예제 #1
        private ComingSoonGameViewModel CreateComingSoonGameVM(Game iGame)
            AccountService          service          = new AccountService(db, null);
            ComingSoonGameViewModel ComingSoonGameVM = new ComingSoonGameViewModel(iGame.GameID);

            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                ComingSoonGameVM.LoggedInMemberID = service.findMember(User.Identity.Name).MemberID;
            ComingSoonGameVM.Game          = iGame;
            ComingSoonGameVM.ProductInGame = iGame.ProductInGames.First();

            var product = db.Products.Include(x => x.Imagedetails).Where(x => x.ProductID == ComingSoonGameVM.ProductInGame.ProductID).First();

            if (product.Imagedetails.Count() == 0)
                Imagedetail empty = new Imagedetail();
                empty.ImageName = "Main Image";
                empty.ImageID   = 1; ///TODO 1 is empty image
            //  ComingSoonGameVM.mainImage = product.Images.Where(c => c..ToLower() == "main image").Count() > 0 ?
            // ComingSoonGameVM.mainImage = product.Images.Where(c => c..ToLower() == "main image").First() :
            //TODO fix main image thing
            ComingSoonGameVM.mainImage = product.Imagedetails.First();

예제 #2
        private void saveFile(HttpPostedFileBase file, int productId)
            Dictionary <Enums.ImageType, string> versions = new Dictionary <Enums.ImageType, string>();

            //Define the versions to generate
            versions.Add(Enums.ImageType.thumb, "width=75&height=75&crop=auto&format=jpg"); //Crop to square thumbnail
            versions.Add(Enums.ImageType.medium, "maxwidth=200&maxheight=200&format=jpg");  //Fit inside 400x400 area, jpeg
            versions.Add(Enums.ImageType.large, "maxwidth=540&maxheight=450&format=jpg");   //Fit inside 1900x1200 area
            foreach (string fileKey in System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Keys)
                // HttpPostedFile file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[fileKey];
                if (file.ContentLength <= 0)
                    continue;                          //Skip unused file controls.
                //To store the list of generated paths
                List <MemoryStream> generatedFiles = new List <MemoryStream>();
                //Generate each version
                foreach (Enums.ImageType suffix in versions.Keys)
                //Let the image builder add the correct extension based on the output file type
                    Imagedetail newImage = new Imagedetail();
                    newImage.ImageName = file.FileName;
                    //Here's where the ContentType column comes in handy.  By saving
                    //  this to the database, it makes it infinitely easier to get it back
                    //  later when trying to show the image.
                    newImage.ContentType = file.ContentType;
                    if (suffix.Equals(Enums.ImageType.thumb))
                        newImage.ImageTypeID = 1;
                    else if (suffix.Equals(Enums.ImageType.medium))
                        newImage.ImageTypeID = 2;
                        newImage.ImageTypeID = 3;
                    var resultStream = new MemoryStream();
                    newImage.ImageName = suffix + newImage.ImageName;
                    ImageBuilder.Current.Build(file, resultStream,
                                               new ResizeSettings(versions[suffix]), false, true);
                    MemoryStream imageInmemory = new MemoryStream();
                    Int64        length        = resultStream.Length;
                    byte[]       binaryData    = resultStream.ToArray();
                    //string temp = Convert.ToBase64String(binaryData);
                    newImage.ImageContent = binaryData;

예제 #3
        //public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ProductID,ProductSKUCode,OwnerID,ContractID,ProductName,ProductDescription,DateInserted,DateUpdated,USR")] Product product)
        public ActionResult Edit(ProductViewModel productViewModel)
            var product = productViewModel.Product;

            product = (Product)Helpers.TableTracker.TrackEdit(product, "USR");
            ProductValidator validator = new ProductValidator();

            if (ModelState.IsValid && validator.Validate(product).IsValid)
                if (productViewModel.Images != null)
                    foreach (var d in productViewModel.Images)
                        if (d.DeleteOnSave)
                            Imagedetail image = db.Imagedetails.Where(x => x.ImageID == d.Image.ImageID).First();

                db.Entry(productViewModel.Product).State = EntityState.Modified;


                int count = 0;
                foreach (string fileName in Request.Files)
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[count++];
                    saveFile(file, productViewModel.Product.ProductID);


            ValidationResult          results  = validator.Validate(product);
            IList <ValidationFailure> failures = results.Errors;
            StringBuilder             sb       = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var e in results.Errors)
                ModelState.AddModelError(e.PropertyName + "Error", e.ErrorMessage);

            //ViewBag.ValidationErrors = sb.ToString();
            ViewBag.ContractIDList = new SelectList(db.Contracts, "ContractID", "ContractCode", productViewModel.Product.ContractID);
            ViewBag.OwnerIDList    = new SelectList(db.Owners, "OwnerID", "OwnerCode", productViewModel.Product.OwnerID);
예제 #4
        public ActionResult Index(int imageId)
            VaultLifeApplicationEntities db = new VaultLifeApplicationEntities();
            //This is my method for getting the image information
            // including the image byte array from the image column in
            // a database.
            Imagedetail image = db.Imagedetails.Where(x => x.ImageID == imageId).First();
            //As you can see the use is stupid simple.  Just get the image bytes and the
            //  saved content type.  See this is where the contentType comes in real handy.
            ImageResult result = new ImageResult(image.ImageContent, image.ContentType);

예제 #5
        public static void SaveImage(string last_id = "")
            string repsonsestr = HttpHelper.SendGet("http://mobile.shenmeiguan.cn/folder/cherrypick/");

            if (last_id != "")
                repsonsestr = HttpHelper.SendGet("http://mobile.shenmeiguan.cn/folder/cherrypick/?last_id=" + last_id);
            Rootobject rb = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rootobject>(repsonsestr);

            if (rb != null && rb.rt == true)
                foreach (List lis in rb.list)
                    string dertory = string.Format(@"C:\PickEmoticon\{0}", lis.folder.name);
                    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dertory))
                        catch (Exception)
                            dertory = string.Format(@"C:\PickEmoticon\{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhh24mmss"));
                    string detailurl = "http://mobile.shenmeiguan.cn/user/social/" + lis.user.id + "/" + "folder/" + lis.folder.id + "?pagesize=200";
                    repsonsestr = HttpHelper.SendGet(detailurl);
                    Imagedetail imgdetail = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Imagedetail>(repsonsestr);
                    if (imgdetail != null && imgdetail.rt == true)
                        foreach (Emotion em in imgdetail.emotions.ToList())
                            getimages(dertory, em.url, em.online_id.ToString());
예제 #6
        public static void SaveDetailImage(string usrid, string folderid, string dertory, string last_id = "")
            string detailurl = "";

            if (last_id != "")
                detailurl = "http://mobile.shenmeiguan.cn/user/social/" + usrid + "/" + "folder/" + folderid + "?pagesize=30&last_id=" + last_id;
                detailurl = "http://mobile.shenmeiguan.cn/user/social/" + usrid + "/" + "folder/" + folderid + "?pagesize=30";
            string      repsonsestr = HttpHelper.SendGet(detailurl);
            Imagedetail imgdetail   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Imagedetail>(repsonsestr);

            if (imgdetail != null && imgdetail.rt == true)
                foreach (Emotion em in imgdetail.emotions.ToList())
                    getimages(dertory, em.url, em.online_id.ToString());
예제 #7
        public string GetItemsInGamesByMember(FormDataCollection formData)
            if (formData != null)
                string memberIDString    = formData.Get("MemberID");
                string returnLimitString = formData.Get("ReturnLimit");
                int    MemberID          = Convert.ToInt32(memberIDString);
                int    ReturnLimit       = Convert.ToInt32(returnLimitString);
                if (MemberID > 0 && ReturnLimit > 0)
                    IQueryable <MemberInGame> memberInGames = db.MemberInGames.Include("Game.ProductInGames.Product.Imagedetails").Include("Game.GameType").Include("Game.GameRules").Where(x => x.MemberID == MemberID).Take(ReturnLimit);

                    List <MemberInGameItem> memberInGameItems = new List <MemberInGameItem>();

                    foreach (MemberInGame memberInGame in memberInGames)
                        MemberInGameItem memberInGameItem = new MemberInGameItem();
                        // This should happen in the constructor of MemberInGameItem.
                        memberInGameItem.GameDateTime     = DateTime.MinValue;
                        memberInGameItem.DateTimeInserted = DateTime.MinValue;
                        memberInGameItem.DateTimeUpdated  = DateTime.MinValue;

                        Game game = memberInGame.Game;
                        // Set Game properties
                        memberInGameItem.GameID          = game.GameID;
                        memberInGameItem.GameCode        = game.GameCode;
                        memberInGameItem.GameDescription = game.GameDescription;
                        memberInGameItem.GameName        = game.GameName;
                        memberInGameItem.GameTypeName    = game.GameType.GameTypeName;
                        //memberInGameItem.GameDateTime = ; comes from game rules where state = ?
                        //memberInGameItem.GamePrice = ;
                        //memberInGameItem.GameStatus = ;
                        //memberInGameItem.GameStatusColor = ;

                        // set product properties - this needs to be a collection in the MemberInGameItem class, it's not a 1:1 relationship, 1 game can have * products.
                        // I'm only taking the first one at this point.
                        foreach (ProductInGame productInGame in game.ProductInGames)
                            Product product = productInGame.Product;
                            memberInGameItem.ProductID          = product.ProductID;
                            memberInGameItem.ProductName        = product.ProductName;
                            memberInGameItem.ProductDescription = product.ProductDescription;
                            memberInGameItem.ProductPrice       = (product.ProductPrice != null) ? (decimal)product.ProductPrice : 0;
                            memberInGameItem.OwnerID            = product.OwnerID;

                            // loop through product categories.... because one product can live in multiple categories!!!
                            // I'm only taking the first one at this point.
                            foreach (ProductInCategory productInCategory in product.ProductInCategories)
                                ProductCategory productCategory = productInCategory.ProductCategory;
                                memberInGameItem.ProductCategory = productCategory.ProductCategoryName;

                            //Quick hack to get the 1st image
                            Imagedetail image = db.Imagedetails.Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductID).First();

                            memberInGameItem.ProductImage = image.ImageID.ToString();



                    //  string returnJSONResult = "";

                    /*using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                     * {
                     *  DataContractJsonSerializer dataContractJsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(MemberInGameItem));
                     *  dataContractJsonSerializer.WriteObject(memoryStream, memberInGameItems);
                     *  memoryStream.Position = 0;
                     *  var sr = new StreamReader(memoryStream);
                     *  returnJSONResult = sr.ReadToEnd();
                     * }
                     * return returnJSONResult; */
                    System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult json = new System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult
                        Data = memberInGameItems

                    string son = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(json.Data);
