예제 #1
        private void InitializeDescriptions()
            var fixDescriptions = InfoGenerator.GetTenFixFrequencyDescriptors();
            var Descriptions    = InfoGenerator.GetTenFrequencyDescriptors();

            descriptions.Add(new RadioTaskDescription()
                Type = RadioTaskType.InitialState, Description = InfoGenerator.Descriptions[RadioTaskType.InitialState]
            descriptions.Add(new RadioTaskDescription()
                Type = RadioTaskType.PrepareStationForWork, Description = InfoGenerator.Descriptions[RadioTaskType.PrepareStationForWork]
            descriptions.Add(new RadioTaskDescription()
                Type = RadioTaskType.CheckStation, Description = InfoGenerator.Descriptions[RadioTaskType.CheckStation]
            descriptions.Add(new RadioTaskDescription()
                Type = RadioTaskType.Frequency, Description = InfoGenerator.Descriptions[RadioTaskType.Frequency], Frequencys = Descriptions, SelectedItem = Descriptions.First()
            descriptions.Add(new RadioTaskDescription()
                Type = RadioTaskType.FixFrequency, Description = InfoGenerator.Descriptions[RadioTaskType.FixFrequency], Frequencys = fixDescriptions, SelectedItem = fixDescriptions.First()
예제 #2
        public void Fight(List <Rounds> log)
            Console.WriteLine("Getting the random attributes");
            Random     dice      = new Random();
            Characters playerSet = new Characters(dice.Next(2, 8), dice.Next(2, 8), dice.Next(2, 8)); //Player character random attributes
            Characters npcSet    = new Characters(dice.Next(2, 8), dice.Next(2, 8), dice.Next(2, 8)); //NPC random attributes

            InfoGenerator NPC     = new InfoGenerator(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);                      //
            Gender        Sex     = Gender.Male;                                                      //NPC random name
            Characters    npcName = new Characters {
                Name = NPC.NextFirstName(Sex)
            };                                                                    ///

            Console.WriteLine($"Your DMG: {playerSet.Damage} HP: {playerSet.Health} STR: {playerSet.Strength}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{npcName.Name} DMG: {npcSet.Damage} HP: {npcSet.Health} STR: {npcSet.Strength}");
            TextColor("- Prepare to Fight -(Press any key)", ConsoleColor.Green);

                playerSet.Strength += playerSet.Strength + dice.Next(2, 8); //adds new random set of to strength to strength
                npcSet.Strength    += npcSet.Strength + dice.Next(2, 8);
                TextColor($"Your new Strenght is: {playerSet.Strength}\n{npcName.Name} Strength is: {npcSet.Strength}", ConsoleColor.Green);

                if (playerSet.Strength > npcSet.Strength) //if playerstrenght is highter than NPCs then...
                    npcSet.Health -= playerSet.Damage;
                    TextColor($"You hit {npcName.Name} with {playerSet.Damage}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{npcName.Name} HP is: {npcSet.Health}");
                else if (npcSet.Strength > playerSet.Strength)  //if NPC strength is higher than Player then...
                    playerSet.Health -= npcSet.Damage;
                    TextColor($"{npcName.Name} hit you with {npcSet.Damage}", ConsoleColor.Red);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Your HP is: {playerSet.Health}");
                else //the possibility that both player and NPC has the same amount of strength then ....
                    TextColor("Parry!! both participant looses 1 DMG", ConsoleColor.Green);
                    playerSet.Damage -= 1;
                    npcSet.Damage    -= 1;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Your DMG is now {playerSet.Damage}\n{npcName.Name} DMG is now {npcSet.Damage}");
            } while (playerSet.Health > 0 && npcSet.Health > 0);

            if (playerSet.Health <= 0) //if player health is less or equal to 0 then...
                TextColor("You Loose", ConsoleColor.Red);
                log.Add(new Rounds(0, lost));
            else //else you won ;)
                TextColor("You Win", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                log.Add(new Rounds(won, 0));
예제 #3
        static string NameGenerator()
            Random randomInt     = new Random();
            var    nameGenerator = new InfoGenerator(randomInt.Next(1, 101));
            string name          = nameGenerator.NextFirstName(Gender.Male);

            return(char.ToUpper(name[0]) + name.Substring(1));
예제 #4
        public void Merchant(int seed)
            InfoGenerator infoGenerator = new InfoGenerator(seed);
            TextInfo      textInfo      = new CultureInfo("en-US").TextInfo;

            var merchant = textInfo.ToTitleCase(infoGenerator.NextFirstName());

            Console.WriteLine("Merchant " + merchant);
예제 #5
    IEnumerator DestructionAfterTime()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(destructionTime));

        InfoGenerator iG = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameInfoGenerator").GetComponent <InfoGenerator>();

        iG.MakeInfoObject("Black Hole End");
예제 #6
        public string RandomizeName()
            InfoGenerator randomEnemy = new InfoGenerator(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            TextInfo      textInfo    = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;

            var enemyName = randomEnemy.NextFullName();
            var name      = textInfo.ToTitleCase(enemyName);

예제 #7
        public void Tavern(int seed)
            InfoGenerator infoGenerator = new InfoGenerator(seed);
            TextInfo      textInfo      = new CultureInfo("en-US").TextInfo;

            var personality = textInfo.ToTitleCase(infoGenerator.NextPersonality());
            var questgiver  = textInfo.ToTitleCase(infoGenerator.NextFullName());

            Console.WriteLine("You meet " + questgiver + " the " + personality);
예제 #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Battle       start_battle = new Battle();
            Character    start_chars  = new Character();
            List <int[]> player_char  = new List <int[]>();
            List <int[]> enemies_char = new List <int[]>();

            player_char  = start_chars.battle_charactor_setup();
            enemies_char = start_chars.battle_charactor_setup();

            string player_name = Console.ReadLine();
            //Auto gen enemies fname
            InfoGenerator rand_enmy_name = new InfoGenerator();
            string        enemies_name   = rand_enmy_name.NextFirstName();

            start_battle.sub_menu(player_char, player_name);
            bool correct_selection = false;

            // string user_menu_select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToLower();
            while (false == correct_selection)
                string user_menu_select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString().ToLower();

                if ("b" == user_menu_select)
                    console_write("Battle selected");
                    correct_selection = true;
                else if ("q" == user_menu_select)
                    start_battle.sub_menu(player_char, player_name);


            //Helper to console print
            void console_write(string text_to_con, bool new_line = false)
                if (false != new_line)
예제 #9
        protected override void Seed(Contacts.Models.PeopleDB context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
            //    context.People.AddOrUpdate(
            //      p => p.FullName,
            //      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
            //    );
                P => P.Email,
                new People {
                FirstName   = "Firas",
                LastName    = "Alwarea",
                TelephoneNo = "0762620287",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**"
                new People
                FirstName   = "Husam",
                LastName    = "Jammal",
                TelephoneNo = "076222222",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**"
                new People
                FirstName   = "Shadi",
                LastName    = "Jbawi",
                TelephoneNo = "0767777777",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**"

            InfoGenerator rndInfo = new InfoGenerator(DateTime.Now.Ticks.GetHashCode());

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                    P => P.Email,
                    new People
                    FirstName   = rndInfo.NextFirstName(),
                    LastName    = rndInfo.NextLastName(),
                    TelephoneNo = "076" + rndInfo.Next(1, 10000),
                    Email       = FirstName + "." LastName + "@gmail.com"
예제 #10
        // This constructor will be used to generate enemies
        public Character(Weapon weapon, Armor armor)
            //Make a random number generator, put a random number in the "seed",
            //and use that to pull a random name from InfoGenerator
            Random        randomGenerator = new Random();
            int           seed            = randomGenerator.Next();
            InfoGenerator randomName      = new InfoGenerator(seed);

            characterName = randomName.NextFullName();
            GenerateGear(weapon, armor);
예제 #11
        public void Town(int seed)
            InfoGenerator infoGenerator = new InfoGenerator(seed);
            TextInfo      textInfo      = new CultureInfo("en-US").TextInfo;

            var town = textInfo.ToTitleCase(infoGenerator.NextCity());

            Console.WriteLine("You are in the town of " + town);
            Console.WriteLine("0 - Retire\n1 - Vist The Tavern\n2 - Visit The Markets\n3 - Fight in the Arena\n4 - Wander out in the Wilderness\n5 - View Log");
            var op = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;

            switch (op)
            case ConsoleKey.D0:
            case ConsoleKey.NumPad0:

            case ConsoleKey.D1:
            case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:

            case ConsoleKey.D2:
            case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:

            case ConsoleKey.D3:
            case ConsoleKey.NumPad3:

            case ConsoleKey.D4:
            case ConsoleKey.NumPad4:

            case ConsoleKey.D5:
            case ConsoleKey.NumPad5:
                //view log

        public static void WeaveRouteStopIntoBusStop(InfoGenerator generator)
            Console.WriteLine("Extracting bus stop names from Route-Stop Component...");
            Dictionary <int, string> stopNameMapping = generator.routeStopExtractor.PrepareStopNames();

            Console.WriteLine("Extraction complete.");
            Console.WriteLine("Assigning stop names to bus stops...");
            foreach (BusStop busStop in generator.busStopExtractor.LoadedBusStops)
                int stopID = int.Parse(busStop.StopID);
                if (stopNameMapping.ContainsKey(stopID))
                    busStop.StopName = stopNameMapping[stopID];
            Console.WriteLine("Assignment complete.");
예제 #13
        static public void Initialize()
            infoGenerator = new InfoGenerator(Game.RNG.Next(30000));

            strengthAffixes = new string[, ] {
                { "Fighter's", "Soldier's", "Champion's" },
                { "of the Ox", "of the Bear", "of the Giant" }
            dexterityAffixes = new string[, ] {
                { "Acrobat's", "Assassin's", "Ninja's" },
                { "of the Wolf", "of the Viper", "of the Cheetah" }
            constitutionAffixes = new string[, ] {
                { "Defender's", "Guardian's", "Sentinel's" },
                { "of the Tortoise", "of the Hippo", "of the Troll" }
            focusAffixes = new string[, ] {
                { "Calming", "Clear", "Serene" },
                { "of the Owl", "of the Hawk", "of the Eagle" }
예제 #14
        private Standarts()

            rangeArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            descriptor = InfoGenerator.GetTenFrequencyDescriptors().Select(x => new FrequencyDescriptor()
                Parameter = x.Parameter.Frequency
            comboBox = new ComboBox()
                ItemsSource   = descriptor,
                SelectedValue = descriptor[0],
                FontSize      = 24
            comboBox2 = new ComboBox()
                ItemsSource   = rangeArray,
                SelectedValue = rangeArray[0],
                FontSize      = 24
예제 #15
        public static ITask CreateForFixFrequency(MainModel radio, double frequency, int range)
            var        sub        = (int)InfoGenerator.GetSubFrequencyStateFor(frequency);
            Conditions conditions = new Conditions();

            .Add(() => radio.WorkMode.Value == WorkModeState.Simplex) // simplex
            .Add(() => radio.Noise.Value == 1.0)                      // noise
            .Add(() => radio.Voltage.Value == 0)                      // voltage
            .Add(() => radio.Scale.Value == Turned.On)                //scale
            .Add(() => radio.Power.Value == Turned.On)                // power
            .Add(() => radio.Volume.Value == 1.0)                     // volume
                () =>
                radio.AntennaForFixedFrequency(range, sub) > 0.8) // antenna
                radio.ValuesFixedFrequency(sub, range).CompareInRange(frequency, DoubleExtentions.AcceptableRangeForFrequency));

            Descriptions desctiptions = new Descriptions();

            .Add("Не установлен \"СИМПЛЕКС\".")
            .Add("Не установлена Ручка \"ШУМЫ\" влево до упора.")
            .Add("Не установлен Переключатель контроля напряжений в положении \"РАБОТА 1\".")
            .Add("Не установлены Тумблер \"ШКАЛА\" в положение \"ВКЛ\".")
            .Add("Не установлены Тумблер \"ПИТАНИЕ\" в положение \"ВКЛ\".")
            .Add("Не установлен Регулятор \"ГРОМКОСТЬ\" вправо до упора.")
            .Add("Не настроена антенна.")
            .Add("Не установлена фиксированная частота.");

            return(new TaskModelNotSequance(conditions, desctiptions, () => InitializeTuningControls(radio)));
예제 #16
        //The method for the menu for picking Opponent or retire.
        public void FightSelection(Characters character, List <string> rounds)
            InfoGenerator names  = new InfoGenerator(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            Gender        gender = Gender.Any;
            bool          fight  = true;

            Console.WriteLine("\nTime to Decide if you wanna bring your Champion into battle. \n1. Find opponent.\n2. Shop \n3. Retire.");

            while (fight)
                int input = GetInput();

                switch (input)
                case '1':
                    Console.WriteLine("\nFinding opponent get ready for battle.\n");
                    character.Opponent  = names.NextFirstName(gender);
                    character.EHealth   = D8() + 20;
                    character.EDamage   = D8() + 2;
                    character.EStrenght = D4() + 3;
                    fight = false;
                    Rounds start = new Rounds(character, rounds);


                case '2':
                    Console.WriteLine("Store hold following items.\n1. Health potion: +30 health for 2 gold.\n2. Sharpening stone: +3 damage for 5 gold.\n3. Sparring session: +3 strenght for 10 gold\n4. Knight status: + 30 Health, +3 Damage, + 3 Strenght for 30 gold");

                    input = GetInput();
                    if (input == '1' && character.Gold >= 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("You bought a health potion.");
                        character.PHealth += 30;
                        character.Gold    -= 2;
                    else if (input == '2' && character.Gold >= 5)
                        Console.WriteLine("You bought a sharpening stone.");
                        character.PDamage += 3;
                        character.Gold    -= 5;
                    else if (input == '3' && character.Gold >= 10)
                        Console.WriteLine("You bought a sparring session.");
                        character.PStrenght += 3;
                        character.Gold      -= 10;
                    else if (input == '4' && character.Gold >= 1)
                        if (input == '4' && !character.Player.Contains("Knight"))
                            Console.WriteLine("You allrady bought Knight status.");
                            Console.WriteLine("You bought Knight status.");
                            character.Player    += " Knight";
                            character.PHealth   += 30;
                            character.PDamage   += 3;
                            character.PStrenght += 3;
                            character.Gold      -= 1;
                        Console.WriteLine("Not enough gold or wrong input");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPush any key to return to fight menu.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\nChampion : {character.Player}\nStats = Health: {character.PHealth} Damage: {character.PDamage} Strenght: {character.PStrenght}");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nTime to Decide if you wanna bring your Champion into battle. \n1. Find opponent.\n2. Shop \n3. Retire.");

                case '3':
                    bool confirm = true;
                    while (confirm)
                        Console.WriteLine("You sure you wanna retire?\n1. Yes\n2. no");
                        input = GetInput();
                        if (input == '1')
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYou are retire your champion.\nPress any key to see your score.\n");
                            character.PHealth = 0;
                            fight             = false;
                            confirm           = false;
                        else if (input == '2')
                            Console.WriteLine("Time to Decide if you wanna bring your Champion into battle. \n1.Find opponent.\n2.Shop \n3.Retire.");
                            confirm = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Wrong input");
                            confirm = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("wrong input");
        protected override void Seed(GladiatorProject.Models.ApplicationDbContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data.

            var roleStore   = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(context);
            var roleManager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore);

            if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Overlord"))
                roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Overlord")); //Creating the admin role if it don't exist.

            if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Support"))
                roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Support"));  // Creating the player role if it don't exist.

            if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Player"))
                roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Player"));  // Creating the player role if it don't exist.

            var userStore   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context);
            var userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore);

            if (userManager.FindByEmail("*****@*****.**") == null)
                ApplicationUser Overlord = new ApplicationUser()
                    Email            = "*****@*****.**",
                    UserName         = "******",
                    AccountHighScore = -1,
                    Employment       = "Admin"
                userManager.Create(Overlord, "As!1234");
                userManager.AddToRole(userManager.FindByEmail("*****@*****.**").Id, "Overlord");  // Creating the admin name and password and adding him to the role.

            if (userManager.FindByEmail("*****@*****.**") == null)
                ApplicationUser Player = new ApplicationUser()
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    UserName = "******"
                userManager.Create(Player, "As!1234");
                userManager.AddToRole(userManager.FindByEmail("*****@*****.**").Id, "Player"); // Creating a player name and password and adding him to the role.

            //    c => c.Name,
            //    new ClassRole { Name = "Murmillo", Weapon = "Sword and Heavy Shield", Armor = 5, Damage = 5, Health = 20 },
            //    new ClassRole { Name = "Retiarius", Weapon = "Trident and Net", Armor = 2, Damage = 9, Health = 20 },
            //    new ClassRole { Name = "Dimachaerus", Weapon = "Sword and Sword", Armor = 3, Damage = 7, Health = 20 },
            //    new ClassRole { Name = "Cestus", Weapon = "knuckleduster", Armor = 1, Damage = 10, Health = 20 }
            //    );

            InfoGenerator names  = new InfoGenerator(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            Gender        gender = Gender.Any;

            // Adding a list of 100 opponents from lvl 1 to 20 with random names to database.
            if (context.Opponents.Count() < 100)
                    i => i.Name,
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 1
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 1
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 1
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 1
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 1

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 2
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 2
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 2
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 2
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 2

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 3
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 3
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 3
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 3
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 3

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 4
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 4
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 4
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 4
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 4

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 5
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 5
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 5
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 5
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 5

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 6
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 6
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 6
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 6
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 6

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 7
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 7
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 7
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 7
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 7

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 8
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 8
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 8
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 8
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 8

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 9
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 9
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 9
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 9
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 9

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 10
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 10
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 10
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 10
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 10

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 11
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 11
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 11
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 11
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 11

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 12
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 12
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 12
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 12
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 12

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 13
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 13
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 13
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 13
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 13

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 14
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 14
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 14
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 14
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 14

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 15
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 15
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 15
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 15
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 15

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 16
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 16
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 16
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 16
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 16

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 17
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 17
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 17
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 17
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 17

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 18
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 18
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 18
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 18
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 18

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 19
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 19
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 19
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 19
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 19

                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 20
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 20
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 20
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 20
                    new Opponent {
                    Name = names.NextFullName(gender), Level = 20

예제 #18
        public void World()
            string[,] map = new string[10, 15];

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                int tempY;
                int tempX;
                    tempY = rng.Next(0, 9);
                    tempX = rng.Next(0, 14);
                } while (GetPos(tempY, tempX) != " O ");
                holes.Add(new int[] { tempY, tempX });
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                int tempY;
                int tempX;
                    tempY = rng.Next(2, 7);
                    tempX = rng.Next(2, 12);
                } while (GetPos(tempY, tempX) != " O ");
                chest.Add(new int[] { tempY, tempX });
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                InfoGenerator names  = new InfoGenerator(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                Gender        gender = Gender.Any;
                int           tempY;
                int           tempX;
                    tempY = rng.Next(2, 7);
                    tempX = rng.Next(2, 12);
                } while (GetPos(tempY, tempX) != " O ");
                enemies.Add(new int[] { tempY, tempX });
                enemyCharacters.Add(new Enemy(names.NextFirstName(gender)));

            bool select = true;

            while (select)
                Console.Write("How many players 1-4?: ");
                    string userIn   = Console.ReadLine();
                    int    inputInt = Convert.ToInt32(userIn);
                    if (inputInt < 1 || inputInt > 4)
                        throw new Exception("Too many players or no player.");
                    int players = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < (players = inputInt); i++)
                        int tempY;
                        int tempX;
                            tempY = rng.Next(2, 7);
                            tempX = rng.Next(2, 12);
                        } while (GetPos(tempY, tempX) != " O ");
                        player.Add(new int[] { tempY, tempX });
                        Console.WriteLine("Name your character.");
                        bool   naming = true;
                        string name   = Console.ReadLine();
                        while (naming)
                            if (name == "")//If no name added to string
                                Console.Write("\nEnter a name: ");
                                name   = Console.ReadLine();
                                naming = true;
                                playerCharacters.Add(new Character(name));
                                naming = false;
                    select = false;
                catch (FormatException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Not a number try again.");
                catch (Exception ex)
            int y;
            int x;

            for (y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < 15; x++)
                    map[y, x] = GetPos(y, x); // holes , chests , enemies and player.

            for (y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < 15; x++)
                    if (map[y, x] == " O ")
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                    if (map[y, x] == " X ")
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    if (map[y, x] == " T ")
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
                    if (map[y, x] == " E ")
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    if (map[y, x] == " P1" || map[y, x] == " P2" || map[y, x] == " P3" || map[y, x] == " P4")
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

                    Console.Write(map[y, x]);