예제 #1
        internal static void GenerateInstance(IfcBuilding building, bool assembly)
            DatabaseIfc          db = building.Database;
            IfcDocumentReference documentReference = new IfcDocumentReference(db)
                Name = "MyReinforcementCode", Identification = "MyCodeISO3766"
            IfcRelAssociatesDocument associatesDocument = new IfcRelAssociatesDocument(db.Project, documentReference)
                GlobalId = "1R7R97$uLAAv4wci$KGwn8"
            IfcMaterial material = new IfcMaterial(db, "ReinforcingSteel");
            List <Tuple <double, double, double> > points = new List <Tuple <double, double, double> >()
                new Tuple <double, double, double>(-69.0, 0.0, -122.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-69.0, 0.0, -79.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-54.9411254969541, 0.0, -45.0588745030455), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-21.0, 0.0, -31.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(21.0, 0.0, -31.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(54.9411254969541, 0.0, -45.0588745030455), new Tuple <double, double, double>(69.0, 0.0, -78.9999999999999), new Tuple <double, double, double>(69.0, 0.00000000000000089, -321.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(54.9939785957165, 1.21791490472034, -354.941125496954), new Tuple <double, double, double>(21.1804517666074, 4.15822158551252, -369.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-20.6616529376114, 7.79666547283599, -369.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-54.4751797667207, 10.7369721536282, -354.941125496954), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-68.4812011710042, 11.9548870583485, -321.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-69.0, 12.0, -79.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-54.9411254969541, 12.0, -45.0588745030455), new Tuple <double, double, double>(-21.0, 12.0, -31.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(21.0, 12.0, -31.0), new Tuple <double, double, double>(54.9411254969541, 12.0, -45.0588745030455), new Tuple <double, double, double>(69.0, 12.0, -78.9999999999999), new Tuple <double, double, double>(69.0, 12.0, -122.0),
            IfcBoundedCurve directrix = null;

            if (db.Release == ReleaseVersion.IFC2x3)
                directrix = new IfcPolyline(db, points);
                List <IfcSegmentIndexSelect> segments = new List <IfcSegmentIndexSelect>();
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(1, 2));
                segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(2, 3, 4));
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(4, 5));
                segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(5, 6, 7));
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(7, 8));
                segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(8, 9, 10));
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(10, 11));
                segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(11, 12, 13));
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(13, 14));
                segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(14, 15, 16));
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(16, 17));
                segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(17, 18, 19));
                segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(19, 20));
                directrix = new IfcIndexedPolyCurve(new IfcCartesianPointList3D(db, points), segments);
            double                barDiameter = 12, area = Math.PI * Math.Pow(barDiameter, 2) / 4;
            IfcSweptDiskSolid     sweptDiskSolid     = new IfcSweptDiskSolid(directrix, barDiameter / 2.0);
            IfcRepresentationMap  representationMap  = new IfcRepresentationMap(sweptDiskSolid);
            string                shapeCode          = ""; //Todo
            IfcReinforcingBarType reinforcingBarType = new IfcReinforcingBarType(db, "12 Diameter Ligature", IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.LIGATURE, barDiameter, area, 1150, IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum.TEXTURED, shapeCode, null)
                GlobalId = "0jMRtfHYXE7u4s_CQ2uVE9", MaterialSelect = material

            if (assembly)
                IfcMaterial concrete = new IfcMaterial(db, "Concrete")
                    Category = "Concrete"
                string name = "400x200RC";
                IfcRectangleProfileDef rectangleProfileDef = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, name, 200, 400);
                IfcMaterialProfile     materialProfile     = new IfcMaterialProfile(name, concrete, rectangleProfileDef);

                IfcBeamType beamType = new IfcBeamType(name, materialProfile, IfcBeamTypeEnum.BEAM);
                IfcMaterialProfileSet materialProfileSet = beamType.MaterialSelect as IfcMaterialProfileSet;
                IfcBeam beam = new IfcBeam(building, new IfcLocalPlacement(building.Placement, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0))), null)
                    Description = "Reinforced Beam"
                IfcBeamStandardCase beamStandardCase = new IfcBeamStandardCase(beam, new IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage(materialProfileSet, IfcCardinalPointReference.TOPMID), new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0), new IfcDirection(db, -1, 0, 0)), 5000)
                    GlobalId = "1yjQ2DwLnCC8k3i3X6D_ut", RelatingType = beamType
                IfcElementAssembly elementAssembly = new IfcElementAssembly(beam, IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum.FACTORY, IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.REINFORCEMENT_UNIT);
                List <string>      ids             = new List <string>()
                    "0ohBfsArr3ruXYxacT4yl5", "3YrK7RbE122fNRsP5djFAe", "0wxAc63nj5AezFhfks7wLL", "0bsov2wZL6tRRZmKy4vuUU", "3qrgfIBb92ZegJTle7jou3", "16m6R3JeT83fJPCze2yU$a", "2SGIIYjSbCuu3HVwoLt1yh", "0PsLby6eL8_hVEt4QwK0lZ", "1325VJou5AngWp1djcV0hL", "20zj_$BcH74xRgR4bDrLNb", "3M4SfEMtHEJukgZR4hw$eV", "23BYnIaOLBZPVTrKVEDJiy", "2XulRByDL8ugyo4Uqv9rJr", "2xvQMSga96XOT3VeCS6ZsK", "2gUE6_w3j77f8YJGz_2RMl", "0J0dRL4tT93REAabfASDom", "048RJ151b81PqODsTMD4EA", "3hXx9Kb6b5bvjgr9pwvpz0", "0FmUHg8ZX0ZfY$0f5nkM2l", "2_zvpwRdvAuRiTlHXX$Qp8", "1mhkXHKfX6PxdS2vZn17wX", "0CeIQzUqP5qOOeAjMtH2OX", "3shtoAQL5BAhvwA_1Ph$lC", "22j4RNKqD2IBRDGig5eaCF", "3Wvu6qGJH4ChhTV3pl9CGh", "37Qrf07Iz3tRMbSxEA4ynH", "2gelqZ1Wv8BvCy6TstVGkd", "1Q21dHc_X7eRppCHrT69Vb", "0e6Wc08NLD59ueqCAK1gxp", "3xdMOSZMj3cBOV_QTbXZha", "1r_U9JTkHDWwkv_nfWFHVe", "29I7_S2fT3WRD4zPH4YjmD", "0$ciATTaP17PJMHQD0$N3Y", "1irBeCCUf82wdGg7qTPCbW"
                int jcounter = 0;
                for (int icounter = 25; icounter < 5000; icounter += 150)
                    IfcElement element = reinforcingBarType.GenerateMappedItemElement(elementAssembly, new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D(db)
                        LocalOrigin = new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, icounter, 0)
                    //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise
                    element.GlobalId = ids[jcounter++];

                //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise
                beam.GlobalId     = "1_KSmTR8T8bO37iRs24GkM";
                beamType.GlobalId = "3bdpqVuWTCbxJ2S3ODYv6q";
                beamType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "2oaQVVf79BrwRouvtRuQVg";
                beamType.MaterialSelect.Associates.GlobalId         = "2ZEgyI2v184hwa$_diRqS9";
                beamStandardCase.MaterialSelect.Associates.GlobalId = "3DWeleqqjEG9KshbOZXUdY";
                elementAssembly.GlobalId = "0Q1tCJWdj4kOkZUg7rkf2h";
                elementAssembly.IsDecomposedBy[0].GlobalId = "1WdB196Kb72f_pKgj5rklU";
                beam.IsDecomposedBy[0].GlobalId            = "1b1SnKocD0WRevlg8Aqhj5";
                IfcElement element = reinforcingBarType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D(db));

                //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise
                element.GlobalId = "0WUveBtSTDbunNjDLsuRn$";

            //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise

            reinforcingBarType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "1iAfl2ERbFmwi7uniy1H7j";
            reinforcingBarType.MaterialSelect.Associates.GlobalId = "3gfVO40P5EfQyKZ_bF0R$6";
예제 #2
        internal static DatabaseIfc Generate(ModelView mdv, string path)
            DatabaseIfc db = new DatabaseIfc(true, mdv);
            IfcSite site = new IfcSite(db, "TestSite");
            //IfcPerson  NOT RV
            //IfcOrganization  NOT RV
            //IfcPersonAndOrganization  NOT RV
            //IfcOwnerHistory  NOT RV
            //fcApplication NOT RV
            //                     IfcProjectLibrary NOT RV Can't have multiple context
            IfcProject project = new IfcProject(site, "TestProject", IfcUnitAssignment.Length.Millimetre)
            IfcBuilding building = new IfcBuilding(site, "TestBuilding")
            IfcBuildingStorey buildingStorey = new IfcBuildingStorey(building, "TestBuildingStorey", 3000);
            IfcSpace          space          = new IfcSpace(buildingStorey, null, null)
                Name = "TestSpace"

            space.RelatingType = new IfcSpaceType(db, "TestSpaceType", IfcSpaceTypeEnum.INTERNAL);

            IfcZone zone = new IfcZone(buildingStorey, "TestZone", "TestZoneLongName", new List <IfcSpace>()

            IfcLocalPlacement localPlacement = buildingStorey.Placement as IfcLocalPlacement;

            IfcMaterial material = new IfcMaterial(db, "TestMaterial")
                Description = "TestDescription", Category = "TestCategory"
            IfcMaterialProperties materialProperties = new IfcMaterialProperties("TestMaterialProperties", material);

            materialProperties.AddProperty(new IfcPropertySingleValue(db, "MassDensity", new IfcMassDensityMeasure(1)));
            IfcSurfaceStyleShading surfaceStyleShading = new IfcSurfaceStyleShading(new IfcColourRgb(db, 1, 0, 0)
                Name = "Red"
            IfcSurfaceStyle surfaceStyle = new IfcSurfaceStyle(surfaceStyleShading, null, null, null, null);
            IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation materialDefinitionRepresentation = new IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation(new IfcStyledRepresentation(new IfcStyledItem(surfaceStyle)
                Name = "TestStyledItem"
            }), material);

            IfcIndexedPolyCurve          indexedPolyCurve          = IPE200Curve(db);
            IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef arbitraryClosedProfileDef = new IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("IPE200", indexedPolyCurve);
            IfcMaterialProfile           materialProfile           = new IfcMaterialProfile("TestMaterialProfile", material, arbitraryClosedProfileDef);
            IfcMaterialProfileSet        materialProfileSet        = new IfcMaterialProfileSet("TestMaterialProfileSet", materialProfile);

            IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extrudedAreaSolid = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(arbitraryClosedProfileDef, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 1, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0)), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 0, 1), 5000);
            IfcBeamType          beamType          = new IfcBeamType(db, "TestBeamType", IfcBeamTypeEnum.BEAM);

            beamType.MaterialSelect = materialProfileSet;
            IfcBeam beam = new IfcBeam(buildingStorey, new IfcLocalPlacement(localPlacement, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1000, 2000, 0))
                RefDirection = new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0)
            }), new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid)));

            beam.RelatingType = beamType;

            //	if(mdv != ModelView.Ifc4Reference)
            //			IfcActorRole  NOT RV

            //IfcAdvancedBrep  NOT RV
            //IfcAdvancedFace   NOT RV
            //IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcBeamStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcBlock   NOT RV
            //IfcBooleanClippingResult  NOT RV
            //IfcBooleanResult  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots  NOT RV
            //IfcCircleHollowProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcCircleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcColumnStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcCompositeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectedFaceSet  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectionCurveGeometry  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry  NOT RV
            //IfcCsgSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcCShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcDerivedProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcDoorStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcEdge	 NOT RV
            //IfcEdgeCurve  NOT RV
            //IfcEdgeLoop  NOT RV
            //IfcEllipseProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered  NOT RV
            //IfcFace  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceBound  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceOuterBound  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcFacetedBrep  NOT RV
            //IfcFeatureElementAddition  NOT RV
            //IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcGridPlacement  NOT RV
            //IfcHalfSpaceSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcLibraryInformation  NOT RV
            //IfcLibraryReference  NOT RV
            //IfcLoop   NOT RV
            //IfcLShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialUsageDefinition  NOT RV
            //IfcMemberStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcOpeningStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcOpenShell  NOT RV
            //IfcOrientedEdge  NOT RV
            //IfcPcurve  NOT RV
            //IfcPlane  NOT RV
            //IfcPlateStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace  NOT RV
            //IfcPolyline  NOT RV
            //IfcPolyLoop  NOT RV
            //IfcProjectionElement  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertySetTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertyTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangularPyramid  NOT RV
            //IfcRelAssociatesLibrary  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsPathElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelFlowControlElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelInterferesElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelProjectsElement  NOT RV
            //IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered  NOT RV
            //IfcRightCircularCone  NOT RV
            //IfcRightCircularCylinder  NOT RV
            //IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel  NOT RV
            //IfcSimplePropertyTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcSlabElementedCase  NOT RV
            //IfcSlabStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcSphere  NOT RV
            //IfcSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceOfRevolution  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures surfaceStyleWithTextures = new IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures(new IfcImageTexture(db,true,true,""));
            //IfcTelecomAddress  NOT RV
            //IfcTShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcUShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcVertex  NOT RV
            //IfcVertexPoint  NOT RV
            //IfcVirtualGridIntersection  NOT RV
            //IfcWallElementedCase  NOT RV
            //IfcWallStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcWindowStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcZShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            db.WriteFile(Path.Combine(path, mdv.ToString() + ".ifc"));
예제 #3
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var returnMessage      = (int)ExitCode.Success;
            var outputElements     = new List <JsonIfcElement>();
            var pathSource         = string.Empty;
            var pathDest           = string.Empty;
            var activeComptactJson = true;
            var readVersion        = false;
            var activeFullJson     = false;
            //var SCALE = 1.0;
            var context = new JsonConversionContext();
            JsonProjectIfcElement newProject = null;

                foreach (string arg in args)
                    if (arg.ToLower().Trim() == "--version")
                        readVersion = true;
                    if (arg.ToLower().Trim() == "--indented")
                        activeComptactJson = false;
                    if (arg.ToLower().Trim() == "--full")
                        activeFullJson = true;
                    if (arg.Substring(0, 2) != "--" && pathSource != string.Empty && pathDest == string.Empty)
                        pathDest = arg;
                    if (arg.Substring(0, 2) != "--" && pathSource == string.Empty)
                        pathSource = arg;

                if (readVersion)
                    var version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine($"1. ConvertIfc2Json : {version}{Environment.NewLine}(.Net version {typeof(string).Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion})");

                if (File.Exists(pathSource))
                    if (pathDest == string.Empty)
                        pathDest = pathSource + ".json";
                    var        db = new DatabaseIfc();
                    IfcProject project;
                    var        projectId = "";
                    var        sites     = new List <IfcSite>();
                    var        buildings = new List <IfcBuilding>();

                        db      = new DatabaseIfc(pathSource);
                        project = db.Project;
                        sites   = project.Extract <IfcSite>();

                        // IFC Project
                            if (project.GlobalId != null)
                                // REVIEW ne semble pas servir
                                //foreach (var unit in project.UnitsInContext.Units)
                                //    var u = project.UnitsInContext.Extract<IfcSIUnit>();
                                //    // Console.WriteLine("2." + unit.StepClassName);

                                // Computing the json conversion scale from current Geogym project
                                context.SCALE = project.GetJsonConversionScale();
                                projectId     = project.GlobalId;

                            outputElements.Add(newProject = new JsonProjectIfcElement(project));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("3. Element read error " + ex.Message);
                            returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("31. Write file : " + ex.Message);
                        returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.InvalidFile;

                    // IFC Site
                    foreach (var site in sites)
                            if (site.GlobalId != null)
                                var newSite = new JsonSiteIfcElement(site, newProject, context);

                                // IFC Building
                                buildings = site.Extract <IfcBuilding>();
                                foreach (var building in buildings)
                                    var newBuildind = new JsonBuildingIfcElement(building, newSite, context); // REVIEW shouldn't create this unused instance if global id is null
                                    if (building.GlobalId != null)

                                    // IFC Building Storey // Levels
                                    var buildingStoreys = building.Extract <IfcBuildingStorey>();
                                    foreach (var buildingStorey in buildingStoreys)
                                        var storeyElement = new JsonStoreyIfcElement(buildingStorey, newBuildind, context);

                                        // IFC Space // Rooms
                                        var spaces = buildingStorey.Extract <IfcSpace>();

                                        // Check IfcProduct Ids
                                        var productsIds    = new List <string>();
                                        var productCounter = 0;

                                        // IfcProduct
                                        var products = buildingStorey.Extract <IfcProduct>();
                                        foreach (var product in products)
                                                if (product.GlobalId != null)
                                                    var newElementProd = new JsonProductIfcElement(product, storeyElement, context);
                                                    var spaceCounter   = 0;

                                                    // Link to the Space
                                                    foreach (var space in spaces)
                                                            // REVIEW = LatestOrDefault
                                                            // IfcSpace
                                                            if (space.GlobalId == product.GlobalId)
                                                                    newElementProd.userData.name = space.LongName;
                                                                catch (NotSupportedException exEncode)
                                                                    newElementProd.userData.name = space.Name;
                                                                    Console.WriteLine("15. Space Name read error (id: " + space.GlobalId + ") " + exEncode.Message); // returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.NodataIsAvailableForEncoding;
                                                                catch (System.Exception ex)
                                                                    Console.WriteLine("29. Space Name LongName read error" + ex.Message);

                                                                newElementProd.userData.pset.Add("number", space.Name);

                                                                // Create boundary
                                                                geoGeometry geom = new geoGeometry();
                                                                IList <IList <IList <double> > > coords = new List <IList <IList <double> > >();
                                                                Dictionary <string, string>      props  = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                                                string height    = "0.0";
                                                                string elevation = "0.0";

                                                                // Representation
                                                                if (space.Representation.Representations.Count > 0)
                                                                    foreach (IfcRepresentationItem item in space.Representation.Representations[0].Items)
                                                                            if (item.StepClassName == "IfcExtrudedAreaSolid")
                                                                                IfcExtrudedAreaSolid areaSolid = item as IfcExtrudedAreaSolid;
                                                                                IfcAxis2Placement3D  pos       = areaSolid.Position;
                                                                                Point3D loc = new Point3D(pos.Location.Coordinates[0], pos.Location.Coordinates[1], pos.Location.Coordinates[2]);
                                                                                height    = (areaSolid.Depth / context.SCALE).ToString();
                                                                                elevation = (buildingStorey.Elevation / context.SCALE).ToString();

                                                                                if (areaSolid.SweptArea.StepClassName == "IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef")
                                                                                { // Polyline
                                                                                    IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef arbitraryClosedProfiles = areaSolid.SweptArea as IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef;
                                                                                    IList <IList <double> >      polyExt = new List <IList <double> >();

                                                                                    if (arbitraryClosedProfiles.OuterCurve.StepClassName == "IfcIndexedPolyCurve")
                                                                                        IfcIndexedPolyCurve     outerCurve = arbitraryClosedProfiles.OuterCurve as IfcIndexedPolyCurve;
                                                                                        IfcCartesianPointList2D points     = outerCurve.Points as IfcCartesianPointList2D;
                                                                                        foreach (double[] pts in points.CoordList)
                                                                                            if (pts.Length >= 2)
                                                                                                    IList <double> xy = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    xy.Add(pts[0] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    xy.Add(pts[1] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                catch (System.Exception exTransf)
                                                                                                    Console.WriteLine("6." + exTransf.Message);
                                                                                        List <IfcPolyline> poly = arbitraryClosedProfiles.OuterCurve.Extract <IfcPolyline>();

                                                                                        if (poly.Count > 0 && poly[0].Points.Count > 0)
                                                                                            foreach (IfcCartesianPoint pt in poly[0].Points)
                                                                                                if (pt.Coordinates.Count >= 2)
                                                                                                        IList <double> xy = new List <double>();
                                                                                                        xy.Add(pt.Coordinates[0] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                        xy.Add(pt.Coordinates[1] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    catch (System.Exception exTransf)
                                                                                                        Console.WriteLine("7. " + exTransf.Message);


                                                                                    props.Add("location", pos.Location.Coordinates[0] / context.SCALE + "," + pos.Location.Coordinates[1] / context.SCALE + "," + pos.Location.Coordinates[2] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                    if (pos.RefDirection != null)
                                                                                        props.Add("refDirection", pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[0] + "," + pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[1] + "," + pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[2]);
                                                                                    if (pos.Axis != null)
                                                                                        props.Add("axis", pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[0] + "," + pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[1] + "," + pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[2]);
                                                                                else if (areaSolid.SweptArea.StepClassName == "IfcRectangleProfileDef") // Rectangle
                                                                                    List <IfcRectangleProfileDef> rectangleProfile = areaSolid.SweptArea.Extract <IfcRectangleProfileDef>();

                                                                                    if (rectangleProfile.Count > 0)
                                                                                        if (rectangleProfile[0].XDim > 0.0000001 && rectangleProfile[0].YDim > 0.0000001)
                                                                                            if (rectangleProfile[0].Position.Location.Coordinates.Count >= 2)
                                                                                                    Point3D lm   = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                                                                                    double  XDim = rectangleProfile[0].XDim / 2;
                                                                                                    double  YDim = rectangleProfile[0].YDim / 2;

                                                                                                    // Left-Bottom
                                                                                                    IList <double> lb  = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    Point3D        lbP = new Point3D(lm.X - XDim, lm.Y - YDim, lm.Z);
                                                                                                    lb.Add(lbP.X / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    lb.Add(lbP.Y / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    // right-Bottom
                                                                                                    IList <double> rb  = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    Point3D        rbP = new Point3D(lm.X + XDim, lm.Y - YDim, lm.Z);
                                                                                                    rb.Add(rbP.X / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    rb.Add(rbP.Y / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    // right-top
                                                                                                    IList <double> rt  = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    Point3D        rtP = new Point3D(lm.X + XDim, lm.Y + YDim, lm.Z);
                                                                                                    rt.Add(rtP.X / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    rt.Add(rtP.Y / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    // left-top
                                                                                                    IList <double> lt  = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    Point3D        ltP = new Point3D(lm.X - XDim, lm.Y + YDim, lm.Z);
                                                                                                    lt.Add(ltP.X / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    lt.Add(ltP.Y / context.SCALE);

                                                                                                    IList <IList <double> > polyExt = new List <IList <double> >();
                                                                                                    props.Add("location", pos.Location.Coordinates[0] / context.SCALE + "," + pos.Location.Coordinates[1] / context.SCALE + "," + pos.Location.Coordinates[2] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    if (pos.RefDirection != null)
                                                                                                        props.Add("refDirection", pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[0] + "," + pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[1] + "," + pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[2]);
                                                                                                    if (pos.Axis != null)
                                                                                                        props.Add("axis", pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[0] + "," + pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[1] + "," + pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[2]);
                                                                                                catch (System.Exception exMatrixTransf)
                                                                                                    Console.WriteLine("8. " + exMatrixTransf.Message);
                                                                                else if (areaSolid.SweptArea.StepClassName == "IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids") //
                                                                                    // OuterCurve [IfcCurve]
                                                                                    IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids arbitraryProfileDefWithVoids = areaSolid.SweptArea as IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids;
                                                                                    IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef    arbitraryClosedProfiles      = areaSolid.SweptArea as IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef;
                                                                                    IList <IList <double> >         polyExt = new List <IList <double> >();

                                                                                    if (arbitraryProfileDefWithVoids.OuterCurve.StepClassName == "IfcIndexedPolyCurve")
                                                                                        IfcIndexedPolyCurve     outerCurve = arbitraryClosedProfiles.OuterCurve as IfcIndexedPolyCurve;
                                                                                        IfcCartesianPointList2D points     = outerCurve.Points as IfcCartesianPointList2D;
                                                                                        foreach (double[] pts in points.CoordList)
                                                                                            if (pts.Length >= 2)
                                                                                                    IList <double> xy = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    xy.Add(pts[0] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    xy.Add(pts[1] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                catch (System.Exception exTransf)
                                                                                                    Console.WriteLine("9. " + exTransf.Message);
                                                                                        List <IfcPolyline> poly = arbitraryProfileDefWithVoids.OuterCurve.Extract <IfcPolyline>();

                                                                                        foreach (IfcCartesianPoint pt in poly[0].Points)
                                                                                            if (pt.Coordinates.Count >= 2)
                                                                                                    IList <double> xy = new List <double>();
                                                                                                    Point3D        p  = new Point3D(pt.Coordinates[0], pt.Coordinates[1], 0);
                                                                                                    xy.Add(p.X / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                    xy.Add(p.Y / context.SCALE);
                                                                                                catch (System.Exception exTransf)
                                                                                                    Console.WriteLine("10. " + exTransf.Message);


                                                                                    props.Add("location", pos.Location.Coordinates[0] / context.SCALE + "," + pos.Location.Coordinates[1] / context.SCALE + "," + pos.Location.Coordinates[2] / context.SCALE);
                                                                                    if (pos.RefDirection != null)
                                                                                        props.Add("refDirection", pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[0] + "," + pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[1] + "," + pos.RefDirection.DirectionRatios[2]);
                                                                                    if (pos.Axis != null)
                                                                                        props.Add("axis", pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[0] + "," + pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[1] + "," + pos.Axis.DirectionRatios[2]);
                                                                            else if (item.StepClassName == "IfcFacetedBrep-XXX")  // TODO : Fix export 3D Object
                                                                            {                                                     // https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_1/FINAL/HTML/schema/ifcgeometricmodelresource/lexical/ifcfacetedbrep.htm
                                                                                List <IfcFacetedBrep> facetedBreps = item.Extract <IfcFacetedBrep>();
                                                                                if (facetedBreps.Count > 0)
                                                                                    IfcFacetedBrep facetedBrep = facetedBreps[0];
                                                                                    elevation = (buildingStorey.Elevation / context.SCALE).ToString();
                                                                                    if (facetedBrep.Outer.StepClassName == "IfcClosedShell")
                                                                                        if (facetedBrep.Outer.CfsFaces.Count > 0) //
                                                                                            // CfsFaces[].Bounds[IfcFaceBound].Bound.Polgon[IfcCartesianPoint].Coordinates[3]
                                                                                            // OuterCurve [IfcCurve]
                                                                                            foreach (IfcFace cfsFace in facetedBrep.Outer.CfsFaces)
                                                                                                foreach (IfcFaceBound faceBound in cfsFace.Bounds)
                                                                                                    IList <IList <double> > polyExt = new List <IList <double> >();
                                                                                                    if (faceBound.Bound.StepClassName == "IfcPolyLoop")
                                                                                                        IfcPolyLoop polyLoop = faceBound.Bound as IfcPolyLoop;
                                                                                                        foreach (IfcCartesianPoint pt in polyLoop.Polygon)
                                                                                                            IList <double> xy = new List <double>();
                                                                                                            xy.Add(pt.Coordinates[0] / context.SCALE); //+ loc.X);
                                                                                                            xy.Add(pt.Coordinates[1] / context.SCALE); // + loc.Y);
                                                                                                            xy.Add(pt.Coordinates[2] / context.SCALE); // + loc.YZ;

                                                                                                    // ERREUR OBJET 3D
                                                                                                    // TODO : Fix export 3D Object
                                                                                                    // coords.Add(polyExt);
                                                                        catch (System.Exception exRepresentationItem)
                                                                            Console.WriteLine("11. Element read error exRepresentationItem" + exRepresentationItem.Message);
                                                                            returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;

                                                                if (coords.Count == 0)
                                                                    // Console.WriteLine("12. " + coords.Count);

                                                                props.Add("height", height);
                                                                props.Add("elevation", elevation);

                                                                geom.type        = "Polygon";
                                                                geom.coordinates = coords;

                                                                newElementProd.boundary            = new geoFeature();
                                                                newElementProd.boundary.type       = "Feature";
                                                                newElementProd.boundary.id         = null;
                                                                newElementProd.boundary.properties = props;
                                                                newElementProd.boundary.geometry   = geom;
                                                            var builingElements = space.Extract <IfcBuildingElementProxy>();
                                                            // IFC Elements
                                                            foreach (var bElement in builingElements)
                                                                IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure productIds = bElement.ContainedInStructure;
                                                                foreach (IfcProduct pId in productIds.RelatedElements)
                                                                        if (pId.GlobalId == product.GlobalId)
                                                                            newElementProd.userData.spaceId = space.GlobalId;
                                                                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                                                                        Console.WriteLine("13. Element read error" + ex.Message);
                                                                        returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;

                                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                                            Console.WriteLine("16. Element read error" + ex.Message);
                                                            returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;

                                                        spaceCounter += 1;

                                                    // Add to list

                                                    if (newElementProd.userData.type != "IfcBuildingStorey")
                                                        // Console.WriteLine("14. Error IfcBuildingStorey");
                                            catch (NotSupportedException exEncode)
                                                Console.WriteLine("28. Name read error (product counter: " + productCounter + ") " + exEncode.Message); // returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.NodataIsAvailableForEncoding;
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                Console.WriteLine("29. Element read error" + ex.Message);
                                                returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;

                                            productCounter += 1;

                                        // IFC Elements

                                        var elements = buildingStorey.Extract <IfcBuildingElementProxy>();
                                        foreach (IfcBuildingElementProxy element in elements
                                                 .Where(element => element.GlobalId != null && !productsIds.Contains(element.GlobalId)))
                                                // Add to list
                                                outputElements.Add(new JsonBuildingElementProxyIfcElement(element, storeyElement, context));
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                Console.WriteLine("17. Element read error" + ex.Message);
                                                returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("18. Element read error" + ex.Message);
                            returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.UnknownError;

                    // Json Settings
                    Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings jsonSettings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                        NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    if (activeComptactJson)
                        if (activeFullJson)
                            // Original File
                            string jsonFormat = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(db.JSON(), Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None, jsonSettings);
                            File.WriteAllText(pathDest, jsonFormat);
                            string jsonFormat = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outputElements, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None, jsonSettings);
                            File.WriteAllText(pathDest, jsonFormat);
                        if (activeFullJson)
                            // Original File
                            string jsonFormat = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outputElements, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, jsonSettings);
                            File.WriteAllText(pathDest, jsonFormat);
                    returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.InvalidFilename;
            catch (Exception ioEx)
                Console.WriteLine("19. " + ioEx.Message);
                returnMessage = (int)ExitCode.InvalidFile;

            Console.WriteLine("20. " + pathDest);