/// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an <see cref="InitiateImprovementBusinessValidator" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="improvementExists">delegate that checks if an Improvement Exists</param>
        /// <param name="improvableExists">delegate that checks if an Improvable Exists</param>
        public InitiateImprovementBusinessValidator(ImprovementExists improvementExists, ImprovableExists improvableExists)
            _improvableExists  = improvableExists;
            _improvementExists = improvementExists;

            //TODO: should be validating that the BoundedContext exists

            RuleFor(_ => _.Improvement)
            .Must(NotBeAnExistingImprovement).WithMessage(_ => $"Improvement '{_.Improvement}' already exists");
            RuleFor(_ => _.ForImprovable)
            .Must(BeAnExistingImprovable).WithMessage(_ => $"Improvable '{_.ForImprovable}' does not exist");
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the business rules associated with registering a new <see cref="Improvable" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="improvableExists">Indicates if an Improvable with the Id exists</param>
        /// <param name="improvableNameExists">Indicates if an Improvable with the name already exists</param>
        /// <param name="recipeExists">Indicates if the recipe type exists</param>
        /// <param name="repoExists"></param>
        public RegisterImprovableBusinessValidator(ImprovableExists improvableExists, ImprovableNameExists improvableNameExists, RecipeTypeExists recipeExists, RepositoryExists repoExists)
            _improvableExists     = improvableExists;
            _improvableNameExists = improvableNameExists;
            _recipeExists         = recipeExists;
            _repoExists           = repoExists;

            RuleFor(_ => _.Improvable)
            .WithMessage(_ => $"Cannot register an improvable ('{_.Improvable.Value}') that is already registered.");
            RuleFor(_ => _.Name)
            .WithMessage(_ => $"An improvable with the name '{_.Name.Value}' is already registered.");
            RuleFor(_ => _.Recipe)
            .WithMessage(_ => $"No recipe for of type '{_.Recipe.Value}' exists.");
            RuleFor(_ => _.Repository)
            .WithMessage(_ => $"No repository with this identifier '{_.Repository.Value}' exists.");