예제 #1
        ///computes the exact moment of inertia and the transform from the coordinate system defined by the principal axes of the moment of inertia
        ///and the center of mass to the current coordinate system. "masses" points to an array of masses of the children. The resulting transform
        ///"principal" has to be applied inversely to all children transforms in order for the local coordinate system of the compound
        ///shape to be centered at the center of mass and to coincide with the principal axes. This also necessitates a correction of the world transform
        ///of the collision object by the principal transform.
        public void CalculatePrincipalAxisTransform(IList <float> masses, ref IndexedMatrix principal, out IndexedVector3 inertia)
            int n = m_children.Count;

            float          totalMass = 0;
            IndexedVector3 center    = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                Debug.Assert(masses[k] > 0f);
                center    += m_children[k].m_transform._origin * masses[k];
                totalMass += masses[k];

            Debug.Assert(totalMass > 0f);
            center           /= totalMass;
            principal._origin = center;

            IndexedBasisMatrix tensor = new IndexedBasisMatrix();

            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                IndexedVector3 i;
                m_children[k].m_childShape.CalculateLocalInertia(masses[k], out i);

                IndexedMatrix  t = m_children[k].m_transform;
                IndexedVector3 o = t._origin - center;

                //compute inertia tensor in coordinate system of compound shape
                IndexedBasisMatrix j = t._basis.Transpose();
                j._el0 *= i.X;
                j._el1 *= i.Y;
                j._el2 *= i.Z;
                j       = t._basis * j;

                //add inertia tensor
                tensor._el0 += j._el0;
                tensor._el1 += j._el1;
                tensor._el2 += j._el2;
                //tensor += j;

                //compute inertia tensor of pointmass at o
                float o2 = o.LengthSquared();
                j._el0 = new IndexedVector3(o2, 0, 0);
                j._el1 = new IndexedVector3(0, o2, 0);
                j._el2 = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, o2);

                j._el0 += o * -o.X;
                j._el1 += o * -o.Y;
                j._el2 += o * -o.Z;

                //add inertia tensor of pointmass
                tensor._el0 += masses[k] * j._el0;
                tensor._el1 += masses[k] * j._el1;
                tensor._el2 += masses[k] * j._el2;
            tensor.Diagonalize(out principal, 0.00001f, 20);
            inertia = new IndexedVector3(tensor._el0.X, tensor._el1.Y, tensor._el2.Z);
예제 #2
        ///computes the exact moment of inertia and the transform from the coordinate system defined by the principal axes of the moment of inertia
        ///and the center of mass to the current coordinate system. A mass of 1 is assumed, for other masses just multiply the computed "inertia"
        ///by the mass. The resulting transform "principal" has to be applied inversely to the mesh in order for the local coordinate system of the
        ///shape to be centered at the center of mass and to coincide with the principal axes. This also necessitates a correction of the world transform
        ///of the collision object by the principal transform. This method also computes the volume of the convex mesh.
        public void CalculatePrincipalAxisTransform(ref IndexedMatrix principal, out IndexedVector3 inertia, float volume)
            CenterCallback centerCallback = new CenterCallback();
            IndexedVector3 aabbMax        = MathUtil.MAX_VECTOR;
            IndexedVector3 aabbMin        = MathUtil.MIN_VECTOR;

            m_stridingMesh.InternalProcessAllTriangles(centerCallback, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax);
            IndexedVector3 center = centerCallback.GetCenter();

            principal._origin = center;
            volume            = centerCallback.GetVolume();

            InertiaCallback inertiaCallback = new InertiaCallback(ref center);

            m_stridingMesh.InternalProcessAllTriangles(inertiaCallback, ref aabbMax, ref aabbMax);

            IndexedBasisMatrix i = inertiaCallback.GetInertia();

            i.Diagonalize(out principal, 0.00001f, 20);
            //i.diagonalize(principal.getBasis(), 0.00001f, 20);
            inertia  = new IndexedVector3(i[0, 0], i[1, 1], i[2, 2]);
            inertia /= volume;