예제 #1
        internal void PutNewIndexIntoStorage(string name, IndexDefinition definition)
            Debug.Assert(Database.IndexStorage != null);
            Debug.Assert(TransactionalStorage != null);
            Debug.Assert(WorkContext != null);

            TransactionalStorage.Batch(actions =>
                definition.IndexId = (int)Database.Documents.GetNextIdentityValueWithoutOverwritingOnExistingDocuments("IndexId", actions, null);
                IndexDefinitionStorage.RegisterNewIndexInThisSession(name, definition);

                // this has to happen in this fashion so we will expose the in memory status after the commit, but
                // before the rest of the world is notified about this.


                InvokeSuggestionIndexing(name, definition);

                actions.Indexing.AddIndex(definition.IndexId, definition.IsMapReduce);

            if (name.Equals(Constants.DocumentsByEntityNameIndex, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == false &&
                // optimization of handling new index creation when the number of document in a database is significantly greater than
                // number of documents that this index applies to - let us use built-in RavenDocumentsByEntityName to get just appropriate documents

                var index = Database.IndexStorage.GetIndexInstance(definition.IndexId);
                TryApplyPrecomputedBatchForNewIndex(index, definition);

            WorkContext.ShouldNotifyAboutWork(() => "PUT INDEX " + name);
            // The act of adding it here make it visible to other threads
            // we have to do it in this way so first we prepare all the elements of the
            // index, then we add it to the storage in a way that make it public
            IndexDefinitionStorage.AddIndex(definition.IndexId, definition);
예제 #2
        internal void PutNewIndexIntoStorage(string name, IndexDefinition definition, bool disableIndex = false)
            Debug.Assert(Database.IndexStorage != null);
            Debug.Assert(TransactionalStorage != null);
            Debug.Assert(WorkContext != null);

            Index index = null;

            TransactionalStorage.Batch(actions =>
                var maxId = 0;
                if (Database.IndexStorage.Indexes.Length > 0)
                    maxId = Database.IndexStorage.Indexes.Max();
                definition.IndexId = (int)Database.Documents.GetNextIdentityValueWithoutOverwritingOnExistingDocuments("IndexId", actions);
                if (definition.IndexId <= maxId)
                    actions.General.SetIdentityValue("IndexId", maxId + 1);
                    definition.IndexId = (int)Database.Documents.GetNextIdentityValueWithoutOverwritingOnExistingDocuments("IndexId", actions);

                IndexDefinitionStorage.RegisterNewIndexInThisSession(name, definition);

                // this has to happen in this fashion so we will expose the in memory status after the commit, but
                // before the rest of the world is notified about this.

                index = Database.IndexStorage.GetIndexInstance(definition.IndexId);
                // If we execute multiple indexes at once and want to activate them all at once we will disable the index from the endpoint
                if (disableIndex)
                    index.Priority = IndexingPriority.Disabled;
                //ensure that we don't start indexing it right away, let the precomputation run first, if applicable
                index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = true;
                if (definition.IsTestIndex)
                    index.MarkQueried();                     // test indexes should be mark queried, so the cleanup task would not delete them immediately
                InvokeSuggestionIndexing(name, definition, index);

                actions.Indexing.AddIndex(definition.IndexId, definition.IsMapReduce);

            Debug.Assert(index != null);

            Action precomputeTask = null;

            if (WorkContext.RunIndexing &&
                name.Equals(Constants.DocumentsByEntityNameIndex, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == false &&
                // optimization of handling new index creation when the number of document in a database is significantly greater than
                // number of documents that this index applies to - let us use built-in RavenDocumentsByEntityName to get just appropriate documents

                precomputeTask = TryCreateTaskForApplyingPrecomputedBatchForNewIndex(index, definition);
                index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = false;        // we can't apply optimization, so we'll make it eligible for running normally

            // The act of adding it here make it visible to other threads
            // we have to do it in this way so first we prepare all the elements of the
            // index, then we add it to the storage in a way that make it public
            IndexDefinitionStorage.AddIndex(definition.IndexId, definition);

            // we start the precomuteTask _after_ we finished adding the index
            if (precomputeTask != null)

            WorkContext.ShouldNotifyAboutWork(() => "PUT INDEX " + name);