예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: vr3d/GodComplex
        static void                     SaveTestsRGB()
            ImageUtility.ColorProfile Profile_sRGB   = new ImageUtility.ColorProfile(ImageUtility.ColorProfile.STANDARD_PROFILE.sRGB);
            ImageUtility.ColorProfile Profile_Linear = new ImageUtility.ColorProfile(ImageUtility.ColorProfile.Chromaticities.sRGB, ImageUtility.ColorProfile.GAMMA_CURVE.STANDARD, 1.0f);

            ImageUtility.Bitmap Gray_sRGB       = new ImageUtility.Bitmap(64, 64, Profile_sRGB);
            ImageUtility.Bitmap Gray_Linear     = new ImageUtility.Bitmap(64, 64, Profile_Linear);
            ImageUtility.Bitmap Gradient_sRGB   = new ImageUtility.Bitmap(128, 16, Profile_sRGB);
            ImageUtility.Bitmap Gradient_Linear = new ImageUtility.Bitmap(128, 16, Profile_Linear);

            for (int Y = 0; Y < Gray_sRGB.Height; Y++)
                for (int X = 0; X < Gray_sRGB.Width; X++)
                    Gray_sRGB.ContentXYZ[X, Y]   = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ(new ImageUtility.float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));
                    Gray_Linear.ContentXYZ[X, Y] = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ(new ImageUtility.float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));

            int W = Gradient_sRGB.Width;

            for (int Y = 0; Y < Gradient_sRGB.Height; Y++)
                for (int X = 0; X < Gradient_sRGB.Width; X++)
                    float C = (float)(X + 0.5f) / W;
                    Gradient_sRGB.ContentXYZ[X, Y]   = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ(new ImageUtility.float4(C, C, C, 1.0f));
                    Gradient_Linear.ContentXYZ[X, Y] = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ(new ImageUtility.float4(C, C, C, 1.0f));

            Gray_sRGB.Save(new FileInfo("./Gray128_sRGB.png"));
            Gray_Linear.Save(new FileInfo("./Gray128_Linear.png"));
            Gradient_sRGB.Save(new FileInfo("./Gradient_sRGB.png"));
            Gradient_Linear.Save(new FileInfo("./Gradient_Linear.png"));
예제 #2
        private void buttonTestBilateral_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                panelParameters.Enabled = false;

                // 1] Apply bilateral filtering to the input texture as a pre-process
                ApplyBilateralFiltering(m_TextureSource, m_TextureTarget0, floatTrackbarControlBilateralRadius.Value, floatTrackbarControlBilateralTolerance.Value, checkBoxWrap.Checked, 100);

                progressBar.Value = progressBar.Maximum;

                // 2] Copy target to staging for CPU readback and update the resulting bitmap

                if (m_BitmapResult != null)
                m_BitmapResult          = null;
                m_BitmapResult          = new ImageUtility.Bitmap(W, H, m_ProfileLinear);
                m_BitmapResult.HasAlpha = true;

                RendererManaged.PixelsBuffer Pixels = m_TextureTarget_CPU.Map(0, 0);
                using (System.IO.BinaryReader R = Pixels.OpenStreamRead())
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
                        R.BaseStream.Position = Y * Pixels.RowPitch;
                        for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
                            float AO = R.ReadSingle();
                            ImageUtility.float4 Color = new ImageUtility.float4(AO, AO, AO, AO);
                            Color = m_ProfileLinear.RGB2XYZ(Color);
                            m_BitmapResult.ContentXYZ[X, Y] = Color;

                m_TextureTarget_CPU.UnMap(0, 0);

                // Assign result
                viewportPanelResult.Image = m_BitmapResult;
            } catch (Exception _e) {
                MessageBox("An error occurred during generation!\r\n\r\nDetails: ", _e);
            } finally {
                panelParameters.Enabled = true;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a 0xRRGGBB string into
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_hexRGB"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float3    HexRGB2xyY(string _hexRGB)
            if (_hexRGB.StartsWith("0x"))
                _hexRGB = _hexRGB.Remove(0, 2);

            uint V = uint.Parse(_hexRGB, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            byte R = (byte)(V >> 16);
            byte G = (byte)((V >> 8) & 0xFF);
            byte B = (byte)(V & 0xFF);

            float4 RGBA = new float4(R / 255.0f, G / 255.0f, B / 255.0f, 1.0f);
            float4 XYZ  = new float4();

            ms_profile.RGB2XYZ(RGBA, ref XYZ);

            float3 xyY = new float3();

            ImageUtility.ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY(XYZ.xyz, ref xyY);

예제 #4
        private void    Generate()
            try {
                tabControlGenerators.Enabled = false;

                // 1] Apply bilateral filtering to the input texture as a pre-process
                ApplyBilateralFiltering(m_TextureSource, m_TextureTarget0, floatTrackbarControlBilateralRadius.Value, floatTrackbarControlBilateralTolerance.Value, checkBoxWrap.Checked);

                // 2] Compute directional occlusion

                // Prepare computation parameters

                m_CB_Input.m.RaysCount       = (UInt32)Math.Min(MAX_THREADS, integerTrackbarControlRaysCount.Value);
                m_CB_Input.m.MaxStepsCount   = (UInt32)integerTrackbarControlMaxStepsCount.Value;
                m_CB_Input.m.Tile            = (uint)(checkBoxWrap.Checked ? 1 : 0);
                m_CB_Input.m.TexelSize_mm    = TextureSize_mm / Math.Max(W, H);
                m_CB_Input.m.Displacement_mm = TextureHeight_mm;

                // Start
                if (!m_CS_GenerateSSBumpMap.Use())
                    throw new Exception("Can't generate self-shadowed bump map as compute shader failed to compile!");

                int h          = Math.Max(1, MAX_LINES * 1024 / W);
                int CallsCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)H / h);
                for (int i = 0; i < CallsCount; i++)
                    m_CB_Input.m.Y0 = (UInt32)(i * h);

                    m_CS_GenerateSSBumpMap.Dispatch(W, h, 1);


                    progressBar.Value = (int)(0.01f * (BILATERAL_PROGRESS + (100 - BILATERAL_PROGRESS) * (i + 1) / (CallsCount)) * progressBar.Maximum);
//					for ( int a=0; a < 10; a++ )

                m_TextureTarget1.RemoveFromLastAssignedSlotUAV();                       // So we can use it as input for next stage

                progressBar.Value = progressBar.Maximum;

                // Compute in a single shot (this is madness!)
//              m_CB_Input.m.y = 0;
//              m_CB_Input.UpdateData();
//              m_CS_GenerateSSBumpMap.Dispatch( W, H, 1 );

                // 3] Copy target to staging for CPU readback and update the resulting bitmap

                if (m_BitmapResult != null)
                m_BitmapResult          = null;
                m_BitmapResult          = new ImageUtility.Bitmap(W, H, m_LinearProfile);
                m_BitmapResult.HasAlpha = true;

                RendererManaged.PixelsBuffer Pixels = m_TextureTarget_CPU.Map(0, 0);
                using (System.IO.BinaryReader R = Pixels.OpenStreamRead())
                    for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
                        R.BaseStream.Position = Y * Pixels.RowPitch;
                        for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
                            ImageUtility.float4 Color = new ImageUtility.float4(R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle(), R.ReadSingle());
                            Color = m_LinearProfile.RGB2XYZ(Color);
                            m_BitmapResult.ContentXYZ[X, Y] = Color;

                m_TextureTarget_CPU.UnMap(0, 0);

                // Assign result
                viewportPanelResult.Image = m_BitmapResult;
            } catch (Exception _e) {
                MessageBox("An error occurred during generation!\r\n\r\nDetails: ", _e);
            } finally {
                tabControlGenerators.Enabled = true;
예제 #5
        void    TestChromaRanges()
            ImageUtility.ColorProfile profile = new ImageUtility.ColorProfile(ImageUtility.ColorProfile.STANDARD_PROFILE.sRGB);

            float3 tempFloat3 = new float3(0, 0, 0);
            float4 tempFloat4 = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

            float Ygo, Cg, Co;

            ranges_t[] ranges = new ranges_t[4];
            for (int lumaIndex = 0; lumaIndex < ranges.Length; lumaIndex++)
                ranges_t range = new ranges_t();
                ranges[lumaIndex] = range;

                float L = (1 + lumaIndex) / 255.0f;

                for (int R = 0; R < 256; R++)
                    for (int G = 0; G < 256; G++)
                        for (int B = 0; B < 256; B++)
                            tempFloat4.x = L * R;
                            tempFloat4.y = L * G;
                            tempFloat4.z = L * B;

                            // Convert to YCoCg
//                          Ygo = 0.25f * tempFloat4.x + 0.5f * tempFloat4.y + 0.25f * tempFloat4.z;
//                          Cg = -0.25f * tempFloat4.x + 0.5f * tempFloat4.y - 0.25f * tempFloat4.z;
//                          Co =  0.50f * tempFloat4.x + 0.0f * tempFloat4.y - 0.50f * tempFloat4.z;

                            RGB2YCoCg(tempFloat4.x, tempFloat4.y, tempFloat4.z, out Ygo, out Co, out Cg);
                            YCoCg2RGB(Ygo, Co, Cg, out tempFloat3.x, out tempFloat3.y, out tempFloat3.z);
                            if (Math.Abs(tempFloat3.x - tempFloat4.x) > 1e-6)
                                throw new Exception("RHA!");
                            if (Math.Abs(tempFloat3.y - tempFloat4.y) > 1e-6)
                                throw new Exception("RHA!");
                            if (Math.Abs(tempFloat3.z - tempFloat4.z) > 1e-6)
                                throw new Exception("RHA!");

                            // Convert to xyY
                            float4 XYZ = float4.Zero;
                            profile.RGB2XYZ(tempFloat4, ref XYZ);
                            tempFloat3.x = XYZ.x;
                            tempFloat3.y = XYZ.y;
                            tempFloat3.z = XYZ.z;
                            float3 xyY = float3.Zero;
                            ImageUtility.ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY(tempFloat3, ref xyY);

                            // Update ranges
                            range.Ygo_min = Math.Min(range.Ygo_min, Ygo);
                            range.Ygo_max = Math.Max(range.Ygo_max, Ygo);
                            range.Cg_min  = Math.Min(range.Cg_min, Cg);
                            range.Cg_max  = Math.Max(range.Cg_max, Cg);
                            range.Co_min  = Math.Min(range.Co_min, Co);
                            range.Co_max  = Math.Max(range.Co_max, Co);

                            range.Y_min = Math.Min(range.Y_min, xyY.z);
                            range.Y_max = Math.Max(range.Y_max, xyY.z);
                            range.x_min = Math.Min(range.x_min, xyY.x);
                            range.x_max = Math.Max(range.x_max, xyY.x);
                            range.y_min = Math.Min(range.y_min, xyY.y);
                            range.y_max = Math.Max(range.y_max, xyY.y);
예제 #6
        static void SaveTestsRGB()
            ImageUtility.ColorProfile	Profile_sRGB = new ImageUtility.ColorProfile( ImageUtility.ColorProfile.STANDARD_PROFILE.sRGB );
            ImageUtility.ColorProfile	Profile_Linear = new ImageUtility.ColorProfile( ImageUtility.ColorProfile.Chromaticities.sRGB, ImageUtility.ColorProfile.GAMMA_CURVE.STANDARD, 1.0f );

            ImageUtility.Bitmap	Gray_sRGB = new ImageUtility.Bitmap( 64, 64, Profile_sRGB );
            ImageUtility.Bitmap	Gray_Linear = new ImageUtility.Bitmap( 64, 64, Profile_Linear );
            ImageUtility.Bitmap	Gradient_sRGB = new ImageUtility.Bitmap( 128, 16, Profile_sRGB );
            ImageUtility.Bitmap	Gradient_Linear = new ImageUtility.Bitmap( 128, 16, Profile_Linear );

            for ( int Y=0; Y < Gray_sRGB.Height; Y++ )
                for ( int X=0; X < Gray_sRGB.Width; X++ )
                    Gray_sRGB.ContentXYZ[X,Y] = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ( new ImageUtility.float4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ) );
                    Gray_Linear.ContentXYZ[X,Y] = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ( new ImageUtility.float4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ) );

            int	W = Gradient_sRGB.Width;
            for ( int Y=0; Y < Gradient_sRGB.Height; Y++ )
                for ( int X=0; X < Gradient_sRGB.Width; X++ )
                    float	C = (float) (X+0.5f) / W;
                    Gradient_sRGB.ContentXYZ[X,Y] = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ( new ImageUtility.float4( C, C, C, 1.0f ) );
                    Gradient_Linear.ContentXYZ[X,Y] = Profile_Linear.RGB2XYZ( new ImageUtility.float4( C, C, C, 1.0f ) );

            Gray_sRGB.Save( new FileInfo( "./Gray128_sRGB.png" ) );
            Gray_Linear.Save( new FileInfo( "./Gray128_Linear.png" ) );
            Gradient_sRGB.Save( new FileInfo( "./Gradient_sRGB.png" ) );
            Gradient_Linear.Save( new FileInfo( "./Gradient_Linear.png" ) );
예제 #7
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: Patapom/GodComplex
        void TestChromaRanges()
            ImageUtility.ColorProfile	profile = new ImageUtility.ColorProfile(ImageUtility.ColorProfile.STANDARD_PROFILE.sRGB );

            ImageUtility.float3	tempFloat3 = new ImageUtility.float3( 0, 0, 0 );
            ImageUtility.float4	tempFloat4 = new ImageUtility.float4( 0, 0, 0, 1 );

            float	Ygo, Cg, Co;

            ranges_t[]	ranges = new ranges_t[4];
            for ( int lumaIndex=0; lumaIndex < ranges.Length; lumaIndex++ ) {

                ranges_t	range = new ranges_t();
                ranges[lumaIndex] = range;

                float	L = (1+lumaIndex) / 255.0f;

                for ( int R=0; R < 256; R++ ) {
                    for ( int G=0; G < 256; G++ ) {
                        for ( int B=0; B < 256; B++ ) {

                            tempFloat4.x = L * R;
                            tempFloat4.y = L * G;
                            tempFloat4.z = L * B;

                            // Convert to YCoCg
            // 							Ygo = 0.25f * tempFloat4.x + 0.5f * tempFloat4.y + 0.25f * tempFloat4.z;
            // 							Cg = -0.25f * tempFloat4.x + 0.5f * tempFloat4.y - 0.25f * tempFloat4.z;
            // 							Co =  0.50f * tempFloat4.x + 0.0f * tempFloat4.y - 0.50f * tempFloat4.z;

                            RGB2YCoCg( tempFloat4.x, tempFloat4.y, tempFloat4.z, out Ygo, out Co, out Cg );
                            YCoCg2RGB( Ygo, Co, Cg, out tempFloat3.x, out tempFloat3.y, out tempFloat3.z );
                            if ( Math.Abs( tempFloat3.x - tempFloat4.x ) > 1e-6 ) throw new Exception( "RHA!" );
                            if ( Math.Abs( tempFloat3.y - tempFloat4.y ) > 1e-6 ) throw new Exception( "RHA!" );
                            if ( Math.Abs( tempFloat3.z - tempFloat4.z ) > 1e-6 ) throw new Exception( "RHA!" );

                            // Convert to xyY
                            ImageUtility.float4	XYZ = profile.RGB2XYZ( tempFloat4 );
                            tempFloat3.x = XYZ.x;
                            tempFloat3.y = XYZ.y;
                            tempFloat3.z = XYZ.z;
                            ImageUtility.float3	xyY = ImageUtility.ColorProfile.XYZ2xyY( tempFloat3 );

                            // Update ranges
                            range.Ygo_min = Math.Min( range.Ygo_min, Ygo );
                            range.Ygo_max = Math.Max( range.Ygo_max, Ygo );
                            range.Cg_min = Math.Min( range.Cg_min, Cg );
                            range.Cg_max = Math.Max( range.Cg_max, Cg );
                            range.Co_min = Math.Min( range.Co_min, Co );
                            range.Co_max = Math.Max( range.Co_max, Co );

                            range.Y_min = Math.Min( range.Y_min, xyY.z );
                            range.Y_max = Math.Max( range.Y_max, xyY.z );
                            range.x_min = Math.Min( range.x_min, xyY.x );
                            range.x_max = Math.Max( range.x_max, xyY.x );
                            range.y_min = Math.Min( range.y_min, xyY.y );
                            range.y_max = Math.Max( range.y_max, xyY.y );
