public int Minimize_ConjugateGradient(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                              , string logpath           = ""
                                              , int iterInitial          = 0
                                              , double?k                 = null
                                              , int?max_iteration        = null
                                              , double max_atom_movement = 0.1
                                              , double threshold         = 0.001
                                              , int randomPurturb        = 0
                                              , bool[] atomsMovable      = null
                                              , InfoPack extra           = null
            IMinimizeLogger logger = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath);

            return(Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(iterInitial, frcflds, k, max_atom_movement, max_iteration, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, logger, extra, null));
예제 #2
        public void Start()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(city) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
            cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                TimeSpan delay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

                var token = cts.Token;
                    while (true)
                        string url = string.Format(serviceAPI, key, city);
                        var data   = await loadData(url);//load forcast
                        if (data.Status != ProviderStatusEnum.NA)
                            forcast = data;

                        url  = string.Format(serviceAPI_Current, key, city);
                        data = await loadData(url);//load current weather
                        if (data.Status != ProviderStatusEnum.NA)
                            current = data;
                        await Task.Delay(delay, token);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Xinzhi Weather operation canceled");
                catch (Exception ex)
            }, cts.Token
            Status = ProviderStatusEnum.Ready;
예제 #3
        public static Vector GetBFactor(Matrix hess
                                        , int numIgnoreSmallEigval = 6       // the number to ignore the eigenvalues
                                        , bool zeroForNegEigval    = true    // set zero for the negative eigen values

            int n = hess.ColSize / 3;

            HDebug.Assert(n * 3 == hess.ColSize);

            HDebug.Assert(hess.RowSize == hess.ColSize);
            InfoPack lextra = new InfoPack();

            Vector[] eigvec;
            double[] eigval;
            NumericSolver.Eig(hess.ToArray(), out eigvec, out eigval);

            double[]   abs_eigval            = eigval.HAbs();
            List <int> idx_sorted_abs_eigval = new List <int>(abs_eigval.HIdxSorted());

            for (int i = 0; i < numIgnoreSmallEigval; i++)

            Vector bfactor = new double[n];

            foreach (int idx in idx_sorted_abs_eigval)
                if (eigval[idx] < 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    double dx = eigvec[idx][i * 3 + 0];
                    double dy = eigvec[idx][i * 3 + 1];
                    double dz = eigvec[idx][i * 3 + 2];
                    bfactor[i] += (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) / eigval[idx];

예제 #4
        public int MinimizeHydrogens(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                     , string logpath = ""
                                     , InfoPack extra = null
            bool[] atomsMovable = new bool[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                atomsMovable[i] = atoms[i].IsHydrogen();

            double          k                 = 0.001;
            double          threshold         = 0.001;
            double          max_atom_movement = 0.1;
            IMinimizeLogger logger            = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath); // null
            int             randomPurturb     = 0;                                               // no random purturbation

            return(Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, max_atom_movement, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, logger, extra, null));
예제 #5
        public static bool GetBFactorSelfTest(string pdbpath, double cutoff, double corr, int round, InfoPack extra)
            if (HFile.Exists(pdbpath) == false)

            Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].altLoc == pdb.atoms[i].altLoc);
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].chainID == pdb.atoms[i].chainID);
            List <Pdb.Atom> atoms = new List <Pdb.Atom>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                Pdb.Atom atom = pdb.atoms[i];
                if ( == "CA")
            List <Vector> coords  = atoms.ListCoord();
            Matrix        hess    = Hess.GetHessAnm(coords, cutoff);
            InfoPack      lextra  = new InfoPack();
            Vector        bfactor = GetBFactor(hess, 0.00000001, null, lextra);

            if (extra != null)
                extra["num_zero_eigvals"] = lextra["num_zero_eigvals"];
                extra["eigenvalues"]      = lextra["eigenvalues"];

            double corr_comp = pdb.CorrBFactor(atoms.ListName(), atoms.ListResSeq(), bfactor.ToArray());

            corr_comp = Math.Round(corr_comp, round);
            HDebug.Assert(corr == corr_comp);
            return(corr == corr_comp);
예제 #6
 public void Minimize(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                      , string logpath           = ""
                      , int iterInitial          = 0
                      , double?k                 = null
                      , double max_atom_movement = 0.1
                      , int?max_iteration        = null
                      , double threshold         = 0.001
                      , int randomPurturb        = 0
                      , bool[]   atomsMovable    = null
                      , InfoPack extra           = null
                                , logpath: logpath
                                , iterInitial: iterInitial
                                , k: k
                                , max_atom_movement: max_atom_movement
                                , max_iteration: max_iteration
                                , threshold: threshold
                                , randomPurturb: randomPurturb
                                , atomsMovable: atomsMovable
                                , extra: extra
예제 #7
 public void Minimize_Parallel(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                               , string logpath           = ""
                               , int iterInitial          = 0
                               , double?k                 = null
                               , double max_atom_movement = 0.1
                               , int?max_iteration        = null
                               , double threshold         = 0.001
                               , int randomPurturb        = 0
                               , bool[] atomsMovable      = null
                               , InfoPack extra           = null
                                         k: k,
                                         max_atom_movement: max_atom_movement,
                                         max_iteration: max_iteration,
                                         threshold: threshold,
                                         randomPurturb: randomPurturb,
                                         atomsMovable: atomsMovable,
                                         logger: new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath),
                                         extra: extra,
                                         doSteepDeescent: null
예제 #8
        public static Vector GetBFactor(Matrix hess, double?thresEigval, int?numZeroEigval, InfoPack extra = null)

            int n = hess.ColSize / 3;

            HDebug.Assert(n * 3 == hess.ColSize);

            HDebug.Assert(hess.RowSize == hess.ColSize);
            InfoPack lextra  = new InfoPack();
            Matrix   invhess = NumericSolver.InvEig(hess, thresEigval, numZeroEigval, lextra);
            //Matrix invhess = NumericSolver.InvEig(hess, 0.00000001, null, lextra);

            Vector bfactor = new double[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                bfactor[i] = invhess[i * 3 + 0, i *3 + 0] + invhess[i * 3 + 1, i *3 + 1] + invhess[i * 3 + 2, i *3 + 2];

            if (extra != null)
                extra["num_zero_eigvals"] = lextra["num_zero_eigvals"];
                extra["eigenvalues"]      = lextra["eigenvalues"];

예제 #9
        public static Vector GetBFactor(Matrix hess, Vector mass, double?thresEigval, int?numZeroEigval, InfoPack extra = null)
            HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize == hess.RowSize);
            HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize % 3 == 0);
            HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize / 3 == mass.Size);

            Matrix mhess = GetMassWeightedHess(hess, mass);

            // ei  : mass weighted eigenvector
            // wi2 : mass weighted eigenvalue
            // Ui' : ei*ei/wi2 = diag(eigenvec * 1/eigenval * eigenvec')
            Vector bfactor = GetBFactor(mhess, thresEigval, numZeroEigval, extra);

            // vi : mass free eigenvector
            // Ui := (Kb T) * (vi * vi / wi2)
            //     = (Kb T / mi) * ((vi*mi^-2) * (vi*mi^-2) / wi2)
            //     = (Kb T / mi) * (ei * ei / wi2)
            //     = (Kb T / mi) * Ui'
            int n = mass.Size;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                // assume Kb, T are constant (=1)
                bfactor[i] = bfactor[i] / mass[i];

        public int Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(int iterInitial,
                                                 List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds,
                                                 double max_atom_movement,
                                                 double threshold,
                                                 int randomPurturb,
                                                 bool[] atomsMovable,
                                                 IMinimizeLogger logger,
                                                 InfoPack extra,
                                                 bool?doSteepDeescent            // null or true for default
            if (doSteepDeescent == null)
                doSteepDeescent = true;
            if (k == null)
                k = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (ForceField.IForceField frcfld in frcflds)
                    double?kk = frcfld.GetDefaultMinimizeStep();
                    if (kk.HasValue)
                        k = Math.Min(k.Value, kk.Value);

            // double k = 0.0001;
            int iter = iterInitial;
            // 0. Initial configuration of atoms
            Vectors coords = GetCoords();

            if (atomsMovable == null)
                atomsMovable = new bool[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    atomsMovable[i] = true;

            Vectors h      = GetVectorsZero();
            Vectors forces = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> cache = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            double  energy         = GetPotential(frcflds, coords, out forces, cache);
            double  forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
            double  forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
            double  forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);
            Vectors forces0        = forces;
            double  energy0        = energy;

            while (true)
                if (forces.IsComputable == false)
                    System.Console.Error.WriteLine("non-computable components while doing steepest-descent");
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                    logger.logTrajectory(this, iter, coords);
                    //if(iter %10 == 0)
                    //    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("output");
                    //    string pdbname = string.Format("mini.conju.{0:D5}.pdb", iter);
                    //    pdb.ToFile("output\\"+pdbname, coords.ToArray());
                    //    System.IO.File.AppendAllLines("output\\mini.conju.[animation].pml", new string[] { "load "+pdbname+", 1A6G" });
                // 1. Save the position of atoms
                // 2. Calculate the potential energy of system and the net forces on atoms
                // 3. Check if every force reaches to zero,
                //    , and END if yes
                bool stopIteration = false;
                if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                    stopIteration = true;
                if ((max_iteration != null) && (iter >= max_iteration.Value))
                    stopIteration = true;
                if (stopIteration)
                    // double check
                    cache          = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                    energy         = GetPotential(frcflds, coords, out forces, cache);
                    forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

                    // This is already checked by "if(forces_NormInf < threshold) stopIteration = true;"
                    //if(forces_NormInf < threshold)
                        if (iter != 1)
                        //    string pdbname = string.Format("mini.conju.{0:D5}.pdb", iter);
                        //    pdb.ToFile("output\\"+pdbname, coords.ToArray());
                        //    System.IO.File.AppendAllLines("output\\mini.conju.[animation].pml", new string[] { "load "+pdbname+", 1A6G" });
                        if (extra != null)
                            extra.SetValue("energy", energy);
                            extra.SetValue("forces", forces);
                            extra.SetValue("forces norm-1", forces_Norm1);
                            extra.SetValue("forces norm-2", forces_Norm2);
                            extra.SetValue("forces norm-inf", forces_NormInf);
                            extra.SetValue("iter", iter);
                // 4. Move atoms with conjugated gradient
                Vectors coords_prd;
                    if ((iter > 0) && (iter % 100 == 0))
                        cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                    if ((randomPurturb > 0) && (iter % randomPurturb == 0))
                        Vectors dcoords = GetVectorsRandom();
                        dcoords *= max_atom_movement;
                        coords   = AddConditional(coords, dcoords, atomsMovable);
                    if (iter > 1)
                        HDebug.Assert(forces0 != null);
                        double r = Vectors.VtV(forces, forces).Sum() / Vectors.VtV(forces0, forces0).Sum();
                        h = forces + r * h;
                        double kk       = k.Value;
                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                        if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                            kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                        //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
                        //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h,atomsMovable));
                        coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, kk * h, atomsMovable);
                        // same to the steepest descent for the first iteration
                        h = forces;
                        double kk       = k.Value;
                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                        if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                            kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                        //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
                        //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h, atomsMovable));
                        coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, kk * h, atomsMovable);
                // 5. Predict energy or forces on atoms
                Vectors forces_prd;
                double  energy_prd = GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, out forces_prd, cache); iter++;

                double forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                double forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                double forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                // 6. Check if the predicted forces or energy will exceed over the limit
                //    , and goto 1 if no
                doSteepDeescent = true;
                //if((doSteepDeescent == false) || ((energy_prd <= energy) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf+1.0))
                if ((energy_prd < energy + 0.1) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf + 0.0001))
                    energy0        = energy;
                    forces0        = forces;
                    coords         = coords_prd;
                    forces         = forces_prd;
                    energy         = energy_prd;
                    forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                    forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                    forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.log(iter, coords_prd, energy_prd, forces_prd, atomsMovable, "will do steepest");
                // 7. Back to saved configuration
                // 8. Move atoms with simple gradient
                    // same to the steepest descent
                    h = forces;
                    double kk       = k.Value;
                    double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                    if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                        // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                        kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                    //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
                    //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h, atomsMovable));
                    coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, kk * h, atomsMovable);

                    //    Vectors dcoords = GetForcesRandom();
                    //    dcoords *= (0.1*max_atom_movement);
                    //    coords += dcoords;
                energy_prd         = GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, out forces_prd, cache);
                forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);

                energy0        = energy;
                forces0        = forces;
                coords         = coords_prd;
                forces         = forces_prd;
                energy         = energy_prd;
                forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                // 9. goto 1
        public int Minimize_ConjugateGradient_AtomwiseUpdate(
            List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
            , double threshold = 0.001                          // * threshold for forces.NormInf
            , double?k         = null                           // * step step
                                                                // 0.0001
            , double max_atom_movement = 0.1                    // * maximum atom movement
            , int?max_iteration        = null                   // null for the infinite iteration until converged
            , bool[]  atomsMovable     = null                   // * selection of movable atoms
                                                                //   move all atoms if (atomsMovable == null) or (atomsMovable[all] == true)
                                                                //   move only atom whose (atomsMovable[id] == true)
            , IMinimizeLogger logger = null                     // * write log
                                                                // = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag()
            , InfoPack extra       = null                       // get extra information
            , bool?doSteepDeescent = null                       // null or true for default

            , HPack <double> optOutEnergy        = null         // optional output for final energy
            , List <Vector> optOutForces         = null         // optional output for final force vectors
            , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm1   = null         // optional output for norm of final force vectors
            , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm2   = null         // optional output for norm of final force vectors
            , HPack <double> optOutForcesNormInf = null         // optional output for norm of final force vectors
            if (doSteepDeescent == null)
                doSteepDeescent = true;
            if (k == null)
                k = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (ForceField.IForceField frcfld in frcflds)
                    double?kk = frcfld.GetDefaultMinimizeStep();
                    if (kk.HasValue)
                        k = Math.Min(k.Value, kk.Value);
            int iter = 0;

            // 0. Initial configuration of atoms
            Vector[] coords = GetCoords();
            if (atomsMovable == null)
                atomsMovable = new bool[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    atomsMovable[i] = true;

            Vectors       h          = GetVectorsZero();
            Vectors       forces     = Vector.NewVectors(size, new double[3]);
            Vectors       moves      = Vector.NewVectors(size, new double[3]);
            Nonbondeds_v1 nonbondeds = null;
//            Dictionary<string,object> cache = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            double energy         = GetPotentialUpdated(frcflds, null, null, null, coords, forces, ref nonbondeds);
            double forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
            double forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
            double forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

            Vector[] forces0   = forces;
            double   energy0   = energy;
            Vectors  moves0    = moves;
            double   leastMove = 0.000001;

            while (true)
                if (forces.IsComputable == false)
                    System.Console.Error.WriteLine("non-computable components while doing steepest-descent");
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                    logger.logTrajectory(this, iter, coords);
                // 1. Save the position of atoms
                // 2. Calculate the potential energy of system and the net forces on atoms
                // 3. Check if every force reaches to zero,
                //    , and END if yes
                bool stopIteration = false;
                if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                    stopIteration = true;
                if ((max_iteration != null) && (iter >= max_iteration.Value))
                    stopIteration = true;
                if (stopIteration)
                    // double check
                    //cache = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // reset cache
                    //energy = GetPotential(frcflds, coords, out forces, cache);
                    nonbondeds     = null;
                    energy         = GetPotentialUpdated(frcflds, null, null, null, coords, forces, ref nonbondeds);
                    forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

                    if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                        if (iter != 1)

                            if (optOutEnergy != null)
                                optOutEnergy.value = energy;
                            if (optOutForces != null)
                                optOutForces.Clear(); optOutForces.AddRange(forces.ToArray());
                            if (optOutForcesNorm1 != null)
                                optOutForcesNorm1.value = forces_Norm1;
                            if (optOutForcesNorm2 != null)
                                optOutForcesNorm2.value = forces_Norm2;
                            if (optOutForcesNormInf != null)
                                optOutForcesNormInf.value = forces_NormInf;
                // 4. Move atoms with conjugated gradient
                Vectors coords_prd;
                double  kk;
                    if ((iter > 0) && (iter % 100 == 0))
                        //cache = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // reset cache
                        nonbondeds = null;
                    if (iter > 1)
                        HDebug.Assert(forces0 != null);
                        double r = Vectors.VtV(forces, forces).Sum() / Vectors.VtV(forces0, forces0).Sum();
                        h  = forces + r * h;
                        kk = k.Value;
                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                        if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                            kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                        moves      = moves0.Clone();
                        coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, atomsMovable, moves, kk * h, leastMove);
                        // same to the steepest descent for the first iteration
                        h  = forces;
                        kk = k.Value;
                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                        if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                            kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                        //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
                        //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h, atomsMovable));
                        moves      = moves0.Clone();
                        coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, atomsMovable, moves, kk * h, leastMove);
                // 5. Predict energy or forces on atoms
                Vectors forces_prd = forces.Clone();
                double  energy_prd = GetPotentialUpdated(frcflds, energy, coords, forces, coords_prd, forces_prd, ref nonbondeds); iter++;
                //double energy_prd = GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, out forces_prd, cache); iter++;

                double forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                double forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                double forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                // 6. Check if the predicted forces or energy will exceed over the limit
                //    , and goto 1 if no
                doSteepDeescent = true;
                //if((doSteepDeescent == false) || ((energy_prd <= energy) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf+1.0))
                if ((energy_prd < energy + 0.1) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf + 0.0001))
                    energy0        = energy;
                    forces0        = forces;
                    moves0         = moves;
                    coords         = coords_prd;
                    forces         = forces_prd;
                    energy         = energy_prd;
                    forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                    forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                    forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.log(iter, coords_prd, energy_prd, forces_prd, atomsMovable, "will do steepest");
                // 7. Back to saved configuration
                // 8. Move atoms with simple gradient
                    // same to the steepest descent
                    h  = forces;
                    kk = k.Value;
                    double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                    if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                        // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                        kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                    moves      = moves0.Clone();
                    coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, atomsMovable, moves, kk * h, leastMove);
                //energy_prd = GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, out forces_prd, cache);
                energy_prd         = GetPotentialUpdated(frcflds, energy, coords, forces, coords_prd, forces_prd, ref nonbondeds);
                forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);

                energy0        = energy;
                forces0        = forces;
                moves0         = moves;
                coords         = coords_prd;
                forces         = forces_prd;
                energy         = energy_prd;
                forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                // 9. goto 1
            public void Add3(int id0, int id1, int id2, Vector[] lcoords, Vector[] lforces)
                if (forceij == null)

                Vector ud01 = (lcoords[1] - lcoords[0]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud12 = (lcoords[2] - lcoords[1]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud20 = (lcoords[0] - lcoords[2]).UnitVector();
                // [ ud01_x,       0, -ud20_x]   [f01]   [lf0x]
                // [-ud01_x,  ud12_x,       0]   [f12]   [lf1x]
                // [      0, -ud12_x,  ud20_x] * [f20] = [lf2x]
                // [ ud01_y,       0, -ud20_y]           [lf0y]
                // [-ud01_y,  ud12_y,       0]           [lf1y]
                // [      0, -ud12_y,  ud20_y]           [lf2y]
                // [ ud01_z,       0, -ud20_z]           [lf0z]
                // [-ud01_z,  ud12_z,       0]           [lf1z]
                // [      0, -ud12_z,  ud20_z]           [lf2z]
                //    A                        *   x   =  b
                MatrixByArr A = new double[9, 3];
                Vector      b = new double[9];

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    A[i + 3 * 0, 0] = ud01[i]; A[i + 3 * 0, 1] = 0; A[i + 3 * 0, 2] = -ud20[i]; b[i + 3 * 0] = lforces[0][i];
                    A[i + 3 * 1, 0] = -ud01[i]; A[i + 3 * 1, 1] = ud12[i]; A[i + 3 * 1, 2] = 0; b[i + 3 * 1] = lforces[1][i];
                    A[i + 3 * 2, 0] = 0; A[i + 3 * 2, 1] = -ud12[i]; A[i + 3 * 2, 2] = ud20[i]; b[i + 3 * 2] = lforces[2][i];
                InfoPack extra = HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached ? new InfoPack() : null;
                Matrix   pinvA = NumericSolver.Pinv(A, extra);

                HDebug.Assert(extra.GetValueInt("rank") == 3);
                Vector x   = LinAlg.MV(pinvA, b);
                Vector f01 = ud01 * x[0];
                Vector f12 = ud12 * x[1];
                Vector f20 = ud20 * x[2];

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    // check net force
                    Vector sumforces = lforces[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < lforces.Length; i++)
                        sumforces += lforces[i];
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, sumforces);

                    Vector f0 = f01 - f20;
                    Vector f1 = f12 - f01;
                    Vector f2 = -f12 + f20;
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f0 - lforces[0]);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f1 - lforces[1]);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f2 - lforces[2]);
                this[id0, id1] += f01; this[id1, id2] += f12; this[id2, id0] += f20;
                this[id1, id0] += -f01; this[id2, id1] += -f12; this[id0, id2] += -f20;
예제 #13
            public static bool SelfTest_1AAC()
                Pdb.Atom[] atoms_ca = new Pdb.Atom[]
                    #region 1AAC text of CA atoms
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM      2  CA  ASP A   1      25.378 -18.141  21.012  1.00 23.28           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     10  CA  LYS A   2      24.390 -18.799  17.407  1.00 12.32           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     19  CA  ALA A   3      25.772 -15.617  15.840  1.00 10.31           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     24  CA  THR A   4      28.837 -13.442  16.439  1.00  9.47           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     31  CA  ILE A   5      28.913  -9.665  15.865  1.00  7.94           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     39  CA  PRO A   6      31.906  -8.243  13.886  1.00  8.02           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     46  CA  SER A   7      31.049  -4.632  14.810  1.00  7.70           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     52  CA  GLU A   8      28.768  -3.589  17.658  1.00 10.01           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     73  CA  PRO A  10      26.932   0.412  12.498  1.00  7.09           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     80  CA  PHE A  11      29.488   1.217   9.844  1.00  6.81           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     91  CA  ALA A  12      29.431   2.815   6.390  1.00  6.76           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     96  CA  ALA A  13      28.012   1.036   3.320  1.00  8.60           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    101  CA  ALA A  14      31.392   1.654   1.659  1.00 11.18           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    106  CA  GLU A  15      33.092  -0.407   4.404  1.00  9.76           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    115  CA  VAL A  16      31.115  -3.590   3.763  1.00 12.85           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    122  CA  ALA A  17      33.429  -6.584   3.205  1.00 20.32           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    127  CA  ASP A  18      34.080  -7.894  -0.306  1.00 27.64           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    135  CA  GLY A  19      31.708 -10.634  -1.313  1.00 26.92           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    139  CA  ALA A  20      29.393  -9.683   1.528  1.00 19.57           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    144  CA  ILE A  21      25.881 -11.238   1.583  1.00 11.70           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    152  CA  VAL A  22      23.847  -8.061   1.553  1.00  7.77           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    159  CA  VAL A  23      20.196  -7.501   2.410  1.00  6.37           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    166  CA  ASP A  24      19.093  -3.982   1.466  1.00  6.66           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    174  CA  ILE A  25      16.500  -2.121   3.513  1.00  7.21           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    182  CA  ALA A  26      14.398   0.375   1.556  1.00  8.41           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    187  CA  LYS A  27      10.724   1.489   1.214  1.00  9.80           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    201  CA  MET A  28      10.147   0.295   4.838  1.00  8.69           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    209  CA  LYS A  29      10.882  -3.362   4.004  1.00  9.09           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    223  CA  TYR A  30      13.753  -5.845   4.132  1.00  6.32           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    235  CA  GLU A  31      14.275  -6.364   0.381  1.00  9.00           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    244  CA  THR A  32      15.144 -10.026   0.769  1.00  7.30           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    251  CA  PRO A  33      12.722 -11.107   3.546  1.00  8.68           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    258  CA  GLU A  34      13.757 -14.780   3.406  1.00  9.28           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    267  CA  LEU A  35      17.468 -15.255   2.972  1.00  7.34           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    275  CA  HIS A  36      19.181 -18.672   2.822  1.00  6.97           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    285  CA  VAL A  37      22.841 -18.828   3.840  1.00  7.29           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    292  CA  LYS A  38      25.361 -21.456   5.044  1.00  9.55           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    306  CA  VAL A  39      26.828 -21.965   8.529  1.00  9.09           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    313  CA  GLY A  40      29.717 -19.533   8.887  1.00  8.81           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    317  CA  ASP A  41      28.343 -16.891   6.520  1.00  8.19           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    325  CA  THR A  42      28.196 -13.227   7.468  1.00  7.95           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    332  CA  VAL A  43      24.989 -11.395   6.512  1.00  6.02           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    339  CA  THR A  44      25.158  -7.607   6.224  1.00  5.34           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    346  CA  TRP A  45      22.054  -5.421   6.244  1.00  4.51           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    360  CA  ILE A  46      22.453  -1.974   4.623  1.00  5.55           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    368  CA  ASN A  47      19.890   0.774   5.248  1.00  6.52           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    376  CA  ARG A  48      19.350   2.559   1.939  1.00 10.21           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    387  CA  GLU A  49      16.823   5.111   3.196  1.00 12.44           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    396  CA  ALA A  50      16.764   8.058   5.564  1.00 13.39           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    401  CA  MET A  51      14.386   6.508   8.133  1.00 12.52           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    409  CA  PRO A  52      16.509   4.566  10.725  1.00  9.20           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    416  CA  HIS A  53      16.032   0.778  10.889  1.00  6.43           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    426  CA  ASN A  54      17.658  -2.107  12.766  1.00  5.06           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    434  CA  VAL A  55      17.296  -5.891  13.052  1.00  5.44           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    441  CA  HIS A  56      15.979  -7.379  16.316  1.00  4.53           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    451  CA  PHE A  57      15.920 -11.061  17.243  1.00  5.94           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    462  CA  VAL A  58      13.932 -11.794  20.435  1.00  7.60           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    469  CA  ALA A  59      15.316 -13.765  23.405  1.00  7.37           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    474  CA  GLY A  60      16.074 -17.393  22.787  1.00  9.00           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    478  CA  VAL A  61      16.521 -17.029  18.997  1.00  8.51           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    485  CA  LEU A  62      20.244 -16.290  18.543  1.00  9.65           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    493  CA  GLY A  63      21.156 -16.644  22.197  1.00 10.26           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    497  CA  GLU A  64      19.729 -16.413  25.651  1.00  9.18           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    506  CA  ALA A  65      19.129 -12.671  25.468  1.00  8.86           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    511  CA  ALA A  66      17.408 -10.687  22.723  1.00  7.22           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    516  CA  LEU A  67      19.808  -9.283  20.128  1.00  9.01           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    524  CA  LYS A  68      18.504  -5.777  19.473  1.00 10.06           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    533  CA  GLY A  69      20.805  -4.416  16.788  1.00  8.06           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    537  CA  PRO A  70      21.868  -0.715  16.656  1.00  8.23           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    544  CA  MET A  71      19.807   1.769  14.640  1.00  8.56           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    552  CA  MET A  72      21.337   2.189  11.156  1.00  8.26           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    560  CA  LYS A  73      21.086   5.638   9.601  1.00  9.59           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    574  CA  LYS A  74      21.097   6.084   5.777  1.00  9.46           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    588  CA  GLU A  75      23.892   4.149   4.097  1.00  9.45           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    602  CA  GLN A  76      24.997   2.451   7.267  1.00  6.02           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    611  CA  ALA A  77      25.416  -1.310   7.631  1.00  5.75           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    616  CA  TYR A  78      25.448  -3.978  10.318  1.00  4.90           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    628  CA  SER A  79      26.700  -7.612  10.117  1.00  5.13           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    634  CA  LEU A  80      26.024 -10.884  11.899  1.00  5.65           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    642  CA  THR A  81      27.969 -14.123  11.320  1.00  6.53           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    649  CA  PHE A  82      25.693 -17.171  11.780  1.00  5.24           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    660  CA  THR A  83      27.363 -20.163  13.449  1.00  6.79           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    667  CA  GLU A  84      24.599 -22.785  13.726  1.00  6.27           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    676  CA  ALA A  85      21.975 -24.045  11.260  1.00  7.61           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    681  CA  GLY A  86      18.324 -23.142  11.886  1.00  7.35           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    685  CA  THR A  87      15.680 -20.519  11.055  1.00  8.50           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    692  CA  TYR A  88      16.009 -17.145  12.731  1.00  7.35           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    704  CA  ASP A  89      13.191 -14.620  12.557  1.00  7.28           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    712  CA  TYR A  90      13.740 -10.922  13.122  1.00  5.26           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    724  CA  HIS A  91      11.902  -7.619  12.935  1.00  4.80           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    734  CA  CYS A  92      12.663  -3.894  13.049  1.00  5.44           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    740  CA  THR A  93      12.228  -2.579  16.647  1.00  6.60           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    747  CA  PRO A  94      10.460   0.815  15.821  1.00  7.51           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    754  CA  HIS A  95       8.594  -0.728  12.857  1.00  7.46           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    764  CA  PRO A  96       7.518  -4.286  13.932  1.00  7.59           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    771  CA  PHE A  97       5.480  -4.778  10.739  1.00  7.30           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    782  CA  MET A  98       8.923  -5.104   8.994  1.00  6.57           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    790  CA  ARG A  99       9.707  -8.821   9.391  1.00  7.91           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    808  CA  GLY A 100      12.343 -11.105   7.827  1.00  6.39           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    812  CA  LYS A 101      14.085 -14.438   8.459  1.00  7.31           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    826  CA  VAL A 102      17.523 -15.900   7.870  1.00  6.58           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    833  CA  VAL A 103      17.552 -19.658   7.157  1.00  7.20           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    840  CA  VAL A 104      21.061 -21.012   7.897  1.00  7.28           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM    847  CA  GLU A 105      21.699 -24.347   6.221  1.00 13.74           C  "),
                Pdb.Atom[] atoms_r6 = new Pdb.Atom[]
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     42  CB  PRO A   6      31.929  -8.271  12.386  1.00  7.98           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     43  CG  PRO A   6      30.972  -9.378  12.022  1.00  9.48           C  "),
                    Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     44  CD  PRO A   6      29.880  -9.313  13.099  1.00  8.27           C  "),

                    HessMatrix hess = GetHessCa(atoms_ca.ListCoord());

                    InfoPack extra = new InfoPack();
                    //Vector bfactors = ENM.BFactorFromHessian(hess, null, 6, extra);
                    Vector bfactors          = Hess.GetBFactor(hess, null, 6, extra);
                    Vector eigvals           = (double[])extra["eigenvalues"];
                    int[]  idxsorted_eigvals = eigvals.ToArray().HAbs().HIdxSorted();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        eigvals[idxsorted_eigvals[i]] = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < eigvals.Size; i++)
                        if (eigvals[i] < 0)
                            // return false, if there exists negative eigenvalue
                    List <Pdb.Atom> atoms = new List <Pdb.Atom>();
                    HDebug.Assert(atoms[5].resSeq == 6);

                    List <int> idxs_ca = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < atoms_ca.Length; i++)
                    List <int> idxs_r6 = new List <int>(); for (int i = atoms_ca.Length; i < atoms.Count; i++)
                    idxs_r6.InsertRange(0, new int[] { 3, 4, 5 });

                    List <Tuple <int, int> > list12 = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
                    for (int i = 1; i < idxs_ca.Count; i++)
                        list12.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(idxs_ca[i - 1], idxs_ca[i]));
                    for (int i = 3; i < idxs_r6.Count; i++)
                        list12.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(idxs_r6[i - 1], idxs_r6[i]));

                    List <Tuple <int, int, int> > list123 = new List <Tuple <int, int, int> >();
                    for (int i = 2; i < idxs_ca.Count; i++)
                        list123.Add(new Tuple <int, int, int>(idxs_ca[i - 2], idxs_ca[i - 1], idxs_ca[i]));
                    for (int i = 3; i < idxs_r6.Count; i++)
                        list123.Add(new Tuple <int, int, int>(idxs_r6[i - 2], idxs_r6[i - 1], idxs_r6[i]));

                    List <Tuple <int, int, int, int> > list1234 = new List <Tuple <int, int, int, int> >();
                    for (int i = 3; i < idxs_ca.Count; i++)
                        list1234.Add(new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(idxs_ca[i - 3], idxs_ca[i - 2], idxs_ca[i - 1], idxs_ca[i]));
                    for (int i = 3; i < idxs_r6.Count; i++)
                        list1234.Add(new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(idxs_r6[i - 3], idxs_r6[i - 2], idxs_r6[i - 1], idxs_r6[i]));

                    List <Tuple <int, int> > listNonbond = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
                    for (int i = 0; i < idxs_ca.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = i + 4; j < idxs_ca.Count; j++)
                            listNonbond.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(idxs_ca[i], idxs_ca[j]));
                    for (int i = 0; i < idxs_r6.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = i + 4; j < idxs_r6.Count; j++)
                            listNonbond.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(idxs_r6[i], idxs_r6[j]));

                    List <Vector> coords  = atoms.ListCoord();
                    HessMatrix    hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(atoms.Count * 3, atoms.Count * 3);

                    double Epsilon = 0.36;
                    double K_r     = 100 * Epsilon;
                    double K_theta = 20 * Epsilon;
                    double K_phi1  = 1 * Epsilon;
                    double K_phi3  = 0.5 * Epsilon;
                    for (int i = 0; i < list12.Count; i++)
                        FirstTerm(coords, K_r, hessian, list12[i].Item1, list12[i].Item2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list123.Count; i++)
                        SecondTerm(coords, K_theta, hessian, list123[i].Item1, list123[i].Item2, list123[i].Item3);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list1234.Count; i++)
                        ThirdTerm(coords, K_phi1, K_phi3, hessian, list1234[i].Item1, list1234[i].Item2, list1234[i].Item3, list1234[i].Item4);
                    for (int i = 0; i < listNonbond.Count; i++)
                        FourthTerm(coords, Epsilon, hessian, listNonbond[i].Item1, listNonbond[i].Item2);

                    InfoPack extra = new InfoPack();
                    //Vector bfactors = ENM.BFactorFromHessian(hessian, null, 6, extra);
                    Vector bfactors          = Hess.GetBFactor(hessian, null, 6, extra);
                    Vector eigvals           = (double[])extra["eigenvalues"];
                    int[]  idxsorted_eigvals = eigvals.ToArray().HAbs().HIdxSorted();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        eigvals[idxsorted_eigvals[i]] = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < eigvals.Size; i++)
                        if (eigvals[i] < 0)
                            // return false, if there exists negative eigenvalue
                //    Debug.Assert(atoms_ca[5].resSeq == 6);
                //    Pdb.Atom[] atoms_resi6 = new Pdb.Atom[]
                //        {
                //            atoms_ca[5],
                //            Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     42  CB  PRO A   6      31.929  -8.271  12.386  1.00  7.98           C  "),
                //            Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     43  CG  PRO A   6      30.972  -9.378  12.022  1.00  9.48           C  "),
                //            Pdb.Atom.FromString("ATOM     44  CD  PRO A   6      29.880  -9.313  13.099  1.00  8.27           C  "),
                //        };
                //    Matrix hess_ca = GetHessCa(atoms_ca.ListCoord());
                //    Matrix hess_resi6 = GetHessCa(atoms_resi6.ListCoord());
                //    int size_ca = atoms_ca.Length;
                //    int size_r6 = atoms_resi6.Length - 1;
                //    Matrix hess = new double[(size_ca+size_r6)*3,(size_ca+size_r6)*3];
                //    for(int c = 0; c < hess.ColSize; c++)
                //        for(int r = 0; r < hess.RowSize; r++)
                //            hess[c, r] = double.NaN;
                //    for(int c = 0; c < hess_ca.ColSize; c++)
                //        for(int r = 0; r < hess_ca.RowSize; r++)
                //            hess[c, r] = hess_ca[c, r];
                //    for(int c = 0; c < hess_resi6.ColSize; c++)
                //        for(int r = 0; r < hess_resi6.RowSize; r++)
                //        {
                //                 if(c <  3 && r <  3) { int c0=5      *3+ c   ; int r0=5      *3+ r   ; Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[c0, r0]) ==false); hess[c0, r0] = hess_resi6[c, r]; }
                //            else if(c <  3 && r >= 3) { int c0=5      *3+ c   ; int r0=size_ca*3+(r-3); Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[c0, r0]) == true); hess[c0, r0] = hess_resi6[c, r]; }
                //            else if(c >= 3 && r <  3) { int c0=size_ca*3+(c-3); int r0=5      *3+ r   ; Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[c0, r0]) == true); hess[c0, r0] = hess_resi6[c, r]; }
                //            else if(c >= 3 && r >= 3) { int c0=size_ca*3+(c-3); int r0=size_ca*3+(r-3); Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[c0, r0]) == true); hess[c0, r0] = hess_resi6[c, r]; }
                //            else Debug.Assert(false);
                //        }
                //    for(int j = size_ca * 3; j < (size_ca + size_r6) * 3; j++)
                //    {
                //        for(int i = 0; i < 5*3; i++)
                //        {
                //            Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[i, j]) == true); hess[i, j] = 0;
                //            Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[j, i]) == true); hess[j, i] = 0;
                //        }
                //        for(int i = 6*3; i < size_ca * 3; i++)
                //        {
                //            Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[i, j]) == true); hess[i, j] = 0;
                //            Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[j, i]) == true); hess[j, i] = 0;
                //        }
                //    }
                //    for(int c = 0; c < hess.ColSize; c++)
                //        for(int r = 0; r < hess.RowSize; r++)
                //            Debug.Assert(double.IsNaN(hess[c, r]) == false);
                //    InfoPack extra = new InfoPack();
                //    Vector bfactors = ENM.BFactorFromHessian(hess, null, 6, extra);
                //    Vector eigvals = (double[])extra["eigenvalues"];
                //    int[] idxsorted_eigvals = eigvals.ToArray().Abs().IdxSorted();
                //    for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) eigvals[idxsorted_eigvals[i]] = 0;
                //    for(int i = 0; i < eigvals.Size; i++)
                //        if(eigvals[i] < 0)
                //        {
                //            // return false, if there exists negative eigenvalue
                //            Debug.Assert(false);
                //            return false;
                //        }

예제 #14
        private static MatrixByArr[,] GetMassWeightedHess(MatrixByArr[,] hess, Vector mass, InfoPack extra = null)
            HDebug.Assert(hess.GetLength(0) == hess.GetLength(1));
            int n = hess.GetLength(0);

            // mass weighted hessian
            // MH = M^(-1/2) * H * M^(-1/2)
            // MH_ij = H_IJ * sqrt(M[i] * M[j])
            MatrixByArr[,] mwhess = new MatrixByArr[n, n];
                // mass weighted block hessian
                //Matrix[,] mbhess = new Matrix[n, n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    //mbhess[i, i] = new double[3, 3];
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                        //if(i == j) continue;
                        HDebug.Assert(hess[i, j].ColSize == 3, hess[i, j].RowSize == 3);
                        mwhess[i, j] = hess[i, j] / Math.Sqrt(mass[i] * mass[j]);
                        //mbhess[i, i] -= mbhess[i, j];

예제 #15
        public int MinimizeHydrogens(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds, double?k, double threshold, int randomPurturb, InfoPack extra)
            bool[] atomsMovable = new bool[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                atomsMovable[i] = atoms[i].IsHydrogen();

            IMinimizeLogger logger            = null;
            double          max_atom_movement = 0.1;

            return(Minimize_ConjugateGradient_v1(0, frcflds, k, max_atom_movement, null, threshold, randomPurturb, atomsMovable, logger, extra, null));
            public void Add3(int id0, int id1, int id2, int id3, Vector[] lcoords, Vector[] lforces)
                if (forceij == null)

                Vector ud01 = (lcoords[1] - lcoords[0]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud02 = (lcoords[2] - lcoords[0]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud03 = (lcoords[3] - lcoords[0]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud12 = (lcoords[2] - lcoords[1]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud13 = (lcoords[3] - lcoords[1]).UnitVector();
                Vector ud23 = (lcoords[3] - lcoords[2]).UnitVector();
                //     f01     f02      f03      f12      f13      f23
                // [ ud01_x,  ud02_x,  ud03_x,       0,       0,       0]   [f01]   [lf0x]
                // [-ud01_x,       0,       0,  ud12_x,  ud13_x,       0]   [f02]   [lf1x]
                // [      0, -ud02_x,       0, -ud12_x,       0,  ud23_x] * [f03] = [lf2x]
                // [      0,       0, -ud03_x,       0, -ud13_x, -ud23_x] * [f03] = [lf3x]
                //                                                          [f12]
                // [ ud01_y,  ud02_y,  ud03_y,       0,       0,       0]   [f13]   [lf0y]
                // [-ud01_y,       0,       0,  ud12_y,  ud13_y,       0]   [f23]   [lf1y]
                // [      0, -ud02_y,       0, -ud12_y,       0,  ud23_y]           [lf2y]
                // [      0,       0, -ud03_y,       0, -ud13_y, -ud23_y]           [lf3y]
                // [ ud01_z,  ud02_z,  ud03_z,       0,       0,       0]           [lf0z]
                // [-ud01_z,       0,       0,  ud12_z,  ud13_z,       0]           [lf1z]
                // [      0, -ud02_z,       0, -ud12_z,       0,  ud23_z]           [lf2z]
                // [      0,       0, -ud03_z,       0, -ud13_z, -ud23_z]           [lf3z]
                //    A                                                   *   x   =  b
                MatrixByArr A = new double[12, 6];
                Vector      b = new double[12];

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    A[i + 3 * 0, 0] = ud01[i]; A[i + 3 * 0, 1] = ud02[i]; A[i + 3 * 0, 2] = ud03[i]; A[i + 3 * 0, 3] = 0; A[i + 3 * 0, 4] = 0; A[i + 3 * 0, 5] = 0; b[i + 3 * 0] = lforces[0][i];
                    A[i + 3 * 1, 0] = -ud01[i]; A[i + 3 * 1, 1] = 0; A[i + 3 * 1, 2] = 0; A[i + 3 * 1, 3] = ud12[i]; A[i + 3 * 1, 4] = ud13[i]; A[i + 3 * 1, 5] = 0; b[i + 3 * 1] = lforces[1][i];
                    A[i + 3 * 2, 0] = 0; A[i + 3 * 2, 1] = -ud02[i]; A[i + 3 * 2, 2] = 0; A[i + 3 * 2, 3] = -ud12[i]; A[i + 3 * 2, 4] = 0; A[i + 3 * 2, 5] = ud23[i]; b[i + 3 * 2] = lforces[2][i];
                    A[i + 3 * 3, 0] = 0; A[i + 3 * 3, 1] = 0; A[i + 3 * 3, 2] = -ud03[i]; A[i + 3 * 3, 3] = 0; A[i + 3 * 3, 4] = -ud13[i]; A[i + 3 * 3, 5] = -ud23[i]; b[i + 3 * 3] = lforces[3][i];
                InfoPack extra = HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached ? new InfoPack() : null;
                Matrix   pinvA = NumericSolver.Pinv(A, extra);

                HDebug.Assert(extra.GetValueInt("rank") == 6);
                Vector x   = LinAlg.MV(pinvA, b);
                Vector f01 = ud01 * x[0];
                Vector f02 = ud02 * x[1];
                Vector f03 = ud03 * x[2];
                Vector f12 = ud12 * x[3];
                Vector f13 = ud13 * x[4];
                Vector f23 = ud23 * x[5];

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    // check net force
                    Vector sumforces = lforces[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < lforces.Length; i++)
                        sumforces += lforces[i];
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, sumforces);

                    Vector f0 = f01 + f02 + f03;
                    Vector f1 = -f01 + f12 + f13;
                    Vector f2 = -f02 - f12 + f23;
                    Vector f3 = -f03 - f13 - f23;
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f0 - lforces[0]);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f1 - lforces[1]);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f2 - lforces[2]);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, f3 - lforces[3]);
                this[id0, id1] += f01;    this[id0, id2] += f02;    this[id0, id3] += f03;    this[id1, id2] += f12;    this[id1, id3] += f13;    this[id2, id3] += f23;
                this[id1, id0] += -f01;    this[id2, id0] += -f02;    this[id3, id0] += -f03;    this[id2, id1] += -f12;    this[id3, id1] += -f13;    this[id3, id2] += -f23;
예제 #17
        public double CorrBFactor(IList <string> name, IList <int> resSeq, IList <double> BFactor, char selAltLoc = 'A', InfoPack extre = null, bool ignoreHydrogen = true)
            List <double> bfactor_pdb   = new List <double>();
            List <double> bfactor_input = new List <double>();

            HDebug.Assert(name.Count == resSeq.Count);
            HDebug.Assert(name.Count == BFactor.Count);
            int count = name.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                List <Atom> found = atoms.FindAtoms(name[i], resSeq[i]);
                if (found.Count == 0)

                int idx = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < found.Count; j++)
                    if (found[j].altLoc == ' ')
                        idx = j;
                for (int j = 0; j < found.Count; j++)
                    if (found[j].altLoc == selAltLoc)
                        idx = j;

                HDebug.Assert(idx != -1); // only one atom should be found
                                          // handle altLoc later
                if (ignoreHydrogen)
                    if (found[idx].IsHydrogen())


            double corr = NumericSolver.Corr(bfactor_pdb.ToArray(), bfactor_input.ToArray());

            if (extre != null)
                MatrixByArr A = new double[bfactor_input.Count, 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < bfactor_input.Count; i++)
                    A[i, 0] = bfactor_input[i];
                    A[i, 1] = 1;
                Vector b     = bfactor_pdb.ToArray();
                Matrix pinvA = NumericSolver.Pinv(A);
                Vector x     = LinAlg.MV(pinvA, b);

                extre["bfactor_pdb"]   = bfactor_pdb;
                extre["bfactor_input"] = bfactor_input;
                extre["info1"]         = "approx (bfactor_input * scale1 + shift1 = bfactor_pdb)";
                extre["scale1"]        = x[0];
                extre["shift1"]        = x[1];
                extre["info2"]         = "approx (bfactor_input * scale2 = bfactor_pdb)";
                extre["scale2"]        = LinAlg.VtV(bfactor_input.ToArray(), bfactor_pdb.ToArray())      // x = (A' * A)^-1 * (A' * b)  <= a,b: column vector
                                         / LinAlg.VtV(bfactor_input.ToArray(), bfactor_input.ToArray()); //     (a' * a) / (a' * a)     <= A  : matrix