예제 #1
        public Task PopulateViewModel(ImportAccountsViewModel viewModel)
            //select students from db Users
            viewModel.studentEmails = _studentService.GetStudentEmailsByRoleName(ProfilerRoles.Student);

            //select trainers from db Users
            viewModel.trainerEmails = _trainerService.GetTrainerEmailsByRoleName(ProfilerRoles.Trainer);

예제 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> ImportAccounts()
            //get current user
            ApplicationUser loggedUser = await GetUserAsync();

            //compare if it's userinfo contains googleApiKey
            if (_userInfoService.GetUserInfo(loggedUser?.Email).GoogleApiKey == null)

            ImportAccountsViewModel viewModel = new ImportAccountsViewModel();

            await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

예제 #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteTrainerAccount(string emailToRemove)
            ImportAccountsViewModel viewModel = new ImportAccountsViewModel();

            //fetch the trainer
            ApplicationUser trainer = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(emailToRemove);

            //if trainer exists
            if (trainer != null)
                //find students that have this trainer
                IQueryable <Student> students = _studentService.GetStudentsByTrainerId(trainer.Id);

                //do not delete if the trainer has students
                if (students.Count() > 0)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Foreign key exception", "The trainer has at least one student. Please delete the student before removing the trainer.");
                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

                //remove user
                IdentityResult result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(trainer);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    return(View("DeleteResult", emailToRemove));
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Delete failed", "Server error: database was not updated. Please contact the developer.");
                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

            //if trainer does not exist
            ModelState.AddModelError("Trainer does not exist", "There is no entry in the database with these parameters. Please contact the developer.");
            await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

            return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));
예제 #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteStudentAccount(string emailToRemove)
            ImportAccountsViewModel viewModel = new ImportAccountsViewModel();

            //fetch the user
            ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(emailToRemove);

            if (user != null)
                    //remove User
                    IdentityResult userResult = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                    if (userResult.Succeeded)
                        return(View("DeleteResult", emailToRemove));
                        throw new Exception();
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Delete failed", "Server error: database was not updated. Please contact the developer.");
                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

            ModelState.AddModelError("Trainer does not exist", "There is no entry in the database with these parameters. Please contact the developer.");
            await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

            return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));
예제 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> ImportStudentAccounts(ImportAccountsViewModel viewModel)
            //Keep track of added users
            //Use this vars to minimize database quering
            Dictionary <String, String> generatedPasswords = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            List <ApplicationUser>      usersToNotify      = new List <ApplicationUser>();
            List <UserInfo>             userInfosToNotify  = new List <UserInfo>();

            string spreadsheetId = "";

                //break the link and extrach the id
                spreadsheetId = viewModel.ApiKey.Split(new[] { '/' })[5];
                ModelState.AddModelError("WrongLink", "There was an issue processing your request. Please verify the link you are pasting are from a google spreadsheet.");
                await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

            //get the api key
            ApplicationUser loggedUser = await GetUserAsync();

            //Define the web request params
            string sheetRange = "A2:Z";
            string apiKey     = _userInfoService.GetUserInfo(loggedUser?.Email).GoogleApiKey;
            string requestUrl = "https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/" + spreadsheetId + "/values/" + sheetRange + "?key=" + apiKey;

            //create request
            HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);

            using (HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse())
                //read the response stream
                StreamReader reader     = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
                var          jsonString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                //parse the response stream
                JObject deserealizedJson       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString) as JObject;
                IEnumerable <JToken> tableRows = deserealizedJson.GetSheetRow(2);

                //check if the spreadsheet contains duplicate emails
                List <string> ssEmails = new List <string>();
                foreach (JToken row in tableRows)
                if (ssEmails.Count != ssEmails.Distinct().Count())
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DuplicateEmails", "It seems that the Google table contains duplicate emails. Please check the table and try again.");
                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

                //get teh list of current students' emails in the database
                IList <string> databaseStudentEmails = _studentService.GetStudentEmailsByRoleName(ProfilerRoles.Student);

                foreach (JToken row in tableRows)
                    string trainerEmail = row.GetElementValue(0);

                    string sheetRowEmail = row.GetElementValue(7);

                    //check if mentioned trainer exists
                    ApplicationUser trainer = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(trainerEmail);

                    if (trainer != null)
                        //check if the email is already present in the system
                        if (!databaseStudentEmails.Contains(sheetRowEmail))
                            //pick values from the spreadsheet for the new user
                            ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser()
                                UserName = sheetRowEmail, Email = sheetRowEmail

                            //generate a password
                            string password = PasswordGenerator.Generate(6, 0);

                            var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, password);

                            if (result.Succeeded)
                                //add to the dictionary (for testing only)
                                generatedPasswords.Add(user.UserName, password);

                                //add to the role Students
                                var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(user.UserName);

                                await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(currentUser, ProfilerRoles.Student);

                                //add user info
                                //TODO: parse the number
                                UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo
                                    UserId      = currentUser.Id,
                                    EnName      = row.GetElementValue(1),
                                    EnSurname   = row.GetElementValue(2),
                                    RuSurname   = row.GetElementValue(3),
                                    RuName      = row.GetElementValue(4),
                                    DateOfBirth = ParseDateTimeToBLRStandard(row.GetElementValue(6)),
                                    Email       = row.GetElementValue(7),
                                    Phone       = row.GetElementValue(8)

                                await _userInfoService.AddUserInfoAsync(userInfo);

                                //bind userInfo to applicationUser
                                currentUser.UserInfo = userInfo;

                                //keep track of the new email

                                    //save changes to the database
                                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                    ModelState.AddModelError("Import failed", $"Server error: can’t create new account for {userInfo.Email}. Please try again later.");
                                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

                                //pick the created userInfo
                                UserInfo userInfoCreated = _userInfoService.GetUserInfo(currentUser.Email);

                                //TODO: verify datetime
                                Student student = new Student
                                    TrainerId        = trainer.Id,
                                    UserInfoId       = userInfoCreated.Id,
                                    DateOfGraduation = ParseDateTimeToBLRStandard(row.GetElementValue(9)),
                                    GraduationMark   = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetElementValue(11))

                                    //save the changes
                                    await _studentService.AddOrUpdateStudentAsync(student);

                                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                    ModelState.AddModelError("Import failed", $"Server error: can’t create new student for {userInfoCreated.Email}. Please try again later.");
                                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

                                //pick the stream
                                Model.Models.Stream stream = _streamService.GetStreamByShortName(row.Children <JToken>().ElementAt(10).Value <string>());

                                if (stream != null)
                                        //bind stream to the student and save the changes
                                        await _studentService.AddStream(student, stream);

                                        await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("Import failed", $"Server error: can’t create new student for {userInfoCreated.Email}. Please try again later.");
                                        await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                                        return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));
                                //if the spreadsheet has an abbreviation not present in the database
                                    ModelState.AddModelError("Import failed", $"Server error: can’t create new student for {userInfoCreated.Email}. Please check the field \"Stream\" in the google table.");
                                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));
                        //if the email already exists
                            //check the stream
                            UserInfo            userInfo        = _db.UserInfo.FirstOrDefault(ui => ui.Email == sheetRowEmail);
                            Student             existingStudent = _studentService.GetCurrentStudentByUserInfo(_userInfoService.GetUserInfo(sheetRowEmail).Id);
                            Model.Models.Stream stream          = _streamService.GetStreamByStudentId(existingStudent.Id);

                            string spreadsheetRowStream = row.GetElementValue(10);

                            //if the stream is different, create new student
                            if (stream.StreamShortName != spreadsheetRowStream)
                                //TODO: verify datetime
                                Student student = new Student
                                    TrainerId        = trainer.Id,
                                    UserInfoId       = userInfo.Id,
                                    DateOfGraduation = ParseDateTimeToBLRStandard(row.GetElementValue(9)),
                                    GraduationMark   = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetElementValue(11))
                                    //save changes
                                    await _studentService.AddOrUpdateStudentAsync(student);

                                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                    ModelState.AddModelError("Import failed", $"Server error: can’t create new student for {userInfo.Email}. Please try again later.");
                                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

                                //pick the stream
                                Model.Models.Stream streamToAdd = _streamService.GetStreamByShortName(spreadsheetRowStream);
                                    //bind stream to the student
                                    await _studentService.AddStream(student, streamToAdd);

                                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                                    ModelState.AddModelError("Import failed", $"Server error: can’t create new student for {userInfo.Email}. Please try again later.");
                                    await PopulateViewModel(viewModel);

                                    return(View("ImportAccounts", viewModel));

            ////send emails
            //foreach (ApplicationUser userToNotify in usersToNotify)
            //    UserInfo thisUserInfo = userInfosToNotify.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userToNotify.Id);
            //    string userPassword = generatedPasswords.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == userToNotify.Email).Value;
            //    string appLink = _configuration.GetSection("ProfileAppLink").Value;

            //    EmailSender emailSender = new EmailSender();
            //    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //    sb.AppendLine("Здравствуйте, " + thisUserInfo.RuName + " " + thisUserInfo.RuSurname + ".");
            //    sb.AppendLine("");
            //    sb.AppendLine("Для вас была создана учетная запись в системе PROFILE.");
            //    //sb.AppendLine("Please use this link: " + appLink + " and this password: "******" to log in to your account.");
            //    sb.AppendLine("Для входа в систему используйте ваш пароль - " + userPassword);
            //    await emailSender.SendEmailAsync(userToNotify.Email, "Данные вашей учетной записи в Системе PROFILE Образовательного центра ПВТ", sb.ToString());

            return(View("ImportAccountsResult", generatedPasswords));