public void VerifyElementContent() { IdLabel.VerifyTextIsInThisElement("Id"); IdContent.VerifyContentOfThisElementIsIntegerType(); IdText.VerifyTextIsInThisElement("This uniquely identifies this sales channel from other sales channels"); NameLabel.VerifyTextIsInThisElement("Name"); NameContent.VerifyContentNotEmpty(); NameSubText.VerifyTextIsInThisElement("This text is not displayed on the site and is for internal use only"); Console.WriteLine("Verified Header elements have expected values on " + GetType().Name); }
private void LimparComponentes() { IdText.Text = String.Empty; DescricaoTxt.Text = String.Empty; TipoTxt.Text = String.Empty; MarcaTxt.Text = String.Empty; FinalidadeTxt.Text = String.Empty; CorTxt.Text = String.Empty; TamanhoTxt.Text = String.Empty; PrecoTxt.Text = String.Empty; NomeFornecedor.Text = String.Empty; IdText.Focus(); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (BuscarButton != null) { BuscarButton.Dispose(); BuscarButton = null; } if (CategoryText != null) { CategoryText.Dispose(); CategoryText = null; } if (CountText != null) { CountText.Dispose(); CountText = null; } if (IdText != null) { IdText.Dispose(); IdText = null; } if (NameText != null) { NameText.Dispose(); NameText = null; } if (PriceText != null) { PriceText.Dispose(); PriceText = null; } if (StatusLabel != null) { StatusLabel.Dispose(); StatusLabel = null; } if (ValidarButton != null) { ValidarButton.Dispose(); ValidarButton = null; } }
public IEnumerable <IdText> GetDefectCategory() { List <IdText> result = new List <IdText>(); foreach (Domain.Defects.DefectType Type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Domain.Defects.DefectType))) { var type = new IdText { Id = ((int)Type).ToString(), Text = Type.GetDescription(), }; result.Add(type); } return(result); }
public IEnumerable <IdText> GetLayer(int category) { List <IdText> result = new List <IdText>(); List <DefectTypeLayerSeverity> relations = _defectService.GetAllRelations().Where(x => (int)x.Type == category).ToList(); foreach (DefectTypeLayerSeverity defectTypeLayerSeverity in relations) { var layer = new IdText { Id = ((int)defectTypeLayerSeverity.Layer).ToString(), Text = defectTypeLayerSeverity.Layer.GetDescription(), }; result.Add(layer); } return(result); }
public JsonResult GetUserType() { var list = new List <IdText> { new IdText { Id = "0", Text = "请选择", selected = true } }; var role = _roleService.GetRoleList(); foreach (var item in role) { var litem = new IdText { Text = item.RoleName, Id = item.Id }; list.Add(litem); } return(Json(list)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取员工列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <JsonResult> GetStaffList() { return(await Task.Run(() => { var staffService = ObjectContainer.Resolve <IStaffService>(); var list = new List <IdText> { new IdText { Id = "0", Text = "请选择", selected = true } }; var rlt = staffService.GetStaff(LoginInfo.Role, LoginInfo.Org.Id); foreach (var item in rlt) { var litem = new IdText { Text = item.Name, Id = item.Id }; list.Add(litem); } return Json(list); })); }