// Update is called once per frame protected override void ComputeVelocity() { if (!isDodging && !isCharging && !isSpinning && !consumeScript.consuming && !attackScript.attacking) { // Make sure the player is not using other skills. if (chargeIcon.isActiveAndEnabled) { if (Input.GetKeyUp(GameInputManager.GIM.charge) && chargeIcon.isSkillUsable()) { anim.Play("Player_Charge0"); if (bGrounded == false) { chargeDelay = 0.0f; } else { chargeDelay = 0.2f; } isCharging = true; sfx.PlayTCharge(); chargeIcon.setCoolDown(chargeCoolDown); } } if (dodgeIcon.isActiveAndEnabled) { if (Input.GetKeyUp(GameInputManager.GIM.dodge) && dodgeIcon.isSkillUsable()) { isDodging = true; sfx.PlayRoll(); dodgeIcon.setCoolDown(dodgeCoolDown); } } if (tornadoIcon.isActiveAndEnabled) { if (Input.GetKeyUp(GameInputManager.GIM.tornado) && tornadoIcon.isSkillUsable()) { isSpinning = true; animEnded = false; tornadoIcon.setCoolDown(tornadoCoolDown); } } } useCharge(); useDodge(); useTornado(); }
// 6/4/2018 - Removed Checking and UpdateUI function. Sorry! // No need to check whether a skill is casting, because consumeScript will be disabled when a skill is used, and enabled after the skill ends. void Consume() { if (GetComponent <PlayerAttack> ().attacking == false && GetComponent <PlayerController> ().jumping == false) { if (consumeLength <= 0) { consuming = true; consumeLength = consumeDuration; anim.Play("Player_Consume"); ActivateRightConsumeBox(); consumeIcon.setCoolDown(cooldown); //canConsume = false; //nextUse = consumeCooldown; } } }