/// <summary>
        /// For a client request, gathers applicable leaf bundle updates that the client does not have yet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="installedNonLeaf">List of non leaf updates installed on the client</param>
        /// <param name="otherCached">List of other updates known to the client</param>
        /// <param name="response">The response  to append new updates to</param>
        /// <param name="updatesAdded">On return: true of updates were added to the response, false otherwise</param>
        private void AddMissingBundleUpdatesToSyncUpdatesResponse(List <Guid> installedNonLeaf, List <Guid> otherCached, SyncInfo response, out bool updatesAdded)
            var allMissingBundles = SoftwareLeafUpdateGuids
                                    .Except(installedNonLeaf)                                                       // Do not resend installed updates
                                    .Except(otherCached)                                                            // Do not resend other client known updates
                                    .Where(guid => IdToFullIdentityMap.ContainsKey(guid))
                                    .Select(guid => IdToFullIdentityMap[guid])                                      // Map the GUID to a fully qualified identity
                                    .Select(id => MetadataSource.UpdatesIndex[id])                                  // Select the software update by identity
                                    .OfType <SoftwareUpdate>()
                                    .Where(u => !u.IsSuperseded && u.IsApplicable(installedNonLeaf) && u.IsBundle); // Remove superseded, not applicable and not bundles

            var unapprovedMissingBundles = allMissingBundles.Where(u => !ApprovedSoftwareUpdates.Contains(u.Identity));

            if (unapprovedMissingBundles.Count() > 0)

            var approvedMissingBundles = allMissingBundles
                                         .Where(u => ApprovedSoftwareUpdates.Contains(u.Identity))
                                         .Take(MaxUpdatesInResponse + 1) // Only take the maximum number of updates allowed + 1 (to see if we truncated)

            if (approvedMissingBundles.Count > 0)
                response.NewUpdates = CreateUpdateInfoListFromSoftwareUpdate(approvedMissingBundles).ToArray();
                response.Truncated  = true;
                updatesAdded        = true;
                updatesAdded = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// For a client request, gathers applicable root updates (detectoids, categories, etc.) that the client does not have yet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="installedNonLeaf">List of non leaf updates installed on the client</param>
        /// <param name="otherCached">List of other updates known to the client</param>
        /// <param name="response">The response  to append new updates to</param>
        /// <param name="updatesAdded">On return: true of updates were added to the response, false otherwise</param>
        private void AddMissingRootUpdatesToSyncUpdatesResponse(List <Guid> installedNonLeaf, List <Guid> otherCached, SyncInfo response, out bool updatesAdded)
            var missingRootUpdates = RootUpdates
                                     .Except(installedNonLeaf)                         // Do not resend installed updates
                                     .Except(otherCached)                              // Do not resend other client known updates
                                     .Where(guid => IdToFullIdentityMap.ContainsKey(guid))
                                     .Select(guid => IdToFullIdentityMap[guid])        // Map the GUID to a fully qualified identity
                                     .Select(id => MetadataSource.CategoriesIndex[id]) // Get the update (category) by identity
                                     .Where(u => !u.IsSuperseded)                      // Remove superseded updates
                                     .Take(MaxUpdatesInResponse + 1)                   // Only take the maximum number of updates allowed + 1 (to see if we truncated)

            if (missingRootUpdates.Count > 0)
                response.NewUpdates = CreateUpdateInfoListFromNonLeafUpdates(missingRootUpdates).ToArray();
                response.Truncated  = true;
                updatesAdded        = true;
                updatesAdded = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// For a client request, gathers applicable software updates that are not leafs in the prerequisite tree;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="installedNonLeaf">List of non leaf updates installed on the client</param>
        /// <param name="otherCached">List of other updates known to the client</param>
        /// <param name="response">The response  to append new updates to</param>
        /// <param name="updatesAdded">On return: true of updates were added to the response, false otherwise</param>
        private void AddMissingNonLeafUpdatesToSyncUpdatesResponse(List <Guid> installedNonLeaf, List <Guid> otherCached, SyncInfo response, out bool updatesAdded)
            var missingNonLeafs = NonLeafUpdates
                                  .Except(installedNonLeaf)                                        // Do not resend installed updates
                                  .Except(otherCached)                                             // Do not resend other client known updates
                                  .Where(guid => IdToFullIdentityMap.ContainsKey(guid))
                                  .Select(guid => IdToFullIdentityMap[guid])                       // Map the GUID to a fully qualified identity
                                                                                                   // Non leaf updates can be either a category or regular update
                                  .Select(id => MetadataSource.CategoriesIndex.ContainsKey(id) ? MetadataSource.CategoriesIndex[id] : MetadataSource.UpdatesIndex[id])
                                  .Where(u => !u.IsSuperseded && u.IsApplicable(installedNonLeaf)) // Eliminate superseded and not applicable updates
                                  .Take(MaxUpdatesInResponse + 1)                                  // Only take the maximum number of updates allowed + 1 (to see if we truncated)

            if (missingNonLeafs.Count > 0)
                response.NewUpdates = CreateUpdateInfoListFromNonLeafUpdates(missingNonLeafs).ToArray();
                response.Truncated  = true;
                updatesAdded        = true;
                updatesAdded = false;