예제 #1
        //unused for now
        public static decimal GetOBVComposite(JArray resultSet, int daysToCalculate)
            int daysCalulated      = 0;
            int numberOfResults    = 0;
            HashSet <string> dates = new HashSet <string>();

            Stack <decimal> obvValueYList = new Stack <decimal>();
            decimal         obvSum        = 0;

            foreach (var result in resultSet)
                if (daysCalulated < daysToCalculate)
                    decimal obvValue = decimal.Parse(result.Value <string>("obv"));

                    obvSum += obvValue;

                    string resultDate = result.Value <string>("datetime");
                    string obvDate    = DateTime.Parse(resultDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    if (!dates.Contains(obvDate))

            List <decimal> obvXList = new List <decimal>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfResults; i++)

            List <decimal> obvYList           = obvValueYList.ToList();
            decimal        obvSlope           = Indicators.GetSlope(obvXList, obvYList);
            decimal        obvSlopeMultiplier = Indicators.GetSlopeMultiplier(obvSlope);

            List <decimal> zScores               = Indicators.GetZScores(obvYList);
            decimal        zScoreSlope           = Indicators.GetSlope(zScores, obvXList);
            decimal        zScoreSlopeMultiplier = Indicators.GetSlopeMultiplier(zScoreSlope);

            List <decimal> normalizedScores          = Indicators.GetNormalizedData(obvYList);
            decimal        normalizedSlope           = Indicators.GetSlope(normalizedScores, obvXList);
            decimal        normalizedSlopeMultiplier = Indicators.GetSlopeMultiplier(normalizedSlope);

            decimal obvAverage = obvSum / numberOfResults;

            //look for buy and sell signals
            bool obvHasBuySignal  = false;
            bool obvHasSellSignal = false;

            decimal obvPrev           = obvYList[0];
            bool    obvPrevIsNegative = obvPrev < 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < obvYList.Count(); i++)
                decimal current           = obvYList[i];
                bool    currentIsNegative = current < 0;
                if (!currentIsNegative && obvPrevIsNegative)
                    obvHasBuySignal = true;
                    if (obvHasSellSignal)
                        obvHasSellSignal = false; //cancel the previous sell signal if buy signal is most recent
                else if (currentIsNegative && !obvPrevIsNegative)
                    obvHasSellSignal = true;
                    if (obvHasBuySignal)
                        obvHasBuySignal = false; //cancel the previous buy signal if sell signal is most recent
                obvPrev           = current;
                obvPrevIsNegative = obvPrev < 0;

            //Start with the average of the 2 most recent OBV Normalized Scores
            //Only use the normalized scores if average OBV is greater than 0
            decimal baseValue;

            if (obvAverage > 0)
                baseValue = ((normalizedScores[normalizedScores.Count - 1] + normalizedScores[normalizedScores.Count - 2]) / 2) * 100;
                //ZScore bonus helps us score based on derivatives
                //Only add ZScoreBonus if it is positive, divide by 4 instead of 2 (which would be classic mean)
                decimal zScoreBonus = ((zScores[zScores.Count - 1] + zScores[zScores.Count - 2]) / 4) * 100;
                if (zScoreBonus < 0)
                    zScoreBonus = 15; //pity points
                baseValue = zScoreBonus;

            //Add bonus if average OBV is greater than 0
            decimal obvAverageBonus = obvAverage > 0 ? 15 : 0;

            //Add bonus if OBV slope positive
            decimal obvSlopeBonus = (obvSlope > 0) ? 10 : 0;

            //calculate composite score based on the following values and weighted multipliers
            decimal composite = 0;

            composite += baseValue;
            composite += obvAverageBonus;
            composite += obvSlopeBonus;
            composite += (zScoreSlope > 0) ? (zScoreSlope * zScoreSlopeMultiplier) : 0;
            composite += (normalizedSlope > 0) ? (normalizedSlope * normalizedSlopeMultiplier) : 0;
            composite += (obvHasBuySignal) ? 15 : 0;
            composite += (obvHasSellSignal) ? -15 : 0;

            return(Math.Min(composite, 100)); //cap OBV composite at 100, no extra weight