예제 #1
        private ImportDataMap GenerateImportDataMap(string fileName, string mapTargetPrimaryTable, char delimeter, int maxCols)
            ObservableCollection <ColumnMap> inMapCols = (ObservableCollection <ColumnMap>)DataGridColumnMap.ItemsSource;

            string res = "";

            res += inMapCols.Count;

            ImportDataMap idm = new ImportDataMap();

            foreach (ColumnMap cm in inMapCols)
                if (cm.sourceColumnName != null && cm.sourceColumnName.Trim().Length > 0)
            idm.dataStartLine         = 2;
            idm.mapDate               = System.DateTime.Now;
            idm.mapName               = "";
            idm.mapTargetPrimaryTable = mapTargetPrimaryTable;
            idm.inputDelimiter        = delimeter;
            idm.mapOriginalDataFile   = fileName;
            idm.MaxColumns            = maxCols;

예제 #2
        internal ImportDataMap LoadFormatFile(string fileName)
            ImportDataMap inMap = ImportMapIO.LoadImportMap(fileName);

예제 #3
        internal FormatLoadStatus SetMappingFromImportDataMap(ImportDataMap idm)
            FormatLoadStatus fms = new FormatLoadStatus();

            if (idm != null)
                fms.LoadStatus = FormatLoadStatus.LOAD_OK;
            int mapCount = 0;

            foreach (ColumnMap cm in idm.columnMap)
                string         sourceColName     = cm.sourceColumnName;
                string         targetMappingName = cm.targetColumnName;
                int            sourceColNum      = cm.sourceColumnNumber;
                DataGridColumn dgc        = PreviewGrid.Columns[sourceColNum];
                ComboBox       tmp        = (ComboBox)dgc.Header;
                int            i          = 0;
                bool           foundMatch = false;
                foreach (string ss in tmp.Items)
                    if (i > 1)
                        int    idx = ss.IndexOf('(');
                        string s1a = ss.Substring(2, idx - 2);
                        string s1  = ss.Substring(0, idx);

                        int    idx2 = ss.IndexOf(')');
                        string s2   = ss.Substring(idx + 1, (idx2 - idx) - 1);

                        if (s1a.Equals(targetMappingName))
                            tmp.SelectedIndex = i;
                            foundMatch = true;
                if (foundMatch == false)
                    fms.WarningMessages.Add("No match for column " + sourceColName + " mapped to " + targetMappingName);

            if (mapCount != idm.columnMap.Count)
                fms.MappingStatus  = FormatLoadStatus.MAPPING_ASSIGNEMNT_WARNING;
                fms.MappingMessage = "Failed to apply all items from saved map to currentluy loaded data file.";
                fms.MappingStatus = FormatLoadStatus.MAPPING_ASSIGNEMNT_OK;

            dropDown_SelectionChanged(null, null);
예제 #4
        // attempt to use the block model file header to automatically create a defintion based on goldfields typical model formats
        public ImportDataMap AutoGenerateFormatDefinition(string headerLine, char delimeter)
            Dictionary <string, bool> autoMap = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            string[] headerItems = headerLine.Split(new char[] { delimeter }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            // iterate through each item in the header and assign it to a target column.
            foreach (string ss in headerItems)
                autoMap.Add(ss, false);

            // manually here get the core BM fields.
            // DB field = [Domain]
            ImportDataMap idm = new ImportDataMap();

            idm.columnMap             = new List <ColumnMap>();
            idm.MaxColumns            = headerItems.Length;
            idm.inputDelimiter        = delimeter;
            idm.mapTargetPrimaryTable = "BlockModelBlock";
            idm.dataStartLine         = 2;

            List <string> dmFields = new List <string>();

            int idx = -1;

            string dbArea = "BlockModel";

            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "DOMAIN", "Domain", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "XC", "CentroidX", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "YC", "CentroidY", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "ZC", "CentroidZ", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "XINC", "LengthX", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "YINC", "LengthY", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "ZINC", "LengthZ", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "DENSITY", "Density", dbArea, autoMap);
            idx = AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, "RESCAT", "ResourceCategory", dbArea, autoMap);
            int num = 1;

            // auto map all ofther fields into numeric 1 to n
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> kvp in autoMap)
                if ((bool)kvp.Value == false)
                    string nm = kvp.Key;
                    // make a column map for this stright into the numeric, and keep track of numeric number
                    string targetFieldName = "Numeric" + num;
                    AutoGenColMap(headerItems, idm, nm, targetFieldName, dbArea, null);

예제 #5
        public static void SaveImportMap(ImportDataMap importDataMap, string filename)
            // check the map is not null
            if (importDataMap != null && filename != null)
                Type importDatMapType = importDataMap.GetType();

                var serializer = new XmlSerializer(importDatMapType);
                using (var definitionWriter = XmlWriter.Create(filename))
                    serializer.Serialize(definitionWriter, importDataMap);
예제 #6
        public static ImportDataMap LoadImportMap(Stream fileAsStream)
            ImportDataMap impMap = null;

            if (fileAsStream != null)
                var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ImportDataMap));
                using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(fileAsStream))
                    impMap = (ImportDataMap)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
예제 #7
        private static int AutoGenColMap(string[] headerItems, ImportDataMap idm, string sourceName, string targetName, string dbArea, Dictionary <string, bool> autoMap)
            int idx = FindItemInLine(headerItems, sourceName);

            if (idx > -1)
                idm.columnMap.Add(new ColumnMap(sourceName, idx, dbArea, targetName, ImportDataMap.NUMERICDATATYPE, null, null, null));
                if (autoMap != null)
                    autoMap[sourceName] = true;
예제 #8
        public void PerformCoalQualityImport(ModelImportStatus mos, System.IO.Stream bmFileStream, System.IO.Stream ffFileStream,
                                             ImportDataMap importMap, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker, Guid NKDProjectID,
                                             string connString, int numLines, bool checkForDuplicates, bool doImportOverwrite)
            this.currentWorker = backgroundWorker;
            // talk to the import lib to do the import
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            int      batchSize = 100;

            //UpdateStatus("Creating new NKD block model", 20.0);
            ImportUtils.CoalQualityImport cqImp = null;
            cqImp = new ImportUtils.CoalQualityImport();
            cqImp.AddCoalQualityData(mos, bmFileStream, importMap, batchSize, UpdateStatus, numLines, connString, NKDProjectID, checkForDuplicates, doImportOverwrite);
예제 #9
        private string GetPreviousTypeFromMap(ImportDataMap oldMap, ColumnMap mi)
            string importDataType = mi.importDataType;

            if (oldMap != null)
                foreach (ColumnMap cm in oldMap.columnMap)
                    if (cm.sourceColumnName.Trim().Equals(mi.sourceColumnName.Trim()))
                        importDataType = cm.importDataType;

예제 #10
        private string GetPreviousDefaultFromMap(ImportDataMap oldMap, ColumnMap mi)
            string defaultVal = "";

            if (oldMap != null)
                foreach (ColumnMap cm in oldMap.columnMap)
                    if (cm.sourceColumnName.Trim().Equals(mi.sourceColumnName.Trim()))
                        defaultVal = cm.defaultValue;

예제 #11
        public ModelImportStatus PerformBMAppend(System.IO.Stream bmStream, Guid bmGuid, string alias, string columnNameToImport, int columnIndexToImport, string connString, char delimiter)
            // TODO: read stream and write updates to database

            // get the next column to write to - search meta data to get the list of occupied columns
            using (var entityObj = new NKDC(connString, null))
                List <BlockModelMetadata> d = new List <BlockModelMetadata>();
                var o = entityObj.BlockModelMetadatas.Where(f => f.BlockModelID == bmGuid && f.IsColumnData == true).Select(f => (string)f.BlockModelMetadataText).ToArray();
                // yuk, ugly hack to get the next column to update into.  In the long run, use normalised data as it will be much easier
                int lastIndex = 0;
                foreach (string s in o)
                    if (s.StartsWith("Numeric"))
                        string endBit = s.Substring(7);
                        int    ival   = -1;
                        bool   parsed = int.TryParse(endBit, out ival);
                        if (parsed)
                            lastIndex = Math.Max(ival, lastIndex);
                string colToInsertTo = "Numeric" + (lastIndex + 1);
                //TODO: add this new meta data item into the database

                //TODO: update the data within the database itself
                ImportUtils.BlockImport dbIm = new ImportUtils.BlockImport();
                ImportDataMap           idm  = new ImportDataMap();
                idm.columnMap      = new List <ColumnMap>();
                idm.inputDelimiter = delimiter;
                idm.columnMap.Add(new ColumnMap(columnNameToImport, columnIndexToImport, "BlockModelBlock", colToInsertTo, ImportDataMap.NUMERICDATATYPE, null, null, null));
                dbIm.SetBlockModelMetaData(bmGuid, idm, connString);

                return(dbIm.UpdateBlockData(bmStream, bmGuid, colToInsertTo, connString, delimiter));
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Carry out the block model import
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SelectedBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="SelectedFormatBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="importMap"></param>
        /// <param name="rawFileReader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool DoBMImport(string SelectedBMFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader rawFileReader, string NKDProjectID, string modelAlias)
            BaseImportTools bit        = new BaseImportTools();
            int             cxColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidX");
            int             cyColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidY");
            int             czColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidZ");

            ColumnStats xOrigin = rawFileReader.GetDimensions(cxColumnID);
            ColumnStats yOrigin = rawFileReader.GetDimensions(cyColumnID);
            ColumnStats zOrigin = rawFileReader.GetDimensions(czColumnID);

            int approxNumLines = xOrigin.count;

            Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
            // Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open);
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            Guid newModelGuid     = Guid.NewGuid();

            Guid          authorGuid = new Guid();
            List <string> status     = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, newModelGuid, bmFileStream, null, importMap, xOrigin.min, yOrigin.min, zOrigin.min, backgroundWorker, approxNumLines, NKDProjectID, modelAlias, authorGuid, ConnectionString);

예제 #13
        internal ModelImportStatus DoLithoImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader rawFileReader, Guid NKDProjectID, bool doOverwrite, bool checkForDuplicates)
            BaseImportTools   bit = new BaseImportTools();
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

            GeneralFileInfo gfi = new GeneralFileInfo();

            int numLines = gfi.numLines;

            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            bit.PerformLithoImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, NKDProjectID, ConnectionString, numLines, doOverwrite, checkForDuplicates);
예제 #14
        public void PerformCollarImport(ModelImportStatus mos, System.IO.Stream bmFileStream, System.IO.Stream ffFileStream, ImportDataMap importMap, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker, Guid NKDProjectID, string connString, List <string> existingHoleNames, bool overwrite)
            this.currentWorker = null;

            // talk to the import lib to do the import

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            int      batchSize = 1000;

            //UpdateStatus("Creating new NKD block model", 20.0);
            ImportUtils.CollarImport collImp = null;

            collImp = new ImportUtils.CollarImport();
            int approxNumLines = 100;

            importMap.columnMap.Add(new ColumnMap("", -1, "Header", "ProjectID", ImportDataMap.TEXTDATATYPE, NKDProjectID.ToString(), NKDProjectID.ToString(), ImportDataMap.UNIT_NONE));
            collImp.AddCollarData(mos, bmFileStream, importMap, batchSize, UpdateStatus, approxNumLines, connString, existingHoleNames, NKDProjectID, overwrite);
예제 #15
        public List <string> PerformBMImport(ModelImportStatus mos, Guid blockModelGUID, System.IO.Stream bmFileStream, System.IO.Stream ffFileStream, ImportDataMap importMap, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, double zOrigin, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, int approxNumLines, string NKDProjectID, string alias, Guid authorGuid, string connString)
            this.currentWorker = worker;
            using (var entityObj = new NKDC(connString, null))
                // talk to the import lib to do the import

                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                int      batchSize = 1000;
                //UpdateStatus("Creating new NKD block model", 20.0);
                ImportUtils.BlockImport dbIm = null;
                    dbIm = new ImportUtils.BlockImport();
                    //ImportDataMap importMapLoaded = FormatSpecificationIO.ImportMapIO.LoadImportMap(ffFileStream);
                    BlockModel xAdd = new BlockModel();
                    xAdd.OriginX = (Decimal)xOrigin;                                   // TO-DO
                    xAdd.OriginY = (Decimal)yOrigin;                                   // TO-DO
                    xAdd.OriginZ = (Decimal)zOrigin;                                   // TO-DO
                    xAdd.Alias   = alias;
                    // when on server, automatically pick up the author GUID and apply it to the model.
                    if (currentWorker == null)
                        xAdd.AuthorContactID      = authorGuid;
                        xAdd.ResponsibleContactID = authorGuid;
                    xAdd.VersionUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    xAdd.BlockModelID = blockModelGUID;
                    xAdd.ProjectID    = new Guid(NKDProjectID);    // TODO - allow user to pick size
                    UpdateStatus("Setting model meta data", 25.0);
                    // add the meta data to identify all of the oclumns etc.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Error setting block model defintion data. " + ex.ToString());
                List <string> domains = new List <string>();
                if (dbIm != null)
                        List <BlockModelMetadata> blockColumnMetaData = dbIm.SetBlockModelMetaData(blockModelGUID, importMap, connString);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error setting block model meta data:\n" + ex.ToString());
                        // add the new BM guid to the column map as a default so that it is always entered
                        importMap.columnMap.Add(new ColumnMap("", -1, "BlockModelBlock", "BlockModelID", ImportDataMap.TEXTDATATYPE, blockModelGUID.ToString(), blockModelGUID.ToString(), ImportDataMap.UNIT_NONE));
                        // add the individual blocks
                        domains = dbIm.AddBlockData(mos, bmFileStream, importMap, blockModelGUID, batchSize, UpdateStatus, approxNumLines, connString);
                        // run this only if in wonows client (determined by the status of the worker thread at this stage)
                        if (currentWorker != null)
                            List <Tuple <string, string> > doms = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                            string domainColumnName             = "Domain";
                            foreach (string ss in domains)
                                doms.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(domainColumnName, ss));
                            dbIm.UpdateDomains(doms, blockModelGUID);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error adding block data:\n" + ex.ToString());
예제 #16
        internal List <BlockModelMetadata> SetBlockModelMetaData(Guid blockModelGUID, ImportDataMap testMap, string connString)
            using (var entityObj = new NKDC(connString, null))
                List <BlockModelMetadata> metaDataItems = new List <BlockModelMetadata>();

                foreach (ColumnMap cmap in testMap.columnMap)
                    BlockModelMetadata metaData = new BlockModelMetadata();
                    metaData.BlockModelID         = blockModelGUID;
                    metaData.BlockModelMetadataID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    metaData.IsColumnData         = true;
                    string    colName     = cmap.sourceColumnName;
                    string    columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                    Parameter param1      = new Parameter();
                    param1.ParameterName = cmap.targetColumnName;                   // source column
                    param1.ParameterType = "FieldName";
                    if (entityObj.BlockModelMetadatas.Where(f => f.BlockModelID == blockModelGUID && f.Parameter.Description == cmap.sourceColumnName).Any())
                        param1.Description = cmap.sourceColumnName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", cmap.sourceColumnName, Guid.NewGuid());
                        param1.Description = cmap.sourceColumnName;                                   // target column
                    param1.ParameterID = Guid.NewGuid();

                    if (cmap.sourceColumnName != null && cmap.sourceColumnName.ToLower().Contains("ppm"))
                        param1.UnitID = new Guid("E91773A4-2762-4EDE-8510-38F78FAF981D");// TODO: HACK - get the proper guid for the current unit type by querying database
                    else if (cmap.sourceColumnName != null && cmap.sourceColumnName.ToLower().Contains("pct"))
                        param1.UnitID = new Guid("AEDBBE0A-6A94-419F-8B43-A98CE942669A");// TODO: HACK - get the proper guid for the current unit type by querying database

                    metaData.BlockModelMetadataText = cmap.targetColumnName;
                    metaData.ParameterID            = param1.ParameterID;
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Add block data to the model, provided by the supplied file stream and format defintion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmFileStream"></param>
        /// <param name="importMap"></param>
        /// <param name="blockModelGUID"></param>
        /// <param name="batchSize"></param>
        /// <param name="UpdateStatus"></param>
        /// <param name="approxNumLines"></param>
        internal List <string> AddBlockData(ModelImportStatus mos, Stream bmFileStream, ImportDataMap importMap, Guid blockModelGUID, int batchSize, Action <string, double> UpdateStatus, int numLines, string connString)
            // iterate through the data lines
            int           ct            = 1;
            int           linesRead     = 0;
            int           total         = 0;
            SqlConnection connection    = null;
            List <string> uniqueDomains = new List <string>();

            // get a connection to the database
                int domainColIDX = -1;
                // find the column ID for the specified Domain field, as we need to capture this list.
                foreach (ColumnMap cm in importMap.columnMap)
                    if (cm.targetColumnName.Trim().Equals("Domain"))
                        domainColIDX = cm.sourceColumnNumber;

                connection = new SqlConnection(connString);

                int            numCommits = 0;
                SqlTransaction trans;
                trans = connection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
                List <SqlCommand> commands = new List <SqlCommand>();
                int tb = 0;
                int transactionBatchLimit = batchSize;

                // open the filestream and read the first line
                StreamReader sr = null;
                //FileStream fs = null;
                    //fs = new FileStream(textInputDataFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                    sr = new StreamReader(bmFileStream);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Error getting data stream for input model:\n" + ex.ToString());
                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_LOADING_FILE;
                string line = null;
                float  pct  = 0;
                float  bct  = 1;

                // report every X blocks
                int   repCount      = 0;
                int   reportOnBlock = 500;
                float fNumLines     = (float)numLines;
                bool  commitToDB    = true;
                if (sr != null)
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                        if (repCount == reportOnBlock)
                            repCount = 0;
                            // now report status
                            pct = (bct / fNumLines) * 100.0f;
                            UpdateStatus("Writing block " + bct + " to database", pct);

                        if (ct >= importMap.dataStartLine)
                            string statementPart1   = "INSERT INTO " + importMap.mapTargetPrimaryTable + " ";
                            string clauseValues     = "";
                            string clauseParameters = "";

                            List <string> items = parseTestLine(line, importMap.inputDelimiter);
                            // now pick out all the mapped values
                            foreach (ColumnMap cmap in importMap.columnMap)
                                int    colID       = cmap.sourceColumnNumber;
                                string columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                                if (colID >= 0)
                                    columnValue = items[colID];
                                if (cmap.sourceColumnNumber == domainColIDX)
                                    if (!uniqueDomains.Contains(columnValue.Trim()))
                                string targetCol   = cmap.targetColumnName;
                                string targetTable = cmap.targetColumnTable;
                                clauseValues += "" + targetTable + "." + targetCol + ",";

                                if (cmap.importDataType.Equals(ImportDataMap.NUMERICDATATYPE))
                                    if (columnValue.Equals("-"))
                                        if (cmap.defaultValue != null && cmap.defaultValue.Length > 0)
                                            columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                                            columnValue = "NULL";
                                    clauseParameters += columnValue + ",";
                                    clauseParameters += "\'" + columnValue + "\',";
                            // now just a hack to remove the final coma from the query
                            clauseParameters = clauseParameters.Substring(0, clauseParameters.Length - 1);
                            clauseValues     = clauseValues.Substring(0, clauseValues.Length - 1);

                            string     commandText = statementPart1 + "(" + clauseValues + ") VALUES (" + clauseParameters + ")";
                            SqlCommand sqc         = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection, trans);
                            if (commitToDB)
                            if (tb == transactionBatchLimit)
                                // commit batch, then renew the transaction
                                if (commitToDB)
                                    total += tb;
                                    //   trans = null;
                                    trans = connection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
                                // reset counter
                                tb = 0;
                if (tb > 0)
                    if (commitToDB)
                        total += tb;
                UpdateStatus("Finished writing blocks to database ", 100.0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                UpdateStatus("Error writing blocks to database ", 0);
                mos.AddErrorMessage("Error writing block data at line " + linesRead + ":\n" + ex.ToString());
                mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;
                try { connection.Close(); }
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Error closing conenction to database:\n" + ex.ToString());
                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;

            mos.RecordsImported     = total;
            mos.linesReadFromSource = linesRead;

예제 #18
        internal ModelImportStatus DoCollarImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader rawFileReader, Guid NKDProjectID, bool overwrite)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            // get the current collar names in this project
            List <CollarInfo> existingHoles = this.GetHolesForProject(NKDProjectID);

            List <string> existingHoleNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (CollarInfo ci in existingHoles)

            ModelImportStatus mos        = new ModelImportStatus();
            Stream            fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            bit.PerformCollarImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, NKDProjectID, ConnectionString, existingHoleNames, overwrite);
예제 #19
        internal void SaveFormat(string fileName, string mapTargetPrimaryTable, char delimeter, int maxCols)
            ImportDataMap idm = GenerateImportDataMap(fileName, mapTargetPrimaryTable, delimeter, maxCols);

            ImportMapIO.SaveImportMap(idm, fileName);
예제 #20
        internal ImportDataMap GetImportDataMap(string fileName, string mapTargetPrimaryTable, char delimeter, int maxCols)
            ImportDataMap idm = GenerateImportDataMap(fileName, mapTargetPrimaryTable, delimeter, maxCols);

예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmDataFile"></param>
        /// <param name="selectedFormatBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="importMap"></param>
        /// <param name="xOrigin"></param>
        /// <param name="yOrigin"></param>
        /// <param name="zOrigin"></param>
        /// <param name="worker"></param>
        /// <param name="approxNumLines"></param>
        /// <param name="NKDProjectID"></param>
        /// <param name="units"></param>
        /// <param name="connString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string PerformBMImport(string bmDataFile, string selectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, double zOrigin, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker, int approxNumLines, string NKDProjectID, string units, string connString)
            this.currentWorker = worker;
            UpdateStatus("Connecting to NKD", 10.0);
            using (var entityObj = new NKDC(connString, null))
                // talk to the import lib to do the import
                var query = from BlockModel in entityObj.BlockModels select new { BlockModel.BlockModelID, BlockModel.OriginX, BlockModel.OriginY, BlockModel.OriginZ, BlockModel.ProjectID };

                List <string> cn = new List <string>();
                //For each field in the database (or property in Linq object)
                BlockModel ob = new BlockModel();
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in ob.GetType().GetProperties())
                    Type   ty   = pi.GetType();
                    String name = pi.Name;

                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                int      batchSize = 100;
                UpdateStatus("Creating new NKD block model", 20.0);
                ImportUtils.BlockImport dbIm = new ImportUtils.BlockImport();

                Guid blockModelGUID = Guid.NewGuid();

                BlockModel xAdd = new BlockModel();
                xAdd.OriginX = (Decimal)xOrigin;                                   // TO-DO
                xAdd.OriginY = (Decimal)yOrigin;                                   // TO-DO
                xAdd.OriginZ = (Decimal)zOrigin;                                   // TO-DO

                xAdd.BlockModelID = blockModelGUID;
                xAdd.ProjectID    = new Guid(NKDProjectID);    // TODO - allow user to pick size
                UpdateStatus("Setting model meta data", 25.0);
                // add the meta data to identify all of the oclumns etc.
                List <BlockModelMetadata> blockColumnMetaData = dbIm.SetBlockModelMetaData(blockModelGUID, importMap, connString);

                // add the new BM guid to the column map as a default so that it is always entered
                importMap.columnMap.Add(new ColumnMap("", -1, "BlockModelBlock", "BlockModelID", ImportDataMap.TEXTDATATYPE, blockModelGUID.ToString(), null, units));

                // add the individual blocks
                dbIm.AddBlockData(bmDataFile, importMap, blockModelGUID, batchSize, UpdateStatus, approxNumLines, connString);
                //dbIm.AddBlockDataNorm(bmDataFile, importMap, blockModelGUID, batchSize, UpdateStatus, approxNumLines, blockColumnMetaData);

                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                long     compVal = (endTime.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) / 1000;
                string   message = "" + startTime.ToShortTimeString() + " Ended: " + endTime.ToShortTimeString();

                long xval = compVal;

예제 #22
        internal void SetMap(ImportDataMap impMap)
            ImportDataMap oldMap = null;

            if (DataGridColumnMap.ItemsSource != null)
                oldMap = GenerateImportDataMap(impMap.mapOriginalDataFile, impMap.mapTargetPrimaryTable, impMap.inputDelimiter, impMap.MaxColumns);

            DataGridColumnMap.ItemsSource = null;

            sourceColumns = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            targetColumns = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            foreach (ColumnMap mi in impMap.columnMap)

                if (mi.importDataType == null)
                    mi.importDataType = ImportDataMap.NUMERICDATATYPE;
                    // try and get last used type
                    if (oldMap != null && oldMap.columnMap.Count > 0)
                        mi.importDataType = GetPreviousTypeFromMap(oldMap, mi);

                if (mi.defaultValue == null || mi.defaultValue.Trim().Length == 0)
                    mi.defaultValue = GetPreviousDefaultFromMap(oldMap, mi);
            dataTypeList = new ObservableCollection <string>();

            DataGridColumnMap.ItemsSource = null;

            unitTypesList = new ObservableCollection <string>();

            cmaps = new ObservableCollection <ColumnMap>();
            foreach (ColumnMap cm in impMap.columnMap)
            DataGridColumnMap.ItemsSource = cmaps;

예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Add block model data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textInputDataFile"></param>
        /// <param name="testMap"></param>
        /// <param name="blockModelGUID"></param>
        /// <param name="batchSize"></param>
        /// <param name="UpdateStatus"></param>
        /// <param name="numLines"></param>
        internal void AddBlockData(string textInputDataFile, ImportDataMap testMap, Guid blockModelGUID, int batchSize, Action <string, double> UpdateStatus, int numLines, string connString)
            // iterate through the data lines
            int           ct         = 1;
            SqlConnection connection = null;

            // get a connection to the database
                connection = new SqlConnection(connString);
                int            numCommits = 0;
                SqlTransaction trans;
                trans = connection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
                List <SqlCommand> commands = new List <SqlCommand>();
                int tb = 0;
                int transactionBatchLimit = batchSize;

                // open the filestream and read the first line
                StreamReader sr = null;
                FileStream   fs = null;
                    fs = new FileStream(textInputDataFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                    sr = new StreamReader(fs);
                catch (FileNotFoundException fex)
                    throw fex;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                string line = null;
                float  pct  = 0;
                float  bct  = 1;

                // report every X blocks
                int   repCount      = 0;
                int   reportOnBlock = 1000;
                float fNumLines     = (float)numLines;
                if (sr != null)
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                        if (repCount == reportOnBlock)
                            repCount = 0;
                            // now report status
                            pct = (bct / fNumLines) * 100.0f;
                            UpdateStatus("Writing block " + bct + " to database", pct);

                        if (ct >= testMap.dataStartLine)
                            string statementPart1   = "INSERT INTO " + testMap.mapTargetPrimaryTable + " ";
                            string clauseValues     = "";
                            string clauseParameters = "";

                            List <string> items = parseTestLine(line, testMap.inputDelimiter);
                            // now pick out all the mapped values
                            foreach (ColumnMap cmap in testMap.columnMap)
                                int    colID       = cmap.sourceColumnNumber;
                                string columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                                if (colID >= 0)
                                    columnValue = items[colID];
                                string targetCol   = cmap.targetColumnName;
                                string targetTable = cmap.targetColumnTable;
                                clauseValues += "" + targetTable + "." + targetCol + ",";

                                if (cmap.importDataType.Equals(ImportDataMap.NUMERICDATATYPE))
                                    if (columnValue.Equals("-"))
                                        if (cmap.defaultValue != null && cmap.defaultValue.Length > 0)
                                            columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                                            columnValue = "NULL";
                                    clauseParameters += columnValue + ",";
                                    clauseParameters += "\'" + columnValue + "\',";
                            // now just a hack to remove the final coma from the query
                            clauseParameters = clauseParameters.Substring(0, clauseParameters.Length - 1);
                            clauseValues     = clauseValues.Substring(0, clauseValues.Length - 1);

                            string     commandText = statementPart1 + "(" + clauseValues + ") VALUES (" + clauseParameters + ")";
                            SqlCommand sqc         = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection, trans);

                            if (tb == transactionBatchLimit)
                                // commit batch, then renew the transaction
                                //   trans = null;
                                trans = connection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
                                // reset counter
                                tb = 0;

                if (tb > 0)
                UpdateStatus("Finished writing blocks to database ", 100.0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                UpdateStatus("Error writing blocks to database\n\n " + ex.ToString(), 0);
            finally {
                try { connection.Close(); }
                catch { }
예제 #24
        private ImportDataMap GetColumnDefs()
            ImportDataMap impMap = new ImportDataMap();

            // get the selected headers
            string res    = "";
            int    colNum = 0;
            IList <DataGridColumn>   columns = PreviewGrid.Columns;
            Dictionary <string, int> defs    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int incrementor1 = 1;

            foreach (DataGridColumn dgc in columns)
                ComboBox tmp = (ComboBox)dgc.Header;
                string   ss  = (string)tmp.SelectedValue;
                if (ss != null && ss.StartsWith("->") == true)
                    int    idx = ss.IndexOf('(');
                    string s1a = ss.Substring(2, idx - 2);
                    string s1  = ss.Substring(0, idx);

                    int    idx2 = ss.LastIndexOf(')');
                    string s2   = ss.Substring(idx + 1, (idx2 - idx) - 1);
                    res += "\nMap column " + colNum + " \'" + s2 + "\' to " + s1;
                        string colVal = s1.Substring(2).Trim();
                        if (colVal.StartsWith("["))
                            int    lv  = colVal.Trim().Length - 1;
                            string sx1 = colVal.Substring(0, lv);
                            sx1 += " " + incrementor1 + "]";
                            colVal = sx1;
                        defs.Add(colVal, colNum);
                        // get the specified type form DB for this column
                        string dbType = LookupColumnDBType(targetMainDataType, s1a, bmRequiredFields);

                        impMap.columnMap.Add(new ColumnMap(s2, colNum, targetMainDataType, s1a, dbType, "", "", ImportDataMap.UNIT_NONE));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // duplicate added

            // now search through the definitions and see which items are mapped

            int ct = 0;

            foreach (ColumnMetaInfo rf in bmRequiredFields)
                int             col = GetValFromDict(defs, rf.columnName);
                SolidColorBrush scb = Brushes.Red;

                //if (rf.hasFK) {
                //    scb = Brushes.Gold;
                if (rf.isMandatory)
                    GenerateLabel(ct, rf.columnName, col, scb);

            foreach (ColumnMetaInfo rf in bmOptionalFields)
                int             col = GetValFromDict(defs, rf.columnName);
                SolidColorBrush scb = Brushes.Orange;

                //if (rf.hasFK)
                //    scb = Brushes.Gold;
                GenerateLabel(ct, rf.columnName, col, scb);

            // now seartch list to perform assignmnets

            //columnDefs.bmX = GetValFromDict(defs, "X");
            //columnDefs.bmY = GetValFromDict(defs, "Y");
            //columnDefs.bmZ = GetValFromDict(defs, "Z");
            //columnDefs.bmXINC = GetValFromDict(defs, "X width");
            //columnDefs.bmYINC = GetValFromDict(defs, "Y width");
            //columnDefs.bmZINC = GetValFromDict(defs, "Z width");
            //columnDefs.bmZone = GetValFromDict(defs, "Domain");
            //columnDefs.bmDensity = GetValFromDict(defs, "Density");
            //columnDefs.bmGradeAttributes = new int[1];
            //columnDefs.bmGradeAttributes[0] = GetValFromDict(defs, "Variable");

            //int ct = 0;
            //foreach (string rf in bmRequiredFields)
            //    GenerateLabel(ct, rf, -1);
            //    ct++;
            //GenerateLabel(0, "X",columnDefs.bmX);
            //GenerateLabel(1, "Y", columnDefs.bmY);
            //GenerateLabel(2, "Z", columnDefs.bmZ);

            //GenerateLabel(3, "X width", columnDefs.bmXINC);
            //GenerateLabel(4, "Y width", columnDefs.bmYINC);
            //GenerateLabel(5, "Z width", columnDefs.bmZINC);
            //GenerateLabel(6, "Domain", columnDefs.bmZone);
            //GenerateLabel(7, "Variable", columnDefs.bmGradeAttributes[0]);

            //GenerateLabel(8, "Density", columnDefs.bmDensity);

예제 #25
        private void OverwriteCollarRecord(ModelImportStatus mos, List <List <string> > rejectedLines, ImportDataMap importMap, string connectionString, Guid NKDProjectID, Action <string, double> UpdateStatus, Dictionary <string, string> holeWarningMessages)
            SqlConnection connection          = null;
            SqlConnection secondaryConnection = null;

                connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                secondaryConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                int            numCommits = 0;
                SqlTransaction trans;
                trans = connection.BeginTransaction();
                List <SqlCommand> commands = new List <SqlCommand>();
                int tb = 0;
                int transactionBatchLimit = 10;
                // open the filestream and read the first line
                float bct = 1;
                // report every X blocks
                int repCount = 0;
                //int reportOnBlock = 1000;
                float fNumLines = (float)rejectedLines.Count();

                // get the column containing the hole name
                ColumnMap cmapHeader = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("HoleName");
                cmapHeader.importDataType = ImportDataMap.TEXTDATATYPE;
                int headerIDX          = cmapHeader.sourceColumnNumber;
                int numberOfHolesAdded = 0;
                int linesRead          = 0;
                int ct = 1;

                // get all fo the header IDs in one go before we try the insert

                Dictionary <string, Guid> holeIDLookups = CollarQueries.FindHeaderGuidsForProject(NKDProjectID);
                // this loop makes sure that any guids are properly types so that a text string for that guid can be passed into the query
                foreach (ColumnMap cmap in importMap.columnMap)
                    bool isFKColumn = cmap.hasFKRelation;
                    if (isFKColumn)
                        cmap.importDataType = ImportDataMap.TEXTDATATYPE;

                foreach (List <string> columnData in rejectedLines)


                    string statementPart1 = "UPDATE " + importMap.mapTargetPrimaryTable + " ";
                    string clauseValues   = "";

                    // using the column map, pick out the hole name field and see if it is in the database already
                    string headerNameItem = columnData[headerIDX];
                    string headerGUID     = "";
                    bool   lv             = holeIDLookups.ContainsKey(headerNameItem);
                    if (!lv)
                        // oops - no hole ID with this name - should not happen though!!
                        Guid holeGuid = new Guid();
                        holeIDLookups.TryGetValue(headerNameItem, out holeGuid);
                        headerGUID = holeGuid.ToString();

                    #region mappsearch
                    // now pick out all the mapped values
                    foreach (ColumnMap cmap in importMap.columnMap)
                        bool   isFKColumn  = cmap.hasFKRelation;
                        int    colID       = cmap.sourceColumnNumber;
                        string columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                        if (colID >= 0)
                            columnValue = columnData[colID];

                        string targetCol = cmap.targetColumnName;
                        // ignore mapped hole name and project ID columns
                        if (targetCol.Trim().Equals("HoleName") || targetCol.Trim().Equals("ProjectID"))
                        string targetTable = cmap.targetColumnTable;

                        clauseValues += "" + targetTable + "." + targetCol + "=";

                        if (isFKColumn)
                            // go and search for the appropriate value from the foreign key table
                            string newValue = ForeignKeyUtils.FindFKValueInDictionary(columnValue, cmap, secondaryConnection, true);
                            if (newValue == null)
                                clauseValues += "NULL,";
                                clauseValues += "\'" + newValue + "\',";
                            if (cmap.importDataType.Equals(ImportDataMap.NUMERICDATATYPE))
                                if (columnValue.Equals("-") || columnValue.Trim().Length == 0)
                                    if (cmap.defaultValue != null && cmap.defaultValue.Length > 0)
                                        columnValue = cmap.defaultValue;
                                        columnValue = "NULL";
                            else if (cmap.importDataType.Equals(ImportDataMap.TIMESTAMPDATATYPE))
                                DateTime dtr    = new DateTime();
                                bool     parsed = DateTime.TryParse(columnValue, out dtr);
                                if (parsed)
                                    columnValue = "\'" + dtr.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt") + "\'";
                                    columnValue = "NULL";
                                columnValue = "\'" + columnValue + "\'";
                            clauseValues += columnValue + ",";
                    // now just a hack to remove the final coma from the query
                    clauseValues = clauseValues.Substring(0, clauseValues.Length - 1);

                    string     commandText = statementPart1 + "SET " + clauseValues + " WHERE HeaderID=\'" + headerGUID + "\' AND ProjectID=\'" + NKDProjectID.ToString() + "\';";
                    SqlCommand sqc         = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection, trans);
                    string     msg         = "";
                    //holeWarningMessages.TryGetValue(headerNameItem, out msg);
                    msg = "Hole " + headerNameItem + " was overwritten with new data";
                    holeWarningMessages[headerNameItem] = msg;

                    if (commitToDB)
                    if (tb == transactionBatchLimit)
                        // commit batch, then renew the transaction
                        if (commitToDB)
                            //   trans = null;
                            trans = connection.BeginTransaction();
                        // reset counter
                        tb = 0;


                if (tb > 0)
                    if (commitToDB)
                mos.recordsUpdated = numberOfHolesAdded;
                UpdateStatus("Finished writing collars to database ", 100.0);

            catch (Exception ex)
                UpdateStatus("Error writing collars to database ", 0);
                mos.AddErrorMessage("Error writing collar data at line " + rejectedLines.Count + ":\n" + ex.ToString());
                mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Error closing conenction to database:\n" + ex.ToString());
                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;
예제 #26
        internal ImportDataMap GenerateColumnMap()
            ImportDataMap impMap = GetColumnDefs();
