예제 #1
 /// <summary>Creates info by supplying all the properties and chaining it with current (parent) info.</summary>
 /// <param name="serviceType"></param> <param name="requiredServiceType"></param>
 /// <param name="serviceKey"></param> <param name="ifUnresolved"></param>
 ///  <param name="factoryID"></param><param name="factoryType"></param>
 /// <param name="implementationType"></param> <param name="reuseLifespan"></param>
 /// <returns>Created info chain to current (parent) info.</returns>
 public RequestInfo Push(
     Type serviceType, Type requiredServiceType, object serviceKey, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved,
     int factoryID, FactoryType factoryType, Type implementationType, int reuseLifespan)
     return(new RequestInfo(serviceType, requiredServiceType, serviceKey, ifUnresolved,
                            factoryID, factoryType, implementationType, reuseLifespan, this));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve service with type and key<br/>
        /// Throw exception or return default value if not found, dependent on ifUnresolved<br/>
        /// 根据服务类型和服务键获取实例<br/>
        /// 找不到时根据ifUnresolved参数抛出例外或者返回默认值<br/>
        /// </summary>
        public object Resolve(
            Type serviceType, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved = IfUnresolved.Throw, object serviceKey = null)
            var  key            = Pair.Create(serviceType, serviceKey);
            long factoriesCount = 0;
            // Get factories
            // Success unless there zero or more than one factories
            ConcurrentQueue <ContainerFactoryData> factories;

            if (Factories.TryGetValue(key, out factories))
                // Use normal factory
                factoriesCount = factories.Count;
                if (factoriesCount == 1 && factories.TryPeek(out var factoryData))
                    return(factoryData.GetInstance(this, serviceType));
            else if (serviceType.IsGenericType)
                // Use factory from generic definition
                var baseKey = Pair.Create(serviceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), serviceKey);
                if (Factories.TryGetValue(baseKey, out factories))
                    factoriesCount = factories.Count;
                    if (factoriesCount == 1 && factories.TryPeek(out var factoryData))
                        return(factoryData.GetInstance(this, serviceType));
            if (ifUnresolved == IfUnresolved.Throw)
                // Error, throw exception
                var messageFormat = (factoriesCount <= 0) ?
                                    "no factory registered to type {0} and service key {1}" :
                                    "more than one factory registered to type {0} and service key {1}";
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format(messageFormat, serviceType, serviceKey));
            else if (ifUnresolved == IfUnresolved.ReturnDefault)
                // Error, return default value
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                    "unsupported ifUnresolved type {0}", ifUnresolved));
예제 #3
        private object GetService(Type serviceType, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved)
            if (serviceType == typeof(IServiceProvider))

            if (serviceType == typeof(IServiceScopeFactory))


            return(_currentResolver.Container.Resolve(serviceType, ifUnresolved));
예제 #4
파일: Container.cs 프로젝트: nonoqiu/ZKWeb
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolve service with type and key<br/>
 /// Throw exception or return default value if not found, dependent on ifUnresolved<br/>
 /// 根据服务类型和服务键获取实例<br/>
 /// 找不到时根据ifUnresolved参数抛出例外或者返回默认值<br/>
 /// </summary>
 public TService Resolve <TService>(IfUnresolved ifUnresolved, object serviceKey)
     if (serviceKey == null && ContainerFactoriesCache.Enabled)
         // Use faster method
         var data = ContainerFactoriesCache <TService> .Data;
         if (data == null || !data.IsMatched(this))
             data = UpdateFactoriesCache <TService>();
         if (data.SingleFactory != null)
     // Use default method
     return((TService)Resolve(typeof(TService), ifUnresolved, serviceKey));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve service with type and key
        /// Throw exception or return default value if not found, dependent on ifUnresolved
        /// </summary>
        public object Resolve(Type serviceType, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved, object serviceKey)
            var           key            = Pair.Create(serviceType, serviceKey);
            Func <object> factory        = null;
            long          factoriesCount = 0;

            try {
                // Get factories
                // Only success if there single factory
                var factories = Factories.GetOrDefault(key);
                factoriesCount = factories?.Count ?? 0;
                if (factoriesCount == 1)
                    factory = factories[0];
            } finally {
            if (factory != null)
                // Success
            else if (ifUnresolved == IfUnresolved.Throw)
                // Error, throw exception
                var messageFormat = (factoriesCount <= 0) ?
                                    "no factory registered to type {0} and service key {1}" :
                                    "more than one factory registered to type {0} and service key {1}";
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format(messageFormat, serviceType, serviceKey));
            else if (ifUnresolved == IfUnresolved.ReturnDefault)
                // Error, return default value
                return(serviceType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType ?
                       Activator.CreateInstance(serviceType) : null);
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                    "unsupported ifUnresolved type {0}", ifUnresolved));
예제 #6
        private RequestInfo(
            Type serviceType, Type requiredServiceType, object serviceKey, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved,
            int factoryID, FactoryType factoryType, Type implementationType, int reuseLifespan,
            RequestInfo parentOrWrapper)
            ParentOrWrapper = parentOrWrapper;

            // Service info:
            ServiceType         = serviceType;
            RequiredServiceType = requiredServiceType;
            ServiceKey          = serviceKey;
            IfUnresolved        = ifUnresolved;

            // Implementation info:
            FactoryID          = factoryID;
            FactoryType        = factoryType;
            ImplementationType = implementationType;
            ReuseLifespan      = reuseLifespan;
예제 #7
        private Request(
            Type serviceType, Type requiredServiceType, object serviceKey, string metadataKey, object metadata, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved,
            int factoryID, FactoryType factoryType, Type implementationType, int reuseLifespan,
            Request directParent)
            DirectParent = directParent;

            // Service info:
            ServiceType         = serviceType;
            RequiredServiceType = requiredServiceType;
            ServiceKey          = serviceKey;
            MetadataKey         = metadataKey;
            Metadata            = metadata;
            IfUnresolved        = ifUnresolved;

            // Implementation info:
            FactoryID          = factoryID;
            FactoryType        = factoryType;
            ImplementationType = implementationType;
            ReuseLifespan      = reuseLifespan;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolve service with type and key
 /// Throw exception or return default value if not found, dependent on ifUnresolved
 /// </summary>
 public TService Resolve <TService>(IfUnresolved ifUnresolved, object serviceKey)
     return((TService)Resolve(typeof(TService), ifUnresolved, serviceKey));
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolve service with type and key<br/>
 /// Throw exception or return default value if not found, dependent on ifUnresolved<br/>
 /// 根据服务类型和服务键获取实例<br/>
 /// 找不到时根据ifUnresolved参数抛出例外或者返回默认值<br/>
 /// </summary>
 public TService Resolve <TService>(
     IfUnresolved ifUnresolved = IfUnresolved.Throw, object serviceKey = null)
     return((TService)(Resolve(typeof(TService), ifUnresolved, serviceKey) ?? default(TService)));
예제 #10
 public object Resolve(Type serviceType, object serviceKey, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved, Type requiredServiceType,
                       Request preResolveParent, object[] args)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #11
파일: DryIoc.cs 프로젝트: nutrija/revenj
 private CompiledFactory ResolveAndCacheFactory(Type serviceType, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved)
     var request = Request.Create(serviceType);
     var factory = ((IRegistry)this).GetOrAddFactory(request, ifUnresolved);
     if (factory == null) return EmptyCompiledFactory;
     var compiledFactory = factory.GetExpression(request, this).ToFactoryExpression().CompileFactory();
     Interlocked.Exchange(ref _defaultResolutionCache,
         _defaultResolutionCache.AddOrUpdate(serviceType, compiledFactory));
     return compiledFactory;
예제 #12
파일: DryIoc.cs 프로젝트: nutrija/revenj
        object IResolver.ResolveKeyed(Type serviceType, object serviceKey, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved)
            var entry = _keyedResolutionCache.GetValueOrDefault(serviceType) ?? HashTree<object, CompiledFactory>.Empty;
            var compiledFactory = entry.GetValueOrDefault(serviceKey);
            if (compiledFactory == null)
                var request = Request.Create(serviceType, serviceKey);
                var factory = ((IRegistry)this).GetOrAddFactory(request, ifUnresolved);
                if (factory == null) return null;
                compiledFactory = factory.GetExpression(request, this).ToFactoryExpression().CompileFactory();
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref _keyedResolutionCache,
                    _keyedResolutionCache.AddOrUpdate(serviceType, entry.AddOrUpdate(serviceKey, compiledFactory)));

            return compiledFactory(_constants, resolutionScope: null);
예제 #13
파일: DryIoc.cs 프로젝트: nutrija/revenj
 object IResolver.ResolveDefault(Type serviceType, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved)
     var compiledFactory =
         _defaultResolutionCache.GetValueOrDefault(serviceType) ??
         ResolveAndCacheFactory(serviceType, ifUnresolved);
     return compiledFactory(_constants, resolutionScope: null);
예제 #14
파일: DryIoc.cs 프로젝트: nutrija/revenj
        Factory IRegistry.GetOrAddFactory(Request request, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved)
            Factory newFactory = null;
            lock (_syncRoot)
                FactoriesEntry entry;
                Factory factory;
                if (_factories.TryGetValue(request.ServiceType, out entry) &&
                    entry.TryGet(out factory, request.ServiceType, request.ServiceKey, ResolutionRules.GetSingleRegisteredFactory))
                    return factory.GetFactoryPerRequestOrDefault(request, this) ?? factory;

                if (request.OpenGenericServiceType != null &&
                    _factories.TryGetValue(request.OpenGenericServiceType, out entry))
                    Factory genericFactory;
                    if (entry.TryGet(out genericFactory, request.ServiceType, request.ServiceKey, ResolutionRules.GetSingleRegisteredFactory) ||
                        request.ServiceKey != null && // OR try find generic-wrapper by ignoring service key.
                        entry.TryGet(out genericFactory, request.ServiceType, null, ResolutionRules.GetSingleRegisteredFactory) &&
                        genericFactory.Setup.Type == FactoryType.GenericWrapper)
                        newFactory = genericFactory.GetFactoryPerRequestOrDefault(request, this);

            if (newFactory == null)
                newFactory = ResolutionRules.GetUnregisteredServiceFactoryOrDefault(request, this);

            if (newFactory == null)
                Throw.If(ifUnresolved == IfUnresolved.Throw, Error.UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_SERVICE, request);
                Register(newFactory, request.ServiceType, request.ServiceKey);

            return newFactory;
 public static ParameterSelector Type(this ParameterSelector source, Type requiredServiceType = null, object serviceKey = null, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved = IfUnresolved.Throw, object defaultValue = null)
     return(source.Details((r, p) => !requiredServiceType.IsAssignableTo(p.ParameterType) ? null
         : ServiceDetails.Of(requiredServiceType, serviceKey, ifUnresolved, defaultValue)));
예제 #16
 /// <summary>Creates info by supplying all the properties and chaining it with current (parent) info.</summary>
 public Request Push(
     Type serviceType, Type requiredServiceType, object serviceKey, string metadataKey, object metadata, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved,
     int factoryID, FactoryType factoryType, Type implementationType, int reuseLifespan) =>
 new Request(serviceType, requiredServiceType, serviceKey, metadataKey, metadata, ifUnresolved,
             factoryID, factoryType, implementationType, reuseLifespan, this);
예제 #17
 public object Resolve(Type serviceType, IfUnresolved ifUnresolved)