public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,IncidentStatusName")] IncidentStatus incidentStatus) { if (id != incidentStatus.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(incidentStatus); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!IncidentStatusExists(incidentStatus.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(incidentStatus)); }
/// <summary> /// Get incidents from an Azure Sentinel Workspace /// </summary> /// <param name="status">The status of the incident</param> /// <param name="limit">The amount of incidents to get</param> /// <param name="Workspace">The workspace in which the incidents reside</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <SentinelIncident> > GetIncidentsAsync(IncidentStatus status, int limit, AzureSentinelWorkspace Workspace) { var httpClient = await GetAuthenticatedHttpClientAsync(Workspace.AppRegistration.DirectoryId, Workspace.AppRegistration.ClientId, Workspace.AppRegistration.AppSecret); string url = String.Format("{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{2}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents?api-version=2020-01-01&$filter=properties/status eq '{3}'&$top={4}&$orderby=properties/createdTimeUtc desc", Workspace.SubscriptionId, Workspace.ResourceGroup, Workspace.WorkspaceName, status.ToString(), limit); var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Getting incidents from workspace {0} resulted in: 403 - Forbidden", Workspace.WorkspaceName)); } if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { var message = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Something went wrong: '{0}'", message)); } var responseJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var incidentsResult = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SentinelList>(responseJson, GetJsonSerializerOptions()); return(incidentsResult.Value); }
public void AddUpdate(IncidentStatus status, string message, StatusDataContext context = null) { UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; if (Updates != null) { Updates.Add(new IncidentUpdate { IncidentId = Id, Status = status, Message = message }); } else if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context), "You must provide a context if the Updates collection isn't valid."); } else if (context.Entry(this).IsKeySet) { context.Add(new IncidentUpdate { IncidentId = Id, Status = status, Message = message }); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not add a new Incident"); } }
public int AddIncidentStatus(IncidentStatusDomain incidentStatus) { var incidentStatusDb = new IncidentStatus().FromDomainModel(incidentStatus); _context.IncidentStatus.Add(incidentStatusDb); _context.SaveChanges(); return(incidentStatusDb.IncidentStatusId); }
public async Task<ActionResult> PagerDutyActionIncident(string incident, IncidentStatus newStatus) { var pdUser = CurrentPagerDutyPerson; if (pdUser == null) return ContentNotFound("PagerDuty Person Not Found for " + Current.User.AccountName); var newIncident = await PagerDutyApi.Instance.UpdateIncidentStatusAsync(incident, pdUser, newStatus); return Json(newIncident?[0]?.Status == newStatus); }
public IncidentTO ChangeIncidentStatus(IncidentStatus statusToSubmit, int incidentId) { var incident = unitOfWork.IncidentRepository.GetById(incidentId); incident.Status = statusToSubmit; var updatedIncident = unitOfWork.IncidentRepository.Update(incident); return(updatedIncident); }
public static IncidentStatusDomain ToDomainModel(this IncidentStatus obj) { return(obj == null ? null : new IncidentStatusDomain() { IncidentStatusId = obj.IncidentStatusId, Name = obj.Name, Code = obj.Code, IsActive = obj.IsActive }); }
public Task <Response <bool> > UpdateAsync(string details, IncidentStatus status, string[] componentIds, string[] containerIds, string statusPageId = null) { return(client.PostAsync <Response <bool> >("component/status/update", new { statuspage_id = client.GetStatusPageId(statusPageId), details, components = componentIds, containers = containerIds, current_status = status, })); }
public Task<Response<bool>> UpdateAsync(string details, IncidentStatus status, string[] componentIds, string[] containerIds, string statusPageId = null) { return client.PostAsync<Response<bool>>("component/status/update", new { statuspage_id = client.GetStatusPageId(statusPageId), details, components = componentIds, containers = containerIds, current_status = status, }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,IncidentStatusName")] IncidentStatus incidentStatus) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(incidentStatus); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(incidentStatus)); }
public Incident(IncidentStatus status, IncidentSeverity severity, IncidentFeedbackFrequency freq, IncidentCommunicationType comType) { info = new IncidentInfo(); info.Status = EnumUtils.stringValueOf(status); info.Severity = EnumUtils.stringValueOf(severity); info.FeedbackFrequency = EnumUtils.stringValueOf(freq); info.CommunicationType = EnumUtils.stringValueOf(comType); info.Opened = new DateEpoch(DateTime.UtcNow); info.Resources = null; info.Comments = null; }
public static async void AddResource(string id, IncidentStatus stage, string engineer, DateTime st, DateTime end) { using (Incident inc = new Incident()) { await Task.Run( async() => { IncidentInfo ic = await inc.AddResource(id, stage, engineer, st, end); OutputCaseDetails(ic); }); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> PagerDutyActionIncident(string incident, IncidentStatus newStatus) { var pdUser = CurrentPagerDutyPerson; if (pdUser == null) { return(ContentNotFound("PagerDuty Person Not Found for " + Current.User.AccountName)); } var newIncident = await PagerDutyAPI.Instance.UpdateIncidentStatusAsync(incident, pdUser, newStatus).ConfigureAwait(false); return(Json(newIncident?.Status == newStatus)); }
public static IncidentStatus FromDomainModel(this IncidentStatus obj, IncidentStatusDomain domain) { if (obj == null) { obj = new IncidentStatus(); } obj.IncidentStatusId = domain.IncidentStatusId; obj.Name = domain.Name; obj.Code = domain.Code; obj.IsActive = domain.IsActive; return(obj); }
public void StopAzureProcess(int incidentId, IncidentStatus incidentStatus) { try { using (var _dbContext = new ZetronContext(options.Options)) { //Trigger Media Summary Q if (incidentStatus == IncidentStatus.Stopped) { var media = _dbContext.ZetronTrnMediaDetails.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IncidentId == incidentId); if (media != null) { var queue = _queueClient.GetQueueReference("zetron-media-summary"); queue.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); var queueMessage = new JObject { ["mediaId"] = media.MediaId, ["mediaUrl"] = media.MediaUrl, ["mediaName"] = media.Name }; var message = new CloudQueueMessage(queueMessage.ToString()); queue.AddMessageAsync(message); } else { Log("MediaContext - StopAzureProcess - No matching media details found!"); } } var livePrograms = _channel.Programs.ToList(); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var program in livePrograms) { if (program.State == ProgramState.Running) { tasks.Add(program.StopAsync()); } } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); livePrograms.ForEach(p => p.DeleteAsync()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex.Message); throw; } }
public static string GetIncidentStatus(IncidentStatus status) { var statusText = status switch { IncidentStatus.Investigating => "Investigating", IncidentStatus.Identified => "Identified", IncidentStatus.Monitoring => "Monitoring", IncidentStatus.Update => "Update", IncidentStatus.Resolved => "Resolved", _ => "Unknown" }; return(statusText); } }
protected override void ExecuteWorkflowLogic() { var incidentCloseRequest = new CloseIncidentRequest() { Status = IncidentStatus.Get(Context.ExecutionContext), IncidentResolution = new Entity("incidentresolution") { ["subject"] = Subject.Get(Context.ExecutionContext), ["incidentid"] = Incident.Get(Context.ExecutionContext), ["description"] = Description.Get(Context.ExecutionContext), ["timespent"] = TimeSpent.Get(Context.ExecutionContext) } }; Context.UserService.Execute(incidentCloseRequest); }
protected override void ExecuteWorkflowLogic(CodeActivityContext executionContext, IWorkflowContext context, IOrganizationService service) { var incidentCloseRequest = new CloseIncidentRequest() { Status = IncidentStatus.Get(executionContext), IncidentResolution = new Entity("incidentresolution") { ["subject"] = Subject.Get(executionContext), ["incidentid"] = Incident.Get(executionContext), ["actualend"] = CloseDate.Get(executionContext), ["description"] = Description.Get(executionContext) } }; service.Execute(incidentCloseRequest); }
public IEnumerable <IncidentInfo> FindByStatus(IncidentStatus status) { if (client == null) { Connect2DocDb(); } if (info != null && client != null) { var cases = from c in client.CreateDocumentQuery <IncidentInfo>(docDbUrl) where c.Status == status.ToString() select c; return(cases); } else { return(null); } }
public async Task<List<Incident>> UpdateIncidentStatusAsync(string incidentId, PagerDutyPerson person, IncidentStatus newStatus) { if (person == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(person)); var data = new PagerDutyIncidentPut { Incidents = new List<Incident> { new Incident {Id = incidentId, Status = newStatus} }, RequesterId = person.Id }; var result = await Instance.GetFromPagerDutyAsync("incidents", response => JSON.Deserialize<IncidentResponse>(response.ToString(), JilOptions), httpMethod: "PUT", data: data); Incidents.Poll(true); return result?.Incidents ?? new List<Incident>(); }
public IncidentItem(string Region, string Suburb, string Location, DateTime LastUpdate, IncidentType Type, IncidentStatus Status, int ApplianceCount, string Size, string ID, string Latitude, string Longitude, string AgencyResponsible, CFAIncidentSource parent, CFAIncidentSourceOptions options) { mRegion = Region; Region_GENERIC = Region.ToString(); mSuburb = Suburb; Suburb_GENERIC = Suburb; mLocation = Location; Location_GENERIC = Location; mLatitude = Latitude; mLongitude = Longitude; mLastUpdate = LastUpdate; LastUpdate_GENERIC = LastUpdate; mResponsible = AgencyResponsible; mIncidentType = Type; Type_GENERIC = IncidentItem.IncidentTypeToString(Type); mIncidentStatus = Status; Status_GENERIC = IncidentItem.IncidentStatusToString(Status); mApplianceCount = ApplianceCount; ApplianceCount_GENERIC = ApplianceCount; mIncidentSize = Size; Size_GENERIC = Size; mIncidentID = ID; ID_GENERIC = SourceConstants.ID_PREFIX + ID; mParent = parent; mOptions = options; }
public static async Task <string> OpenCase(string description, IncidentStatus st, IncidentSeverity sv, IncidentFeedbackFrequency ff, IncidentCommunicationType ct) { string id = string.Empty; using (Incident inc = new Incident(st, sv, ff, ct)) { var issue = await inc.Open(description); if (issue != null) { var i = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IncidentInfo>(issue.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(cStrCaseCreated); Console.WriteLine(issue.ToString()); id = issue.Id; } } return(id); }
public static void FindByStatus(IncidentStatus status) { using (Incident inc = new Incident()) { IEnumerable <IncidentInfo> issues = inc.FindByStatus(status); Console.WriteLine("FindByStatus: " + EnumUtils.stringValueOf(status)); if (issues.Count() > 0) { Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); foreach (var issue in issues) { OutputCaseDetails(issue); Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); } } Console.WriteLine(cStrTotalResults + issues.Count().ToString()); } }
public IncidentObject NewIncident( string name, string message, IncidentStatus status, bool visible, int component_id = 0, ComponentStatus?component_status = null, bool notifySubscribers = false, DateTime?created_at = null, string template = "", string[] vars = null ) { var Request = new RestRequest("incidents").AddJsonBody(new { name = name, message = message, status = (int)status, visible = visible ? 1 : 0, component_id = component_id, component_status = ((int?)component_status) ?? 0, notify = notifySubscribers, created_at = created_at ?? DateTime.Now, template = template ?? "", vars = vars ?? new string[] { } }); var Response = this.Rest.Post <IncidentResponse>(Request); if (Response.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed) { var resp = Response.Data; if (resp != null) { return(resp?.Data); } } return(null); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { //Interface should be declared in Contracts PropertySetting.IEntitySettingsAppService _entitySettingsService = (PropertySetting.IEntitySettingsAppService)validationContext.GetService(typeof(PropertySetting.IEntitySettingsAppService)); Dictionary <string, PropertySetting.PropertySettingValue> settingConfig = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _entitySettingsService.GetAsync()); if (settingConfig != null && settingConfig.Count > 0) { PropertySetting.PropertySettingValue checkIncidentStatus = settingConfig[PropertySetting.PropertySettingNames.Incidents.Reviews.IncidentStatus]; if (checkIncidentStatus.Visible) { if (IncidentStatus.IsNullOrEmpty()) { yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("The {0} field is required.", "IncidentStatus"), new[] { "IncidentStatus" })); } if (checkIncidentStatus.RequiredRegEx) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkIncidentStatus.RegExRule) && new Regex(checkIncidentStatus.RegExRule).IsMatch(IncidentStatus) == false) { yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("The field {0} is invalid.", "IncidentStatus"), new[] { "IncidentStatus" })); } } } PropertySetting.PropertySettingValue checkEndDate = settingConfig[PropertySetting.PropertySettingNames.Incidents.Reviews.EndDate]; if (checkEndDate.Visible) { if (EndDate == null) { yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("The {0} field is required.", "EndDate"), new[] { "EndDate" })); } } } }
public bool AddIncidentUpdate( int incidentId, string message, IncidentStatus status ) { var Request = new RestRequest("incidents/{id}/updates") .AddUrlSegment("id", incidentId) .AddJsonBody(new { message = message, status = (int)status, }); var Response = this.Rest.Post <IncidentResponse>(Request); if (Response.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed) { var resp = Response.Data; return(resp != null); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Check the status of the live streaming /// </summary> /// <returns>streaming status</returns> public bool CheckStreamingStatus() { try { _log.Info($"Streaming Url: {strStreamingUrl}"); IncidentStatus status = IncidentStatus.Initiated; using (var vc = new VideoCapture(strStreamingUrl)) { if (vc.IsOpened()) { _log.Info($"Video Opened..."); return(true); } else { _log.Info($"Video not open. Checking db for streaming status..."); status = _dbContext.CheckEventState((int)_mediaObject["mediaId"]); } } if (status == IncidentStatus.Processing) { _log.Info($"Streaming in-progress..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); return(CheckStreamingStatus()); } else if (status == IncidentStatus.Stopped || status == IncidentStatus.Deactivated) { _log.Info($"Streaming stopped..."); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.Error($"Video processing exception.: ", e); } return(false); }
public async Task <Incident> UpdateIncidentStatusAsync(string incidentId, PagerDutyPerson person, IncidentStatus newStatus) { if (person == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(person)); } var data = new { incident = new { type = "incident_reference", status = newStatus.ToString() } }; var headers = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["From"] = person.Email }; try { var result = await GetFromPagerDutyAsync($"incidents/{incidentId}", response => JSON.Deserialize <PagerDutyIncidentUpdateResp>(response, JilOptions), httpMethod : "PUT", data : data, extraHeaders : headers); await Incidents.PollAsync(true); return(result?.Response ?? new Incident()); } catch (DeserializationException de) { de.AddLoggedData("Message", de.Message) .AddLoggedData("Snippet After", de.SnippetAfterError) .Log(); return(null); } }
public async Task <List <Incident> > UpdateIncidentStatusAsync(string incidentId, PagerDutyPerson person, IncidentStatus newStatus) { if (person == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(person)); } var data = new PagerDutyIncidentPut { Incidents = new List <Incident> { new Incident { Id = incidentId, Status = newStatus } }, RequesterId = person.Id }; var result = await Instance.GetFromPagerDutyAsync("incidents", response => JSON.Deserialize <IncidentResponse>(response.ToString(), JilOptions), httpMethod : "PUT", data : data); Incidents.Poll(true); return(result?.Incidents ?? new List <Incident>()); }
public async Task <IncidentInfo> AddResource(string id, IncidentStatus stage, string engineer, DateTime st, DateTime end) { if (client == null) { Connect2DocDb(); } if (info != null && client != null) { var cases = from c in client.CreateDocumentQuery(docDbUrl) where c.Id.ToUpper().Contains(id.ToUpper()) select c; IncidentInfo issue = null; Document oDoc = null; foreach (var cs in cases) { var it = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(cs.AltLink); oDoc = it; issue = (IncidentInfo)(dynamic)it.Resource; break; } if (oDoc != null) { AllocatedResource rc = new AllocatedResource(); rc.End = new DateEpoch((end != null) ? end.ToUniversalTime() : DateTime.UtcNow); rc.Engineer = engineer; rc.Stage = EnumUtils.stringValueOf(stage); rc.Start = new DateEpoch((st != null) ? st.ToUniversalTime() : DateTime.UtcNow); List <AllocatedResource> rRsc = new List <AllocatedResource>(); if (issue?.Resources?.Length > 0) { rRsc.AddRange(issue.Resources); rRsc.Add(rc); oDoc.SetPropertyValue(cStrResources, rRsc.ToArray()); } else { rRsc.Add(rc); oDoc.SetPropertyValue(cStrResources, rRsc.ToArray()); } var updated = await client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(oDoc); issue = (IncidentInfo)(dynamic)updated.Resource; } return(issue); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Update the incident status. /// </summary> /// <param name="status">The incident status.</param> public void UpdateIncidentStatus(IncidentStatus status) { this.IncidentStatus = status; }
public async Task Run(string[] args) { while (true) { PrintMenu(); Console.Write("Option: "); var option = Console.ReadLine(); var valid = int.TryParse(option, out var index); valid = valid && index > 0 && index < 29; if (!valid) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid option... please, press enter to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); continue; } var response = ""; var input = ""; try { switch (index) { case 1: { Console.WriteLine("Enter Alert rule name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _actionsController.CreateAction(input); break; } case 2: { Console.WriteLine("Enter Alert rule name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _actionsController.DeleteAction(input); break; } case 3: { Console.WriteLine("Enter Alert rule name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _actionsController.GetActionById(input); break; } case 4: { Console.WriteLine("Enter Alert rule name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _actionsController.GetActionsByRule(input); break; } case 5: { Console.WriteLine("Enter template name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _alertRuleTemplatesController.GetAlertRuleTemplateById(input); break; } case 6: { response = await _alertRuleTemplatesController.GetAlertRuleTemplates(); break; } case 7: { Console.WriteLine("Enter alert rule template name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _alertRulesController.CreateFusionAlertRule(input); break; } case 8: { Console.WriteLine("Enter rule name"); input = Console.ReadLine(); response = await _alertRulesController.CreateMicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRule(input); break; } case 9: { response = await _alertRulesController.CreateScheduledAlertRule(); break; } case 10: { response = await _alertRulesController.DeleteAlertRule(); break; } case 11: { response = await _alertRulesController.GetAlertRules(); break; } case 12: { response = await _alertRulesController.GetFusionAlertRule(); break; } case 13: { response = await _alertRulesController.GetMicrosoftSecurityIdentityCreationAlertRule(); break; } case 14: { response = await _alertRulesController.GetScheduledAlertRule(); break; } case 15: { response = await _bookmarksController.CreateBookmark(); break; } case 16: { response = await _bookmarksController.DeleteBookmark(); break; } case 17: { response = await _bookmarksController.GetBookmarkById(); break; } case 18: { response = await _bookmarksController.GetBookmarks(); break; } case 19: { response = await _dataConnectorsController.GetDataConnectors(); break; } case 20: { response = await _dataConnectorsController.DeleteDataConnector(); break; } case 21: { response = await _dataConnectorsController.CreateDataConnector(); break; } case 22: { Console.WriteLine("Enter Severity option \n 0 High \n 1 Medium \n 2 Low \n 3 Informational"); input = Console.ReadLine(); Severity severity = (Severity)Convert.ToInt32(input); Console.WriteLine("Enter Incident status \n 0 New \n 1 Active \n 2 Close"); input = Console.ReadLine(); IncidentStatus status = (IncidentStatus)Convert.ToInt32(input); Console.WriteLine("Enter Incident name"); var title = Console.ReadLine(); var payload = new IncidentPayload { PropertiesPayload = new IncidentPropertiesPayload { Severity = severity, Status = status, Title = title } }; response = await _incidentsController.CreateIncident(payload, title); break; } case 23: { response = await _incidentsController.DeleteIncident(); break; } case 24: { response = await _incidentsController.GetIncidentById(); break; } case 25: { response = await _incidentsController.GetIncidents(); break; } case 26: { response = await _incidentsController.CreateIncidentComment(); break; } case 27: { response = await _incidentsController.GetAllIncidentComments(); break; } case 28: { response = await _incidentsController.GetIncidentCommentById(); break; } } Console.WriteLine(JToken.Parse(response).ToString(Formatting.Indented)); } catch (JsonReaderException exception) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { Console.WriteLine("Deleted"); Console.WriteLine("Enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); continue; } Console.WriteLine(response); } catch (Exception exception) { var currentColor = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(exception.Message); Console.ForegroundColor = currentColor; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static void EnsureSeedData(this ApplicationDbContext context, IHostingEnvironment env) { var adminRole = new IdentityRole <int> { Name = "Admin" }; var citizenRole = new IdentityRole <int> { Name = "Citizen" }; context.Roles.Add(adminRole); context.Roles.Add(citizenRole); context.SaveChanges(); var roman = new ApplicationUser { ConcurrencyStamp = "6b3b9b11-8f97-4dc2-bfa0-b80b40ae890d", Email = "*****@*****.**", NormalizedEmail = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", NormalizedUserName = "******", PasswordHash = "AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEH8NJi0ZOAkATkqABxRdwrALqMd10IW35NNnRlvVddLMC3eLb35Hu4v+KDMO0/M9gQ==", SecurityStamp = "73a61f09-5ad8-4cd8-bc3a-7ad9d21eb0f3", AccessFailedCount = 0, EmailConfirmed = true, LockoutEnabled = true, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, PhoneNumber = "0953393611", }; var yurii = new ApplicationUser { ConcurrencyStamp = "6b3b9b11-8f97-4dc2-bfa0-b80b40ae890d", Email = "*****@*****.**", NormalizedEmail = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", NormalizedUserName = "******", PasswordHash = "AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEH8NJi0ZOAkATkqABxRdwrALqMd10IW35NNnRlvVddLMC3eLb35Hu4v+KDMO0/M9gQ==", SecurityStamp = "73a61f09-5ad8-4cd8-bc3a-7ad9d21eb0f3", AccessFailedCount = 0, EmailConfirmed = true, LockoutEnabled = true, PhoneNumberConfirmed = false, TwoFactorEnabled = false, PhoneNumber = "0953393612" }; context.Users.Add(roman); context.Users.Add(yurii); context.SaveChanges(); var romanAdminRole = new IdentityUserRole <int>() { RoleId = adminRole.Id, UserId = roman.Id }; var yuriiCitizenRole = new IdentityUserRole <int>() { RoleId = citizenRole.Id, UserId = yurii.Id }; var @new = new IncidentStatus { Name = "New" }; var progress = new IncidentStatus { Name = "In Progress" }; var closed = new IncidentStatus { Name = "Closed" }; context.IncidentStatuses.Add(@new); context.IncidentStatuses.Add(progress); context.IncidentStatuses.Add(closed); context.SaveChanges(); var _priorities = new List <Priority> { new Priority { Name = "Zero" }, new Priority { Name = "Low" }, new Priority { Name = "Medium" }, new Priority { Name = "High" }, }; foreach (var pr in _priorities) { context.Priorities.Add(pr); } context.SaveChanges(); var incidents = new List <Incident> { new Incident { Title = "Упало дерево", Description = "Затрудняє рух громадського транспорту", IncidentStatusId = @new.Id, Latitude = 48.462592, Longitude = 35.049769, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "проспект Дмитра Яворницького, 42-44, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/tree.png", PriorityId = _priorities[0].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now, Estimate = 3 }, new Incident { Title = "Прорвана труба", Description = "Прохід громадян неможливий", IncidentStatusId = progress.Id, Latitude = 48.466126, Longitude = 35.049526, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "вулиця Глінки, 11, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/water.png", PriorityId = _priorities[1].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Estimate = 15 }, new Incident { Title = "Прорвана труба3", Description = "Прохід громадян неможливий", IncidentStatusId = progress.Id, Latitude = 48.466126, Longitude = 35.049526, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "вулиця Глінки, 11, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/water.png", PriorityId = _priorities[1].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Estimate = 15 }, new Incident { Title = "Прорвана труба2", Description = "Прохід громадян неможливий", IncidentStatusId = progress.Id, Latitude = 48.466126, Longitude = 35.049526, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "вулиця Глінки, 11, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/water.png", PriorityId = _priorities[1].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Estimate = 15 }, new Incident { Title = "ДТП", Description = "Тролебус виїхав на обочину", IncidentStatusId = @new.Id, Latitude = 48.469868, Longitude = 35.054096, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "вулиця Січеславська Набережна, 35А, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина, 49000", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/dtp.png", PriorityId = _priorities[2].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), Estimate = 4 }, new Incident { Title = "ДТП", Description = "Тролебус виїхав на обочину", IncidentStatusId = @new.Id, Latitude = 48.469868, Longitude = 35.054096, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "вулиця Січеславська Набережна, 35А, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина, 49000", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/dtp.png", PriorityId = _priorities[2].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), Estimate = 4 }, new Incident { Title = "Воронка в дорожньому полотні2", Description = "Прорив водної магістралі. Машина провалилась.", IncidentStatusId = @new.Id, Latitude = 48.467271, Longitude = 35.040321, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "проспект Дмитра Яворницького, 75-77, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина", Approved = false, //FilePath="/images/incidents/hole.png", PriorityId = _priorities[0].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now, Estimate = 10 }, new Incident { Title = "Пошкоджена лінія електропередач", Description = "Кабель висить над тротуарною доріжкою", IncidentStatusId = closed.Id, Latitude = 48.467271, Longitude = 35.040321, UserId = yurii.Id, Adress = "проспект Дмитра Яворницького, 75-77, Дніпро́, Дніпропетровська область, Украина", Approved = true, //FilePath="/images/incidents/electricity.png", PriorityId = _priorities[3].Id, DateOfApprove = DateTime.Now, Estimate = 16 } }; foreach (Incident incident in incidents) { context.Incidents.Add(incident); } context.SaveChanges(); }
internal static string IncidentStatusToString(IncidentStatus incidentStatus) { if (incidentStatus == IncidentStatus.Going) return "Going"; if (incidentStatus == IncidentStatus.Safe) return "Safe"; if (incidentStatus == IncidentStatus.Controlled) return "Controlled"; if (incidentStatus == IncidentStatus.Contained) return "Contained"; if (incidentStatus == IncidentStatus.Completed) return "Completed"; return "Unknown"; }
public bool ChangeIncidentStatus(int IncidentId, IncidentStatus status) { return(false); }