예제 #1
        private Ice.ObjectFactory loadObjectFactory(string id)
            Ice.ObjectFactory factory = null;

                Type c = AssemblyUtil.findType(instance_, typeToClass(id));
                if(c == null)
                    return null;
                // Ensure the class is instantiable.
                if(!c.IsAbstract && !c.IsInterface)
                    Ice.ObjectFactory dynamicFactory = new DynamicObjectFactory(c);
                    // We will try to install the dynamic factory, but
                    // another thread may install a factory first.
                    while(factory == null)
                            instance_.servantFactoryManager().add(dynamicFactory, id);
                            factory = dynamicFactory;
                            // Another thread already installed the
                            // factory, so try to obtain it. It's
                            // possible (but unlikely) that the
                            // factory will have already been removed,
                            // in which case the return value will be
                            // null and the while loop will attempt to
                            // install the dynamic factory again.
                            factory = instance_.servantFactoryManager().find(id);
            catch(Exception ex)
                Ice.NoObjectFactoryException e = new Ice.NoObjectFactoryException(ex);
                e.type = id;
                throw e;

            return factory;
예제 #2
        public virtual void readObject(IPatcher patcher)
            Ice.Object v = null;

            if(_readEncapsStack == null) // Lazy initialization
                _readEncapsStack = _readEncapsCache;
                if(_readEncapsStack != null)
                    _readEncapsCache = _readEncapsCache.next;
                    _readEncapsStack = new ReadEncaps();

            if(_readEncapsStack.patchMap == null) // Lazy initialization
                _readEncapsStack.patchMap = new Hashtable();
                _readEncapsStack.unmarshaledMap = new Hashtable();
                _readEncapsStack.typeIdMap = new Hashtable();

            int index = readInt();

            if(patcher != null)
                if(index == 0)

                if(index < 0)
                    int i = -index;
                    IceUtilInternal.LinkedList patchlist = (IceUtilInternal.LinkedList)_readEncapsStack.patchMap[i];
                    if(patchlist == null)
                        // We have no outstanding instances to be patched
                        // for this index, so make a new entry in the
                        // patch map.
                        patchlist = new IceUtilInternal.LinkedList();
                        _readEncapsStack.patchMap[i] = patchlist;
                    // Append a patcher for this instance and see if we
                    // can patch the instance. (The instance may have been
                    // unmarshaled previously.)
                    patchReferences(null, i);
            if(index < 0)
                throw new Ice.MarshalException("Invalid class instance index");

            string mostDerivedId = readTypeId();
            string id = mostDerivedId;

                // If we slice all the way down to Ice::Object, we throw
                // because Ice::Object is abstract.
                if(id == Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_staticId())
                    Ice.NoObjectFactoryException ex
                        = new Ice.NoObjectFactoryException();
                    ex.type = mostDerivedId;
                    throw ex;

                // Try to find a factory registered for the specific
                // type.
                Ice.ObjectFactory userFactory = instance_.servantFactoryManager().find(id);
                if(userFactory != null)
                    v = userFactory.create(id);

                // If that fails, invoke the default factory if one
                // has been registered.
                if(v == null)
                    userFactory = instance_.servantFactoryManager().find("");
                    if(userFactory != null)
                        v = userFactory.create(id);

                // Last chance: check whether the class is
                // non-abstract and dynamically instantiate it using
                // reflection.
                if(v == null)
                    userFactory = loadObjectFactory(id);
                    if(userFactory != null)
                        v = userFactory.create(id);

                if(v == null)
                        // Performance sensitive, so we use lazy
                        // initialization for tracing.
                        if(_traceSlicing == -1)
                            _traceSlicing = instance_.traceLevels().slicing;
                            _slicingCat = instance_.traceLevels().slicingCat;
                        if(_traceSlicing > 0)
                            TraceUtil.traceSlicing("class", id, _slicingCat, instance_.initializationData().logger);
                        skipSlice(); // Slice off this derived part -- we don't understand it.
                        id = readTypeId(); // Read next id for next iteration.
                        Ice.NoObjectFactoryException ex = new Ice.NoObjectFactoryException();
                        ex.type = id;
                        throw ex;

                int i = index;
                _readEncapsStack.unmarshaledMap[i] = v;

                // Record each object instance so that
                // readPendingObjects can invoke ice_postUnmarshal
                // after all objects have been unmarshaled.
                if(_objectList == null)
                    _objectList = new ArrayList();

                v.read__(this, false);
                patchReferences(i, null);
예제 #3
        internal virtual void patchReferences(object instanceIndex, object patchIndex)
            // Called whenever we have unmarshaled a new instance or
            // an index.  The instanceIndex is the index of the
            // instance just unmarshaled and patchIndex is the index
            // just unmarshaled. (Exactly one of the two parameters
            // must be null.) Patch any pointers in the patch map with
            // the new address.
            Debug.Assert(   ((object)instanceIndex != null && (object)patchIndex == null)
                         || ((object)instanceIndex == null && (object)patchIndex != null));

            IceUtilInternal.LinkedList patchlist;
            Ice.Object v;
            if((object)instanceIndex != null)
                // We have just unmarshaled an instance -- check if
                // something needs patching for that instance.
                patchlist = (IceUtilInternal.LinkedList)_readEncapsStack.patchMap[instanceIndex];
                if(patchlist == null)
                    return; // We don't have anything to patch for the instance just unmarshaled.
                v = (Ice.Object)_readEncapsStack.unmarshaledMap[instanceIndex];
                patchIndex = instanceIndex;
                // We have just unmarshaled an index -- check if we
                // have unmarshaled the instance for that index yet.
                v = (Ice.Object)_readEncapsStack.unmarshaledMap[patchIndex];
                if(v == null)
                    return; // We haven't unmarshaled the instance for this index yet.
                patchlist = (IceUtilInternal.LinkedList)_readEncapsStack.patchMap[patchIndex];
            Debug.Assert(patchlist != null && patchlist.Count > 0);
            Debug.Assert(v != null);

            // Patch all references that refer to the instance.
            foreach(IPatcher patcher in patchlist)
                catch(InvalidCastException ex)
                    // TODO: Fix this (also for C++ and Java):
                    // NoObjectFactoryException is misleading because
                    // the type sent by the sender is incompatible
                    // with what is expected. This really should be a
                    // MarshalException.
                    Ice.NoObjectFactoryException nof = new Ice.NoObjectFactoryException(ex);
                    nof.type = patcher.type();
                    throw nof;

            // Clear out the patch map for that index -- there is
            // nothing left to patch for that index for the time
            // being.