public static IshtarObject *FReadLine(CallFrame current, IshtarObject **args) => IshtarMarshal.ToIshtarObject(In.ReadLine());
/// Read a line from the input stream public string ReadLine() { return(In.ReadLine()); }
public static String ReadLine() { return In.ReadLine(); }
internal void Clear() { var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); string url = null; bool forced = false; if (args.Length <= 2) { if (!StandardInputIsTty) { _context.Trace.WriteLine("standard input is not TTY, abandoning prompt."); return; } _context.Trace.WriteLine("prompting user for url."); WriteLine(" Target Url:"); url = In.ReadLine(); } else { url = args[2]; if (args.Length > 3) { bool.TryParse(args[3], out forced); } } Uri uri; if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { _context.Trace.WriteLine($"converted '{url}' to '{uri.AbsoluteUri}'."); OperationArguments operationArguments = new OperationArguments(_context); operationArguments.SetTargetUri(uri); if (operationArguments.TargetUri is null) { var inner = new ArgumentNullException(nameof(operationArguments.TargetUri)); throw new ArgumentException(inner.Message, nameof(operationArguments), inner); } Task.Run(async() => { await LoadOperationArguments(operationArguments); EnableTraceLogging(operationArguments); if (operationArguments.PreserveCredentials && !forced) { _context.Trace.WriteLine("attempting to delete preserved credentials without force, prompting user for interactivity."); if (!StandardInputIsTty || !StandardErrorIsTty) { _context.Trace.WriteLine("standard input is not TTY, abandoning prompt."); return; } WriteLine(" credentials are protected by preserve flag, clear anyways? [Y]es, [N]o."); ConsoleKeyInfo key; while ((key = ReadKey(true)).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) { if (key.KeyChar == 'N' || key.KeyChar == 'n') { return; } if (key.KeyChar == 'Y' || key.KeyChar == 'y') { break; } } } await DeleteCredentials(operationArguments); }).Wait(); } else { _context.Trace.WriteLine($"unable to parse input '{url}'."); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Out.WriteLine("input screen_name"); string screenName = In.ReadLine(); using (var context = new TwitterContext()) { long?_id = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ScreenName == screenName)?.Id; if (_id == null) { Out.WriteLine("not found screen_name"); } long id = _id.Value; var users = new Dictionary <long, int>(); var replys = new Dictionary <long, int>(); // 自分がフォロー +100 // ふぁぼ +3 あんふぁぼ -3 // RT or Quote +1 // リプライ + 10 リプライイベント数差 -5 foreach (var following in context.Followings.Where(x => x.UserId == id)) { users.PutOrAdd(following.FollowingId, 100); } foreach (var reactive in context.ReactiveEvents.Where(x => x.TargetUserId == id)) { if (reactive.EventType == ReacteveEventType.Favorite) { users.PutOrAdd(reactive.UserId, 3); } else if (reactive.EventType == ReacteveEventType.Reply) { users.PutOrAdd(reactive.UserId, 10); replys.PutOrAdd(reactive.UserId, 1); } else { users.PutOrAdd(reactive.UserId, 1); } } foreach (var reactive in context.ReactiveEvents.Where(x => x.UserId == id)) { if (reactive.EventType == ReacteveEventType.Favorite) { users.PutOrAdd(reactive.TargetUserId, 3); } else if (reactive.EventType == ReacteveEventType.Reply) { users.PutOrAdd(reactive.TargetUserId, 10); replys.PutOrAdd(reactive.TargetUserId, -1); } else { users.PutOrAdd(reactive.TargetUserId, 1); } } foreach (var delete in context.DeleteEvents.Where(x => x.TargetUserId == id)) { if (delete.EventType == DeleteEventType.Favorite) { users.PutOrAdd(delete.UserId, -3); } } foreach (var delete in context.DeleteEvents.Where(x => x.UserId == id)) { if (delete.EventType == DeleteEventType.Favorite && delete.TargetUserId != null) { users.PutOrAdd(delete.TargetUserId.Value, -3); } } foreach (var reply in replys) { users.PutOrAdd(reply.Key, Math.Abs(reply.Value) * (-5)); } foreach (var user in users.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value)) { var relationUser = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == user.Key); if (relationUser == null) { continue; } Out.WriteLine($"ScreenName: {relationUser.ScreenName} Name: {relationUser.Name} Point: {user.Value}"); } } }
public void ReadLineAbsoluteWindowsPath() { string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string fullPath = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "InTest.txt"); using (In inObject = new In(fullPath)) { int expectedIndex = 0; while (!inObject.IsEmpty()) { string s = inObject.ReadLine(); Assert.IsTrue(expectedIndex < InUnitTests.InTestLines.Length); Assert.AreEqual(InUnitTests.InTestLines[expectedIndex++], s); } } }
public void ReadLineFromUrl() { using (In inObject = new In(UrlName)) { int expectedIndex = 0; while (!inObject.IsEmpty()) { string s = inObject.ReadLine(); Assert.IsTrue(expectedIndex < InUnitTests.InTestLines.Length); Assert.AreEqual(InUnitTests.InTestLines[expectedIndex++], s); } } }
public void ReadLineFromRelativePath() { string relativeFile = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "..\\{0}\\InTest.txt", Path.GetFileName(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())); using (In inObject = new In(relativeFile)) { int expectedIndex = 0; while (!inObject.IsEmpty()) { string s = inObject.ReadLine(); Assert.IsTrue(expectedIndex < InUnitTests.InTestLines.Length); Assert.AreEqual(InUnitTests.InTestLines[expectedIndex++], s); } } }
public void ReadLineFromCurrentDirectory() { using (In inObject = new In("./InTest.txt")) { while (!inObject.IsEmpty()) { int expectedIndex = 0; while (!inObject.IsEmpty()) { string s = inObject.ReadLine(); Assert.IsTrue(expectedIndex < InUnitTests.InTestLines.Length); Assert.AreEqual(InUnitTests.InTestLines[expectedIndex++], s); } } } }