internal LoggerAdminLogger(Ice.Communicator communicator, Ice.ILogger localLogger) { if (localLogger is LoggerAdminLogger) { _localLogger = ((LoggerAdminLogger)localLogger).GetLocalLogger(); } else { _localLogger = localLogger; } _loggerAdmin = new LoggerAdmin(communicator, this); }
internal static void TraceRecv(Ice.InputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.Protocol >= 1) { int p = str.Pos; str.Pos = 0; using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { byte type = PrintMessage(s, str); logger.Trace(tl.ProtocolCat, "received " + GetMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } str.Pos = p; } }
public ACMConfig(Ice.Communicator communicator, Ice.ILogger logger, string prefix, ACMConfig defaults) { Debug.Assert(prefix != null); string timeoutProperty; if ((prefix == "Ice.ACM.Client" || prefix == "Ice.ACM.Server") && communicator.GetProperty($"{prefix}.Timeout") == null) { timeoutProperty = prefix; // Deprecated property. } else { timeoutProperty = prefix + ".Timeout"; } Timeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt(timeoutProperty) * 1000 ?? defaults.Timeout; if (Timeout < 0) { logger.Warning($"invalid value for property `{timeoutProperty}', default value will be used instead"); Timeout = defaults.Timeout; } int hb = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{prefix}.Heartbeat") ?? (int)defaults.Heartbeat; if (hb >= (int)Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatOff && hb <= (int)Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatAlways) { Heartbeat = (Ice.ACMHeartbeat)hb; } else { logger.Warning($"invalid value for property `{prefix}.Heartbeat', default value will be used instead"); Heartbeat = defaults.Heartbeat; } int cl = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{prefix}.Close") ?? (int)defaults.Close; if (cl >= (int)Ice.ACMClose.CloseOff && cl <= (int)Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnIdleForceful) { Close = (Ice.ACMClose)cl; } else { logger.Warning($"invalid value for property `{prefix}.Close', default value will be used instead"); Close = defaults.Close; } }
internal static void Trace(string heading, Ice.InputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.Protocol >= 1) { int p = str.Pos; str.Pos = 0; using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { s.Write(heading); PrintMessage(s, str); logger.Trace(tl.ProtocolCat, s.ToString()); } str.Pos = p; } }
internal static void TraceSend(Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.Protocol >= 1) { int p = str.Pos; var iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.Communicator, str.Encoding, str.GetBuffer(), false); iss.Pos = 0; using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { byte type = PrintMessage(s, iss); logger.Trace(tl.ProtocolCat, "sending " + GetMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } str.Pos = p; } }
internal static void Trace(string heading, Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.Pos; var iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.Communicator, str.Encoding, str.GetBuffer(), false); iss.Pos = 0; using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { s.Write(heading); PrintMessage(s, iss); logger.Trace(tl.protocolCat, s.ToString()); } str.Pos = p; } }
internal DefaultsAndOverrides(Ice.Communicator communicator, Ice.ILogger logger) { string?val; DefaultProtocol = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") ?? "tcp"; DefaultHost = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Host"); val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.SourceAddress"); if (val != null) { DefaultSourceAddress = Network.GetNumericAddress(val); if (DefaultSourceAddress == null) { throw new Ice.InitializationException("invalid IP address set for Ice.Default.SourceAddress: `" + val + "'"); } } else { DefaultSourceAddress = null; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout"); if (val != null) { OverrideTimeout = true; OverrideTimeoutValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Timeout") ?? 0; if (OverrideTimeoutValue < 1 && OverrideTimeoutValue != -1) { OverrideTimeoutValue = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.Timeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { OverrideTimeout = false; OverrideTimeoutValue = -1; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout"); if (val != null) { OverrideConnectTimeout = true; OverrideConnectTimeoutValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout") ?? -1; if (OverrideConnectTimeoutValue < 1 && OverrideConnectTimeoutValue != -1) { OverrideConnectTimeoutValue = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { OverrideConnectTimeout = false; OverrideConnectTimeoutValue = -1; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout"); if (val != null) { OverrideCloseTimeout = true; OverrideCloseTimeoutValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout") ?? -1; if (OverrideCloseTimeoutValue < 1 && OverrideCloseTimeoutValue != -1) { OverrideCloseTimeoutValue = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.CloseTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { OverrideCloseTimeout = false; OverrideCloseTimeoutValue = -1; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Compress"); if (val != null) { OverrideCompress = true; OverrideCompressValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Compress") > 0; if (!BZip2.Supported() && OverrideCompressValue) { string lib = AssemblyUtil.IsWindows ? "bzip2.dll" : ""; Console.Error.WriteLine("warning: " + lib + " not found, Ice.Override.Compress ignored."); OverrideCompressValue = false; } } else { OverrideCompress = !BZip2.Supported(); OverrideCompressValue = false; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Secure"); if (val != null) { OverrideSecure = true; OverrideSecureValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Secure") > 0; } else { OverrideSecure = false; OverrideSecureValue = false; } DefaultCollocationOptimization = (communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.CollocationOptimized") ?? 1) > 0; val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.EndpointSelection") ?? "Random"; if (val.Equals("Random")) { DefaultEndpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random; } else if (val.Equals("Ordered")) { DefaultEndpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered; } else { throw new ArgumentException($"illegal value `{val}'; expected `Random' or `Ordered'"); } DefaultTimeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.Timeout") ?? 60000; if (DefaultTimeout < 1 && DefaultTimeout != -1) { DefaultTimeout = 60000; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.Timeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Timeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to 60000"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } DefaultLocatorCacheTimeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout") ?? -1; if (DefaultLocatorCacheTimeout < -1) { DefaultLocatorCacheTimeout = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } DefaultInvocationTimeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout") ?? -1; if (DefaultInvocationTimeout < 1 && DefaultInvocationTimeout != -1 && DefaultInvocationTimeout != -2) { DefaultInvocationTimeout = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } DefaultPreferSecure = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.PreferSecure") > 0; val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion") ?? Ice.Util.EncodingVersionToString(Ice.Util.CurrentEncoding); DefaultEncoding = Ice.Util.StringToEncodingVersion(val); Protocol.checkSupportedEncoding(DefaultEncoding); bool slicedFormat = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.SlicedFormat") > 0; DefaultFormat = slicedFormat ? Ice.FormatType.SlicedFormat : Ice.FormatType.CompactFormat; }
internal static void TraceSlicing(string kind, string typeId, string slicingCat, Ice.ILogger logger) { lock (_mutex) { if (_slicingIds.Add(typeId)) { using var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); s.Write("unknown " + kind + " type `" + typeId + "'"); logger.Trace(slicingCat, s.ToString()); } } }