/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Derivative requirement", DerivativeRequirement); infoOutputPackage.Add("Lower Bound", LowerBound); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Factory.Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Long Name", Factory.LongName.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Fitting Quality", Factory.FittingQuality); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is Local approach", Factory.IsLocalApproach); infoOutputPackage.Add("Minimal required number of grid points", Factory.MinimalRequiredNumberOfGridPoints); infoOutputPackage.Add("Spline type", m_MklDataFitting.m_SplineType); infoOutputPackage.Add("Spline order", m_MklDataFitting.m_SplineOrder); infoOutputPackage.Add("Boundary condition type", m_MklDataFitting.m_BoundaryConditionType); infoOutputPackage.Add("Internal condition type", m_MklDataFitting.m_InternalConditionTypes); infoOutputPackage.Add("Spline coefficient hint", m_MklDataFitting.m_SplineCoefficientHint); infoOutputPackage.Add("Count", m_GridPointCount); DataTable gridPointTable = new DataTable("Grid points"); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("Argument", typeof(double)); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(double)); for (int j = 0; j < m_GridPointCount; j++) { var row = gridPointTable.NewRow(); row[0] = m_GridPointArguments[j]; row[1] = m_GridPointValues[j]; // perhaps transformed in the case of log-linear interpolation gridPointTable.Rows.Add(row); } infoOutputPackage.Add(gridPointTable); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Distribution", "Empirical"); infoOutputPackage.Add("Sample Size", SampleSize); infoOutputPackage.Add("Mean", Mean); infoOutputPackage.Add("Minimum", Minimum); infoOutputPackage.Add("Maximum", Maximum); infoOutputPackage.Add("Media", Median); if (InfoOutputDetailLevel.IsAtLeastAsComprehensiveAs(InfoOutputDetailLevel.High) == true) { var sampleDataTable = new DataTable("Sample"); sampleDataTable.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(double)); foreach (var value in Sample) { var row = sampleDataTable.NewRow(); row[0] = value; sampleDataTable.Rows.Add(row); } infoOutputPackage.Add(sampleDataTable); } m_MomentCalculator.Value.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Moments"); m_DensityEstimator.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Density"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add(new InfoOutputProperty("RowCount", RowCount), new InfoOutputProperty("ColumnCount", ColumnCount), new InfoOutputProperty("Dimension", Dimension), new InfoOutputProperty("IsSymmetric", true)); var dataTable = new System.Data.DataTable("Data"); for (int j = 0; j < Dimension; j++) { dataTable.Columns.Add(j.ToString(), typeof(double)); } for (int k = 0; k < Dimension; k++) { var row = dataTable.NewRow(); for (int j = 0; j < Dimension; j++) { row[j] = this[k, j]; } dataTable.Rows.Add(row); } infoOutputCollection.Add(dataTable); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Count", m_GridPointCount); DataTable gridPointTable = new DataTable("Coefficients"); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("Grid Point Argument", typeof(double)); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("a", typeof(double)); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("b", typeof(double)); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("c", typeof(double)); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("d", typeof(double)); for (int j = 0; j < m_GridPointCount; j++) { var row = gridPointTable.NewRow(); row[0] = m_GridPointArguments[j]; row[1] = m_GridPointValues[j]; row[2] = m_CoefficientsB[j]; row[3] = m_CoefficientsC[j]; row[4] = m_CoefficientsD[j]; gridPointTable.Rows.Add(row); } infoOutputPackage.Add(gridPointTable); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Minimal dimension", MinimumDimension); infoOutputPackage.Add("Maximal dimension", MaximumDimension); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> void IInfoOutputQueriable.FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName) { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add(new InfoOutputProperty("RowCount", RowCount), new InfoOutputProperty("ColumnCount", ColumnCount), new InfoOutputProperty("SubDiagonalCount", SubDiagonalCount), new InfoOutputProperty("SuperDiagonalCount", SuperDiagonalCount)); var dataTable = new System.Data.DataTable("Data"); for (int j = 0; j < ColumnCount; j++) { dataTable.Columns.Add(j.ToString(), typeof(double)); } for (int k = 0; k < RowCount; k++) { var row = dataTable.NewRow(); for (int j = 0; j < ColumnCount; j++) { row[j] = this[k, j]; } dataTable.Rows.Add(row); } infoOutputCollection.Add(dataTable); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Gradient requirement", GradientRequirement); infoOutputPackage.Add("Lower bound", LowerBound); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Factory.Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Long Name", Factory.LongName.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Fitting Quality", Factory.FittingQuality); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is Local approach", Factory.IsLocalApproach); infoOutputPackage.Add("Minimal required number of grid points", Factory.MinimalRequiredNumberOfGridPoints); infoOutputPackage.Add("Count", m_GridPointCount); DataTable gridPointTable = new DataTable("Grid points"); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("Argument", typeof(double)); gridPointTable.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(double)); for (int j = 0; j < m_GridPointCount; j++) { var row = gridPointTable.NewRow(); row[0] = m_GridPointArguments[j]; row[1] = m_GridPointValues[j]; gridPointTable.Rows.Add(row); } infoOutputPackage.Add(gridPointTable); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public virtual void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add("Tenor", Tenor); infoOutputCollection.Add("Start date adjustment", StartDateAdjustment); infoOutputCollection.Add("End date adjustment", EndDateAdjustment); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category name.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName) { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add("Rounding rule", RoundingRule.Name.String); (BondMarket as IInfoOutputQueriable).FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Bond market"); (SwapMarket as IInfoOutputQueriable).FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Swap market"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public virtual void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Maximal number of iterations", MaxIterations); infoOutputPackage.Add("Maximal function evaluations", MaxEvaluations); infoOutputPackage.Add("Tolerance", Tolerance); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Distribution", "Log-Normal"); infoOutputPackage.Add("Method", "MoM"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Factory.Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Long Name", Factory.LongName.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Building direction", GridPointCurve.Extrapolator.BuildingDirection.FromFirstGridPoint); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Distribution", "Exponential"); infoOutputPackage.Add("Method", "Standard"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category name.</param> void IInfoOutputQueriable.FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName) { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add("Day count convention", DayCountConvention.Name.String); infoOutputCollection.Add("Business day convention", BusinessDayConvention.Name.String); infoOutputCollection.Add("Coupon frequency", CouponFrequency.Name.String); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { if (m_InfoOutputAction != null) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); m_InfoOutputAction(infoOutputPackage); } }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category name.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName) { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add("Day count convention", DayCountConvention.Name.String); infoOutputCollection.Add("Business day convention", BusinessDayConvention.Name.String); infoOutputCollection.Add("Business days to settle", BusinessDaysToSettle); infoOutputCollection.Add("Coupon frequency", CouponFrequency.Name.String); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public override void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { m_IntegratorFactory.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName); var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Lower bound", LowerBound); infoOutputPackage.Add("Upper bound", UpperBound); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is operable", IsOperable); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add("End date", EndDate); infoOutputCollection.Add("Spot date adjustment", SpotDateAdjustment); infoOutputCollection.Add("Start date adjustment", StartDateAdjustment); infoOutputCollection.Add("End date adjustment", EndDateAdjustment); infoOutputCollection.Add("Business days to settle", BusinessDaysToSettle); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public virtual void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { InfoOutputPackage infoOutputCollection = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputCollection.Add("Period start month", PeriodStartMonth); infoOutputCollection.Add("Period start year offset", PeriodStartYearOffset); infoOutputCollection.Add("Tenor", Tenor); infoOutputCollection.Add("Start date adjustment", StartDateAdjustment); infoOutputCollection.Add("End date adjustment", EndDateAdjustment); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public virtual void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is random algorithm", IsRandomAlgorithm); Constraint.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Constraint.Description"); Function.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".ObjectiveFunction.Description"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public virtual void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Expectation", Expectation); infoOutputPackage.Add("Variance", Variance); infoOutputPackage.Add("Standard deviation", StandardDeviation); infoOutputPackage.Add("Skewness", Skewness); infoOutputPackage.Add("Kurtosis", Kurtosis); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Name", Factory.Name.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Long Name", Factory.LongName.String); infoOutputPackage.Add("Building direction", m_BuildingDirection); infoOutputPackage.Add("Reference Point", m_ReferencePoint); infoOutputPackage.Add("Reference Value", m_ReferenceValue); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Gradient requirement", GradientRequirement); infoOutputPackage.Add("Proceeding", Proceeding); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is random algorithm", IsRandomAlgorithm); infoOutputPackage.Add("Box constraint requirement", BoxConstraintRequirement); infoOutputPackage.Add("Non-Linear constraint requirement", NonlinearConstraintRequirement); infoOutputPackage.Add("Subsidiary requirement", SubsidiaryRequirement); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public override void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Dimension", 1); infoOutputPackage.Add("Weight function is 1.0", true); LowerBoundDescriptor.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".LowerBoundDescriptor"); UpperBoundDescriptor.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".UpperBoundDescriptor"); ExitCondition.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".ExitCondition"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Count", GridPointCount); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is read-only", IsReadOnly); m_CurveInterpolator.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Interpolator"); m_LeftExtrapolator.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Extrapolator.Left"); m_RightExtrapolator.FillInfoOutput(infoOutput, categoryName + ".Extrapolator.Right"); }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="T:Dodoni.BasicComponents.Containers.InfoOutput"/> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public virtual void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = "General") { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Classification", Classification); if (m_InfoOutputPackageAction != null) { m_InfoOutputPackageAction(infoOutputPackage); } }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Evaluation type", EvaluationType); infoOutputPackage.Add("Is constant", IsConstant); if (IsConstant == true) { infoOutputPackage.Add("Value", m_ReadOnlyBoundValue); } }
/// <summary>Gets informations of the current object as a specific <see cref="InfoOutput" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoOutput">The <see cref="InfoOutput" /> object which is to be filled with informations concering the current instance.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category, i.e. all informations will be added to these category.</param> public void FillInfoOutput(InfoOutput infoOutput, string categoryName = InfoOutput.GeneralCategoryName) { var infoOutputPackage = infoOutput.AcquirePackage(categoryName); infoOutputPackage.Add("Distribution", "LogNormal"); infoOutputPackage.Add("Mu", Mu); infoOutputPackage.Add("Sigma", Sigma); if (m_InfoOutputAction != null) { m_InfoOutputAction(infoOutput, categoryName); } }