예제 #1
        private static List <ImageSlice> ParseSlices(byte[] imageData)
            // tiles are 16 x 8 but 4bpp, so each byte is 2 pixels, so 8x8 in bytes
            // stride is always 512 bytes
            List <ImageSlice> slices = new List <ImageSlice>();
            int       numBytes       = imageData.Length;
            const int stride         = 256; // in bytes, not pixels
            const int xTiles         = stride / 8;
            int       yTiles         = numBytes / stride / 8;

            for (int yTile = 0; yTile < yTiles; ++yTile)
                int yPos = yTile * 8;
                for (int xTile = 0; xTile < xTiles; xTile++)
                    int        xPos = xTile * 8; // also used as byte index
                    ImageSlice s    = new ImageSlice();
                    for (int localIter = 0; localIter < (16 * 8); localIter += 2)
                        int localX = localIter % 16;
                        int localY = localIter / 16;
                        Debug.Assert((localY >= 0) && (localY < 8));
                        int  yPixOffset = (yPos + localY) * stride;
                        byte twoPix     = imageData[yPixOffset + xPos + (localX / 2)];
                        s.rect[((localY * 16) + localX) + 1] = (byte)((twoPix & 0xF0) >> 4);
                        s.rect[((localY * 16) + localX)]     = (byte)(twoPix & 0xF);
예제 #2
        private static List <ImageSlice> ParseSlices(byte[] imageData)
            // tiles are 8 x 8 in ed53
            // stride is always 512 bytes
            List <ImageSlice> slices = new List <ImageSlice>();
            int       numBytes       = imageData.Length;
            const int stride         = 512;
            const int xTiles         = stride / 8;
            int       yTiles         = numBytes / stride / 8;

            for (int yTile = 0; yTile < yTiles; ++yTile)
                int yPos = yTile * 8;
                for (int xTile = 0; xTile < xTiles; xTile++)
                    int        xPos = (xTile * 8);
                    ImageSlice s    = new ImageSlice(xPos, yPos);
                    for (int localIter = 0; localIter < (8 * 8); ++localIter)
                        int localX = localIter % 8;
                        int localY = localIter / 8;
                        Debug.Assert((localY >= 0) && (localY < 8));
                        int yPixOffset = (yPos + localY) * stride;
                        s.rect[(localY * 8) + localX] = imageData[yPixOffset + xPos + localX];
예제 #3
        public Renderer.Texture2D       CreateTextureCube(Renderer.Device _Device)
            if (m_Opts.m_type != ImageOptions.TYPE.TT_CUBIC)
                throw new Exception("The image is not a cube map texture!");

            ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT     textureFormat = ImageUtility.PIXEL_FORMAT.UNKNOWN;
            ImageUtility.COMPONENT_FORMAT componentFormat;
            m_Opts.m_format.GetEquivalentRendererFormat(out textureFormat, out componentFormat);

            uint ArraySize = 6 * m_Opts.m_arraySize;
            uint MipsCount = m_Opts.m_curNumLevels;
            uint PixelSize = m_Opts.m_format.BitsCount >> 3;

            List <Renderer.PixelsBuffer> Content = new List <Renderer.PixelsBuffer>();

            for (uint SliceIndex = 0; SliceIndex < ArraySize; SliceIndex++)
                for (uint MipLevelIndex = 0; MipLevelIndex < MipsCount; MipLevelIndex++)
                    ImageSlice Slice = m_Slices[MipLevelIndex * ArraySize + SliceIndex];                        // Stupidly stored in reverse order!

                    Renderer.PixelsBuffer Pixels = new Renderer.PixelsBuffer((uint)(Slice.m_Width * Slice.m_Height * PixelSize));

                    using (BinaryWriter Writer = Pixels.OpenStreamWrite())

            Renderer.Texture2D Result = new Renderer.Texture2D(_Device, m_Opts.m_curWidth, m_Opts.m_curHeight, -6 * (int)m_Opts.m_arraySize, m_Opts.m_curNumLevels, textureFormat, componentFormat, false, false, Content.ToArray());
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a 2D texture from the image
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RendererManaged.Texture2D        CreateTexture2D(RendererManaged.Device _Device)
            if (m_Opts.m_type != ImageOptions.TYPE.TT_2D)
                throw new Exception("The image is not a 2D texture!");

            RendererManaged.PIXEL_FORMAT TextureFormat = m_Opts.m_format.EquivalentRendererFormat;

            uint ArraySize = m_Opts.m_arraySize;
            uint MipsCount = m_Opts.m_curNumLevels;
            uint PixelSize = m_Opts.m_format.BitsCount >> 3;

            List <RendererManaged.PixelsBuffer> Content = new List <RendererManaged.PixelsBuffer>();

            for (uint SliceIndex = 0; SliceIndex < ArraySize; SliceIndex++)
                for (uint MipLevelIndex = 0; MipLevelIndex < MipsCount; MipLevelIndex++)
                    ImageSlice Slice = m_Slices[MipLevelIndex * ArraySize + SliceIndex];                        // Stupidly stored in reverse order!

                    RendererManaged.PixelsBuffer Pixels = new RendererManaged.PixelsBuffer((int)(Slice.m_Width * Slice.m_Height * PixelSize));

                    using (BinaryWriter Writer = Pixels.OpenStreamWrite())

            RendererManaged.Texture2D Result = new RendererManaged.Texture2D(_Device, (int)m_Opts.m_curWidth, (int)m_Opts.m_curHeight, (int)m_Opts.m_arraySize, (int)m_Opts.m_curNumLevels, TextureFormat, false, false, Content.ToArray());
예제 #5
        private static void ArrangeSlices(Bitmap bm, List <ImageSlice> slices, List <Palette> palettes, List <GTMPFile.PositionData> posData)
            Rectangle  lockRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height);
            BitmapData bd       = bm.LockBits(lockRect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            // docs say this is pixel width, it's a dirty liar. It's the byte width
            int byteStride = bd.Stride;

            foreach (GTMPFile.PositionData pd in posData)
                int[]  colourData       = new int[16 * 8];
                bool   makeTopLeftBlack = false;
                ushort actualTile       = pd.tile;
                //if ((pd.tile & 0x0800) != 0)
                //    actualTile = (ushort)(pd.tile & ~0x800);
                //    makeTopLeftBlack = true;
                if (pd.palette != 0xFF)
                    ImageSlice tile    = slices[actualTile];
                    Palette    p       = palettes[pd.palette];
                    Color      topLeft = p.colours[tile.rect[0]];

                    for (int i = 0; i < (16 * 8); ++i)
                        byte  colourIndex = tile.rect[i];
                        Color pixelColour = p.colours[colourIndex];
                        if (makeTopLeftBlack && (pixelColour == topLeft))
                            colourData[i] = Color.Black.ToArgb(); //(int)(pixelColour.ToArgb() & 0x00FFFFFF);
                            colourData[i] = pixelColour.ToArgb();
                    Color blockColour = GTMPFile.MakeColorFromBGR555(actualTile);
                    int   colourRGB   = blockColour.ToArgb();
                    for (int i = 0; i < (16 * 8); ++i)
                        colourData[i] = colourRGB;
                IntPtr scanLineIter = new IntPtr(bd.Scan0.ToInt64() + ((pd.y * byteStride) + (pd.x * 4)));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    Marshal.Copy(colourData, i * 16, scanLineIter, 16);
                    scanLineIter = new IntPtr(scanLineIter.ToInt64() + bd.Stride);
예제 #6
    private void Start()
        Init(ImageSlice.GetPiece(img, Vector2Int.zero, new Vector2Int(5, 5)), new Vector2(0, 0));
        Init(ImageSlice.GetPiece(img, new Vector2Int(0, 1), new Vector2Int(5, 5)), new Vector2(0, 1));
        Mesh meshCombine = CombineMeshes(new List <Mesh> {
            transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Mesh>(), transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Mesh>()
        GameObject tempQuad = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);

        tempQuad.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = meshCombine;
예제 #7
 void CreatePuzzle()
     Texture2D[,] _imageSlice = ImageSlice.GetSlice(image, blockPerLine);
     for (int x = 0; x < blockPerLine; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < blockPerLine; y++)
             GameObject _blockObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
             //GameObject _blockObject = GameObject.Instantiate(block  , transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
             _blockObject.transform.position = -Vector2.one * (blockPerLine - 1) * 0.5f + new Vector2(x, y);
             _blockObject.transform.parent   = transform;
             _blockObject.AddComponent <Piece>();
             Block _block = _blockObject.AddComponent <Block>();
             _block.coord = new Vector2Int(x, y);
             _block.Init(new Vector2Int(x, y), _imageSlice[x, y]);
예제 #8
        private static void ArrangeSlicesIndexed(Bitmap bm, List <ImageSlice> slices, List <Palette> palettes, List <PositionData> posData)
            Rectangle  lockRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height);
            BitmapData bd       = bm.LockBits(lockRect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);
            // docs say this is pixel width, it's a dirty liar. It's the byte width
            int byteStride = bd.Stride;

            foreach (PositionData pd in posData)
                byte[] colourData = new byte[16 * 8];
                if (pd.palette != 0xFF)
                    ImageSlice tile = slices[pd.tile];
                    Palette    p    = palettes[pd.palette];

                    for (int i = 0; i < (16 * 8); ++i)
                        colourData[i] = (byte)((pd.palette * 16) + tile.rect[i]);
                    Color blockColour = MakeColorFromBGR555(pd.tile);
                    byte  index       = FindNearestColourIndex(blockColour, palettes);
                    for (int i = 0; i < (16 * 8); ++i)
                        colourData[i] = index;
                // find the starting position for this position data
                IntPtr scanLineIter = new IntPtr(bd.Scan0.ToInt64() + ((pd.y * byteStride) + (pd.x)));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    // copy the pixels for this row
                    Marshal.Copy(colourData, i * 16, scanLineIter, 16);
                    // go to next row
                    scanLineIter = new IntPtr(scanLineIter.ToInt64() + bd.Stride);
예제 #9
        private static void ArrangeSlices(Bitmap bm, List <ImageSlice> slices, List <Palette> palettes, List <PositionData> posData)
            Rectangle  lockRect   = new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height);
            BitmapData bd         = bm.LockBits(lockRect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            int        byteStride = bd.Stride;
            ImageSlice previous   = null;

            foreach (PositionData pd in posData)
                int[] colourData = new int[8 * 8];
                // hack - what to do if pd.tile > slices.count
                if (pd.tile < slices.Count)
                    ImageSlice tile = slices[pd.tile];
                    // also hack
                    if (tile != previous)
                        Palette p = palettes[pd.palette];

                        for (int i = 0; i < (8 * 8); ++i)
                            colourData[i] = p.colours[tile.rect[i]].ToArgb();
                    previous = tile;
                // end of hack
                IntPtr scanLineIter = new IntPtr(bd.Scan0.ToInt64() + ((pd.y * byteStride) + (pd.x * 4)));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    Marshal.Copy(colourData, i * 8, scanLineIter, 8);
                    scanLineIter = new IntPtr(scanLineIter.ToInt64() + bd.Stride);