public void Close() { try { Conn.Close(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public async Task <Person> GetById(int id) { var req = _conn.CreateCommand(); req.CommandText = $"SELECT * FROM person WHERE id={id};"; await _conn.OpenAsync(); var res = await req.ExecuteReaderAsync(); var p = FromDb(res); _conn.Close(); return(p.First()); }
public static Response ExecuteNonQuery(string query, Connection connection, bool call = true) { using (var ifxConnection = new IfxConnection(connection.ConnectionString)) { try { ifxConnection.Open(); var ifxCommand = new IfxCommand(query) { Connection = ifxConnection, CommandTimeout = 0 }; return(new Response(ifxCommand.ExecuteNonQuery())); } catch (Exception exception) { if (!call) { return(new Response(Status.Exception, exception.Message)); } ExecuteNonQuery(query, connection, false); return(new Response(Status.Exception, exception.Message)); } finally { ifxConnection.Close(); } } }
public Location(XmlNode locationNode) { theVehicle = new Vehicle(locationNode.SelectSingleNode("/location_request/vehicle").InnerXml); //string sqlConnString = "Host=;Service=6032;Server=mads_se;User ID=net_book;password=Mickey;Database=/usr/taxi/mads"; string sqlConnString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("MadsOBC"); IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(sqlConnString); conn.Open(); using (IfxCommand ct = conn.CreateCommand()) { string sqlQuery = "select vh_gps_long,vh_gps_lat from vehicle where vh_nbr=" + theVehicle.VehNbr.ToString(); ct.CommandText = sqlQuery; IfxDataReader dr = ct.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { theVehicle.X = Convert.ToInt32(dr["vh_gps_long"]); theVehicle.Y = Convert.ToInt32(dr["vh_gps_lat"]); } else { theVehicle.X = 0; theVehicle.Y = 0; } } conn.Close(); }
// GET: /Mobiles/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int SLNo) { Mobiles mobile = new Mobiles(); DataTable mobileTable = new DataTable(); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); // Prone to SQL enjection string query = "SELECT * FROM Mobiles Where SLNo = ?"; IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter(query, Con); ifx.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("SLNo", IfxType.Serial).Value = SLNo; ifx.Fill(mobileTable); Con.Close(); } if (mobileTable.Rows.Count == 1) { mobile.SLNo = Convert.ToInt32(mobileTable.Rows[0][0].ToString()); mobile.MobileName = mobileTable.Rows[0][1].ToString(); mobile.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(mobileTable.Rows[0][2].ToString()); mobile.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(mobileTable.Rows[0][3].ToString()); mobile.Description = mobileTable.Rows[0][4].ToString(); mobile.PicURL = mobileTable.Rows[0][5].ToString(); mobile.Model = mobileTable.Rows[0][6].ToString(); mobile.Features = mobileTable.Rows[0][7].ToString(); mobile.Color = mobileTable.Rows[0][8].ToString(); mobile.SimType = mobileTable.Rows[0][9].ToString(); return(View(mobile)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public IActionResult Index() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { string query = "SELECT SUM(TotalAmount) FROM Cart"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(query, Con); Con.Open(); int sum = 0; try { IfxDataReader rows = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rows.Read()) { sum = Convert.ToInt32(rows[0]); } rows.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (IfxException ex) { } finally { Con.Close(); } table.Columns.Add("TotalAmount", typeof(int)); { table.Rows.Add(sum); } } return(View(table)); }
public IActionResult Index() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); try { IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Mobiles", Con); ifx.Fill(table); } catch (Exception ex) { string createTable = "Create table Mobiles (SLNo serial PRIMARY KEY, MobileName nvarchar(100) NULL, Price decimal(18, 2)," + " Quantity int NULL, Description nvarchar(250) NULL, PicURL nvarchar(250) NULL," + " Model nvarchar(50) NULL, Features nvarchar(200) NULL, Color nvarchar(20) NULL, SimType nvarchar(10) NULL, ImageFile Blob)"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(createTable, Con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Mobiles", Con); ifx.Fill(table); } finally { Con.Close(); } } return(View(table)); }
public ActionResult EachProductDetails(Mobiles mobile) { DataTable mobileTable = new DataTable(); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); // Prone to SQL enjection string query = "SELECT * FROM Mobiles Where SLNo = ?"; IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter(query, Con); ifx.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("SLNo", IfxType.Serial).Value = mobile.SLNo; ifx.Fill(mobileTable); Con.Close(); } Mobiles mobileDetail = new Mobiles(); for (int i = 0; i < mobileTable.Rows.Count; i++) { mobileDetail.SLNo = Convert.ToInt32(mobileTable.Rows[0][0].ToString()); mobileDetail.MobileName = mobileTable.Rows[0][1].ToString(); mobileDetail.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(mobileTable.Rows[0][2].ToString()); mobileDetail.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(mobileTable.Rows[0][3].ToString()); mobileDetail.Description = mobileTable.Rows[0][4].ToString(); mobileDetail.PicURL = mobileTable.Rows[0][5].ToString(); mobileDetail.Model = mobileTable.Rows[0][6].ToString(); mobileDetail.Features = mobileTable.Rows[0][7].ToString(); mobileDetail.Color = mobileTable.Rows[0][8].ToString(); mobileDetail.SimType = mobileTable.Rows[0][9].ToString(); } return(View(mobileDetail)); }
public IActionResult Index() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); try { IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM orderdetails", Con); ifx.Fill(table); } catch (Exception ex) { string createTable = "Create table orderdetails (orderid serial PRIMARY KEY, SLNo int, MobileName nvarchar(100) NULL, " + " Description nvarchar(250) NULL, PicURL nvarchar(250) NULL, Model nvarchar(50) NULL, Features nvarchar(200) NULL, " + "Color nvarchar(20) NULL, SimType nvarchar(10) NULL, PurchaseDate varchar(50), Price decimal(18, 2), Quantity int NULL, TotalAmount decimal(18,2))"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(createTable, Con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM orderdetails", Con); ifx.Fill(table); } finally { Con.Close(); } return(View(table)); } }
private static string TestConnectionInformix() { IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(_connectionString); //conn.ConnectionString = _connectionString; try { conn.Open(); string server = conn.Server; string version = conn.ServerVersion; string type = conn.ServerType; conn.Close(); return($"{server}\n{type} versão {version}\n\nConectado com sucesso!"); } catch (IfxException ex) { if (ex.InnerException == null) { return($"{conn.Server}\nErro ao tentar conectar: \n{ex.Message}"); } else { return($"{conn.Server}\nErro ao tentar conectar: \n{ex.Message}\nDetalhe: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } }
public void GetPosition(out int x, out int y) { x = 0; y = 0; string strConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("MadsConnect"); IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(strConn); try { conn.Open(); } catch { return; } using (IfxCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "select vh_gps_lat,vh_gps_long from vehicle where vh_nbr=" + this.VehicleID; IfxDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.Read()) { x = Int32.Parse(rdr["vh_gps_long"].ToString()); y = Int32.Parse(rdr["vh_gps_lat"].ToString()); } } conn.Close(); }
private static async Task <string> TestConnectionInformix() { IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(_connectionString); //conn.ConnectionString = _connectionString; try { conn.Open(); string server = conn.Server; string version = conn.ServerVersion; string type = conn.ServerType; conn.Close(); return($@"{{""error"": ""false"", server: ""{server}"" - {type}, ""version"": ""{version}"", ""status"": ""Conectado com sucesso!""}}"); } catch (IfxException ex) { if (ex.InnerException == null) { return($@"{{""error"": ""true"", ""server"": ""{conn.Server}"", ""version"": null, ""status"": ""{ex.Message}""}}"); } else { return($@"{{""error"": ""true"", ""server"": ""{conn.Server}"", ""version"": null, ""status"": ""{ex.Message} - Detail: {ex.InnerException.Message}""}}"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Finaliza la conexión establecida /// </summary> public void CerrarConexion() { if (conexion.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conexion.Close(); conexion.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Clean up /// </summary> public void CleanUp() { if (_connection != null) { _connection.Close(); } _outStream.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (textBoxUserName.Text.Length == 0) { errormessage.Text = "Enter a user name."; textBoxUserName.Focus(); } else { string username = textBoxUserName.Text; string password = passwordBox1.Password; DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); string selectSQL = "Select * from user where username='******' and password='******'"; con = new IfxConnection(cs); con.Open(); try { IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(selectSQL, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; IfxDataAdapter adapter = new IfxDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = cmd; adapter.Fill(dataSet); if (dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string name = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString() + " " + dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); string userType = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserType"].ToString(); if (userType == "Admin") { AllUserDetails allUser = new AllUserDetails(name); allUser.Show(); } else { UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(); userProfile.TextBlockName.Text = name; userProfile.Show(); } Close(); } else { errormessage.Text = "Sorry! Please enter correct username/password."; } } catch (Exception ex) { errormessage.Text = "You need to register first before login."; } finally { con.Close(); } } }
public IActionResult Index() { string mycmd = "select * from Mobiles"; dt = new DataTable(); try { dt = ecomDAL.SelactAll(mycmd); } catch (Exception ex) { string createTable = "Create table Mobiles (SLNo serial PRIMARY KEY, MobileName nvarchar(100) NULL, Price decimal(18, 2)," + " Quantity int NULL, Description nvarchar(250) NULL, PicURL nvarchar(250) NULL," + " Model nvarchar(50) NULL, Features nvarchar(200) NULL, Color nvarchar(20) NULL, SimType nvarchar(10) NULL, ImageFile Blob)"; Boolean status = ecomDAL.DDLOpperation(createTable); if (status) { dt = ecomDAL.SelactAll(mycmd); } } List <Mobiles> list = new List <Mobiles>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Mobiles mob = new Mobiles(); mob.SLNo = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["SLNo"]); mob.MobileName = dt.Rows[i]["MobileName"].ToString(); mob.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["Price"]); mob.Description = dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString(); mob.PicURL = dt.Rows[i]["PicURL"].ToString(); list.Add(mob); // Downloading the photo from databse and storing it on the disk // To save that newly uploaded image to Disk location inside wwwroot/Images folder var downloads = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "DownloadImages"); var imagePath = Path.Combine(downloads, mob.PicURL); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(imagePath); if (file.Exists) { file.Delete(); } using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); string selectImage = "select LOTOFILE (imagefile, " + "'" + imagePath + "!'" + ", 'client') from mobiles where slno = ?"; IfxCommand selectImagecmd = new IfxCommand(selectImage, Con); selectImagecmd.Parameters.Add("slno", IfxType.Serial).Value = mob.SLNo; selectImagecmd.ExecuteScalar(); Con.Close(); } } return(View(list)); }
public ActionResult Delete(int slno) { using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); string query = "DELETE FROM Mobiles Where SLNo = ?"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(query, Con); cmd.Parameters.Add("slno", IfxType.Serial).Value = slno; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Con.Close(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Delete(int cartID) { using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); string query = "DELETE FROM Cart Where CartID = ?"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(query, Con); cmd.Parameters.Add("cartid", IfxType.Serial).Value = cartID; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Con.Close(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public bool Delete(string sql) { String _connectionString = "Server=ol_svr_custom;" + "Host=localhost;" + "Service=turbo;" + "Database=registration;" + "User ID=informix;" + "Password=123456;" + "Client Locale=ru_ru.CP1251;" + "Database Locale=ru_ru.915;" + "Max Pool Size=500;" + "Pooling=True;" + "Protocol=olsoctcp;" + "Connection Lifetime=1200;" + "Connection Timeout=1;"; try { IfxConnection _Connection = new IfxConnection() { ConnectionString = _connectionString }; _Connection.Open(); try { IfxCommand _command = new IfxCommand { Connection = _Connection, CommandText = sql }; _command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (_Connection != null) { _Connection.Close(); } return(true); } catch { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } }
private void InsertUser(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { errormessage.Text = ""; int rows = 0; string insertUserSQL = "Insert into User (firstname, lastname, email, username, usertype, password, address) " + "values('" + firstname + "','" + lastname + "','" + email + "','" + username + "','" + usertype + "','" + password + "','" + address + "')"; con = new IfxConnection(cs); con.Open(); try { IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(insertUserSQL, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { string createTableSQL = "create table user (userid serial PRIMARY KEY, firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20), " + "email varchar(30), username varchar(20), usertype varchar(20), " + "password varchar(30), address varchar(150))"; IfxCommand cmd1 = new IfxCommand(createTableSQL, con); cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); IfxCommand cmd2 = new IfxCommand(insertUserSQL, con); cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text; rows = cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { con.Close(); } if (rows > 0) { if (usertype.Equals("Admin")) { errormessage.Text = "Admin registered successfully."; } else { errormessage.Text = "User registered successfully."; } } else { errormessage.Text = "Registeration failed."; } }
public IActionResult Index() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); try { IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM cart", Con); ifx.Fill(table); } catch (Exception ex) { string createTable = "Create table cart (cartid serial PRIMARY KEY, SLNo int, MobileName nvarchar(100) NULL, " + " Description nvarchar(250) NULL, PicURL nvarchar(250) NULL, Model nvarchar(50) NULL, Features nvarchar(200) NULL, " + "Color nvarchar(20) NULL, SimType nvarchar(10) NULL, Price decimal(18, 2), Quantity int NULL, TotalAmount decimal(18,2))"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(createTable, Con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM cart", Con); ifx.Fill(table); } finally { Con.Close(); } } List <Cart> cartList = new List <Cart>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { Cart cart = new Cart(); cart.CartID = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[i]["CartID"]); cart.SLNo = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[i]["SLNo"]); cart.MobileName = table.Rows[i]["MobileName"].ToString(); cart.Description = table.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString(); cart.PicURL = table.Rows[i]["PicURL"].ToString(); cart.Model = table.Rows[i]["Model"].ToString(); cart.Features = table.Rows[i]["Features"].ToString(); cart.Color = table.Rows[i]["Color"].ToString(); cart.SimType = table.Rows[i]["SimType"].ToString(); cart.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[i]["Price"]); cart.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[i]["Quantity"]); cart.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[i]["TotalAmount"]); cartList.Add(cart); } return(View(cartList)); }
//EJECUTA UN QUERY public static DataTable ExecuteQuery(IfxCommand command, string chain) { DataTable result = new DataTable(); IfxConnection conexionIFX = new IfxConnection(); IBM.Data.Informix.IfxDataAdapter datoIFX = default(IBM.Data.Informix.IfxDataAdapter); conexionIFX = new IfxConnection(chain); conexionIFX.Open(); command.Connection = conexionIFX; datoIFX = new IfxDataAdapter(); datoIFX.SelectCommand = command; datoIFX.Fill(result); datoIFX.Dispose(); conexionIFX.Close(); return(result); }
public static IfxConnection connect() { string connection = "DataBase=webapp;Server=ol_informix1410_9;User ID = informix; Password=Rinvoke1;"; //string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connect"].ConnectionString; IfxConnection con = new IfxConnection(connection); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } else { con.Open(); } return(con); }
public static IfxConnection connect() { string connection = Config.connStr; //string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connect"].ConnectionString; IfxConnection con = new IfxConnection(connection); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } else { con.Open(); } return(con); }
/// <summary> /// The demo app needs to be invoked as EXE -conn "connection string" -log "log filename" /// Eg: Transactions.exe //This will pick the connection string from ConnInfo.xml /// OR /// Transactions.exe -conn "Database=perf;Server=localhost:9092;User ID=informix;Password=informix123;" /// OR /// Transactions.exe -conn "Database=perf;Server=localhost:9092;User ID=informix;Password=informix123;" -log log.txt /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 0) { try { IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(args[1]); try { conn.Open(); string server = conn.ServerType; string version = conn.ServerVersion; string type = conn.ServerType; conn.Close(); Console.Write($"{server}\n{type} versão {version}\n\nConectado com sucesso!"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException == null) { Console.Write($"{conn.ServerType}\nErro ao tentar conectar: \n{ex.Message}"); } else { Console.Write($"{conn.ServerType}\nErro ao tentar conectar: \n{ex.Message}\nDetalhe: {ex.InnerException.Message}"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException == null) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } else { Console.Write(ex.InnerException.Message); } } } else { Console.Write("É necessário passar a Connection String"); } }
/// <summary> /// 运行存储过程,有Para。返回影响的行。 /// </summary> /// <param name="spName"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <param name="paras"></param> public static int RunSP(string spName, Paras paras, IfxConnection conn) { if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); } IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(spName, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // 加入参数 foreach (Para para in paras) { IfxParameter myParameter = new IfxParameter(para.ParaName, para.val); myParameter.Size = para.Size; cmd.Parameters.Add(myParameter); } int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); return(i); }
public ActionResult Edit(Mobiles mobile) { // To create a Unique file name and URL everytime when User upload a new picture string ImageFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mobile.ImageFile.FileName); string ImageFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(mobile.ImageFile.FileName); string FinalImageName = ImageFileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + ImageFileExtension; mobile.PicURL = FinalImageName; // To save that newly uploaded image to Disk location inside wwwroot/Images folder var uploads = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Images"); var imagePath = Path.Combine(uploads, FinalImageName); mobile.ImageFile.CopyTo(new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Create)); using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); string query = "UPDATE Mobiles SET MobileName = ? , Price= ? , Quantity = ? , Description = ? , PicURL = ? , Model = ? , " + "Features = ? , Color = ? , SimType = ? Where SLNo = ?"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(query, Con); cmd.Parameters.Add("mobilename", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.MobileName; cmd.Parameters.Add("price", IfxType.Decimal).Value = mobile.Price; cmd.Parameters.Add("quantity", IfxType.Int).Value = mobile.Quantity; cmd.Parameters.Add("description", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.Description; cmd.Parameters.Add("picurl", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.PicURL; cmd.Parameters.Add("model", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.Model; cmd.Parameters.Add("features", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.Features; cmd.Parameters.Add("color", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.Color; cmd.Parameters.Add("simtype", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobile.SimType; cmd.Parameters.Add("slno", IfxType.Serial).Value = mobile.SLNo; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Con.Close(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult CreateOrder() { using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); DataTable cartTable = new DataTable(); IfxDataAdapter ifx = new IfxDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM cart", Con); ifx.Fill(cartTable); Con.Close(); List <MyOrders> orderList = new List <MyOrders>(); for (int i = 0; i < cartTable.Rows.Count; i++) { MyOrders order = new MyOrders(); order.PurchaseDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(); order.SLNo = Convert.ToInt32(cartTable.Rows[i]["SLNo"]); order.MobileName = cartTable.Rows[i]["MobileName"].ToString(); order.Description = cartTable.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString(); order.PicURL = cartTable.Rows[i]["PicURL"].ToString(); order.Model = cartTable.Rows[i]["Model"].ToString(); order.Features = cartTable.Rows[i]["Features"].ToString(); order.Color = cartTable.Rows[i]["Color"].ToString(); order.SimType = cartTable.Rows[i]["SimType"].ToString(); order.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(cartTable.Rows[i]["Price"]); order.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(cartTable.Rows[i]["Quantity"]); order.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(cartTable.Rows[i]["TotalAmount"]); orderList.Add(order); } foreach (MyOrders order in orderList) { Con.Open(); int SLNo = order.SLNo; int availableQuantity = 0; string selectMobileDetails = "select Quantity from mobiles where SLNo = ?"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(selectMobileDetails, Con); cmd.Parameters.Add("slno", IfxType.Serial).Value = SLNo; try { IfxDataReader rows = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rows.Read()) { availableQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(rows[0]); } rows.Close(); } catch (IfxException ex) { Con.Close(); order.ErrorMessage = "Error : " + ex.Message; } if (order.Quantity > availableQuantity) { Con.Close(); order.ErrorMessage = "Cannot purchase " + order.Quantity + " quantities, available quantities are : " + availableQuantity; } else { int newMobileQuantity = availableQuantity - order.Quantity; string updateMobileQuantity = "UPDATE Mobiles SET Quantity = ? Where SLNo = ?"; IfxCommand cmd1 = new IfxCommand(updateMobileQuantity, Con); cmd1.Parameters.Add("quantity", IfxType.Int).Value = newMobileQuantity; cmd1.Parameters.Add("slno", IfxType.Serial).Value = SLNo; cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); try { insertNewOrder(Con, order); } catch (Exception ex) { string createOrderTable = "Create table orderdetails (orderid serial PRIMARY KEY, SLNo int, MobileName nvarchar(100) NULL, " + " Description nvarchar(250) NULL, PicURL nvarchar(250) NULL, Model nvarchar(50) NULL, Features nvarchar(200) NULL, " + "Color nvarchar(20) NULL, SimType nvarchar(10) NULL, PurchaseDate varchar(50), Price decimal(18, 2), Quantity int NULL, TotalAmount decimal(18,2))"; IfxCommand cmd2 = new IfxCommand(createOrderTable, Con); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); insertNewOrder(Con, order); } finally { Con.Close(); order.ErrorMessage = "Purchase successful"; } } Con.Close(); } Con.Open(); string delQuery = "DELETE FROM Cart"; IfxCommand delCmd = new IfxCommand(delQuery, Con); delCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Con.Close(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public List<FACSHeader> GetFacility(string tel_num) { try { List<FACSHeader> facilities = new List<FACSHeader>(); using (IfxConnection ifxcon = new IfxConnection(INFORMIXDB)) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // Initialize Command and DataAdapter IfxCommand cmd; IfxDataAdapter da; // Open Connection and call stored procedure. ifxcon.Open(); cmd = new IfxCommand("ht_one_facs_dash", ifxcon); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Stored procedure parameters. cmd.Parameters.Add("p_tel_no ", IfxType.VarChar, 256).Value = tel_num; // Fill Dataset using DataAdapter da = new IfxDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { FACSHeader fac = new FACSHeader(); fac.Tel_Num = dr[0].ToString().Trim(); fac.Status = dr[1].ToString().Trim(); fac.Remarks = dr[2].ToString().Trim(); fac.Cable_Pair = dr[3].ToString().Trim(); fac.Port = dr[4].ToString().Trim(); facilities.Add(fac); } ifxcon.Close(); } return facilities; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public ActionResult Create(Mobiles mobilesModel) { // To create a Unique file name and URL everytime when User upload a new picture string ImageFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mobilesModel.ImageFile.FileName); string ImageFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(mobilesModel.ImageFile.FileName); string FinalImageName = ImageFileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + ImageFileExtension; mobilesModel.PicURL = FinalImageName; // To save that newly uploaded image to Disk location inside wwwroot/Images folder var uploads = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Images"); var imagePath = Path.Combine(uploads, FinalImageName); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Create); mobilesModel.ImageFile.CopyTo(fileStream); fileStream.Close(); //string fileByteArray = null; //var fileBytes = 0; /* * if (mobilesModel.ImageFile.Length > 0) * { * using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) * { * //mobilesModel.ImageFile.CopyTo(ms); * //var fileBytes = ms.ToArray(); * //fileByteArray = Convert.ToBase64String(); * // act on the Base64 data * * // To save the newly added Mobile and the Image disk imagePath to Database table (Mobiles) */ using (IfxConnection Con = new IfxConnection(connString)) { Con.Open(); // Insert the form data into mobiles table but not the picture string query = "INSERT INTO Mobiles (MobileName, Price, Quantity, Description, PicURL, Model, Features, Color, SimType) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(query, Con); cmd.Parameters.Add("mobilename", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.MobileName; cmd.Parameters.Add("price", IfxType.Decimal).Value = mobilesModel.Price; cmd.Parameters.Add("quantity", IfxType.Int).Value = mobilesModel.Quantity; cmd.Parameters.Add("description", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.Description; cmd.Parameters.Add("picurl", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.PicURL; cmd.Parameters.Add("model", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.Model; cmd.Parameters.Add("features", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.Features; cmd.Parameters.Add("color", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.Color; cmd.Parameters.Add("simtype", IfxType.VarChar).Value = mobilesModel.SimType; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); // Getting the latest inserted row's slno to insert the picture in the same row string selQuery = "Select max(slno) from Mobiles"; IfxCommand selcmd = new IfxCommand(selQuery, Con); int serialnumber = -1; try { IfxDataReader rows = selcmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rows.Read()) { serialnumber = Convert.ToInt32(rows[0]); } rows.Close(); selcmd.Dispose(); string updatePicQuery = "update mobiles set(imagefile) = (Filetoblob(" + "'" + imagePath + "'" + ", 'client', 'mobiles', 'imagefile')) where slno = ?"; IfxCommand insertPiccmd = new IfxCommand(updatePicQuery, Con); insertPiccmd.Parameters.Add("slno", IfxType.Int).Value = serialnumber; insertPiccmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); insertPiccmd.Dispose(); // Delete the temprary created image file from Disk FileInfo file = new FileInfo(imagePath); if (file.Exists) { file.Delete(); } } catch (IfxException ex) { } finally { Con.Close(); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public Pic GetPic(string id, string tn, int index) { Pic selectedPic = new Pic(); try { List<Pic> pics = new List<Pic>(); using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(KENANDB)) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // Initialize Command and DataAdapter. OracleCommand cmd; OracleDataAdapter da; // Open Connection and call stored procedure. con.Open(); cmd = new OracleCommand("ARBOR.HT_ONE_PKG.GET_PIC", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Stored procedure parameters. cmd.Parameters.Add("iAccountNo", OracleType.VarChar, 20).Value = id; cmd.Parameters["iAccountNo"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add("oPicInfo", OracleType.Cursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; // Fill Dataset using DataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { Pic pic = new Pic(); pic.subscr_no = dr[0].ToString().Trim(); = dr[1].ToString().Trim(); pic.formattedTn = dr[2].ToString().Trim(); pic.mainland = dr[3].ToString().Trim(); pic.interisland = dr[4].ToString().Trim(); = dr[5].ToString().Trim(); pics.Add(pic); } selectedPic = pics.Where(a => == tn).Single<Pic>(); selectedPic.index = index; con.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } try { List<NBPic> facDetails = new List<NBPic>(); using (IfxConnection ifxcon = new IfxConnection(INFORMIXDB)) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // Initialize Command and DataAdapter IfxCommand cmd; IfxDataAdapter da; // Open Connection and call stored procedure. ifxcon.Open(); cmd = new IfxCommand("ht_one_facs", ifxcon); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Stored procedure parameters. cmd.Parameters.Add("p_tel_no ", IfxType.VarChar, 256).Value = tn; // Fill Dataset using DataAdapter da = new IfxDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { NBPic facD = new NBPic(); facD.InterIsland_PIC = dr[11].ToString().Trim(); facD.InterNational_PIC = dr[10].ToString().Trim(); facDetails.Add(facD); } ifxcon.Close(); } selectedPic.NBPics = facDetails; } catch (Exception) { throw; } return selectedPic; }
private void Submit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (textBoxEmail.Text.Length == 0) { errormessage.Text = "Enter an email."; textBoxEmail.Focus(); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(textBoxEmail.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.]*[a-zA-Z]$")) { errormessage.Text = "Enter a valid email."; textBoxEmail.Select(0, textBoxEmail.Text.Length); textBoxEmail.Focus(); } else { string firstname = textBoxFirstName.Text; string lastname = textBoxLastName.Text; string email = textBoxEmail.Text; string username = textBoxUserName.Text; string usertype = comboBoxUserType.Text; string password = passwordBox1.Password; if (username.Length == 0) { errormessage.Text = "Enter username."; textBoxUserName.Focus(); } else { if (passwordBox1.Password.Length == 0) { errormessage.Text = "Enter password."; passwordBox1.Focus(); } else if (passwordBoxConfirm.Password.Length == 0) { errormessage.Text = "Enter Confirm password."; passwordBoxConfirm.Focus(); } else if (passwordBox1.Password != passwordBoxConfirm.Password) { errormessage.Text = "Confirm password must be same as password."; passwordBoxConfirm.Focus(); } else { if (usertype.Length == 0) { errormessage.Text = "Select user type."; comboBoxUserType.Focus(); } errormessage.Text = ""; string address = textBoxAddress.Text; con = new IfxConnection(cs); con.Open(); IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand("Insert into User (firstname,lastname,email,username,usertype,password,address) values('" + firstname + "','" + lastname + "','" + email + "','" + username + "','" + usertype + "','" + password + "','" + address + "')", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); if (rows > 0) { if (usertype.Equals("Admin")) { errormessage.Text = "Admin registered successfully."; } else { errormessage.Text = "User registered successfully."; } } else { errormessage.Text = "Registeration Failed"; } } } } }
public List<FACSDetail> GetFacilityDetail(string tel_num) { try { List<FACSDetail> facDetails = new List<FACSDetail>(); using (IfxConnection ifxcon = new IfxConnection(INFORMIXDB)) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // Initialize Command and DataAdapter IfxCommand cmd; IfxDataAdapter da; // Open Connection and call stored procedure. ifxcon.Open(); cmd = new IfxCommand("ht_one_facs", ifxcon); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Stored procedure parameters. cmd.Parameters.Add("p_tel_no ", IfxType.VarChar, 256).Value = tel_num; // Fill Dataset using DataAdapter da = new IfxDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { FACSDetail facD = new FACSDetail(); facD.Tel_Num = dr[0].ToString().Trim(); facD.Status = dr[1].ToString().Trim(); facD.Native_ACO = dr[2].ToString().Trim(); facD.Current_ACO = dr[3].ToString().Trim(); facD.Switch_Type = dr[4].ToString().Trim(); facD.CLLI = dr[5].ToString().Trim(); facD.Terminal = dr[6].ToString().Trim(); facD.Port = dr[7].ToString().Trim(); facD.Facilities = dr[8].ToString().Trim(); facD.XBox = dr[9].ToString().Trim(); facD.InterIsland_PIC = dr[11].ToString().Trim(); facD.InterNational_PIC = dr[10].ToString().Trim(); facD.Address = dr[12].ToString().Trim(); facD.Remarks = dr[13].ToString().Trim(); facD.Service_Type = dr[14].ToString().Trim(); facD.MITS = dr[15].ToString().Trim(); facD.SR_TN = dr[16].ToString().Trim(); facDetails.Add(facD); } ifxcon.Close(); } return facDetails; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }