private void OnSpearHit(Collider2D col) { if (col == null) { return; } Astronaut en = col.GetComponent <Astronaut>(); Vector2 vec = new Vector2((this.transform.position.x - lastposition.x), (this.transform.position.y - lastposition.y)); if (en != null) { //if (col.isTrigger) return; en.TakeDamage(30f, vec * 1f); if (en.Alive) { if (Astronaut.AggressionLevel > 0) { en.freeze(5f * Astronaut.AggressionLevelF); };; } ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(PierceParticles, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } IceBlock ib = col.GetComponentInParent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { //be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(PierceParticles, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); ib.Remove(); return; } //Collision with geometry //Remove(); contact(this.transform.position); }
public void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision) { if (IsFlamePatch) { FlameBar fb = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <FlameBar>(); if (fb != null) { if (fb.IsFlamePatch) { if (fb.StartTime > this.StartTime) { Remove(); Debug.Log("Flame Patch override"); } } return; } } if (!FlameActive) { return; } GenericEnemy ge = collision.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); if (ge != null) { ge.LastBurnTime = Time.time; float inc = ((120f + (400f * Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)) * Time.fixedDeltaTime * (1f / Mathf.Max(ge.Burnability, 0.0001f))); if (ge.burn(inc / 200f, .5f * (1f + (3f * Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)))) { ge.BurnDirection = ((int)Mathf.Sign(this.transform.forward.x)); if (ge.BurnDirection == 0) { ge.BurnDirection = 1; } //SingeSound.PlayOneShot(, 1f); } if (!ge.AnchoredToVine) { Rigidbody2D rb = ge.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); if (rb != null) { rb.AddForce(new Vector2(this.transform.forward.x, this.transform.forward.y).normalized * 50f * (Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)); //Move the object if necessary. } } if (ge.isIncinerating()) { if (ge is IcePillar) { (ge as IcePillar).Remove();; }, IsFlamePatch?.1f : 1f); } //ge.TakeDamage(, this.transform.forward*0.001f); SingeSound.PlayOneShot(SingeSound.clip, IsFlamePatch ? .1f : 1f); } MeltableIceWall me = collision.GetComponent <MeltableIceWall>(); if (me != null) { if (me.MeltParticles != null) { me.MeltParticles.Emit(1); } me.TakeDamage((120f + (400f * Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)) * Time.fixedDeltaTime, this.transform.forward * 0.001f); SingeSound.PlayOneShot(SingeSound.clip, .4f); } BreakableIceWall bw = collision.GetComponent <BreakableIceWall>(); if (bw != null) { bw.TakeDamage((80f + (160f * Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)) * Time.fixedDeltaTime, this.transform.forward * 0.001f); SingeSound.PlayOneShot(SingeSound.clip, .2f); } BurnableLog bl = collision.GetComponent <BurnableLog>(); if (bl != null) { bl.TakeDamage((80f + (400f * Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)) * Time.fixedDeltaTime, this.transform.forward * 0.001f); SingeSound.PlayOneShot(SingeSound.clip, .2f); } VoidGolem vg = collision.GetComponent <VoidGolem>(); if ((vg != null) && (vg.VoidElementType == VoidGolem.VoidElement.Ice)) { if (vg.Ice_FreezingSkinActive) { float dps = ((40f + (400f * Astronaut.FirePowerFactor)) * Time.fixedDeltaTime); vg.SkinMeltingParticles.Emit(1); if (vg.IceSkinHealth <= dps) { vg.IceSkinHealth = 0f; vg.meltSkinOff();; } else { vg.IceSkinHealth = vg.IceSkinHealth - dps; SingeSound.PlayOneShot(SingeSound.clip, .2f); } } //vg.TakeDamage(, this.transform.forward * 0.001f); } IceShard ic = collision.GetComponent <IceShard>(); if (ic != null) { ic.transform.localScale = (ic.transform.localScale * (.1f + (.85f * (1f - FirePowerLevel)))); ic.Live = false; ic.Melting = true; SingeSound.Play(); if (ic.transform.localScale.magnitude <= .1f) {; GameObject.Destroy(ic.gameObject); } } IceBlock ib = collision.GetComponent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { ib.Remove(); SingeSound.Play(); // //SingeSound.Play(); ib.transform.localScale = (ib.transform.localScale * .5f); if (ib.transform.localScale.magnitude <= .1f) {; ib.Remove(); //GameObject.Destroy(ib.gameObject); } } }
void FixedUpdate() { HitList.Clear(); if (LightningTick) { //Perform a while loop that goes through the enemies in the game //Allow Lightning to travel through targets at a certain angle Collider2D[] potentialtargets = new Collider2D[0]; Vector2 ltpos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y); Vector2 ltdir = new Vector2(LightningDirection.normalized.x, LightningDirection.normalized.y); ExitDirectionList.Clear();// = new List<Vector3>(); int hitindex = 0; HitList.Add(this.gameObject); ExitDirectionList.Add(new Vector3(ltdir.x, ltdir.y, 0f) * 1f);//INITIALSEGMENTRANGE do { float le = ((hitindex == 0) ? INITIALSEGMENTRANGE : (INITIALSEGMENTRANGE * SUBSEQUENTSEGMENTRANGERATIO)); float wi = ((le * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * (CONEANGLE / 180f)))); float ang = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(1f, 0f), new Vector2(ltdir.normalized.x, ltdir.normalized.y)); potentialtargets = Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(ltpos + (ltdir.normalized * le * .5f), new Vector2(le, wi), ang, LayerMask.GetMask("Enemy", "Boss")); GameObject besttarget = null; float bestdir = 0f; float bestdist = 0f; float bestdot = 0f; Vector2 bestdif = new Vector2(); for (int i = 0; i < potentialtargets.Length; i++) { Collider2D colt = potentialtargets[i]; GenericEnemy t = colt.gameObject.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); BossGolem b = colt.gameObject.GetComponent <BossGolem>(); GameObject en = null; if (t != null) { en = t.gameObject; } else if (b != null) { en = b.gameObject; } else { continue; } if (HitList.Contains(en)) { continue; } // else if (Breakable Ice Wall) // else etc.. Vector2 enpos = new Vector2(en.transform.position.x, en.transform.position.y); Vector2 dif = (enpos - ltpos); float enang = (Vector2.Angle(ltdir.normalized, dif) / (CONEANGLE * .5f)); if ((enang <= 1f) && (dif.magnitude <= ((hitindex == 0) ? INITIALSEGMENTRANGE : (INITIALSEGMENTRANGE * SUBSEQUENTSEGMENTRANGERATIO)))) { //Also check for LOS if (Physics2D.Linecast(ltpos, enpos, LayerMask.GetMask("Geometry")).collider != null) { continue; } float dot = Vector2.Dot(ltdir.normalized, dif.normalized); float dv = (dif.magnitude / dot); if ((besttarget == null) || (dv < (bestdist / bestdot))) { besttarget = en; bestdir = enang; bestdist = dif.magnitude; bestdot = dot; bestdif = dif; } } } if (besttarget != null) { HitList.Add(besttarget); ltpos = besttarget.transform.position; Vector3 v = Vector3.Reflect(new Vector3(ltdir.x, ltdir.y, 0f), Vector3.Cross(new Vector3(bestdif.normalized.x, bestdif.normalized.y, 0f), Vector3.forward)); //* bestdif.magnitude //Vector3.Slerp(new Vector3(ltdir.x,ltdir.y,0f), new Vector3(bestdif.normalized.x, bestdif.normalized.y, 0f), .5f); ExitDirectionList.Add(new Vector2(v.x, v.y)); ltdir = new Vector2(v.x, v.y); hitindex++; } else { ExitDirectionList.Add(new Vector3(ltdir.x, ltdir.y, 0f)); break; } } while (true); if (HitList.Count > 1) { //For now, just draw a simple line chain to all of the enemies that you hit int lightningarcpoints = 4;//min = 1 Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[((HitList.Count - 1) * (lightningarcpoints)) + 1]; Vector3[] exitlist = ExitDirectionList.ToArray(); GameObject[] hitlist = HitList.ToArray(); int i = 0; while (i < positions.Length) { //Lerp the arc. int nf = ((i) % lightningarcpoints); int u = ((i) / lightningarcpoints); float f = (((float)nf) / ((float)lightningarcpoints)); if (nf == 0) { positions[i] = hitlist[u].transform.position; } else { //Debug.Log(""+positions.Length+" "+i); Vector2 sp = Random.insideUnitCircle; positions[i] = Vector3.Lerp( Vector3.Lerp(hitlist[u].transform.position, hitlist[u].transform.position + (exitlist[u].normalized * 1f * (hitlist[u].transform.position - hitlist[u + 1].transform.position).magnitude), f), hitlist[u + 1].transform.position, f) + (new Vector3(sp.x, sp.y, 0f) * 1f) * (1f - (Mathf.Abs(f - .5f) / .5f)); } i++; } //LightningSubdivision lsub; LightningRenderer.positionCount = positions.Length; LightningRenderer.SetPositions(positions); LightningRenderer.useWorldSpace = true; float dmgu = (UsingFlash ? FlashDamage : (DamagePerSecond * LightningTickDelta)); for (int h = 0; h < hitlist.Length; h++) { GameObject col = hitlist[h]; if (col.gameObject.Equals(this.gameObject)) { continue; } GenericEnemy en = col.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); Vector2 vec = ExitDirectionList[h];//new Vector2((this.transform.position.x - lastposition.x), (this.transform.position.y - lastposition.y)); if (en != null) { float dmg = (dmgu * (1f + (1f * (Mathf.Max(en.Health - en.MaxHealth, 0f) / 200f)))); //if (col.isTrigger) return; en.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (en.Health / en.MaxHealth) * (en.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !en.Alive); GameManager.TheGameManager.ignoreTutorialTip(TutorialSystem.TutorialTip.Shoot); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); //Remove(); HitGlow.transform.position = en.transform.position; HitGlow.Emit(1); HitFlare.transform.position = en.transform.position; HitFlare.Emit(1); HitElectricity.transform.position = en.transform.position; HitElectricity.Emit(1); ElectricSparks.transform.position = en.transform.position; ElectricSparks.Emit(2); //if (UsingFlash) //return; } IceBlock ib = col.GetComponentInParent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { //be.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); ib.Remove(); //ib.Take //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); //Remove(); HitGlow.transform.position = ib.transform.position; HitGlow.Emit(1); HitFlare.transform.position = ib.transform.position; HitFlare.Emit(1); HitElectricity.transform.position = ib.transform.position; HitElectricity.Emit(1); ElectricSparks.transform.position = ib.transform.position; ElectricSparks.Emit(2); //if (UsingFlash) //return; } BossGolem bo = col.GetComponent <BossGolem>(); if (bo != null) { float dmg = (dmgu * (1f + (1f * (Mathf.Max(bo.Health - bo.MaxHealth, 0f) / 200f)))); bo.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f); //Damage //Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 0f : 1f), bo.Defeated); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); //Remove(); HitGlow.transform.position = bo.transform.position; HitGlow.Emit(1); HitFlare.transform.position = bo.transform.position; HitFlare.Emit(1); HitElectricity.transform.position = bo.transform.position; HitElectricity.Emit(1); ElectricSparks.transform.position = bo.transform.position; ElectricSparks.Emit(2); //if (UsingFlash) //return; } BreakableIceWall be = col.GetComponent <BreakableIceWall>(); if (be != null) { float dmg = (dmgu * (1f + (1f * (Mathf.Max(be.Health - be.MaxHealth, 0f) / 200f)))); be.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (be.Health / be.MaxHealth) * (be.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !be.Alive); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); //Remove(); HitGlow.transform.position = be.transform.position; HitGlow.Emit(1); HitFlare.transform.position = be.transform.position; HitFlare.Emit(1); HitElectricity.transform.position = be.transform.position; HitElectricity.Emit(1); ElectricSparks.transform.position = be.transform.position; ElectricSparks.Emit(2); //if (UsingFlash) //return; } } } else { // if there were no successful hits, spam lightning in a general direction // also, perform basic lightning subdivision as a practice run. float anm = (((Random.value - .5f)) * ((Mathf.PI * 2f) * (CONEANGLE / 360f))); Vector3 crs = Vector3.Cross(ltdir, Vector3.forward); Vector3 misspos = this.transform.position + (((new Vector3(ltdir.x, ltdir.y, 0f) * Mathf.Cos(anm)) + (crs * Mathf.Sin(anm))) * (INITIALSEGMENTRANGE)); RaycastHit2D rhm = Physics2D.Linecast(ltpos, misspos, LayerMask.GetMask("Geometry")); if (rhm.collider != null) { misspos = rhm.point; } int additionalpoints = 5; List <Vector3> misslist = new List <Vector3>(); misslist.Add(this.transform.position); for (int i = 0; i <= additionalpoints; i++) { float f = ((float)i / (float)additionalpoints); Vector2 sp = Random.insideUnitCircle; misslist.Add(Vector3.Lerp(ltpos, misspos, f) + (new Vector3(sp.x, sp.y, 0f) * 1f) * (1f - (Mathf.Abs(f - .5f) / .5f))); } Vector3[] ar = misslist.ToArray(); LightningRenderer.SetPositions(ar); LightningRenderer.positionCount = ar.Length; LightningRenderer.useWorldSpace = true; } //Electrical Glowing float maxrange = 0f; Vector3 lpos = new Vector3(); for (int o = 0; o < LightningRenderer.positionCount; o++) { Vector3 p = LightningRenderer.GetPosition(o); if (o > 0) { maxrange += (lpos - p).magnitude; } lpos = p; } if (maxrange > 0f) { for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) { float r = Random.value; int ri = 0; lpos = new Vector3(); while (ri < LightningRenderer.positionCount) { Vector3 p = LightningRenderer.GetPosition(ri); if (ri > 0) { float ra = (lpos - p).magnitude; if (ra > 0f) { float re = (ra / maxrange); if ((r < re)) { SegmentGlows.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(lpos, p, r / re); SegmentGlows.Emit(1); break; } else { r -= re; } } else { //These two points don't count } } lpos = p; ri++; } } } if (UsingFlash) { FlashTime = Time.time; GunGlow.Emit(25); } else { GunGlow.Emit(1); } LightningRenderer.enabled = true; //Glow effects on the arc float ef = 0f; float elength = 0f; int eindex = 0; while (ef < elength) { break; } } else { LightningRenderer.enabled = false; } GameObject[] newlist = OldHitList; //if (LightningTick) newlist = HitList.ToArray(); if (hitlistChanged(newlist)) { //ZUNGIT } if (LightningTick) { if ((newlist.Length == 0) || (newlist.Length == 1)) { if (!TeslaGunNoTarget.isPlaying) { TeslaGunNoTarget.Play(); TeslaGunChangeTargets.Stop(); TeslaGunChangeTargets.volume = 1f; TeslaGunChangeTargets.Play(); } TeslaGun1Target.Stop(); TeslaGunMoreTargets.Stop(); } else if (newlist.Length == 2) { TeslaGunNoTarget.Stop(); if (!TeslaGun1Target.isPlaying) { TeslaGun1Target.volume = 1f; TeslaGun1Target.Play(); TeslaGunChangeTargets.Stop(); TeslaGunChangeTargets.volume = 1f; TeslaGunChangeTargets.Play(); } TeslaGunMoreTargets.Stop(); } else if (newlist.Length >= 2) { TeslaGunNoTarget.Stop(); TeslaGun1Target.Stop(); if (!TeslaGunMoreTargets.isPlaying) { TeslaGunMoreTargets.volume = 1f; TeslaGunMoreTargets.Play(); TeslaGunChangeTargets.Stop(); TeslaGunChangeTargets.volume = 1f; TeslaGunChangeTargets.Play(); } } } else { } OldHitList = newlist; //if (((Time.time - lightningticktime) >= .1f)){ if ((LightningTick && !lastlightningtick)) { TeslaGunStart.Stop(); TeslaGunStart.Play(); } else { //TeslaGunNoTarget.Stop(); } //} if (LightningTick) { lightningticktime = Time.time; if (!TeslaGunNoTarget.isPlaying) { TeslaGunNoTarget.Play(); } TeslaGunNoTarget.volume = 1f;, 0f, .2f); } if (lastlightningtick && !LightningTick) { //if (TeslaGunNoTarget.isPlaying), 0f, .2f); if (TeslaGun1Target.isPlaying) {, 0f, .2f); } if (TeslaGunMoreTargets.isPlaying) {, 0f, .2f); } } lastlightningtick = LightningTick; LightningTick = false; }
public ParticleSystem CartoonImpact;//Draw some corny start particles private void OnGrenadeHit(Collider2D col) { GenericEnemy en = col.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); Vector2 vec = new Vector2((this.transform.position.x - lastposition.x), (this.transform.position.y - lastposition.y)); float dmg = Damage; if ((DirectHit != null) && col.Equals(DirectHit)) { dmg = (Damage + DIRECTDAMAGE); } else { float mag = (col.transform.position - ExplosionPosition).magnitude; dmg = (Mathf.Lerp(Damage, Damage * MINDAMAGERATIO, Mathf.Clamp01(mag / BLASTRADIUS))); } if (en != null) { //if (col.isTrigger) return; en.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (en.Health / en.MaxHealth) * (en.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !en.Alive); explode(); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } IceBlock ib = col.GetComponentInParent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { //be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); ib.Remove(); explode(); Remove(); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } BossGolem bo = col.GetComponent <BossGolem>(); bool weakspot = false; BossWeakSpot bwsp = col.GetComponent <BossWeakSpot>(); if (bwsp != null) { bo = bwsp.MyBossGolem; weakspot = true; } if (bo != null) { if (col.Equals(bo.MyWeakSpot)) { weakspot = true; } float di = dmg; if (weakspot) { di = (di * 2f); if (di >= 1f) { bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); } else { bo.damagelayover = (bo.damagelayover + dmg); if ((bo.damagelayover) >= 1f) { bo.damagelayover -= 1f; bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); } } bo.TakeDamage(di, vec * 1f);//Damage } else { bo.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage } explode(); Remove(); //Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 0f : 1f), bo.Defeated); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); return; } BreakableIceWall be = col.GetComponent <BreakableIceWall>(); if (be != null) { be.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (be.Health / be.MaxHealth) * (be.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !be.Alive); explode(); //ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(CartoonImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); //GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); return; } if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("Water")) { //Splash MyRigidbody.velocity = (MyRigidbody.velocity * .5f); Damage *= .5f; return; } explode(); Remove(); }
private void OnBulletHit(Collider2D col) { if (col == null) { return; } GenericEnemy en = col.GetComponent <GenericEnemy>(); Vector2 vec = new Vector2((this.transform.position.x - lastposition.x), (this.transform.position.y - lastposition.y)); if (en != null) { //if (col.isTrigger) return; en.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (en.Health / en.MaxHealth) * (en.Alive?1f:0f), !en.Alive); GameManager.TheGameManager.ignoreTutorialTip(TutorialSystem.TutorialTip.Shoot); if (RailSlug) { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(RailPierceParticles, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); } else { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } IceBlock ib = col.GetComponentInParent <IceBlock>(); if (ib != null) { //be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); ib.Remove(); if (RailSlug) { } else { GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } BossGolem bo = col.GetComponent <BossGolem>(); bool weakspot = false; BossWeakSpot bwsp = col.GetComponent <BossWeakSpot>(); if (bwsp != null) { bo = bwsp.MyBossGolem; weakspot = true; } if (bo != null) { if (col.Equals(bo.MyWeakSpot)) { weakspot = true; } float dmg = Damage; if (weakspot) { float di = (dmg * 2f); if (di >= 1f) { bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); bo.CriticalSparks.Emit((int)(20 * (dmg / 40f))); Astronaut.PlayBossCriticalHitSound(bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 1f : 0f), bo.Defeated); } else { bo.damagelayover = (bo.damagelayover + di); if ((bo.damagelayover) >= 1f) { bo.damagelayover -= 1f; bo.CriticalHitEffect.Emit(1); bo.CriticalHitEffectSub.Emit(1); bo.CriticalSparks.Emit(20); Astronaut.PlayBossCriticalHitSound(bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth); Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(dmg, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 1f : 0f), bo.Defeated); } } bo.TakeDamage(di, vec * 1f);//Damage } else { bo.TakeDamage(dmg, vec * 1f);//Damage } //Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (bo.Health / bo.MaxHealth) * (bo.Defeated ? 0f : 1f), bo.Defeated); weakspot = false; if (RailSlug) { } else { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } BreakableIceWall be = col.GetComponent <BreakableIceWall>(); if (be != null) { be.TakeDamage(Damage, vec * 1f);//Damage Astronaut.TheAstronaut.tickHitMarker(Damage, (be.Health / be.MaxHealth) * (be.Alive ? 1f : 0f), !be.Alive); if (RailSlug) { } else { ParticleSystem p = GameObject.Instantiate(DamageImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(p.gameObject, 1f); Remove(); } return; } if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("Water")) { //Splash MyRigidbody.velocity = (MyRigidbody.velocity * .5f); Damage *= .5f; return; } ParticleSystem ps = GameObject.Instantiate(GeometryImpact, this.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0f))); GameObject.Destroy(ps.gameObject, 1f); //Collision with geometry Remove(); }