예제 #1
 /// <summary> Constructor for ROI with arbitrary shape
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="comp">The component the ROI belongs to
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="maskPGM">ImgReaderPGM containing the ROI
 /// </param>
 public ROI(int comp, ImgReaderPGM maskPGM)
     arbShape     = true;
     rect         = false;
     this.comp    = comp;
     this.maskPGM = maskPGM;
예제 #2
        /// <summary> This function generates the ROI mask for one tile-component.
        /// <P> Once the mask is generated in the pixel domain. it is decomposed
        /// following the same decomposition scheme as the wavelet transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb">The root of the subband tree used in the decomposition
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="magbits">The max number of magnitude bits in any code-block
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">component number
        /// </param>
        public override void  makeMask(Subband sb, int magbits, int c)
            int[] mask;                  // local copy
            ROI[] rois = this.roi_array; // local copy
            int   i, j, k, r, maxj;      // mink, minj removed
            int   lrx, lry;
            int   x, y, w, h;
            int   cx, cy, rad;
            int   wrap;
            int   curScalVal;
            int   tileulx = sb.ulcx;
            int   tileuly = sb.ulcy;
            int   tilew   = sb.w;
            int   tileh   = sb.h;
            int   lineLen = (tilew > tileh)?tilew:tileh;

            // Make sure there is a sufficiently large mask buffer
            if (roiMask[c] == null || (roiMask[c].Length < (tilew * tileh)))
                roiMask[c] = new int[tilew * tileh];
                mask       = roiMask[c];
                mask = roiMask[c];
                for (i = tilew * tileh - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    mask[i] = 0;

            // Make sure there are sufficiently large line buffers
            if (maskLineLow == null || (maskLineLow.Length < (lineLen + 1) / 2))
                maskLineLow = new int[(lineLen + 1) / 2];
            if (maskLineHigh == null || (maskLineHigh.Length < (lineLen + 1) / 2))
                maskLineHigh = new int[(lineLen + 1) / 2];

            roiInTile = false;
            // Generate ROIs in pixel domain:
            for (r = rois.Length - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                if (rois[r].comp == c)
                    curScalVal = magbits;

                    if (rois[r].arbShape)
                        ImgReaderPGM maskPGM = rois[r].maskPGM;                         // Local copy

                        if ((src.ImgWidth != maskPGM.ImgWidth) || (src.ImgHeight != maskPGM.ImgHeight))
                            throw new System.ArgumentException("Input image and" + " ROI mask must " + "have the same " + "size");
                        x   = src.ImgULX;
                        y   = src.ImgULY;
                        lrx = x + src.ImgWidth - 1;
                        lry = y + src.ImgHeight - 1;
                        if ((x > tileulx + tilew) || (y > tileuly + tileh) || (lrx < tileulx) || (lry < tileuly))
                            // Roi not in tile

                        // Check bounds
                        x   -= tileulx;
                        lrx -= tileulx;
                        y   -= tileuly;
                        lry -= tileuly;

                        int offx = 0;
                        int offy = 0;
                        if (x < 0)
                            offx = -x;
                            x    = 0;
                        if (y < 0)
                            offy = -y;
                            y    = 0;
                        w = (lrx > (tilew - 1))?tilew - x:lrx + 1 - x;
                        h = (lry > (tileh - 1))?tileh - y:lry + 1 - y;

                        // Get shape line by line to reduce memory
                        DataBlkInt srcblk    = new DataBlkInt();
                        int        mDcOff    = -ImgReaderPGM.DC_OFFSET;
                        int        nROIcoeff = 0;
                        int[]      src_data;
                        srcblk.ulx = offx;
                        srcblk.w   = w;
                        srcblk.h   = 1;

                        i    = (y + h - 1) * tilew + x + w - 1;
                        maxj = w;
                        wrap = tilew - maxj;
                        for (k = h; k > 0; k--)
                            srcblk.uly = offy + k - 1;
                            srcblk     = (DataBlkInt)maskPGM.getInternCompData(srcblk, 0);
                            src_data   = srcblk.DataInt;

                            for (j = maxj; j > 0; j--, i--)
                                if (src_data[j - 1] != mDcOff)
                                    mask[i] = curScalVal;
                            i -= wrap;

                        if (nROIcoeff != 0)
                            roiInTile = true;
                    else if (rois[r].rect)
                        // Rectangular ROI
                        x   = rois[r].ulx;
                        y   = rois[r].uly;
                        lrx = rois[r].w + x - 1;
                        lry = rois[r].h + y - 1;

                        if ((x > tileulx + tilew) || (y > tileuly + tileh) || (lrx < tileulx) || (lry < tileuly))
                            // Roi not in tile

                        roiInTile = true;

                        // Check bounds
                        x   -= tileulx;
                        lrx -= tileulx;
                        y   -= tileuly;
                        lry -= tileuly;

                        x = (x < 0)?0:x;
                        y = (y < 0)?0:y;
                        w = (lrx > (tilew - 1))?tilew - x:lrx + 1 - x;
                        h = (lry > (tileh - 1))?tileh - y:lry + 1 - y;

                        i    = (y + h - 1) * tilew + x + w - 1;
                        maxj = w;
                        wrap = tilew - maxj;
                        for (k = h; k > 0; k--)
                            for (j = maxj; j > 0; j--, i--)
                                mask[i] = curScalVal;
                            i -= wrap;
                        // Non-rectangular ROI. So far only circular case
                        cx  = rois[r].x - tileulx;
                        cy  = rois[r].y - tileuly;
                        rad = rois[r].r;
                        i   = tileh * tilew - 1;
                        for (k = tileh - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            for (j = tilew - 1; j >= 0; j--, i--)
                                if (((j - cx) * (j - cx) + (k - cy) * (k - cy) < rad * rad))
                                    mask[i]   = curScalVal;
                                    roiInTile = true;

            // If wavelet transform is used
            if (sb.isNode)
                // Decompose the mask according to the subband tree
                // Calculate size of padded line buffer
                WaveletFilter vFilter = sb.VerWFilter;
                WaveletFilter hFilter = sb.HorWFilter;
                int           lvsup   = vFilter.SynLowNegSupport + vFilter.SynLowPosSupport;
                int           hvsup   = vFilter.SynHighNegSupport + vFilter.SynHighPosSupport;
                int           lhsup   = hFilter.SynLowNegSupport + hFilter.SynLowPosSupport;
                int           hhsup   = hFilter.SynHighNegSupport + hFilter.SynHighPosSupport;
                lvsup          = (lvsup > hvsup)?lvsup:hvsup;
                lhsup          = (lhsup > hhsup)?lhsup:hhsup;
                lvsup          = (lvsup > lhsup)?lvsup:lhsup;
                paddedMaskLine = new int[lineLen + lvsup];

                if (roiInTile)
                    decomp(sb, tilew, tileh, c);
        /// <summary> This function parses the values given for the ROIs with the argument
        /// -Rroi. Currently only circular and rectangular ROIs are supported.
        /// <p>A rectangular ROI is indicated by a 'R' followed the coordinates for
        /// the upper left corner of the ROI and then its width and height.</p>
        /// <p>A circular ROI is indicated by a 'C' followed by the coordinates of
        /// the circle center and then the radius.</p>
        /// <p>Before the R and C values, the component that are affected by the
        /// ROI are indicated.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roiopt">The info on the ROIs
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nc">number of components
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="roiVector">The vcector containing the ROI parsed from the cmd line
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> The ROIs specified in roiopt
        /// </returns>
        protected internal static System.Collections.ArrayList parseROIs(System.String roiopt, int nc, System.Collections.ArrayList roiVector)
            //ROI[] ROIs;
            ROI roi;

            SupportClass.Tokenizer stok;
            //char tok;
            int nrOfROIs = 0;
            //char c;
            int ulx, uly, w, h, x, y, rad;             // comp removed

            bool[] roiInComp = null;

            stok = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(roiopt);

            System.String word;
            while (stok.HasMoreTokens())
                word = stok.NextToken();

                switch (word[0])
                case 'c':                          // Components specification
                    roiInComp = ModuleSpec.parseIdx(word, nc);

                case 'R':                          // Rectangular ROI to be read
                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        ulx  = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        uly  = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        w    = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        h    = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                    catch (System.FormatException)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad parameter for " + "'-Rroi R' option : " + word);
                    catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Wrong number of " + "parameters for  " + "h'-Rroi R' option.");

                    // If the ROI is component-specific, check which comps.
                    if (roiInComp != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                            if (roiInComp[i])
                                roi = new ROI(i, ulx, uly, w, h);
                        // Otherwise add ROI for all components
                        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                            roi = new ROI(i, ulx, uly, w, h);

                case 'C':                          // Circular ROI to be read

                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        x    = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        y    = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                        word = stok.NextToken();
                        rad  = (System.Int32.Parse(word));
                    catch (System.FormatException)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Bad parameter for " + "'-Rroi C' option : " + word);
                    catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Wrong number of " + "parameters for " + "'-Rroi C' option.");

                    // If the ROI is component-specific, check which comps.
                    if (roiInComp != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                            if (roiInComp[i])
                                roi = new ROI(i, x, y, rad);
                        // Otherwise add ROI for all components
                        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                            roi = new ROI(i, x, y, rad);

                case 'A':                          // ROI wth arbitrary shape

                    System.String filename;
                    ImgReaderPGM  maskPGM = null;

                        filename = stok.NextToken();
                    catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Wrong number of " + "parameters for " + "'-Rroi A' option.");
                        maskPGM = new ImgReaderPGM(filename);
                    catch (System.IO.IOException)
                        throw new System.ApplicationException("Cannot read PGM file with ROI");

                    // If the ROI is component-specific, check which comps.
                    if (roiInComp != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                            if (roiInComp[i])
                                roi = new ROI(i, maskPGM);
                        // Otherwise add ROI for all components
                        for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
                            roi = new ROI(i, maskPGM);

                    throw new System.ApplicationException("Bad parameters for ROI nr " + roiVector.Count);
