예제 #1
        public override async Task SaveObject(string filename)
            if (MipMaps == null || !MipMaps.Any())

            ImageEngineFormat format;

            DomainMipMap mipMap = MipMaps.Where(mm => mm.ImageData != null && mm.ImageData.Length > 0).OrderByDescending(mm => mm.Width > mm.Height ? mm.Width : mm.Height).FirstOrDefault();

            if (mipMap == null)

            MemoryStream memory = buildDdsImage(MipMaps.IndexOf(mipMap), out format);

            if (memory == null)

            ImageEngineImage ddsImage = new ImageEngineImage(memory);

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);

            await Task.Run(() => ddsImage.Save(stream, format, MipHandling.KeepTopOnly));


예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects details of current texture, like thumbnail, number of mips, and format.
        /// </summary>
        public void EnumerateDetails()
            byte[] data = Extract("", true);
            if (data == null)
                DebugOutput.PrintLn("Unable to get image data for: " + FileName);
                // KFreon: Check formatting etc
                    using (ImageEngineImage image = new ImageEngineImage(data))
                        NumMips = image.NumMipMaps;
                        Height  = image.Height;
                        Width   = image.Width;
                        Format  = image.Format.InternalFormat.ToString().Replace("DDS_", "");

                        image.Save(Thumbnail, ImageEngineFormat.JPG, false, 64);
                catch (Exception e)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Error checking texture: " + e.Message);
                    NumMips   = 0;
                    Format    = Format ?? Path.GetExtension(FileName);
                    Thumbnail = null;
                data = null;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves DdsImage into Data.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveDds(bool onlySaveIfEdited = true)
            if (DdsImage == null || (!wasEdited && onlySaveIfEdited))

                _loadDdsLock = true;
                ImageEngineImage newImage = null;

                using (MemoryStream png = new MemoryStream())
                    newImage = new ImageEngineImage(png);
                Data = newImage.Save(ImageFormat, MipHandling.Default).ToList();
                wasReloaded  = true;
                _loadDdsLock = false;
예제 #4
        private static Bitmap ImageEngineImageToBitmap(ImageEngineImage image)
            // save the image to bmp
            var bitmapStream = new MemoryStream();

                image.Save(bitmapStream, new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.PNG), MipHandling.KeepTopOnly, 0, 0, false);
            catch (NullReferenceException /* good library */)
                image.Save(bitmapStream, new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.PNG), MipHandling.KeepTopOnly);

            // load the saved bmp into a new bitmap
            return(new Bitmap(bitmapStream));
예제 #5
        private static Bitmap ImageEngineImageToBitmap(ImageEngineImage image)
            // save the image to bmp
            var bitmapStream = new MemoryStream();

            image.Save(bitmapStream, new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.BMP), MipHandling.KeepTopOnly);

            // load the saved bmp into a new bitmap
            return(new Bitmap(bitmapStream));
예제 #6
        public void SaveSubImage(SubImage subImage, string path, string extension)
            Bitmap bmp = UsefulThings.WinForms.Imaging.CreateBitmap(ImageManager.Instance.image.GetWPFBitmap(), false);

            UIManager.Instance.MainForm.displayImageBox.Image = bmp;
            int top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0;

            foreach (var property in subImage.properties)
                if (property.name == "top")
                    top = Convert.ToInt32(property.value);

                if (property.name == "bottom")
                    bottom = Convert.ToInt32(property.value);

                if (property.name == "left")
                    left = Convert.ToInt32(property.value);

                if (property.name == "right")
                    right = Convert.ToInt32(property.value);

            Rectangle rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);

            if (rect.Width <= 0 || rect.Height <= 0)
                LogManager.Instance.MsgError("Invalid sub image on file " + subImage.path);

                bmp = bmp.Clone(rect, bmp.PixelFormat);

                using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                    bmp.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
                    ImageEngineImage img = new ImageEngineImage(stream.ToArray());
                    img.Save(path + @"\" + subImage.name + "." + extension, ImageEngineFormat.DDS_DXT3, MipHandling.KeepExisting, 0, 0, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                LogManager.Instance.MsgError("Could not save image " + path + @"\" + subImage.name + "." + extension
                                             + "\nError: " + e.Message);
예제 #7
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: Tsohg/texconvert
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a single .png file to .dds format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">Full path of the file.</param>
        /// <param name="inPath">Full input directory path.</param>
        /// <param name="outPath">Full output directory path.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Integer label. Start at i = 1.</param>
        /// <param name="total">Total number of files to be converted.</param>
        public void ConvertPngToDds(string file, string inPath, string outPath, ref int index, int total)
            //get data about file..."D:\\msys2\\home\\Nathan\\dbg\\00004d824c7204b6f7-DDS_ARGB_8.png"
            string name = Path.GetFileName(file);

            string[] details = name.Split('-');
            if (details.Length > 2)
                throw new Exception("Additional details detected.");
            if (details.Length == 1) //no details found
                details = new string[] { name, "" }

            ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails imageDetails;
            switch (details[1].Split('.')[0]) //A bit of a complicated way to only look at the part without file extension...
            case "DDS_ARGB_8":
                imageDetails = new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.DDS_ARGB_8);

            case "DDS_G16_R16":
                imageDetails = new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.DDS_G16_R16);

            case "DDS_DXT1":
                imageDetails = new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.DDS_DXT1);

            case "DDS_DXT5":
            default:     //we don't know what to do here...so we just assume DXT5.
                imageDetails = new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.DDS_DXT5);

            //we have already stripped metadata in split. Begin to return it to dds with the stripped metadata.
            FileStream       fs  = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outPath, Path.ChangeExtension(details[0], ".dds")), FileMode.Create);
            ImageEngineImage imi = new ImageEngineImage(Path.Combine(inPath, name));

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Converting: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + " " + index + "\\" + total);
            imi.Save(fs, imageDetails, MipHandling.Default, 0, 0, false);
예제 #8
        private void SaveDDS(List <string> paths, string outputPath)
            ImageEngineImage outputImage = new ImageEngineImage(paths[0]);

            for (int i = 1; i < paths.Count; i++)
                ImageEngineImage mipImage = new ImageEngineImage(paths[i]);
                MipMap           mip      = new MipMap(mipImage.MipMaps[0].Pixels, mipImage.Width, mipImage.Height, mipImage.FormatDetails);
            ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails outputFormat = new ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.DDS_DXT1);
            byte[] data = outputImage.Save(outputFormat, MipHandling.KeepExisting);

            using (var file = File.Create(outputPath))
                file.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns current texture as a Bitmap. Option to specify size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">Path to BIOGame.</param>
        /// <param name="size">OPTIONAL: Maximum size on any dimension. Defaults to max.</param>
        /// <returns>Bitmap image of texture.</returns>
        public Bitmap GetImage(string pathBIOGame, int size = -1)
            ITexture2D tex2D = Textures[0];

            byte[] imgData = tex2D.GetImageData();

            using (ImageEngineImage img = new ImageEngineImage(imgData))
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    if (!img.Save(ms, ImageEngineFormat.PNG, MipHandling.KeepTopOnly))

                    MemoryStream largest = KFreonLib.Textures.Creation.OverlayAndPickDetailed(ms, img.Width, img.Height);
                    return(new Bitmap(largest));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects details of current texture, like thumbnail, number of mips, and format.
        /// </summary>
        public void EnumerateDetails()
            byte[] data = Extract("", true);
            if (data == null)
                DebugOutput.PrintLn("Unable to get image data for: " + FileName);
                // KFreon: Check formatting etc
                    using (ImageEngineImage image = new ImageEngineImage(data))
                        NumMips = image.NumMipMaps;
                        Height  = image.Height;
                        Width   = image.Width;
                        Format  = image.Format.InternalFormat;

                        if (OrigWidth == -1)
                            OrigWidth = Width;

                        if (OrigHeight == -1)
                            OrigHeight = Height;

                        image.Save(Thumbnail, ImageEngineFormat.JPG, MipHandling.Default, 64);
                catch (Exception e)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Error checking texture: " + e.Message);
                    NumMips   = 0;
                    Thumbnail = null;
                data = null;
예제 #11
        public static Bitmap DdsToBmp(int width, int height, byte[] rawData, bool preserveAlpha = true)
            ImageEngineImage img = new ImageEngineImage(rawData);
            var newBytes         = img.Save(new ImageEngineFormatDetails(ImageEngineFormat.BMP), MipHandling.Default);

            Bitmap bmImage = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(newBytes));


            var pxFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb;

            if (preserveAlpha)
                pxFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);

            BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, pxFormat);
            IntPtr     scan = data.Scan0;
            int        size = bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 4;

                byte *p = (byte *)scan;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 4)
                    // iterate through bytes.
                    // Bitmap stores it's data in RGBA order.
                    // DDS stores it's data in BGRA order.
                    p[i]     = rawData[i + 2]; // blue
                    p[i + 1] = rawData[i + 1]; // green
                    p[i + 2] = rawData[i];     // red
                    p[i + 3] = rawData[i + 3]; // alpha

예제 #12
        public override async Task SetObject(string filename, List <DomainNameTableEntry> nameTable)
            ImageEngineImage image = await Task.Run(() => new ImageEngineImage(filename));

            int width  = image.Width;
            int height = image.Height;

            DomainPropertyIntValue sizeX = PropertyHeader.GetProperty("SizeX").FirstOrDefault()?.Value as DomainPropertyIntValue;
            DomainPropertyIntValue sizeY = PropertyHeader.GetProperty("SizeY").FirstOrDefault()?.Value as DomainPropertyIntValue;


            DomainPropertyIntValue mipTailBaseIdx = PropertyHeader.GetProperty("MipTailBaseIdx").FirstOrDefault()?.Value as DomainPropertyIntValue;

            mipTailBaseIdx?.SetPropertyValue((int)Math.Log(width > height ? width : height, 2));

            DomainPropertyStringValue filePath = PropertyHeader.GetProperty("SourceFilePath").FirstOrDefault()?.Value as DomainPropertyStringValue;
            DomainPropertyStringValue fileTime = PropertyHeader.GetProperty("SourceFileTimestamp").FirstOrDefault()?.Value as DomainPropertyStringValue;

            fileTime?.SetPropertyValue(File.GetLastWriteTime(filename).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));

            DomainPropertyByteValue pfFormat = PropertyHeader.GetProperty("Format").FirstOrDefault()?.Value as DomainPropertyByteValue;

            ImageEngineFormat imageFormat = image.Format.InternalFormat;

            if (!imageFormat.ToString().Contains("DDS"))
                throw new Exception($"Image is not in a DDS format.  It is actually {imageFormat}.");

            if (pfFormat != null)
                string formatStr = imageFormat.ToString().Replace("DDS", "PF");

                if (formatStr.Contains("ARGB"))
                    formatStr = "PF_A8R8G8B8";
                else if (formatStr.Contains("G8"))
                    formatStr = "PF_G8";

                DomainNameTableEntry formatTableEntry = nameTable.SingleOrDefault(nt => nt.Name.String == formatStr) ?? nameTable.AddDomainNameTableEntry(formatStr);



            while (true)
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

                image.Save(stream, imageFormat, MipHandling.KeepTopOnly);

                await stream.FlushAsync();

                MipMaps.Add(new DomainMipMap
                    ImageData = (await ByteArrayReader.CreateNew(stream.ToArray(), 0x80).Splice()).GetBytes(), // Strip off 128 bytes for the DDS header
                    Width     = image.Width,
                    Height    = image.Height

                if (width == 1 && height == 1)

                if (width > 1)
                    width /= 2;
                if (height > 1)
                    height /= 2;

                if (image.Width > 4 && image.Height > 4)
                    image.Resize(0.5, false);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects details of current texture, like thumbnail, number of mips, and format.
        /// </summary>
        public void EnumerateDetails()
            byte[] data = Extract("", true);
            if (data == null)
                DebugOutput.PrintLn("Unable to get image data for: " + FileName);
                // KFreon: Check formatting etc
                    using (ImageEngineImage image = new ImageEngineImage(data))
                        NumMips = image.NumMipMaps;
                        Height = image.Height;
                        Width = image.Width;
                        Format = image.Format.InternalFormat;

                        if (OrigWidth == -1)
                            OrigWidth = Width;

                        if (OrigHeight == -1)
                            OrigHeight = Height;

                        image.Save(Thumbnail, ImageEngineFormat.JPG, MipHandling.Default, 64);
                catch(Exception e)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Error checking texture: " + e.Message);
                    NumMips = 0;
                    Thumbnail = null;
                data = null;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns current texture as a Bitmap. Option to specify size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">Path to BIOGame.</param>
        /// <param name="size">OPTIONAL: Maximum size on any dimension. Defaults to max.</param>
        /// <returns>Bitmap image of texture.</returns>
        public Bitmap GetImage(string pathBIOGame, int size = -1)
            ITexture2D tex2D = Textures[0];
            byte[] imgData = tex2D.GetImageData();

            using (ImageEngineImage img = new ImageEngineImage(imgData))
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    if (!img.Save(ms, ImageEngineFormat.PNG, MipHandling.KeepTopOnly))
                        return null;

                    MemoryStream largest = KFreonLib.Textures.Creation.OverlayAndPickDetailed(ms, img.Width, img.Height);
                        return new Bitmap(largest);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects details of current texture, like thumbnail, number of mips, and format.
        /// </summary>
        public void EnumerateDetails()
            byte[] data = Extract("", true);
            if (data == null)
                DebugOutput.PrintLn("Unable to get image data for: " + FileName);
                // KFreon: Check formatting etc
                    using (ImageEngineImage image = new ImageEngineImage(data))
                        NumMips = image.NumMipMaps;
                        Height = image.Height;
                        Width = image.Width;
                        Format = image.Format.InternalFormat.ToString().Replace("DDS_", "");

                        image.Save(Thumbnail, ImageEngineFormat.JPG, false, 64);
                catch(Exception e)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Error checking texture: " + e.Message);
                    NumMips = 0;
                    Format = Format ?? Path.GetExtension(FileName);
                    Thumbnail = null;
                data = null;
예제 #16
        private bool AutofixInternal(TPFTexInfo tex)
            bool retval = false;

            TPFTexInfo backup = tex.Clone();

            string path = tex.Autofixedpath(TemporaryPath);

            byte[] imgData = tex.Extract(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), true);

            using (ImageEngineImage img = new ImageEngineImage(imgData))
                var destFormat = tex.ExpectedFormat;
                img.Resize(UsefulThings.General.RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo(img.Width), false);
                retval = img.Save(path, destFormat, tex.ExpectedMips > 1 ? MipHandling.Default : MipHandling.KeepTopOnly);

            if (!retval)
                tex.AutofixSuccess = false;
                return false;

            tex.FilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(tex.Autofixedpath(TemporaryPath));

            tex.FileName = Path.GetFileName(path);

            // Heff: Cancellation check
            if (cts.IsCancellationRequested)
                return false;

            // Heff: if fix was successfull, but the number of mips are still wrong,
            // force it and let texplorer skip the lowest resolutions
            // Heff: this should no longer happen, but keeping this as it might help in some real odd case.
            if (tex.ExpectedMips > 1 && (tex.NumMips < tex.ExpectedMips || tex.NumMips < TPFTexInfo.CalculateMipCount(tex.Width, tex.Height)))
                tex.NumMips = Math.Max(tex.ExpectedMips, TPFTexInfo.CalculateMipCount(tex.Width, tex.Height));

            if (!tex.Valid)
                tex = backup;
                tex.AutofixSuccess = false;
                tex.AutofixSuccess = true;

            return tex.AutofixSuccess;