public void Test_Buy_An_Item_Until_The_Stock_IsEmpty()
            var imi = new InMemoryInventory();
            var firstLowStockItem = imi.Items.OrderBy(itm => itm.Quantity).FirstOrDefault();

            var  initialQuanity = firstLowStockItem.Quantity;
            Item item;

            //iterate the BuyItem method until the stock is depleted
            for (var i = 0; i < initialQuanity; i++)
                //assert the purchase succeeds
                Assert.IsTrue(imi.BuyItem(firstLowStockItem.Id, out item));
            //assert that attempting to buy an item when stock depleted is not possible
            Assert.IsFalse(imi.BuyItem(firstLowStockItem.Id, out item));
        public void Test_AsyncCallForBuyMethodRespectsInventoryCount()
            var imi = new InMemoryInventory();
            //sample an item with a large amount of inventory stock;
            //capped to 20 as we will spawn a thread count based on this number
            var mostNumerousStockItem = imi.Items.Where(itm => itm.Quantity < 20).OrderByDescending(itm => itm.Quantity).FirstOrDefault();

            Item item;

            var initialQuantity = mostNumerousStockItem.Quantity;
            var tasks           = new List <Task <bool> >();

            //spawn double the quantity amount of threads to insure some threads will attempt to buy after the stock depleted
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * initialQuantity; i++)
                tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => imi.BuyItem(mostNumerousStockItem.Id, out item)));
            //assert that the amount of bought items matches the inventory count
            Assert.AreEqual(initialQuantity, tasks.Count(t => t.Result));