void Update() { if (strobeTimer > 0) { strobeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (strobeTimer <= 0) { StartCoroutine(dArrow.Strobe()); dMan.bDialogueActive = true; // Sound Effect SFXMan.sounds[2].PlayOneShot(SFXMan.sounds[2].clip); } } // Change from first music track to second if (musicTimer1 > 0) { musicTimer1 -= Time.deltaTime; if (musicTimer1 <= 0) { mMan.SwitchTrack(1); } } }
void Update() { if (strobeTimer > 0) { strobeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (strobeTimer <= 0) { StartCoroutine(dArrow.Strobe()); dMan.bDialogueActive = true; // Sound Effect SFXMan.sounds[2].PlayOneShot(SFXMan.sounds[2].clip); } } }
void Update() { // New Game -- Dialogue activation & strobe arrow start if (strobeTimer > 0) { // Script Pref -- Run uMan once after initial load in UIManager if (strobeTimer == 1f) { uMan.HideBrioAndButton(); } strobeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (strobeTimer <= 0) { bOptModeSelect = true; StartCoroutine(dArrow.Strobe()); dMan.bDialogueActive = true; sFaderAnimDia.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero; // Remove to allow mouse click on options prompts // Sound Effect SFXMan.sounds[2].PlayOneShot(SFXMan.sounds[2].clip); } } // Mode Selection Prompt if (bOptModeSelect && !dMan.bDialogueActive) { GWC_PromptRestrictions(); dialogueLines = new string[] { "First and first mostly, who's playing?" }; GWC_DialogueResetter(); optionsLines = new string[] { "Me (Single player)", "Us (Multiplayer)" }; GWC_OptionsResetter_2Q(); } // Begin play -- Activate music, UI, and fade after team selection if (!dMan.bDialogueActive && !bAvoidUpdate && bStartGame) { thePlayer.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().bStopPlayerMovement = false; mMan.bMusicCanPlay = true; sFaderAnim.GetComponent <Animator>().enabled = true; // Change to avoid running this logic bAvoidUpdate = true; // Allow tile flipping StartCoroutine(StartFlipping()); // Mode Reminders if (bOptModeMulti) { StartCoroutine(StartMulti()); } if (bOptModeSingle) { StartCoroutine(StartSingle(1.0f)); } } // Change from first music track to second if (bStartGame && bAvoidUpdate && musicTimer1 > 0) { musicTimer1 -= Time.deltaTime; if (musicTimer1 <= 0) { mMan.SwitchTrack(1); } } // Change from second music track to third if (musicTimer1 <= 0 && musicTimer2 > 0) { musicTimer2 -= Time.deltaTime; if (musicTimer2 <= 0) { mMan.SwitchTrack(2); } } // Resetting if (!dMan.bDialogueActive && bBoardReset && !bCanFlip) { StartCoroutine(DelayedResetBoard()); } // Zoom In -- Scroll Forward or press Y if (mainCamera.orthographicSize >= aUtil._wantedAspectRatio && !dMan.bDialogueActive && !pause.bPauseActive && !pause.bPausing && (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0 || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Comma) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton3) || touches.bYaction)) { mainCamera.orthographicSize = mainCamera.orthographicSize - 0.25f; touches.bYaction = false; } // Zoom Out -- Scroll Back or press X if (mainCamera.orthographicSize < 5.642857f && !dMan.bDialogueActive && !pause.bPauseActive && !pause.bPausing && (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0 || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Period) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton2) || touches.bXaction)) { mainCamera.orthographicSize = mainCamera.orthographicSize + 0.25f; touches.bXaction = false; } // Single Player - Reminder to Guess if (bSingleReminder && !dMan.bDialogueActive) { bSingleReminder = false; bAllowPlayerToGuess = true; GWC_PromptRestrictions(); dialogueLines = new string[] { "And when you're ready, just hold down for a couple of seconds." }; GWC_DialogueResetter(); } // Single Player - Player Guess if (bAllowPlayerToGuess && !dMan.bDialogueActive && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.G) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton4) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton5) || (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && Input.touchCount < 2))) { buttonTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (buttonTimer >= guessThreshold && !spLogic.bGuessingFTW) { if (spLogic.bPlayerMidGuess) { spLogic.bPlayerGuessing = true; } else if (!bIsPlayerG2G) { IsPlayerGoodToGuess(); } buttonTimer = 0; } } // Single Player - Reset Player Guess timer if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { buttonTimer = 0; } }
void Update() { if (strobeTimer > 0) { strobeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (strobeTimer <= 0) { StartCoroutine(dArrow.Strobe()); dMan.bDialogueActive = true; // Sound Effect SFXMan.sounds[2].PlayOneShot(SFXMan.sounds[2].clip); } } if ((pause.transform.localScale == Vector3.one || dMan.bDialogueActive) && !bAvoidInvestionUpdate) { bAvoidInvestigating = true; bAvoidInvestionUpdate = true; } // Avoid investigating when paused or dialogue up (w/ spacebar still down) if ((pause.transform.localScale == Vector3.zero && !dMan.bDialogueActive) && bAvoidInvestionUpdate) { if (Input.GetButton("Action") || Input.GetMouseButton(0) || contSupp.ControllerButtonPadBottom("hold") || touches.bAaction ) { // Avoid reseting the booleans until actionable is let up } else { bAvoidInvestigating = false; bAvoidInvestionUpdate = false; } } if (bHasLost && !bAvoidUpdate) { Lose(); // Reset the bools bAvoidUpdate = true; } if (bHasWon && !bAvoidUpdate) { Win(); // Reset the bools bAvoidUpdate = true; } // Lose brio every X seconds while playing if (brio.playerCurrentBrio > 1 && pause.transform.localScale != Vector3.one && !dMan.bDialogueActive && (!bHasLost || !bHasWon)) { if (!warpMinesweeper.GetComponent <SceneTransitioner>().bAnimationToTransitionScene) { brio.FatiguePlayer(0.0025f); brio.bRestoreOverTime = false; uMan.UpdateBrio(); } } // 06/06/2018 DC -- If out of brio, should the game end? }