public async Task <IActionResult> Index([FromForm] IndexCard indexcard) { IIndexCard lIndexCard = indexcard; // howto upload files: // check if user is owner of the index card if (IndexCardBox.UserIsOwnerOfIndexCardBox(indexcard.IndexCardBoxId, base.GetCurrentUser(_context), _context) == false) { return(Forbid()); } // save uploaded files lIndexCard = await HandleUploadedFiles(lIndexCard); // set date lIndexCard.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; lIndexCard.Modified = DateTime.UtcNow; // save in database _context.IndexCards.Add((IndexCard)lIndexCard); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // cleanup the indexcard response object lIndexCard = CleanupIndexCardResponse(lIndexCard); // return created indexcard return(Json(lIndexCard)); }
public PhoneNumber PhoneNumberGet(int x, int y) { //there might be more than 1 phone numbers with the same coordinate, we want to get the active index card coordinate MainWindow MainObject = (MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow; if (MainObject == null) { return(null); } IndexCard ic = MainObject.GetVisibleIndexCard(); if (ic == null) { return(null); } return(ic.PhoneNumberGet(x, y)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int id, [FromForm] IndexCard indexcard) { IIndexCard lIndexCard = indexcard; if (id != lIndexCard.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } // check if user is owner of the index card if (UserIsOwnerOfIndexCard(lIndexCard) == false) { return(Forbid()); } // check inconsistency by change date. Change-Date in PUT-Request should match the change date in the database // currently not working because PUT converts datetime in payload to Local time //var lIndexCardInDB = _context.IndexCards.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); //if (lIndexCardInDB == null || lIndexCardInDB.Modified != indexcard.Modified) //{ // return Conflict(); // returns an 409 conflic because of inconsistency //} // save uploaded files lIndexCard = await HandleUploadedFiles(lIndexCard); // set datelastlearned in box when user has learned the index card (Indicator: user has pushed buttons known/unknown) SetDateLastLearned(lIndexCard); // set modified date lIndexCard.Modified = DateTime.UtcNow; // set save _context.Entry(lIndexCard).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.Entry(lIndexCard).Property(x => x.Created).IsModified = false; // do not modify create date. The create date is an constant value. _context.SaveChanges(); // cleanup the indexcard response object lIndexCard = CleanupIndexCardResponse(lIndexCard); return(Json(lIndexCard)); }
// Example URI for DELETE: todos/1 public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int pId) { var lIndexCardBox = _context.IndexCardBoxes.Single(x => x.Id == pId); if (lIndexCardBox == null) { return(NotFound()); // returns an 404 page not found } IUser lUser = base.GetCurrentUser(_context); // check if box belongs to authenticated user if (IndexCardBox.UserIsOwnerOfIndexCardBox(pId, lUser, _context) == false) { return(Forbid()); } // delete all index cards and uploads // loop all indexcards var lIndexCards = _context.IndexCards.Select(x => x).Where(x => x.IndexCardBoxId == pId); var lIndexCardsAsList = lIndexCards.ToList <IIndexCard>(); foreach (IIndexCard lIndexCard in lIndexCardsAsList) { // removed dependen uploaded files IndexCard.RemoveAllUploadedFiles(lIndexCard, _env.WebRootPath); } // remove all indexcards _context.IndexCards.RemoveRange(lIndexCards); _context.SaveChanges(); // remove box _context.IndexCardBoxes.Remove(lIndexCardBox); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(lIndexCardBox)); }
// Example URI for DELETE: todos/1 public IActionResult Index(int pId) { var lIndexCard = _context.IndexCards.Single(x => x.Id == pId); if (lIndexCard == null) { return(NotFound()); // returns an 404 page not found } // checkk if index card belongs to user if (UserIsOwnerOfIndexCard(lIndexCard) == false) { return(Forbid()); } // remove uploaded files IndexCard.RemoveAllUploadedFiles(lIndexCard, _env.WebRootPath); _context.Remove(lIndexCard); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(lIndexCard)); }
public void IndexCardDelete(IndexCard ic) { IndexCards.Remove(ic); }
public void IndexCardAdd(IndexCard ic) { ic.SetGUID(IndexCardGUID++); IndexCards.Add(ic); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Duplicate([FromForm] IndexCard indexcard, [FromQuery] bool invertQuestionAnswer, [FromQuery] bool invertImageFiles) { // get indexcard from Server IIndexCard lIndexCard = _context.IndexCards.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == indexcard.Id); if (lIndexCard == null) { return(NotFound()); // returns an 404 page not found } // check if user is owner of the index card if (UserIsOwnerOfIndexCard(lIndexCard) == false) { return(Forbid()); } // remove id to mark as a new indexcard lIndexCard.Id = null; // copy files if (lIndexCard.QuestionImageUrl != null) { lIndexCard.QuestionImageUrl = Upload.CopyFile(lIndexCard.QuestionImageUrl, _env.WebRootPath); } if (lIndexCard.AnswerImageUrl != null) { lIndexCard.AnswerImageUrl = Upload.CopyFile(lIndexCard.AnswerImageUrl, _env.WebRootPath); } if (lIndexCard.QuestionAudioUrl != null) { lIndexCard.QuestionAudioUrl = Upload.CopyFile(lIndexCard.QuestionAudioUrl, _env.WebRootPath); } if (lIndexCard.AnswerAudioUrl != null) { lIndexCard.AnswerAudioUrl = Upload.CopyFile(lIndexCard.AnswerAudioUrl, _env.WebRootPath); } // when user wants to invert question/answer if (invertQuestionAnswer) { var lAnswer = lIndexCard.Answer; var lQuestion = lIndexCard.Question; lIndexCard.Answer = lQuestion; lIndexCard.Question = lAnswer; } // when user wants to invert image files if (invertImageFiles) { var lQuestionImageUrl = lIndexCard.QuestionImageUrl; var lAnswerImageUrl = lIndexCard.AnswerImageUrl; lIndexCard.QuestionImageUrl = lAnswerImageUrl; lIndexCard.AnswerImageUrl = lQuestionImageUrl; } // reset the stats to 0 lIndexCard.Known = 0; // update created and updated time lIndexCard.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; lIndexCard.Modified = DateTime.UtcNow; // save in database _context.IndexCards.Add((IndexCard)lIndexCard); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // return created indexcard return(Json(lIndexCard)); }
private void MedicalRecordManageForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tabControl.SelectedTabPage.Focus(); //病历借阅审核界面 MedicalRecordApprove medicalRecordApprove = new MedicalRecordApprove(); medicalRecordApprove.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //this.tabControl.TabPages[0].Controls.Add(medicalRecordApprove); this.tabPageApprove.Controls.Add(medicalRecordApprove); //病历借阅记录查询界面 MedicalRecordApprovedList medicalRecordApprovedList = new MedicalRecordApprovedList(); medicalRecordApprovedList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //this.tabControl.TabPages[1].Controls.Add(medicalRecordApprovedList); this.tabPageApprovedList.Controls.Add(medicalRecordApprovedList); //病历补写审核界面 MedicalRecordWriteUpApprove medicalRecordwriteApprove = new MedicalRecordWriteUpApprove(); medicalRecordwriteApprove.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //this.tabControl.TabPages[0].Controls.Add(medicalRecordApprove); this.tabPageWriteUpApprove.Controls.Add(medicalRecordwriteApprove); //病历补写记录查询界面 MedicalRecordWriteUpApprovedList medicalRecordWriteUpApprovedList = new MedicalRecordWriteUpApprovedList(); medicalRecordWriteUpApprovedList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //this.tabControl.TabPages[1].Controls.Add(medicalRecordApprovedList); this.tabPageWriteUpApproveList.Controls.Add(medicalRecordWriteUpApprovedList); //病历查询界面 MedicalRecordList medicalRecordList = new MedicalRecordList(); medicalRecordList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //this.tabControl.TabPages[2].Controls.Add(medicalRecordList); this.tablePageRecord.Controls.Add(medicalRecordList); //病案首页编辑归档操作界面add by ywk 2013年7月30日 10:40:19 MedIemArchive mediem = new MedIemArchive(m_app); mediem.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.tabTabIemAcrive.Controls.Add(mediem); string[] valueStr = DrectSoft.Service.DS_SqlService.GetConfigValueByKey("IsShowBinAn").Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (valueStr.Length == 3) { if (valueStr[0] == "1") { //未归档界面 MedicalRecordUnArchive userControlUn = new MedicalRecordUnArchive(); userControlUn.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tablePageUnRec.Controls.Add(userControlUn); } else { this.tablePageUnRec.PageVisible = false; } if (valueStr[1] == "1") { MedicalRecordArchive userControl = new MedicalRecordArchive(); userControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //this.tabControl.TabPages[4].Controls.Add(userControl); tablePageRecChecked.Controls.Add(userControl); } else { this.tablePageRecChecked.PageVisible = false; } if (valueStr[2] == "1") { //索引卡 IndexCard indexCard = new IndexCard(); indexCard.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPageIndexCard.Controls.Add(indexCard); } else { this.tabPageIndexCard.PageVisible = false; } } //配置病案首页归档可见add by ywk string isshowiem = DrectSoft.Service.DS_SqlService.GetConfigValueByKey("IsShowEditIemInfo"); if (isshowiem == "0") { tabTabIemAcrive.PageVisible = false; } else { tabTabIemAcrive.PageVisible = true; } AutoFeed(); }