public List <LocationModel> GetLocations()
            List <LocationModel> locations;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                locations = imisContext.TblLocations
                            .Where(l => l.ValidityTo == null &&
                                   !(l.LocationName == "Funding" ||
                                     l.LocationCode == "FR" ||
                                     l.LocationCode == "FD" ||
                                     l.LocationCode == "FW" ||
                                     l.LocationCode == "FV"
                            .Select(x => new LocationModel()
                    LocationId       = x.LocationId,
                    LocationCode     = x.LocationCode,
                    LocationName     = x.LocationName,
                    ParentLocationId = x.ParentLocationId,
                    LocationType     = x.LocationType

        public int Delete(Guid uuid)
            int response = 0;

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    var renewal = imisContext.TblPolicyRenewals.SingleOrDefault(pr => pr.RenewalUUID == uuid);

                    if (renewal == null)

                    renewal.ResponseStatus = 2;
                    renewal.ResponseDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    response = 1;

            catch (SqlException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #3
        public List <UserData> FindUserByName(string UserName)
            List <UserData> response = new List <UserData>();

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    response = imisContext.TblUsers
                               .Where(u => u.LoginName == UserName && u.ValidityTo == null)
                               .Select(x => new UserData()
                        UserUUID       = x.UserUUID,
                        LoginName      = Convert.ToString(x.LoginName),
                        PrivateKey     = Convert.ToString(x.PrivateKey),
                        StoredPassword = Convert.ToString(x.StoredPassword)

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #4
        public int GetOfficerIdByUserUUID(Guid userUUID)
            int response;

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    var loginName = imisContext.TblUsers
                                    .Where(u => u.UserUUID == userUUID)
                                    .Select(x => x.LoginName)

                    response = imisContext.TblOfficer
                               .Where(o => o.Code == loginName)
                               .Select(x => x.OfficerId)

            catch (SqlException e)
                throw e;
        public List <OfficerModel> GetOfficers()
            List <OfficerModel> officers;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                officers = imisContext.TblOfficer
                           .Where(o => o.ValidityTo == null)
                           .Select(x => new OfficerModel()
                    OfficerId      = x.OfficerId,
                    OfficerUUID    = x.OfficerUUID,
                    Code           = x.Code,
                    LastName       = x.LastName,
                    OtherNames     = x.OtherNames,
                    Phone          = x.Phone,
                    LocationId     = x.LocationId,
                    OfficerIDSubst = x.OfficerIdsubst.ToString(),
                    WorksTo        = x.WorksTo.GetValueOrDefault()

예제 #6
        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
            Guid userId = Guid.Parse(context.HttpContext.User.Claims
                                     .Where(w => w.Type == "UserUUID")
                                     .Select(x => x.Value)

            HashSet <int> rights;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                rights = (from UR in imisContext.TblUserRole
                          join RR in imisContext.TblRoleRight.Where(x => x.ValidityTo == null) on UR.RoleID equals RR.RoleID
                          join US in imisContext.TblUsers.Where(x => x.ValidityTo == null) on UR.UserID equals US.UserId
                          where (US.UserUUID == userId && UR.ValidityTo == null)
                          select RR.RightID

            bool isAuthorized = userRights.Select(s => (int)s).All(x => rights.Contains(x));

            if (!isAuthorized)
                context.Result = new ForbidResult();
예제 #7
        public FeedbackReportModel GetFeedbackStats(ReportRequestModel feedbackRequestModel, string officerCode)
            FeedbackReportModel response = new FeedbackReportModel();

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                var feedbackSent = (from FP in imisContext.TblFromPhone
                                    where FP.DocType == "F" &&
                                    FP.LandedDate >= feedbackRequestModel.FromDate &&
                                    FP.LandedDate <= feedbackRequestModel.ToDate &&
                                    FP.OfficerCode == officerCode
                                    select FP)

                var feedbackAccepted = feedbackSent
                                       .Where(f => f.DocStatus == "A")

                response = new FeedbackReportModel()
                    FeedbackSent     = feedbackSent.Count(),
                    FeedbackAccepted = feedbackAccepted

예제 #8
        public EnrolmentReportModel GetEnrolmentStats(ReportRequestModel enrolmentRequestModel, string officerCode)
            EnrolmentReportModel response = new EnrolmentReportModel();

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                var submitted = (from FP in imisContext.TblFromPhone
                                 join O in imisContext.TblOfficer on FP.OfficerCode equals O.Code
                                 where FP.DocType == "E" &&
                                 FP.LandedDate >= enrolmentRequestModel.FromDate &&
                                 FP.LandedDate <= enrolmentRequestModel.ToDate &&
                                 O.ValidityTo == null &&
                                 FP.OfficerCode == officerCode
                                 select new { FromPhone = FP, Officer = O })

                var assigned = (from S in submitted
                                from P in imisContext.TblPhotos
                                where P.ValidityTo == null &&
                                P.PhotoFileName == S.FromPhone.DocName &&
                                P.OfficerId == S.Officer.OfficerId
                                select S)

                response = new EnrolmentReportModel()
                    TotalSubmitted = submitted.Select(x => x.FromPhone).Count(),
                    TotalAssigned  = assigned.Count(),

예제 #9
        public RenewalReportModel GetRenewalStats(ReportRequestModel renewalRequestModel, string officerCode)
            RenewalReportModel response = new RenewalReportModel();

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                var renewalSent = (from FP in imisContext.TblFromPhone
                                   where FP.DocType == "R" &&
                                   FP.LandedDate >= renewalRequestModel.FromDate &&
                                   FP.LandedDate <= renewalRequestModel.ToDate &&
                                   FP.OfficerCode == officerCode
                                   select FP)

                var renewalAccepted = renewalSent
                                      .Where(f => f.DocStatus == "A")

                response = new RenewalReportModel()
                    RenewalSent     = renewalSent.Count(),
                    RenewalAccepted = renewalAccepted

예제 #10
        public List <ClaimAdminModel> GetClaimAdministrators()
            List <ClaimAdminModel> response = new List <ClaimAdminModel>();

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    response = imisContext.TblClaimAdmin
                               .Where(c => c.ValidityTo == null)
                               .Select(x => new ClaimAdminModel()
                        lastName       = x.LastName,
                        otherNames     = x.OtherNames,
                        claimAdminCode = x.ClaimAdminCode

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #11
        public async Task DeleteFamilyAsync(int familyId)
            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                TblFamilies familyToDelete = await imisContext.TblFamilies
                                             .Where(f => f.ValidityTo == null && f.FamilyId == familyId)
                                             .Include(f => f.TblInsuree)
                                             .Select(f => f)

                if (familyToDelete == null)
                    throw new ValidationException(FamilyErrors.FAMILY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR);

                familyToDelete.ValidityTo = DateTime.Now;

                foreach (TblInsuree tblInsuree in familyToDelete.TblInsuree)
                    tblInsuree.ValidityTo = DateTime.Now;

                await imisContext.SaveChangesAsync();
예제 #12
        public async Task <FamilyModel> GetFamilyByInsureeId(string insureeNumber)
            FamilyModel familyModel;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                familyModel = await
                              //(from i in imisContext.TblInsuree
                              //				 join f in imisContext.TblFamilies on i.FamilyId equals f.FamilyId
                              //				 where i.ValidityTo == null && i.Chfid == insureeId && f.ValidityTo == null
                              //				 select FamilyModel.FromTblFamilies(f))
                              .Where(i => i.ValidityTo == null && i.Chfid == insureeNumber)
                              .Join(imisContext.TblFamilies, i => i.FamilyId, f => f.FamilyId, (i, f) => f)
                              .Where(f => f.ValidityTo == null)
                              .Include(f => f.TblInsuree)
                              .Select(f => FamilyModel.FromTblFamilies(f))

                if (familyModel == null)

        public DataMessage GetCommissions(GetCommissionInputs model)
            dynamic response;

            int year  = DateTime.UtcNow.Year;
            int month = DateTime.UtcNow.Month;

                year  = Convert.ToInt32(model.year);
                month = Convert.ToInt32(model.month);
            catch (Exception)

            DateTime minDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
            DateTime maxDate = new DateTime(year, month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month));

            DataMessage message;

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    var res = (from PR in imisContext.TblPremium
                               join P in imisContext.TblPolicy.Where(p => p.ValidityTo == null) on PR.PolicyId equals P.PolicyId
                               join R in imisContext.TblReporting on PR.ReportingCommissionID equals R.ReportingId
                               join O in imisContext.TblOfficer on P.OfficerId equals O.OfficerId
                               where (PR.ReportingCommissionID == null &&
                                      (PR.PayDate >= minDate && PR.PayDate <= maxDate) &&
                                      PR.ValidityTo == null &&
                                      O.Code == model.enrolment_officer_code)
                               select new
                        Commission = (R.CammissionRate == null ? 0.00M : R.CammissionRate) * PR.Amount,

                    var c = res.Count > 0 ? res.Sum(x => x.Commission) : null;
                    var a = res.Count > 0 ? res.Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Amount) : null;

                    response = new List <dynamic>()
                        new { Commission = c, Amount = a }

                    message = new GetCommissionResponse(0, false, response, 0).Message;
            catch (Exception e)
                message = new GetCommissionResponse(e).Message;

예제 #14
        public FamilyModel GetByCHFID(string chfid, Guid userUUID)
            FamilyModel response = new FamilyModel();

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    var locationIds = (from UD in imisContext.TblUsersDistricts
                                       join U in imisContext.TblUsers on UD.UserId equals U.UserId
                                       where U.UserUUID == userUUID && UD.ValidityTo == null
                                       select UD.LocationId)

                    var familyId = (from I in imisContext.TblInsuree
                                    join F in imisContext.TblFamilies on I.FamilyId equals F.FamilyId
                                    join V in imisContext.TblVillages on F.LocationId equals V.VillageId
                                    join W in imisContext.TblWards on V.WardId equals W.WardId
                                    join D in imisContext.TblDistricts on W.DistrictId equals D.DistrictId
                                    where (I.Chfid == chfid &&
                                           locationIds.Contains(D.DistrictId) &&
                                           F.ValidityTo == null &&
                                           I.ValidityTo == null &&
                                           V.ValidityTo == null &&
                                           W.ValidityTo == null &&
                                           D.ValidityTo == null)
                                    select F.FamilyId)

                    response = imisContext.TblInsuree
                               .Where(i => i.ValidityTo == null && i.FamilyId == familyId)
                               .Join(imisContext.TblFamilies, i => i.FamilyId, f => f.FamilyId, (i, f) => f)
                               .Join(imisContext.TblFamilySMS, f => f.FamilyId, fsms => fsms.FamilyId, (f, fsms) => f)
                               .Where(f => f.ValidityTo == null)
                               .Include(f => f.TblInsuree)
                               .ThenInclude(f => f.Photo)
                               .Include(f => f.TblFamilySMS)
                               .Select(f => FamilyModel.FromTblFamilies(f))

                if (response == null)

            catch (SqlException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #15
        public DataMessage Validate(IntentOfPay intent)
            var context = new ImisDB();

            foreach (var policy in intent.policies)
                // Check if the Insurance number is not blank or null
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(policy.insurance_number))
                    dataMessage.Code         = 1;
                    dataMessage.MessageValue = new Responses.Messages.Language().GetMessage((int)UserLanguage, "WrongFormatInsureeNo");
                // Check if the product is valid
                else if (context.TblProduct.Where(p => p.ProductCode == policy.insurance_product_code && p.ValidityTo == null).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    dataMessage.Code         = 2;
                    dataMessage.MessageValue = new Responses.Messages.Language().GetMessage((int)UserLanguage, "InValidINmissingPC");
                // Check if the officer code is valid
                else if (context.TblOfficer.Where(o => o.Code == intent.enrolment_officer_code && o.ValidityTo == null).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    dataMessage.Code         = 3;
                    dataMessage.MessageValue = new Responses.Messages.Language().GetMessage((int)UserLanguage, "InValidEOC");
                // Check if the officer can sell this product (based on the location)
                else if (!CanOfficerSellProduct(intent.enrolment_officer_code, policy.insurance_product_code))
                    dataMessage.Code         = 4;
                    dataMessage.MessageValue = new Responses.Messages.Language().GetMessage((int)UserLanguage, "IncompatibleEO_PC");
                // Check if the family has existing product to renew (if the Enrolment Type is renewal(1))
                else if (policy.IsRenewal() == 1 & (from prods in context.TblProduct
                                                    join pol in context.TblPolicy on prods.ProdId equals pol.ProdId
                                                    join i in context.TblInsuree on pol.FamilyId equals i.FamilyId
                                                    where (prods.ProductCode == policy.insurance_product_code &&
                                                           i.Chfid == policy.insurance_number &&
                                                           prods.ValidityTo == null &&
                                                           i.ValidityTo == null)
                                                    select pol.PolicyId).FirstOrDefault() == 0
                    dataMessage.Code         = 5;
                    dataMessage.MessageValue = new Responses.Messages.Language().GetMessage((int)UserLanguage, "NoRenewalProduct");
                // Check if requested product has any free control number left in pool
                else if (!ControlNumberAvailable(policy.insurance_product_code))
                    dataMessage.Code         = 11;
                    dataMessage.MessageValue = new Responses.Messages.Language().GetMessage((int)UserLanguage, "NoControlNumberAvailable");
            dataMessage.ErrorOccured = dataMessage.Code != 0;
            dataMessage.Data         = new AssignedControlNumber();
예제 #16
        public User GetByUsername(string username)
            TblUsers user;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                user = imisContext.TblUsers.Where(u => u.LoginName == username).FirstOrDefault();
            return(TypeCast.Cast <User>(user));
예제 #17
        public async Task <User> GetByUsernameAsync(string username)
            TblUsers user;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                user = await imisContext.TblUsers.Where(u => u.LoginName == username).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
            return(TypeCast.Cast <User>(user));
예제 #18
        // TODO: Receiving RenewalUUID directly from SP
        public List <GetPolicyRenewalModel> Get(string officerCode)
            List <GetPolicyRenewalModel> response = new List <GetPolicyRenewalModel>();

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                var officerCodeParameter = new SqlParameter("@OfficerCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 8);
                officerCodeParameter.Value = officerCode;

                var sql = "exec uspGetPolicyRenewals @OfficerCode";

                DbConnection connection = imisContext.Database.GetDbConnection();

                using (DbCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = sql;

                    cmd.Parameters.AddRange(new[] { officerCodeParameter });

                    if (connection.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Closed))

                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                response.Add(new GetPolicyRenewalModel()
                                    RenewalId         = int.Parse(reader["RenewalId"].ToString()),
                                    PolicyId          = int.Parse(reader["PolicyId"].ToString()),
                                    OfficerId         = int.Parse(reader["OfficerId"].ToString()),
                                    OfficerCode       = reader["OfficerCode"].ToString(),
                                    CHFID             = reader["CHFID"].ToString(),
                                    LastName          = reader["LastName"].ToString(),
                                    OtherNames        = reader["OtherNames"].ToString(),
                                    ProductCode       = reader["ProductCode"].ToString(),
                                    ProductName       = reader["ProductName"].ToString(),
                                    VillageName       = reader["VillageName"].ToString(),
                                    RenewalPromptDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["RenewalPromptDate"].ToStringWithDBNull()),
                                    Phone             = reader["Phone"].ToString(),
                                    RenewalUUID       = GetRenewalUUIDById(int.Parse(reader["RenewalId"].ToString()))
                        } while (reader.NextResult());

예제 #19
        public DiagnosisServiceItem GetDsi(DsiInputModel model)
            DiagnosisServiceItem message = new DiagnosisServiceItem();

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    List <CodeName>      diagnoses;
                    List <CodeNamePrice> items;
                    List <CodeNamePrice> services;

                    diagnoses = imisContext.TblIcdcodes
                                .Where(i => i.ValidityFrom >= Convert.ToDateTime(model.last_update_date) &&
                                       i.ValidityTo == null)
                                .Select(x => new CodeName()
                        code = x.Icdcode,
                        name = x.Icdname

                    items = imisContext.TblItems
                            .Where(i => i.ValidityFrom >= Convert.ToDateTime(model.last_update_date) &&
                                   i.ValidityTo == null)
                            .Select(x => new CodeNamePrice()
                        code  = x.ItemCode,
                        name  = x.ItemName,
                        price = x.ItemPrice.ToString()

                    services = imisContext.TblServices
                               .Where(i => i.ValidityFrom >= Convert.ToDateTime(model.last_update_date) &&
                                      i.ValidityTo == null)
                               .Select(x => new CodeNamePrice()
                        code  = x.ServCode,
                        name  = x.ServName,
                        price = x.ServPrice.ToString()

                    message.diagnoses         = diagnoses;
                    message.items             = items;
                    = services;
                    message.update_since_last = DateTime.UtcNow;

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// TODO: add location constraint
        public async Task <int> GetFamiliesCount()
            int familiesCount = 0;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                familiesCount = await imisContext.TblFamilies
                                .CountAsync(f => f.ValidityTo == null);

예제 #21
        public SnapshotResponseModel GetSnapshotIndicators(SnapshotRequestModel snapshotRequestModel, string officerCode)
            SnapshotResponseModel response = new SnapshotResponseModel();

            int officerId;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                officerId = (from O in imisContext.TblOfficer
                             where O.Code == officerCode &&
                             O.ValidityTo == null
                             select O.OfficerId)

                var snapshotDateParameter = new SqlParameter("@SnapshotDate", snapshotRequestModel.SnapshotDate)
                    SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Date
                var officerIdParameter = new SqlParameter("@OfficerId", officerId);

                var sql = "SELECT Active, Expired, Idle, Suspended FROM udfGetSnapshotIndicators(@SnapshotDate,@OfficerId)";

                DbConnection connection = imisContext.Database.GetDbConnection();

                using (DbCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = sql;

                    cmd.Parameters.AddRange(new[] { snapshotDateParameter, officerIdParameter });

                    if (connection.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Closed))

                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                response.Active    = int.Parse(reader["Active"].ToString());
                                response.Expired   = int.Parse(reader["Expired"].ToString());
                                response.Idle      = int.Parse(reader["Idle"].ToString());
                                response.Suspended = int.Parse(reader["Suspended"].ToString());
                        } while (reader.NextResult());

예제 #22
        public bool Get(ReceiptRequestModel receipt)
            bool response = false;

                using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                    var districtId = (from F in imisContext.TblFamilies
                                      join I in imisContext.TblInsuree on F.InsureeId equals I.InsureeId
                                      join V in imisContext.TblVillages on F.LocationId equals V.VillageId
                                      join W in imisContext.TblWards on V.WardId equals W.WardId
                                      join D in imisContext.TblDistricts on W.DistrictId equals D.DistrictId
                                      where (F.ValidityTo == null &&
                                             I.ValidityTo == null &&
                                             I.Chfid == receipt.CHFID)
                                      select D.DistrictId)

                    int?premiumId = (from PR in imisContext.TblPremium
                                     join PL in imisContext.TblPolicy on PR.PolicyId equals PL.PolicyId
                                     join F in imisContext.TblFamilies on PL.FamilyId equals F.FamilyId
                                     join I in imisContext.TblInsuree on F.InsureeId equals I.InsureeId
                                     join V in imisContext.TblVillages on F.LocationId equals V.VillageId
                                     join W in imisContext.TblWards on V.WardId equals W.WardId
                                     join D in imisContext.TblDistricts on W.DistrictId equals D.DistrictId
                                     where (PR.ValidityTo == null &&
                                            PL.ValidityTo == null &&
                                            F.ValidityTo == null &&
                                            I.ValidityTo == null &&
                                            D.ValidityTo == null &&
                                            PR.Receipt == receipt.ReceiptNo &&
                                            D.DistrictId == districtId)
                                     select PR.PremiumId)

                    if (premiumId == 0)
                        response = true;

            catch (SqlException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #23
        public async Task <ConfirmationTypeModel[]> GetAllConfirmationsTypes()
            ConfirmationTypeModel[] confirmationTypes;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                confirmationTypes = await imisContext.TblConfirmationTypes
                                    .Select(ct => ConfirmationTypeModel.FromTblConfirmationType(ct))

        public async Task <IdentificationTypeModel[]> GetAllIdentificationTypes()
            IdentificationTypeModel[] identificationTypes;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                identificationTypes = await imisContext.TblIdentificationTypes
                                      .Select(it => IdentificationTypeModel.FromTblIdentificationTypes(it))

        public async Task <ProfessionTypeModel[]> GetAllProfessionTypes()
            ProfessionTypeModel[] familyTypes;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                familyTypes = await imisContext.TblProfessions
                              .Select(p => ProfessionTypeModel.FromTblProfessions(p))

예제 #26
        public async Task <RelationTypeModel[]> GetAllRelationTypes()
            RelationTypeModel[] relationTypes;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                relationTypes = await imisContext.TblRelations
                                .Select(r => RelationTypeModel.FromTblRelations(r))

예제 #27
        public async Task <EducationLevelModel[]> GetAllEducationLevels()
            EducationLevelModel[] educationLevels;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                educationLevels = await imisContext.TblEducations
                                  .Select(e => EducationLevelModel.FromTblEducations(e))

예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Get user by username and password by asychronious call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <User> GetByUsernameAndPasswordAsync(string username, string password)
            TblUsers user;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                var userParameter     = new SqlParameter("user", username);
                var passwordParameter = new SqlParameter("password", password);

                user = await imisContext.TblUsers.FromSql(GetByUsernameAndPasswordSQL(), userParameter, passwordParameter).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
            return(TypeCast.Cast <User>(user));
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Get user by username and password by sychronious call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public User GetByUsernameAndPassword(string username, string password)
            User user;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                var userParameter     = new SqlParameter("user", username);
                var passwordParameter = new SqlParameter("password", password);

                user = (User)imisContext.TblUsers.FromSql(GetByUsernameAndPasswordSQL(), userParameter, passwordParameter).SingleOrDefault();
        public async Task <FamilyTypeModel[]> GetAllFamilyTypes()
            FamilyTypeModel[] familyTypes;

            using (var imisContext = new ImisDB())
                familyTypes = await imisContext.TblFamilyTypes
                              .Select(ft => FamilyTypeModel.FromTblFamilyType(ft))
