEntities infodb = new MVCLogin_dbEntities(); var personDetails = infodb.People.Where(b => b.ID == info.PersonId).SingleOrDefault(); var infoDetails = infodb.Infoes.Where(b => b.PersonId == personDetails.ID).SingleOrDefault(); if (personDetails != null && infoDetails != null) { string oldpass = ""; oldpass = personDetails.Password; infoDetails.TelNo = info.TelNo; currentInfoVM.TelNo = info.TelNo; infoDetails.CellNo = info.CellNo; currentInfoVM.CellNo = info.CellNo; infoDetails.AddressLine1 = info.AddressLine1; currentInfoVM.AddressLine1 = info.AddressLine1; infoDetails.AddressLine2 = info.AddressLine2; currentInfoVM.AddressLine2 = info.AddressLine2; infoDetails.AddressLine3 = info.AddressLine3; currentInfoVM.AddressLine3 = info.AddressLine3; infoDetails.AddressCode = info.AddressCode; currentInfoVM.AddressCode = info.AddressCode; infoDetails.PostalAddress1 = info.PostalAddress1; currentInfoVM.PostalAddress1 = info.PostalAddress1; infoDetails.PostalAddress2 = info.PostalAddress2; currentInfoVM.PostalAddress2 = info.PostalAddress2; infoDetails.PostalCode = info.PostalCode; currentInfoVM.PostalCode = info.PostalCode; if (info.Password != null) { personDetails.Password = info.Password; } else { personDetails.Password = oldpass; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { infodb.SaveChanges(); return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Authorize(Person personModel, LoginVM loginModel, InfoVM infoModel) { using (MVCLogin_dbEntities infodb = new MVCLogin_dbEntities()) { personModel.UserName = loginModel.UserName; personModel.Password = loginModel.Password; int usernameLength = personModel.UserName.Length; string initial = personModel.UserName[0].ToString(); string surname = personModel.UserName.Substring(1, usernameLength - 1); MVCLogin_dbEntities db = new MVCLogin_dbEntities(); // Person Table var personDetails = db.People.Where(x => x.Name.Substring(0, 1) == initial.ToString() && x.Surname == surname && x.Password == personModel.Password).FirstOrDefault(); if (personDetails == null) { loginModel.LoginErrorMessage = "Wrong username or password."; return(View("Index", loginModel)); } else { var infoDetails = infodb.Infoes.Where(x => x.PersonId == personDetails.ID).FirstOrDefault(); Session["userID"] = personDetails.ID; infoModel.Name = personDetails.Name; infoModel.Surname = personDetails.Surname; infoModel.Password = personDetails.Password; infoModel.PersonId = personDetails.ID; infoModel.TelNo = infoDetails.TelNo; infoModel.CellNo = infoDetails.CellNo; infoModel.AddressLine1 = infoDetails.AddressLine1; infoModel.AddressLine2 = infoDetails.AddressLine2; infoModel.AddressLine3 = infoDetails.AddressLine3; infoModel.AddressCode = infoDetails.AddressCode; infoModel.PostalAddress1 = infoDetails.PostalAddress1; infoModel.PostalAddress2 = infoDetails.PostalAddress2; infoModel.PostalCode = infoDetails.PostalCode; // get prev login date if (personDetails.LastLogin != null) { var prevLogin = personDetails.LastLogin; } // update with current login time personDetails.LastLogin = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); infodb.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("GetInfo", "Info", infoModel)); } } }
// fix public override HealthCheckStatus ExecuteAction(HealthCheckAction action) { var info = new InfoVM(); FixAllContent(ref info, fix: true); var descripcion = string.Format("Fixed {0} of {1} vorto properties in {2} content items. {3} errors.", info.vortoPropiedades,, info.totalContent, info.errores.Count); foreach (var item in info.errores) { descripcion += "<br/>" + item; } return(new HealthCheckStatus("Done") { Description = descripcion }); }
public ActionResult InfoDetails(int id, int placeId) { var info = getInfoEntity(id, placeId); var vm = new InfoVM { Id = id, Category = info.category.Name, Content = info.content, FromUser = info.user.FullName, EndTime = info.endTime, Time = info.time, Lat =, Lng =, PlaceId = info.placeId, PlaceName =, Reputation = info.GetReputation(), Comments = getInfoComments(info), }; return(View(vm)); }
public ActionResult ResimEkle(int ID, HttpPostedFileBase txtFoto, string name) { using (eTicaretEntities db = new eTicaretEntities()) { var model = db.Urunlers.Where(x => x.ID == ID).SingleOrDefault(); if (model == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } if (txtFoto != null) { InfoVM bilgi = new InfoVM(); WebImage img = new WebImage(txtFoto.InputStream); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(txtFoto.FileName); string newFoto = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + info.Extension; img.Resize(600, 300); img.Save("~/Upload/UrunFoto/" + newFoto); Resimler r = new Resimler() { OrtaYol = "/Upload/UrunFoto/" + newFoto, Varsayilan = true, UrunID = model.ID }; //bilgi.Message = "Fotoğraf ekleme başarılı"; db.Resimlers.Add(r); db.SaveChanges(); //bilgi.Statu = true; //bilgi.Url = "/Urunler/List"; //bilgi.LinkText = "Geri dönmek için tıklayınız."; return(View(model)); } else { ViewBag.Hata = "Resim ekleme başarısız"; return(View()); } } }
public ActionResult GetInfo(InfoVM infoModel) { MVCLogin_dbEntities infodb = new MVCLogin_dbEntities(); // query for getting data from database from joining two tables and storing data in infolist var infolist = (from Pers in infodb.People join Inf in infodb.Infoes on Pers.ID equals Inf.PersonId select new { Pers.Name, Pers.Surname, Pers.Password, Inf.TelNo, Inf.CellNo, Inf.AddressLine1, Inf.AddressLine2, Inf.AddressLine3, Inf.AddressCode, Inf.PostalAddress1, Inf.PostalAddress2, Inf.PostalCode, Inf.PersonId }); //Using foreach loop to fill data from infolist to List<InfoVM> foreach (var item in infolist) { if (item.Name == infoModel.Name && item.Surname == infoModel.Surname && infoModel.Password == item.Password) { currentInfoVM.Name = item.Name; currentInfoVM.Surname = item.Surname; currentInfoVM.TelNo = item.TelNo; currentInfoVM.CellNo = item.CellNo; currentInfoVM.AddressLine1 = item.AddressLine1; currentInfoVM.AddressLine2 = item.AddressLine2; currentInfoVM.AddressLine3 = item.AddressLine3; currentInfoVM.AddressCode = item.AddressCode; currentInfoVM.PostalAddress1 = item.PostalAddress1; currentInfoVM.PostalAddress2 = item.PostalAddress2; currentInfoVM.PostalCode = item.PostalCode; currentInfoVM.PersonId = item.PersonId; } } // Send List of InfoVM (ViewModel) to view if (infoModel.Name != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } }
// GET: Reporte public ActionResult Index() { InfoVM resultado = new InfoVM(); return(View(resultado)); }
public DATArefreshi(InfoVM IVM) { _iVM = IVM; }
public void FixContent(IContent content, ref InfoVM info, bool fix = true) { var properties = content .Properties //.Where(x => x.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias == "Umbraco.Label") .ToList(); if (properties.Any()) { info.totalContent++; } var tipoContenido = content.ContentType.Alias; foreach (var property in properties) { var propertyAlias = property.Alias;; var stringValue = property.GetValue().TryConvertTo <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringValue.Result) && property.Values.Any()) { //stringValue = property.Values.First().PublishedValue.TryConvertTo<string>(); stringValue = property.Values.First().EditedValue.TryConvertTo <string>(); } if (stringValue.Success) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringValue.Result)) { if (stringValue.Result.DetectIsJson() && stringValue.Result.ToLower().Contains("dtdGuid".ToLower())) { var valor = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VortoValue>(stringValue.Result); if (valor == null) { var mensajeError = "Its not possible to convert to VortoValue this property: " + propertyAlias + " of " + tipoContenido; if (!info.errores.Contains(mensajeError)) { info.errores.Add(mensajeError); } } else { info.vortoPropiedades++; if (!content.ContentType.VariesByCulture()) { var mensajeError = "This content type " + tipoContenido + " is not allowed to change variant by culture and it has Vorto properties."; if (!info.errores.Contains(mensajeError)) { info.errores.Add(mensajeError); } } if (fix) { foreach (var valorIdioma in valor.Values) { try { content.SetValue(propertyAlias, valorIdioma.Value, culture: valorIdioma.Key); } catch (Exception ex) { var ex2 = new Exception("Error saving content " + content.Id + ", property: " + propertyAlias + ". " + ex.Message, ex); throw ex2; } } } } } } } } if (fix && content.IsDirty()) { if (content.Published) { _contentService.SaveAndPublish(content); } else { _contentService.Save(content); } } long totalChildren; IEnumerable <IContent> children = _contentService.GetPagedChildren(content.Id, 0, 10000, out totalChildren); foreach (var child in children) { FixContent(child, ref info, fix: fix); } }