예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes {@code treeKeyFrom} and {@code treeKeyTo} from the <seealso cref="IndexQuery query"/>.
        /// Geometry range queries makes an otherwise straight-forward key construction complex in that a geometry range internally is performed
        /// by executing multiple sub-range queries to the index. Each of those sub-range queries still needs to construct the full composite key -
        /// in the case of a composite index. Therefore this method can be called either with null or non-null {@code crs} and {@code range} and
        /// constructing a key when coming across a <seealso cref="IndexQuery.GeometryRangePredicate"/> will use the provided crs/range instead
        /// of the predicate, where the specific range is one out of many sub-ranges calculated from the <seealso cref="IndexQuery.GeometryRangePredicate"/>
        /// by the caller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeKeyFrom"> the "from" key to construct from the query. </param>
        /// <param name="treeKeyTo"> the "to" key to construct from the query. </param>
        /// <param name="query"> the query to construct keys from to later send to <seealso cref="GBPTree"/> when reading. </param>
        /// <param name="crs"> <seealso cref="CoordinateReferenceSystem"/> for the specific {@code range}, if range is specified too. </param>
        /// <param name="range"> sub-range of a larger <seealso cref="IndexQuery.GeometryRangePredicate"/> to use instead of <seealso cref="IndexQuery.GeometryRangePredicate"/>
        /// in the query. </param>
        /// <returns> {@code true} if filtering is needed for the results from the reader, otherwise {@code false}. </returns>
        private bool InitializeRangeForGeometrySubQuery(GenericKey treeKeyFrom, GenericKey treeKeyTo, IndexQuery[] query, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, SpaceFillingCurve.LongRange range)
            bool needsFiltering = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < query.Length; i++)
                IndexQuery predicate = query[i];
                switch (predicate.Type())
                case exists:
                    treeKeyFrom.InitValueAsLowest(i, ValueGroup.UNKNOWN);
                    treeKeyTo.InitValueAsHighest(i, ValueGroup.UNKNOWN);

                case exact:
                    IndexQuery.ExactPredicate exactPredicate = (IndexQuery.ExactPredicate)predicate;
                    treeKeyFrom.InitFromValue(i, exactPredicate.Value(), NEUTRAL);
                    treeKeyTo.InitFromValue(i, exactPredicate.Value(), NEUTRAL);

                case range:
                    if (IsGeometryRangeQuery(predicate))
                        // Use the supplied SpaceFillingCurve range instead of the GeometryRangePredicate because at the time of calling this method
                        // the original geometry range have been split up into multiple sub-ranges and this invocation is for one of those sub-ranges.
                        // We can not take query inclusion / exclusion into consideration here because then we risk missing border values. Always use
                        // Inclusion.LOW / HIGH respectively and filter out points later on.
                        treeKeyFrom.StateSlot(i).writePointDerived(crs, range.Min, LOW);
                        treeKeyTo.StateSlot(i).writePointDerived(crs, range.Max + 1, HIGH);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.IndexQuery.RangePredicate<?> rangePredicate = (org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.IndexQuery.RangePredicate<?>) predicate;
                        IndexQuery.RangePredicate <object> rangePredicate = (IndexQuery.RangePredicate <object>)predicate;
                        InitFromForRange(i, rangePredicate, treeKeyFrom);
                        InitToForRange(i, rangePredicate, treeKeyTo);

                case stringPrefix:
                    IndexQuery.StringPrefixPredicate prefixPredicate = (IndexQuery.StringPrefixPredicate)predicate;

                case stringSuffix:
                case stringContains:
                    treeKeyFrom.InitValueAsLowest(i, ValueGroup.TEXT);
                    treeKeyTo.InitValueAsHighest(i, ValueGroup.TEXT);
                    needsFiltering = true;

                    throw new System.ArgumentException("IndexQuery of type " + predicate.Type() + " is not supported.");
예제 #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private org.apache.lucene.search.Query toLuceneQuery(org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.IndexQuery... predicates) throws org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.exceptions.schema.IndexNotApplicableKernelException
        private Query ToLuceneQuery(params IndexQuery[] predicates)
            IndexQuery predicate = predicates[0];

            switch (predicate.Type())
            case exact:
                Value[] values = new Value[predicates.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < predicates.Length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(predicates[i].Type() == exact, "Exact followed by another query predicate type is not supported at this moment.");
                    values[i] = ((IndexQuery.ExactPredicate)predicates[i]).value();

            case exists:
                foreach (IndexQuery p in predicates)
                    if (p.Type() != IndexQuery.IndexQueryType.exists)
                        throw new IndexNotApplicableKernelException("Exists followed by another query predicate type is not supported.");

            case range:
                switch (predicate.ValueGroup())
                case NUMBER:
                    IndexQuery.NumberRangePredicate np = (IndexQuery.NumberRangePredicate)predicate;
                    return(LuceneDocumentStructure.newInclusiveNumericRangeSeekQuery(np.From(), np.To()));

                case TEXT:
                    IndexQuery.TextRangePredicate sp = (IndexQuery.TextRangePredicate)predicate;
                    return(LuceneDocumentStructure.newRangeSeekByStringQuery(sp.From(), sp.FromInclusive(), sp.To(), sp.ToInclusive()));

                    throw new System.NotSupportedException(format("Range scans of value group %s are not supported", predicate.ValueGroup()));

            case stringPrefix:
                IndexQuery.StringPrefixPredicate spp = (IndexQuery.StringPrefixPredicate)predicate;

            case stringContains:
                IndexQuery.StringContainsPredicate scp = (IndexQuery.StringContainsPredicate)predicate;

            case stringSuffix:
                IndexQuery.StringSuffixPredicate ssp = (IndexQuery.StringSuffixPredicate)predicate;

                // todo figure out a more specific exception
                throw new Exception("Index query not supported: " + Arrays.ToString(predicates));
예제 #3
        private void PrefixQuery(IndexDescriptor descriptor, IndexQuery.StringPrefixPredicate predicate)
            TransactionState txState = _read.txState();

            if (_needsValues)
                AddedWithValuesAndRemoved changes = indexUpdatesWithValuesForRangeSeekByPrefix(txState, descriptor, predicate.Prefix(), _indexOrder);
                _addedWithValues = changes.Added.GetEnumerator();
                _removed         = _removed(txState, changes.Removed);
                AddedAndRemoved changes = indexUpdatesForRangeSeekByPrefix(txState, descriptor, predicate.Prefix(), _indexOrder);
                _added   = changes.Added.longIterator();
                _removed = _removed(txState, changes.Removed);