public void Draw(ShaderEditorGraph graph) { ImDrawListPtr list = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(); list.AddCircle(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 0.5f, 0, 8, 1.0f); list.AddLine(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f), 1); }
public static void Draw3DLine(ImDrawListPtr drawList, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, UIViewport viewport, uint color, float thickness = 1.0f) { (Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) = ScreenClipLine(from, to, viewport.mvp); if (p1 != p2) { Vector2 imageSize = viewport.size; drawList.AddLine(viewport.leftTop + p1 * imageSize, viewport.leftTop + p2 * imageSize, color, thickness); } }
private static bool SequencerAddDelButton(ImDrawListPtr draw_list, Vector2 pos, bool add = true) { var io = ImGui.GetIO(); var delRect = new ImRect(pos, new Vector2(pos.X + ButtonSize, pos.Y + ButtonSize)); var overDel = delRect.Contains(io.MousePos); var delColor = overDel ? 0xFFAAAAAAu : 0x50000000u; var midy = pos.Y + 16 / 2 - 0.5f; var midx = pos.X + 16 / 2 - 0.5f; draw_list.AddRect(delRect.Min, delRect.Max, delColor, 4); draw_list.AddLine(new Vector2(delRect.Min.X + 3, midy), new Vector2(delRect.Max.X - 3, midy), delColor, 2); if (add) { draw_list.AddLine(new Vector2(midx, delRect.Min.Y + 3), new Vector2(midx, delRect.Max.Y - 3), delColor, 2); } return(overDel); }
private static void DrawPreviewZoomEnvelope(PlottedGraph plot, Vector2 subGraphPosition) { ImDrawListPtr imdp = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(); float previewBaseY = subGraphPosition.Y + EachGraphHeight; plot.GetPreviewVisibleRegion(new Vector2(EachGraphWidth, EachGraphHeight), PreviewProjection, out Vector2 TopLeft, out Vector2 BaseRight); float C1Y = previewBaseY - TopLeft.Y; float C2Y = previewBaseY - BaseRight.Y; bool verySmall = Math.Abs(C1Y - C2Y) < 20; uint colour = verySmall ? Themes.GetThemeColourUINT(Themes.eThemeColour.Emphasis1) : Themes.GetThemeColourUINT(Themes.eThemeColour.PreviewZoomEnvelope); float C1X = Math.Max(subGraphPosition.X + TopLeft.X, subGraphPosition.X); float C2X = Math.Min(subGraphPosition.X + BaseRight.X, subGraphPosition.X + EachGraphWidth - 1); C1Y = Math.Min(previewBaseY - 1, C1Y); C2Y = Math.Max(subGraphPosition.Y, C2Y); if (C1Y > subGraphPosition.Y && C1Y < previewBaseY && C2X > subGraphPosition.X) { imdp.AddLine(new Vector2(C1X, C1Y), new Vector2(C2X, C1Y), colour); } if (C2Y > subGraphPosition.Y && C2Y < previewBaseY) { imdp.AddLine(new Vector2(C2X, C2Y), new Vector2(C1X, C2Y), colour); } if (C2Y < previewBaseY && C1Y > subGraphPosition.Y) { C2Y = Math.Max(C2Y, subGraphPosition.Y); if (C2X > subGraphPosition.X && C2X < subGraphPosition.X + EachGraphWidth) { imdp.AddLine(new Vector2(C2X, C1Y), new Vector2(C2X, C2Y), colour); } if (C1X > subGraphPosition.X && C1X < subGraphPosition.X + EachGraphWidth) { imdp.AddLine(new Vector2(C1X, C2Y), new Vector2(C1X, C1Y), colour); } } }
private static void DrawLines(IReadOnlyList <Vector2> points, Vector2 location, float size) { uint iconColor = ImGui.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)); ImDrawListPtr drawList = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i += 2) { Vector2 vector1 = (points[i] / 100) * size; Vector2 vector2 = (points[i + 1] / 100) * size; drawList.AddLine(location + vector1, location + vector2, iconColor); } }
public static unsafe void RenderArrowsForHorizontalBar(ImDrawListPtr draw_list, Vector2 pos, Vector2 half_sz, float bar_w, float alpha) { Vector4 OuterColor = new Vector4(255f, 255f, 255f, alpha); Vector4 InnerColor = new Vector4(145f, 0f, 145f, alpha); RenderArrowPointingAt(draw_list, new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y + half_sz.Y + 1), half_sz, ImGuiDir.Down, OuterColor); RenderArrowPointingAt(draw_list, new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y + half_sz.Y), half_sz, ImGuiDir.Down, InnerColor); RenderArrowPointingAt(draw_list, new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y + bar_w - 1), half_sz, ImGuiDir.Up, OuterColor); RenderArrowPointingAt(draw_list, new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y + bar_w), half_sz, ImGuiDir.Up, InnerColor); draw_list.AddLine(new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y + half_sz.Y + 1), new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y + bar_w + 1), 0xffffffff); }
public static void Display() { if (ImGui.Begin("Size Demo")) { var getCursorScreenPos1st = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); var getCursorPos1st = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); ImGui.Columns(2, "", true); var getCursorStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorStartPos(); _windowPos = ImGui.GetWindowPos(); var getContentRegionMax = ImGui.GetContentRegionMax(); var getContentRegionAvail = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail(); var getWindowSize = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); var getWindowContentRegionMax = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMax(); var getWindowContentRegionMin = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMin(); var getWindowContentRegionWidth = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth(); var getFontSize = ImGui.GetFontSize(); var getFrameHeight = ImGui.GetFrameHeight(); var getFrameHeightWithSpacing = ImGui.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing(); var getTextLineHeight = ImGui.GetTextLineHeight(); var getTextLineHeightWithSpacing = ImGui.GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); var getColomnWidth = ImGui.GetColumnWidth(); var getColomnOffset = ImGui.GetColumnOffset(1); var itemStartPos = new Vector2(); var cursorScreenStartPos = _windowPos + getCursorStartPos; DoPoint("GetCursorStartPos", getCursorStartPos, FrameOfReference.Window); DoPoint("GetCursorPos (1st call in window)", getCursorPos1st, FrameOfReference.Window); DoPoint("GetWindowPos", _windowPos, FrameOfReference.Screen); DoPoint("GetCursorScreenPos (1st call in window)", getCursorScreenPos1st, FrameOfReference.Screen); DoPoint("WindowPos + CursorStartPos", _windowPos + getCursorStartPos, FrameOfReference.Screen); var getCursorScreenPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoPoint("GetCursorScreenPos (before this item)", getCursorScreenPos, FrameOfReference.Screen); var getCursorPos = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); DoPoint("GetCursorPos (before this item)", getCursorPos, FrameOfReference.Window); DoRectangle("GetWindowSize", _windowPos, getWindowSize); var windowContentRegionStart = new Vector2(cursorScreenStartPos.X, _windowPos.Y);//this seems a bit obtuse DoRectangle("GetWindowContentRegionMax", windowContentRegionStart, getWindowContentRegionMax); DoRectangle("GetWindowContentRegionMin", cursorScreenStartPos, getWindowContentRegionMin); DoRectangle("GetContentRegionMax", _windowPos, getContentRegionMax); DoRectangle("GetContentRegionAvail", cursorScreenStartPos, getContentRegionAvail); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoHLine("GetWindowContentRegionWidth", cursorScreenStartPos, getWindowContentRegionWidth); var colomnWidthstart = new Vector2(_windowPos.X, cursorScreenStartPos.Y); DoHLine("GetColomnWidth", colomnWidthstart, getColomnWidth); DoHLine("GetColomnOffset (colomn[1])", colomnWidthstart, getColomnOffset); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoVLine("GetFontSize", itemStartPos, getFontSize); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoVLine("GetTextLineHeight", itemStartPos, getTextLineHeight); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoVLine("GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing", itemStartPos, getTextLineHeightWithSpacing); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoVLine("GetFrameHeight", itemStartPos, getFrameHeight); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); DoVLine("GetFrameHeightWithSpacing", itemStartPos, getFrameHeightWithSpacing); //we have to code the following one in full because we need to call GetItemRectSize after Imgui.Text() //so we can't just send it off to DoRectangle(); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui.Text("GetItemRectSize"); var getItemRectSize = ImGui.GetItemRectSize(); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { var endRect = itemStartPos + getItemRectSize; _wdl.AddRect(itemStartPos, endRect, _lineColour); DrawCrosshair(itemStartPos, 3); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(getItemRectSize.ToString()); ImGui.NextColumn(); //we have to code the following one in full because we need to call GetItemRectSize after Imgui.Text() //so we can't just send it off to DoRectangle(); itemStartPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui.Text("GetCursorScreenPos before & after"); var itemEndPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); var height = itemEndPos.Y - itemStartPos.Y; if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { _wdl.AddLine(itemStartPos, itemEndPos, _lineColour); DrawCrosshair(itemStartPos, 3); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(height.ToString()); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Columns(0); ImGui.NewLine(); ImGui.NewLine(); ImGui.Text("Note: DrawList.AddRect takes two positions, not position and size"); ImGui.End(); } void DoPoint(string name, Vector2 point, FrameOfReference foR) { ImGui.Text(name); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { if (foR == FrameOfReference.Window) { DrawCrosshair(_windowPos + point, 3); } else { DrawCrosshair(point, 3); } } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(point.ToString()); ImGui.SameLine(); if (foR == FrameOfReference.Window) { ImGui.Text("Frame of Reference: Window"); } else { ImGui.Text("Frame of Reference: Screen"); } ImGui.NextColumn(); } void DoRectangle(string name, Vector2 start, Vector2 size) { ImGui.Text(name); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { var endRect = start + size; _wdl.AddRect(start, endRect, _lineColour); DrawCrosshair(start, 3); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(size.ToString()); ImGui.NextColumn(); } void DoHLine(string name, Vector2 start, float width) { ImGui.Text(name); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { var endPos = start; endPos.X += width; _wdl.AddLine(start, endPos, _lineColour); DrawCrosshair(start, 3); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(width.ToString()); ImGui.NextColumn(); } void DoVLine(string name, Vector2 start, float height) { ImGui.Text(name); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { var endPos = start; endPos.Y += height; _wdl.AddLine(start, endPos, _lineColour); DrawCrosshair(start, 3); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(height.ToString()); ImGui.NextColumn(); } void DrawCrosshair(Vector2 atPos, float radius) { var p1 = new Vector2(atPos.X - radius, atPos.Y); var p2 = new Vector2(atPos.X + radius, atPos.Y); var p3 = new Vector2(atPos.X, atPos.Y - radius); var p4 = new Vector2(atPos.X, atPos.Y + radius); _wdl.AddLine(p1, p2, _pointColour); _wdl.AddLine(p3, p4, _pointColour); } }
private void OnLayout() { ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(; ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)); ImGui.SetNextWindowContentSize( * 20000f); ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus(); if (ImGui.Begin("Choreographer", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar)) { ScrollPosition.x = ImGui.GetScrollX(); ScrollPosition.y = ImGui.GetScrollY(); if (ImGui.IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton.Right)) { ScrollPosition -= ImGui.GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton.Right) / ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale; ImGui.ResetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton.Right); ImGui.SetScrollX(ScrollPosition.x); ImGui.SetScrollY(ScrollPosition.y); ScrollPosition.x = ImGui.GetScrollX(); ScrollPosition.y = ImGui.GetScrollY(); } ImDrawListPtr bgDrawList = ImGui.GetBackgroundDrawList(), fgDrawList = ImGui.GetForegroundDrawList(); bgDrawList.AddRectFilled(, new Vector2(2000f, 2000f), ColorBackground); for (var i = 1; i < 19; ++i) { bgDrawList.AddLine(new Vector2(0f, i * 100f), new Vector2(2000f, i * 100f), ColorGridLineHorizontal, 1f); bgDrawList.AddLine(new Vector2(i * 100f, 0f), new Vector2(i * 100f, 2000f), ColorGridLineVertical, 1f); } var imGuiStyle = ImGui.GetStyle(); foreach (var node in Nodes) { node.Style.Push(); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(Scale(node.Pos - ScrollPosition), ImGuiCond.Always, _half); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Scale(node.Size), ImGuiCond.Always); if (ImGui.Begin(node.Name, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar)) { var drawList = ImGui.IsWindowFocused() | ImGui.IsWindowHovered() ? ImGui.GetForegroundDrawList() : ImGui.GetBackgroundDrawList(); CustomEvent.Trigger(gameObject, "OnNode", drawList, node); ImGui.Columns(2, "Column", false); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, Scale(node.LeftSize.x)); ImGui.SetColumnOffset(1, Scale(node.LeftSize.x)); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(1, Scale(node.RightSize.x)); for (var i = 0; i < node.RowHeights.Length; ++i) { if (i < node.Inputs.Length) { ImGui.PushID(node.Inputs[i].Id); if (ImGui.Selectable(node.Inputs[i].Name, false, ReadOnly ? ImGuiSelectableFlags.Disabled : ImGuiSelectableFlags.None, Scale(new Vector2(node.LeftSize.x, node.RowHeights[i])))) { CustomEvent.Trigger(gameObject, "OnInput", drawList, node.Inputs[i].Id); } CustomEvent.Trigger(gameObject, "OnConnection", drawList, new Vector2(ImGui.GetItemRectMin().x, (ImGui.GetItemRectMin().y + ImGui.GetItemRectMax().y) / 2f), -1, node.Inputs[i].Id, ReadOnly); ImGui.PopID(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (i < node.Outputs.Length) { ImGui.PushID(node.Outputs[i].Id); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.SelectableTextAlign, new Vector2(1.0f, 0f)); ImGui.Unindent(imGuiStyle.ItemSpacing.x); if (ImGui.Selectable(node.Outputs[i].Name, false, ReadOnly ? ImGuiSelectableFlags.Disabled : ImGuiSelectableFlags.None, Scale(new Vector2(node.RightSize.x, node.RowHeights[i])))) { CustomEvent.Trigger(gameObject, "OnOutput", drawList, node.Outputs[i].Id); } CustomEvent.Trigger(gameObject, "OnConnection", drawList, new Vector2(ImGui.GetItemRectMax().x, (ImGui.GetItemRectMin().y + ImGui.GetItemRectMax().y) / 2f), 1, node.Outputs[i].Id, ReadOnly); ImGui.Indent(imGuiStyle.ItemSpacing.x); ImGui.PopStyleVar(); ImGui.PopID(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); } ImGui.Columns(); } ImGui.End(); node.Style.Pop(); // TODO: Don't draw connections if neither node is visible? Edge Case: If the viewport is in-between the two nodes, the line should be visible. foreach (var connection in node.Connections) { var parentNode = _nodes[connection.Parent]; switch (connection.Type) { case Connection.ConnectionType.Inherited: DrawCurvedLine(fgDrawList, new Vector2(parentNode.Pos.x + parentNode.Size.x / 2f, parentNode.Pos.y - parentNode.Size.y / 2f), node.Pos - node.Size / 2f); break; case Connection.ConnectionType.Recursive: DrawCurvedLine(fgDrawList, new Vector2(parentNode.Pos.x + parentNode.Size.x / 2f, parentNode.Pos.y + parentNode.Size.y / 2f), node.Pos + new Vector2(-node.Size.x / 2f, node.Size.y / 2f)); break; } } } } ImGui.End(); if (ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar()) { ImGui.Checkbox("Read Only", ref ReadOnly); if (ImGui.GetIO().KeyCtrl) { ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale = Mathf.Max(0.1f, Mathf.Min(2f, ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale + ImGui.GetIO().MouseWheel * 0.1f)); } ImGui.SliderFloat("Zoom", ref ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale, 0.1f, 2f, "%.2f"); ImGui.EndMainMenuBar(); } CustomEvent.Trigger(gameObject, "OnLayout"); }
internal override void Display() { if (_entityState != _state.LastClickedEntity)//If the selected entity has changed { SetEntity(_state.LastClickedEntity); } //If the player has activated the menu and there is a body that can be displayed show the menu if (IsActive && CanActive && ImGui.Begin("Power Display " + _entityState.Name, ref IsActive, _flags)) { ImGui.Text("Current Load: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(_energyGenDB.Load.ToString()); ImGui.Text("Current Output: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(_energyGenDB.Output.ToString() + " / " + _energyGenDB.TotalOutputMax); ImGui.Text("Current Demand: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(_energyGenDB.Demand.ToString()); ImGui.Text("Stored: "); ImGui.SameLine(); string stor = _energyGenDB.EnergyStored[_energyGenDB.EnergyType.ID].ToString(); string max = _energyGenDB.EnergyStoreMax[_energyGenDB.EnergyType.ID].ToString(); ImGui.Text(stor + " / " + max); // //ImGui.PlotLines() var colour1 = ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.Text); var colour2 = ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.PlotLines); var colour3 = ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.Button); ImDrawListPtr draw_list = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(); var plotPos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui.InvisibleButton("PowerPlot", _plotSize); var hg = _energyGenDB.Histogram; int hgFirstIdx = _energyGenDB.HistogramIndex; int hgLastIdx; if (hgFirstIdx == 0) { hgLastIdx = hg.Count - 1; } else { hgLastIdx = hgFirstIdx - 1; } var hgFirstObj = hg[hgFirstIdx]; var hgLastObj = hg[hgLastIdx]; float xstep = _plotSize.X / hgLastObj.seconds; float ystep = (float)(_plotSize.Y / _energyGenDB.EnergyStoreMax[_energyGenDB.EnergyType.ID]); float posX = 0; float posYBase = plotPos.Y + _plotSize.Y; int index = _energyGenDB.HistogramIndex; var thisData = _energyGenDB.Histogram[index]; float posYO = ystep * (float)thisData.outputval; float posYD = ystep * (float)thisData.demandval; float posYS = ystep * (float)thisData.storval; //float ypos = plotPos.Y + _plotSize.Y; for (int i = 0; i < _energyGenDB.HistogramSize; i++) { int idx = index + i; if (idx >= _energyGenDB.HistogramSize) { idx -= _energyGenDB.HistogramSize; } thisData = _energyGenDB.Histogram[idx]; float nextX = xstep * thisData.seconds; float nextYO = ystep * (float)thisData.outputval; float nextYD = ystep * (float)thisData.demandval; float nextYS = ystep * (float)thisData.storval; draw_list.AddLine(new Vector2(plotPos.X + posX, posYBase - posYO), new Vector2(plotPos.X + nextX, posYBase - nextYO), colour1); draw_list.AddLine(new Vector2(plotPos.X + posX, posYBase - posYD), new Vector2(plotPos.X + nextX, posYBase - nextYD), colour2); draw_list.AddLine(new Vector2(plotPos.X + posX, posYBase - posYS), new Vector2(plotPos.X + nextX, posYBase - nextYS), colour3); posX = nextX; posYO = nextYO; posYD = nextYD; posYS = nextYS; } ImGui.End(); } }