예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing WEBP image, and upload updated image to Cloud Storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void ModifyWebPAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a WEBP image and upload to cloud storage");


            bool?lossless            = true;
            int? quality             = 90;
            int? animLoopCount       = 5;
            var  animBackgroundColor = "gray";
            // Specifies where additional parameters we do not support should be taken from.
            // If this is true – they will be taken from default values for standard image,
            // if it is false – they will be saved from current image. Default is false.
            bool?  fromScratch = null;
            var    folder      = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage     = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var getImageWebPRequest = new ModifyWebPRequest(SampleImageFileName, lossless, quality,
                                                            animLoopCount, animBackgroundColor, fromScratch, folder, storage);

                $"Call ModifyWebP with params: lossless:{lossless}, quality:{quality}, anim loop count:{animLoopCount}, anim background color:{animBackgroundColor}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.ModifyWebP(getImageWebPRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(), updatedImage);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing GIF image. The image is saved in the cloud.
        /// </summary>
        public void ModifyGifAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a GIF image and upload to cloud storage");


            int?   backgroundColorIndex = 5;
            int?   colorResolution      = 4;
            bool?  hasTrailer           = true;
            bool?  interlaced           = false;
            bool?  isPaletteSorted      = true;
            int?   pixelAspectRatio     = 4;
            bool?  fromScratch          = null;
            var    folder  = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var getImageGifRequest = new ModifyGifRequest(SampleImageFileName, backgroundColorIndex,
                                                          colorResolution, hasTrailer, interlaced, isPaletteSorted,
                                                          pixelAspectRatio, fromScratch, folder, storage);

                $"Call ModifyGif with params: background color index:{backgroundColorIndex}, color resolution:{colorResolution}, has trailer:{hasTrailer}, interlaced:{interlaced}, is palette sorted:{isPaletteSorted}, pixel aspect ratio:{pixelAspectRatio}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.ModifyGif(getImageGifRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(), updatedImage);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of a BMP image. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedBmpFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a BMP image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                int?   bitsPerPixel         = 32;
                int?   horizontalResolution = 300;
                int?   verticalResolution   = 300;
                bool?  fromScratch          = null;
                string outPath = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image)
                string storage = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var request = new CreateModifiedBmpRequest(inputImageStream, bitsPerPixel, horizontalResolution,
                                                           verticalResolution, fromScratch, outPath, storage);

                    $"Call CreateModifiedBmp with params: bits per pixel:{bitsPerPixel}, horizontal resolution:{horizontalResolution}, vertical resolution:{verticalResolution}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedBmp(request))
                    // Save updated image to local storage
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Perform scaling, cropping and flipping of an existing image in a single request. And upload updated image to Cloud
        ///     Storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateImageAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of an image and upload to cloud storage");


            // Please refer to https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/imagingcloud/Supported+File+Formats#SupportedFileFormats-Update
            // for possible output formats
            var    format           = "pdf";
            int?   newWidth         = 300;
            int?   newHeight        = 450;
            int?   x                = 10;
            int?   y                = 10;
            int?   rectWidth        = 200;
            int?   rectHeight       = 300;
            var    rotateFlipMethod = "Rotate90FlipX";
            var    folder           = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage          = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var getImageUpdateRequest = new UpdateImageRequest(SampleImageFileName, newWidth, newHeight, x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, rotateFlipMethod, format, folder, storage);

                $"Call UpdateImage with params: new width:{newWidth}, new height:{newHeight}, x:{x}, y:{y}, rect width:{rectWidth}, rectHeight:{rectHeight}, rotate/flip method:{rotateFlipMethod}, format:{format}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.UpdateImage(getImageUpdateRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(), updatedImage);

예제 #5
        public AsposeImagingCloudApiService(IConfiguration config)
            string ClientId     = config["AsposeImagingUserData:ClientId"];
            string ClientSecret = config["AsposeImagingUserData:ClientSecret"];

            ImagingCloudApi = new ImagingApi(clientSecret: ClientSecret, clientId: ClientId);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Applies filtering effect to an image and upload updated image to Cloud Storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void FilterImageAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Apply filtering effect to an image and upload to cloud storage");


            var filterType       = "GaussianBlur";
            var filterProperties = new GaussianBlurFilterProperties
                Radius = 4,
                Sigma  = 1.1
            var    format  = "bmp";
            var    folder  = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var filterEffectRequest = new FilterEffectImageRequest(SampleImageFileName, filterType, filterProperties,
                                                                   format, folder, storage);

                $"Call FilterEffectImage with params: filter type:{filterType}, radius: {filterProperties.Radius}, sigma: {filterProperties.Sigma} format:{format}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.FilterEffectImage(filterEffectRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(false, format), updatedImage);

예제 #7
        public void CreateModifiedJpegTest(bool saveResultToStorage)
            string name            = "test.jpg";
            int    quality         = 65;
            string compressionType = "progressive";
            bool?  fromScratch     = null;
            string outName         = $"{name}_specific.jpg";
            string folder          = TempFolder;
            string storage         = this.TestStorage;

                $"Input image: {name}; Quality: {quality}; Compression type: {compressionType}",
                delegate(Stream inputStream, string outPath)
                var request = new CreateModifiedJpegRequest(inputStream, quality, compressionType, fromScratch, outPath, storage);
                delegate(ImagingResponse originalProperties, ImagingResponse resultProperties, Stream resultStream)

                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Width, resultProperties.Width);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Height, resultProperties.Height);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing PSD image. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedPsdFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a PSD image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                int?   channelsCount     = 3;
                var    compressionMethod = "raw";
                bool?  fromScratch       = null;
                string outPath           = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image).
                string storage           = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var modifiedPsdRequest =
                    new CreateModifiedPsdRequest(inputImageStream, channelsCount,
                                                 compressionMethod, fromScratch, outPath, storage);

                    $"Call CreateModifiedPsd with params: channels count:{channelsCount}, compression method:{compressionMethod}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedPsd(modifiedPsdRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing PSD image, and upload updated image to Cloud Storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void ModifyPsdAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a PSD image and upload to cloud storage");


            int?   channelsCount     = 3;
            var    compressionMethod = "raw";
            bool?  fromScratch       = null;
            var    folder            = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage           = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var modifyPsdRequest =
                new ModifyPsdRequest(SampleImageFileName, channelsCount, compressionMethod, fromScratch, folder,

                $"Call ModifyPsd with params: channels count:{channelsCount}, compression method:{compressionMethod}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.ModifyPsd(modifyPsdRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(), updatedImage);

예제 #10
        public void TestGetImageGif()
            ImagingApi target     = new ImagingApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH);
            StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH);

            string name = "sample.gif";
            string backgroundColorIndex = null;
            string colorResolution      = null;
            bool?  hasTrailer           = null;
            bool?  interlaced           = null;
            bool?  isPaletteSorted      = null;
            string pixelAspectRatio     = null;
            bool?  fromScratch          = null;
            string outPath = "";
            string folder  = "";
            string storage = "";

            storageApi.PutCreate(name, null, null, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("\\temp\\imaging\\resources\\" + name));

            ResponseMessage actual;

            actual = target.GetImageGif(name, backgroundColorIndex, colorResolution, hasTrailer, interlaced, isPaletteSorted, pixelAspectRatio, fromScratch, outPath, folder, storage);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, actual.Code);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(new ResponseMessage(), actual.GetType());
예제 #11
        public void TestGetUpdatedImage()
            ImagingApi target     = new ImagingApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH);
            StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH);

            string name             = "TestDemo.tif";
            string format           = "gif";
            int?   newWidth         = 300;
            int?   newHeight        = 300;
            int?   x                = 96;
            int?   y                = 96;
            int?   rectWidth        = 200;
            int?   rectHeight       = 200;
            string rotateFlipMethod = "Rotate180FlipX";
            string outPath          = "";
            string folder           = "";
            string storage          = "";

            storageApi.PutCreate(name, null, null, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("\\temp\\imaging\\resources\\" + name));
            ResponseMessage actual;

            actual = target.GetUpdatedImage(name, format, newWidth, newHeight, x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, rotateFlipMethod, outPath, folder, storage);
            Assert.AreEqual(200, actual.Code);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(new ResponseMessage(), actual.GetType());
예제 #12
        public void TestGetImageFrame()
            ImagingApi target     = new ImagingApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH);
            StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(APIKEY, APPSID, BASEPATH);

            string name             = "sample-multi.tif";
            int?   frameId          = 1;
            int?   newWidth         = 200;
            int?   newHeight        = 200;
            int?   x                = 0;
            int?   y                = 0;
            int?   rectWidth        = 200;
            int?   rectHeight       = 200;
            string rotateFlipMethod = "Rotate180FlipX";
            bool?  saveOtherFrames  = true;
            string outPath          = "";
            string folder           = "";
            string storage          = "";

            storageApi.PutCreate(name, null, null, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("\\temp\\imaging\\resources\\" + name));

            ResponseMessage actual;

            actual = target.GetImageFrame(name, frameId, newWidth, newHeight, x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, rotateFlipMethod, saveOtherFrames, outPath, folder, storage);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, actual.Code);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(new ResponseMessage(), actual.GetType());
        /// <summary>
        ///     Crop an existing image, and upload updated image to Cloud Storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void CropImageAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Crops the image and upload to cloud storage");


            // Please refer to https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/imagingcloud/Supported+File+Formats#SupportedFileFormats-Crop
            // for possible output formats
            var    format  = "jpg"; // Resulting image format.
            int?   x       = 10;
            int?   y       = 10;
            int?   width   = 100;
            int?   height  = 150;
            var    folder  = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var request = new CropImageRequest(SampleImageFileName, x, y, width, height, format, folder, storage);

            Console.WriteLine($"Call CropImage with params:x:{x},y:{y}, width:{width}, height:{height}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CropImage(request))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(false, format), updatedImage);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Crop an image. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateCroppedImageFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Crops the image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                // Please refer to https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/imagingcloud/Supported+File+Formats#SupportedFileFormats-Crop
                // for possible output formats
                var    format  = "jpg"; // Resulting image format.
                int?   x       = 10;
                int?   y       = 10;
                int?   width   = 100;
                int?   height  = 150;
                string storage = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage
                string outPath = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image)

                var request =
                    new CreateCroppedImageRequest(inputImageStream, x, y, width, height, format, outPath, storage);

                Console.WriteLine($"Call CreateCroppedImage with params:x:{x},y:{y}, width:{width}, height:{height}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateCroppedImage(request))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true, format);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Process existing WMF image using given parameters.
        ///     Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedWmfFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a WMF image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                var    bkColor      = "gray";
                int?   pageWidth    = 300;
                int?   pageHeight   = 300;
                int?   borderX      = 50;
                int?   borderY      = 50;
                bool?  fromScratch  = null;
                string outPath      = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image).
                string storage      = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage
                var    exportFormat = "png";

                var postImageWmfRequest =
                    new CreateModifiedWmfRequest(inputImageStream, bkColor, pageWidth,
                                                 pageHeight, borderX, borderY, fromScratch, outPath,
                                                 storage, exportFormat);

                    $"Call CreateModifiedWmf with params: background color:{bkColor}, page width:{pageWidth}, page height:{pageHeight}, border X:{borderX}, border Y:{borderY}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedWmf(postImageWmfRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

예제 #16
        public void UsingCustomFontsForVectorImageTest()
            // custom fonts should be loaded to storage to 'Fonts' folder
            // 'Fonts' folder should be placed to the root of the cloud storage

            var    imageName = "image.emz";
            var    format    = "png";
            string folder    = this.TempFolder;
            string storage   = this.TestStorage;

                $"Input image: {imageName}; Output format: {format}",
                var request  = new ConvertImageRequest(imageName, format, folder, storage);
                var response = ImagingApi.ConvertImage(request);
                Assert.That(Math.Abs(response.Length - 11454), Is.LessThan(100));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Process existing WMF image using given parameters, and upload updated image to Cloud Storage.
        /// </summary>
        public void ModifyWmfAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a WMF image and upload to cloud storage");


            var  bkColor     = "gray";
            int? pageWidth   = 300;
            int? pageHeight  = 300;
            int? borderX     = 50;
            int? borderY     = 50;
            bool?fromScratch = null;
            var  folder      = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage

            string storage      = null;   // We are using default Cloud Storage
            var    exportFormat = "png";

            var getImageWmfRequest =
                new ModifyWmfRequest(SampleImageFileName, bkColor, pageWidth, pageHeight,
                                     borderX, borderY, fromScratch, folder,
                                     storage, exportFormat);

                $"Call ModifyWmf with params: background color:{bkColor}, page width:{pageWidth}, page height:{pageHeight}, border X:{borderX}, border Y:{borderY}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.ModifyWmf(getImageWmfRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(), updatedImage);

        public void CreateObjectBoundsTest(bool saveResultToStorage)
            var inputFile = InputTestFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.Name, TestImage));

            bool removeResult = true;

            using (var stream = ImagingApi.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest(inputFile.Path, this.TestStorage)))
                var request = new CreateObjectBoundsRequest()
                    imageData     = stream,
                    storage       = TestStorage,
                    outPath       = saveResultToStorage ? TempFolder + "/" + inputFile.Name : null,
                    threshold     = 10,
                    includeLabel  = true,
                    includeScore  = true,
                    allowedLabels = "dog",

                using (var command = new CreateObjectDetectionTestCommand(request, ImagingApi,
                                                                          saveResultToStorage, removeResult))
                    ExecuteTestCommand(command, "objectDetection_createobjectbounds_test", $"Input image: {inputFile.Name};", inputFile.Name,
                                       TempFolder, TestStorage);
예제 #19
        public void ModifyJpegTest()
            string name            = "test.jpg";
            int    quality         = 65;
            string compressionType = "progressive";
            bool?  fromScratch     = null;
            string folder          = TempFolder;
            string storage         = this.TestStorage;

                $"Input image: {name}; Quality: {quality}; Compression type: {compressionType}",
                var request = new ModifyJpegRequest(name, quality, compressionType, fromScratch,
                                                    folder, storage);
                delegate(ImagingResponse originalProperties, ImagingResponse resultProperties, Stream resultStream)

                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Width, resultProperties.Width);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Height, resultProperties.Height);
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        ///     Rotate and/or flip an image.
        ///     Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateRotateFlippedImageFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Rotate/flip an image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                // Please refer to https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/imagingcloud/Supported+File+Formats#SupportedFileFormats-RotateFlip
                // for possible output formats
                var    format  = "gif";
                var    method  = "Rotate90FlipX"; // RotateFlip method
                string outPath = null;            // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image).
                string storage = null;            // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var createRotateFlippedImageRequest =
                    new CreateRotateFlippedImageRequest(inputImageStream, method, format, outPath, storage);

                Console.WriteLine($"Call CreateRotateFlippedImage with params: method:{method}, format:{format}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateRotateFlippedImage(createRotateFlippedImageRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true, format);

예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        ///     Perform scaling, cropping and flipping of an image in a single request. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateUpdatedImageFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of an image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                // Please refer to https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/imagingcloud/Supported+File+Formats#SupportedFileFormats-Update
                // for possible output formats
                var    format           = "pdf";
                int?   newWidth         = 300;
                int?   newHeight        = 450;
                int?   x                = 10;
                int?   y                = 10;
                int?   rectWidth        = 200;
                int?   rectHeight       = 300;
                var    rotateFlipMethod = "Rotate90FlipX";
                string outPath          = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image)
                string storage          = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var postImageUpdateRequest = new CreateUpdatedImageRequest(inputImageStream, newWidth, newHeight, x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, rotateFlipMethod, format, outPath, storage);

                    $"Call CreateUpdatedImage with params: new width:{newWidth}, new height:{newHeight}, x:{x}, y:{y}, rect width:{rectWidth}, rectHeight:{rectHeight}, rotate/flip method:{rotateFlipMethod}, format:{format}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateUpdatedImage(postImageUpdateRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        ///     Rotate and/or flip an image, and upload updated image to Cloud Storage
        /// </summary>
        public void RotateFlipImageAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Rotate/flip an image and upload to cloud storage");


            // Please refer to https://docs.aspose.cloud/display/imagingcloud/Supported+File+Formats#SupportedFileFormats-RotateFlip
            // for possible output formats
            var    format  = "gif";
            var    method  = "Rotate90FlipX"; // RotateFlip method
            var    folder  = CloudPath;       // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage = null;            // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var getImageRotateFlipRequest = new RotateFlipImageRequest(
                SampleImageFileName, method, format, folder, storage);

            Console.WriteLine($"Call RotateFlipImage with params: method:{method}, format:{format}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.RotateFlipImage(getImageRotateFlipRequest))
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(false, format), updatedImage);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing JPEG2000 image. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedJpeg2000FromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a Jpeg2000 image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                var    codec       = "jp2";
                var    comment     = "Aspose";
                bool?  fromScratch = null;
                string outPath     = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image)
                string storage     = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var postImageJpeg2000Request =
                    new CreateModifiedJpeg2000Request(inputImageStream, comment, codec, fromScratch, outPath, storage);

                Console.WriteLine($"Call CreateModifiedJpeg2000 with params: codec:{codec}, comment:{comment}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedJpeg2000(postImageJpeg2000Request))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

        public void ModifyWebPTest()
            string name                = "Animation.webp";
            bool   lossless            = true;
            int    quality             = 90;
            int    animLoopCount       = 5;
            string animBackgroundColor = "gray";
            bool?  fromScratch         = null;
            string folder              = TempFolder;
            string storage             = this.TestStorage;

                $"Input image: {name}; AnimBackgroundColor: {animBackgroundColor}; Lossless: {lossless}; Quality: {quality}; AnimLoopCount: {animLoopCount}",
                var request = new ModifyWebPRequest(name, lossless, quality, animLoopCount,
                                                    animBackgroundColor, fromScratch, folder, storage);
                delegate(ImagingResponse originalProperties, ImagingResponse resultProperties, Stream resultStream)

                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Width, resultProperties.Width);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Height, resultProperties.Height);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of GIF image. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedGifFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a GIF image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                int?   backgroundColorIndex = 5;
                int?   colorResolution      = 4;
                bool?  hasTrailer           = true;
                bool?  interlaced           = false;
                bool?  isPaletteSorted      = true;
                int?   pixelAspectRatio     = 4;
                bool?  fromScratch          = null;
                string outPath = null;
                string storage = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var postImageGifRequest = new CreateModifiedGifRequest(inputImageStream, backgroundColorIndex,
                                                                       colorResolution, hasTrailer, interlaced, isPaletteSorted, pixelAspectRatio,
                                                                       fromScratch, outPath, storage);

                    $"Call CreateModifiedGif with params: background color index:{backgroundColorIndex}, color resolution:{colorResolution}, has trailer:{hasTrailer}, interlaced:{interlaced}, is palette sorted:{isPaletteSorted}, pixel aspect ratio:{pixelAspectRatio}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedGif(postImageGifRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

        public void CreateModifiedWebPTest(bool saveResultToStorage)
            string name                = "Animation.webp";
            bool   lossless            = true;
            int    quality             = 90;
            int    animLoopCount       = 5;
            string animBackgroundColor = "gray";
            bool?  fromScratch         = null;
            string outName             = $"{name}_specific.webp";
            string folder              = TempFolder;
            string storage             = this.TestStorage;

                $"Input image: {name}; AnimBackgroundColor: {animBackgroundColor}; Lossless: {lossless}; Quality: {quality}; AnimLoopCount: {animLoopCount}",
                delegate(Stream inputStream, string outPath)
                var request = new CreateModifiedWebPRequest(inputStream, lossless, quality, animLoopCount, animBackgroundColor, fromScratch, outPath, storage);
                delegate(ImagingResponse originalProperties, ImagingResponse resultProperties, Stream resultStream)

                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Width, resultProperties.Width);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalProperties.Height, resultProperties.Height);
예제 #27
        public void ModifyEmfTest()
            string name        = "test.emf";
            string bkColor     = "gray";
            int    pageWidth   = 300;
            int    pageHeight  = 300;
            int    borderX     = 50;
            int    borderY     = 50;
            bool?  fromScratch = null;
            string folder      = TempFolder;
            string storage     = this.TestStorage;

                $"Input image: {name}; BackColor: {bkColor}; Page width: {pageWidth}; Page height: {pageHeight}; BorderX: {borderX}; BorderY: {borderY}",
                var request = new ModifyEmfRequest(name, bkColor, pageWidth, pageHeight, borderX, borderY,
                                                   fromScratch, folder, storage);
                delegate(ImagingResponse originalProperties, ImagingResponse resultProperties, Stream resultStream)
                int width  = pageWidth + borderX * 2;
                int height = pageHeight + borderY * 2;
                Assert.AreEqual(width, resultProperties.Width);
                Assert.AreEqual(height, resultProperties.Height);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing JPEG image. Image data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedJpegFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a JPEG image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                int?   quality         = 65;
                var    compressionType = "progressive";
                bool?  fromScratch     = null;
                string outPath         = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image)
                string storage         = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var modifiedJpgRequest =
                    new CreateModifiedJpegRequest(inputImageStream, quality, compressionType, fromScratch, outPath,

                    $"Call CreateModifiedJpeg with params: quality:{quality}, compression type:{compressionType}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedJpeg(modifiedJpgRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);

예제 #29
        // Update parameters of a BMP image, and upload updated image to Cloud Storage.
        public void ModifyBmpAndUploadToStorage()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a BMP image and upload to cloud storage");

            // Upload local image to Cloud Storage

            int?   bitsPerPixel         = 32;
            int?   horizontalResolution = 300;
            int?   verticalResolution   = 300;
            bool?  fromScratch          = null;
            var    folder  = CloudPath; // Input file is saved at the Examples folder in the storage
            string storage = null;      // We are using default Cloud Storage

            var request = new ModifyBmpRequest(
                SampleImageFileName, bitsPerPixel, horizontalResolution, verticalResolution,
                fromScratch, folder, storage);

                $"Call ModifyBmp with params: bits per pixel:{bitsPerPixel}, horizontal resolution:{horizontalResolution}, vertical resolution:{verticalResolution}");

            using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.ModifyBmp(request))
                // Upload updated image to Cloud Storage
                UploadImageToCloud(GetModifiedSampleImageFileName(), updatedImage);

예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        ///     Update parameters of existing Webp image. asposelogo.webpImage data is passed in a request stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateModifiedWebPFromRequestBody()
            Console.WriteLine("Update parameters of a WEBP image from request body");

            using (var inputImageStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(ExampleImagesFolder, SampleImageFileName)))
                bool?  lossless            = true;
                int?   quality             = 90;
                int?   animLoopCount       = 5;
                var    animBackgroundColor = "gray";
                bool?  fromScratch         = null;
                string outPath             = null; // Path to updated file (if this is empty, response contains streamed image).
                string storage             = null; // We are using default Cloud Storage

                var modifiedImageWebPRequest = new CreateModifiedWebPRequest(inputImageStream, lossless, quality,
                                                                             animLoopCount, animBackgroundColor, fromScratch, outPath, storage);

                    $"Call CreateModifiedWebP with params: lossless:{lossless}, quality:{quality}, anim loop count:{animLoopCount}, anim background color:{animBackgroundColor}");

                using (var updatedImage = ImagingApi.CreateModifiedWebP(modifiedImageWebPRequest))
                    SaveUpdatedSampleImageToOutput(updatedImage, true);
