private async void initializeScene(string sceneName) //test stuff inside! will need to be rewritten for actual game { running = true; saveDataThread = new Thread(saveData); saveDataThread.Start(); if (currentSettings == "") { currentSettings = SettingsManager.DEFAULT_SETTINGS; } SettingPairs settingPairs = settingsManager.getSettingPairs(currentSettings); settingList = settingsManager.getSettingList(currentSettings); fieldSize = Field.getFieldSize(settingPairs.field_size); foreach (PartData partData in partsData) { Part part = partManager.partDataToPart(partData); if (part.GAME_OBJECT != null) { part.toggleGameObject(false); } parts.Add(part); } if (currentTest == TESTS.BUILD_HUB) { IconGenerator iconGenerator = new IconGenerator(); Camera camera = null; foreach (Camera currCam in Camera.allCameras) { if ( == "IconCamera") { camera = currCam; camera.forceIntoRenderTexture = true; break; } } = camera; Camera.main.targetDisplay = 1; foreach (Part part in parts) { if (part.GAME_OBJECT == null) { continue; } part.toggleGameObject(true); part.GAME_OBJECT.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(9, 120, -15)); iconGenerator.gameObjectOfIcon = part.GAME_OBJECT; while (part.getIcon() == null) { if (part.GAME_OBJECT.GetComponent <Renderer>().isVisible) { iconGenerator.initialize(); if (iconGenerator.getIcon() != null) { part.setIcon(iconGenerator.getIcon()); } } if (part.getIcon() == null) { await Task.Delay(25); } } part.toggleGameObject(false); part.destroyGameObject(); } Camera.main.targetDisplay = 0; } else { foreach (Part part in parts) { if (part.GAME_OBJECT != null) { part.destroyGameObject(); } } } experience = playerData.experience; credits = playerData.credits; previousRoundDamageDifference = playerData.previousRoundDamageDifference; previousRoundMaxDamageDifference = playerData.previousRoundMaxDamageDifference; previousRoundTimeElapsed = playerData.previousRoundTimeElapsed; ObstacleGenerator obstacleGenerator = new ObstacleGenerator(experience, settingPairs.max_obstacles, fieldSize); humanRobotParts = new List <Part>(); obstaclesData = new List <ObstacleData>(); List <int> badIndices = new List <int>(); PerformanceMetricCalculator performanceMetricCalculator = new PerformanceMetricCalculator(); Head cheapestHead = null; Body cheapestBody = null; Mobility cheapestMobility = null; Blaster cheapestBlaster = null; foreach (Part part in parts) { if (part is Head && (cheapestHead == null || performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(part) < performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(cheapestHead))) { cheapestHead = (Head)part; } else if (part is Body && (cheapestBody == null || performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(part) < performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(cheapestBody))) { cheapestBody = (Body)part; } else if (part is Mobility && (cheapestMobility == null || performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(part) < performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(cheapestMobility))) { cheapestMobility = (Mobility)part; } else if (part is Blaster && (cheapestBlaster == null || performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(part) < performanceMetricCalculator.calculateCost(cheapestBlaster))) { cheapestBlaster = (Blaster)part; } } if (playerData.humanRobotParts != default) { for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < playerData.humanRobotParts.Length; ++partIndex) { PlayerPartData playerPartData = playerData.humanRobotParts[partIndex]; if (parts.Exists(p => p.getID() == { Part part = parts.Find(p => p.getID() ==; part.damage(part.getDurability() - playerPartData.remainingDurability); if (part is Head) { humanRobotParts.Add((Head)part.clone(true)); } else if (part is Body) { humanRobotParts.Add((Body)part.clone(true)); } else if (part is Mobility) { humanRobotParts.Add((Mobility)part.clone(true)); } else if (part is Attachment) { humanRobotParts.Add((Attachment)part.clone(true)); } } else { humanRobotParts.Add(null); badIndices.Add(partIndex); } } } else { humanRobotParts.AddRange(new Part[] { cheapestHead, cheapestBody, cheapestMobility, cheapestBlaster }); } myRobots = new List <Robot>(); if (playerData.myRobots != default) { foreach (RobotData robotData in playerData.myRobots) { List <Part> robotPartList = new List <Part>(); foreach (int partIndex in robotData.partIndices) { if (!badIndices.Contains(partIndex)) { robotPartList.Add(humanRobotParts[partIndex]); } } try { Robot robot = new Robot(, true, robotData.human, robotPartList.ToArray()); myRobots.Add(robot); } catch {} } } foreach (int index in badIndices) { humanRobotParts.RemoveAt(index); } if (!humanRobotParts.Exists(part => part is Head)) { humanRobotParts.Add(cheapestHead); } if (!humanRobotParts.Exists(part => part is Body)) { humanRobotParts.Add(cheapestBody); } if (!humanRobotParts.Exists(part => part is Mobility)) { humanRobotParts.Add(cheapestMobility); } if (!humanRobotParts.Exists(part => part is Attachment && ((Attachment)part).isWeapon())) { humanRobotParts.Add(cheapestBlaster); } if (humanRobotParts.Contains(null)) { throw new Exception("There are missing part files. There neeeds to be at least one part file each of types Head, Body, Mobility, and a weapon Attachment."); } if (playerData.obstacles != default) { obstaclesData.AddRange(playerData.obstacles); } else { obstaclesData.AddRange(obstacleGenerator.getObstaclesData()); } if (currentSettingValueList.Count == 0) { foreach (Setting setting in settingList) { currentSettingValueList.Add(setting.currentValue); } } Head head1 = null; Head head2 = null; Body body1 = null; Body body2 = null; Mobility mobility = null; Attachment attachment1 = null; Attachment attachment2 = null; Attachment attachment3 = null; foreach (Part part in parts) { if (part is Head) { if (head1 == null) { head1 = (Head)part.clone(true); head1.damage(2); } else if (head2 == null) { head2 = (Head)part.clone(true); head2.damage(3); } } else if (part is Body) { if (body1 == null) { body1 = (Body)part.clone(true); body1.damage(3); } else if (body2 == null) { body2 = (Body)part.clone(true); body2.damage(4); } } else if (part is Mobility) { if (mobility == null) { mobility = (Mobility)part.clone(true); mobility.damage(1); } } else if (part is Attachment) { if (attachment1 == null) { attachment1 = (Attachment)part.clone(true); attachment1.damage(1); } else if (attachment2 == null) { attachment2 = (Attachment)part.clone(true); attachment2.damage(1); } else if (attachment3 == null) { attachment3 = (Attachment)part.clone(true); attachment3.damage(3); } } } List <Robot> robots = new List <Robot>(); int numberOfNonHumanRobots = 0; int numberOfHumanRobots = 0; Obstacle[] obstacles = null; List <BuildHubState> buildHubStates = default; if (buildHubStatesData != default && buildHubStatesData.Count > 0) { buildHubStates = new List <BuildHubState>(); foreach (BuildHubStateData buildHubStateData in buildHubStatesData) { buildHubStates.Add(buildHubStateDataManager.stateDataToState(buildHubStateData)); } } List <FieldState> fieldStates = default; if (fieldStatesData != default && fieldStatesData.Count > 0) { fieldStates = new List <FieldState>(); foreach (FieldStateData fieldStateData in fieldStatesData) { fieldStates.Add(fieldStateDataManager.stateDataToState(fieldStateData, parts)); } } BuildHub.MODES mode; switch (currentTest) { case TESTS.FIELD: case TESTS.HUMAN_V_VOID_ROBOT: List <Part> humanParts = new List <Part>(); foreach (Part part in humanRobot.getParts()) { Part clonePart = part.clone(false); if (clonePart is Head) { clonePart = (Head)clonePart; } else if (clonePart is Body) { clonePart = (Body)clonePart; } else if (clonePart is Mobility) { clonePart = (Mobility)clonePart; } else if (clonePart is Attachment) { clonePart = (Attachment)clonePart; } humanParts.Add(clonePart); } humanRobot = new Robot(humanRobot.getName(), humanRobot.isHuman(), humanParts.ToArray()); currentHumanRobotHealth = humanRobot.getRemainingDurability(); Attachment[] nonHumanAttachments = { (Attachment)attachment1.clone(true) }; numberOfNonHumanRobots = RANDOM.Next(1, settingPairs.max_ai_robots + 1); numberOfHumanRobots = 1; obstacles = obstacleGenerator.obstaclesDataToObstacles(obstaclesData.ToArray()); aiManager = new AIManager(numberOfNonHumanRobots, numberOfNonHumanRobots - 1 + numberOfHumanRobots, new Robot[] { humanRobot }, parts.ToArray(), new Part[] { cheapestHead, cheapestBody, cheapestMobility, cheapestBlaster }, obstacles, fieldSize, buildHubStates, fieldStates, experience); robots.Add(humanRobot); robots.AddRange(aiManager.getAgentRobots()); setScreen(new Field(settingList, robots.ToArray(), obstacles, previousRoundDamageDifference, previousRoundMaxDamageDifference, previousRoundTimeElapsed)); break; case TESTS.AI_AGENT_TRAINING: numberOfNonHumanRobots = NUMBER_OF_AGENTS; numberOfHumanRobots = 0; obstacles = obstacleGenerator.obstaclesDataToObstacles(obstaclesData.ToArray()); aiManager = new AIManager(numberOfNonHumanRobots, numberOfNonHumanRobots - 1 + numberOfHumanRobots, null, parts.ToArray(), new Part[] { cheapestHead, cheapestBody, cheapestMobility, cheapestBlaster }, obstacles, fieldSize, buildHubStates, fieldStates, experience); Robot[] agentRobots = aiManager.getAgentRobots(); for (int agentIndex = 0; agentIndex < NUMBER_OF_AGENTS; ++agentIndex) { FIELD_AGENT_ROBOTS[agentIndex] = agentRobots[agentIndex]; } robots.AddRange(FIELD_AGENT_ROBOTS); setScreen(new Field(settingList, robots.ToArray(), obstacles, previousRoundDamageDifference, previousRoundMaxDamageDifference, previousRoundTimeElapsed)); break; case TESTS.BUILD_HUB: mode = BuildHub.MODES.MY_ROBOTS; setScreen(new BuildHub(settingList, obstaclesData, myRobots, humanRobotParts, parts.ToArray(), credits, mode)); break; } }