public async Task <IActionResult> PostCurrentLocation([FromBody] CurrentLocationPost currentLocationPost) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); var gid = _httpContextAccessor.CurrentUserId(); var appUser = await _context.ApplicationUsers .SingleOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id.Equals(gid)); if (appUser == null) { return(NotFound(gid)); } await _locationHistoryService.CreateLocationHistoryAsync(gid, currentLocationPost.Latitude, currentLocationPost.Longitude, timeStamp); _hexagonal.Initialize(currentLocationPost.Latitude, currentLocationPost.Longitude, _hexagonal.Layers[0]); String layers = _hexagonal.AllLayersDelimited(); Guid currentZoneGuid = await _zoneBoundaryService.IsCoordinateInsideZone(ZoneType.BarDistrict, currentLocationPost.Latitude, currentLocationPost.Longitude); string currentZone = _zoneBoundaryService.IsEmptyZone(currentZoneGuid) ? null : currentZoneGuid.ToString(); var currentLayer = await _context.CurrentLayers .FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.UserId.Equals(gid)); if (currentLayer == null) { await _context.CurrentLayers.AddAsync(new CurrentLayer() { UserId = gid, LayersDelimited = layers, TimeStamp = timeStamp, CurrentZoneId = currentZone }); } else { currentLayer.LayersDelimited = layers; currentLayer.TimeStamp = timeStamp; currentLayer.CurrentZoneId = currentZone; } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); }
public async Task InitializeMockUsers(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MockDataInitializeContract mdata = null) { _userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <UserManager <ApplicationUser> >(); _context = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>(); _hexagonal = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IHexagonal>(); _locationHistoryService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILocationHistoryService>(); _zoneBoundaryService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IZoneBoundaryService>(); int i = 0; if (mdata == null) { //mdata = new MockDataInitializeContract() //kenzie //{ // Email = "*****@*****.**", // Latitude = 30.3986877, // Longitude = -97.72359399999999 //}; mdata = new MockDataInitializeContract() // dogwood { Email = "*****@*****.**", Latitude = 30.401916, Longitude = -97.722651 }; } var option = await _context.ApplicationOptions .OrderByDescending(a => a.OptionsDate) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (option == null) { var appOption = new ApplicationOption() { OptionsDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), DataTimeWindow = TimeSpan.FromHours(12), EndUserLicenseAgreementSource = "", TermsConditionsSource = "", PrivacyPolicySource = "", Version = 1, VersionMajor = 0, VersionMinor = 0 }; await _context.ApplicationOptions .AddAsync(appOption); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } //create the mock users if they don't exist for (i = 1; i <= NUMBEROFMOCKUSERS + NUMBEROFMOCKZONEUSERS; ++i) { string mockFirst = String.Format("Mock{0}", i.ToString("D2")); string mockLast = String.Format("Data{0}", i.ToString("D2")); string mockMail = String.Format("{0}", mockFirst); string mockNumber = String.Format("55512300{0}", i.ToString("D2")); string mockPass = String.Format("Password{0}!", i.ToString("D2")); var mock = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(mockMail); if (mock == null) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = mockFirst + mockLast, Email = mockMail, DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-30).Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30 * i)), FirstName = mockFirst, LastName = mockLast, PhoneNumber = mockNumber.RemoveNonNumeric(), AccountType = AccountType.MockedData, Gender = i % 2 == 0 ? AccountGender.Male : AccountGender.Female }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, mockPass); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Zone and ZoneShape Data /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // West 6th string zoneName = "West 6th"; var currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (currentZone == null) { currentZone = new Zone() { Description = zoneName, ARGBFill = "8095C6E4", Type = ZoneType.BarDistrict }; await _context.Zones.AddAsync(currentZone); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var currentZoneShapes = await _context.ZoneShapes.Where(z => z.ParentZoneId.Equals(currentZone.ZoneID)).ToArrayAsync(); _context.ZoneShapes.RemoveRange(currentZoneShapes); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); i = 0; _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.273021, Longitude = -97.749524 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.271798, Longitude = -97.745204 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.268091, Longitude = -97.746655 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.269296, Longitude = -97.750918 }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Rockrose-domain zoneName = "Rockrose"; currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (currentZone == null) { currentZone = new Zone() { Description = zoneName, ARGBFill = "80FF0000", Type = ZoneType.BarDistrict }; await _context.Zones.AddAsync(currentZone); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); currentZoneShapes = await _context.ZoneShapes.Where(z => z.ParentZoneId.Equals(currentZone.ZoneID)).ToArrayAsync(); _context.ZoneShapes.RemoveRange(currentZoneShapes); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); i = 0; _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.39983, Longitude = -97.723719 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.40182, Longitude = -97.722989 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.402172, Longitude = -97.724245 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.403236, Longitude = -97.72374 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.402606, Longitude = -97.721659 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.399562, Longitude = -97.723011 }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Warehouse District zoneName = "Warehouse District"; currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (currentZone == null) { currentZone = new Zone() { Description = zoneName, ARGBFill = "80D2B7D8", Type = ZoneType.BarDistrict }; await _context.Zones.AddAsync(currentZone); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); currentZoneShapes = await _context.ZoneShapes.Where(z => z.ParentZoneId.Equals(currentZone.ZoneID)).ToArrayAsync(); _context.ZoneShapes.RemoveRange(currentZoneShapes); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); i = 0; _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.269036, Longitude = -97.74634 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.268019, Longitude = -97.742779 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.26522, Longitude = -97.743823 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.266814, Longitude = -97.749481 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.269279, Longitude = -97.750911 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.268091, Longitude = -97.746655 }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // 2nd Street zoneName = "2nd Street"; currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (currentZone == null) { currentZone = new Zone() { Description = zoneName, ARGBFill = "806F7FBD", Type = ZoneType.BarDistrict }; await _context.Zones.AddAsync(currentZone); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } currentZone = await _context.Zones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(z => z.Description.Equals(zoneName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); currentZoneShapes = await _context.ZoneShapes.Where(z => z.ParentZoneId.Equals(currentZone.ZoneID)).ToArrayAsync(); _context.ZoneShapes.RemoveRange(currentZoneShapes); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); i = 0; _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.266517, Longitude = -97.748421 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.26522, Longitude = -97.743823 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.263367, Longitude = -97.744544 }); _context.ZoneShapes.Add(new ZoneShape() { ParentZone = currentZone, ParentZoneId = currentZone.ZoneID, Order = ++i, Latitude = 30.264683, Longitude = -97.749128 }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); //update current location data for mock users ///////////////////////////////////////////// double latmin = mdata.Latitude - 0.0025d; double latmax = mdata.Latitude + 0.0025d; double lonmin = mdata.Longitude - 0.0012d; double lonmax = mdata.Longitude + 0.0012d; Random randomLat = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); Random randomLon = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); Random randomMin = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); var mockedUsers = await _context.ApplicationUsers .Where(a => a.AccountType.Equals(AccountType.MockedData)) .ToListAsync(); int mockLocationCount = 0; foreach (var user in mockedUsers) { ++mockLocationCount; DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(randomMin.NextDouble() * 60)); double lat = randomLat.NextDouble() * (latmax - latmin) + latmin; double lon = randomLon.NextDouble() * (lonmax - lonmin) + lonmin; if (mockLocationCount > NUMBEROFMOCKUSERS) { GetRandomZoneCoordinates(out lat, out lon); } await _locationHistoryService.DeleteAllLocationHistoryAsync(user.Id); await _locationHistoryService.CreateLocationHistoryAsync(user.Id, lat, lon, timeStamp); _hexagonal.Initialize(lat, lon, _hexagonal.Layers[0]); String layers = _hexagonal.AllLayersDelimited(); Guid currentZoneGuid = await _zoneBoundaryService.IsCoordinateInsideZone(ZoneType.BarDistrict, lat, lon); string cZone = _zoneBoundaryService.IsEmptyZone(currentZoneGuid) ? null : currentZoneGuid.ToString(); var currentLayer = await _context.CurrentLayers .FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.UserId.Equals(user.Id)); if (currentLayer == null) { await _context.CurrentLayers.AddAsync(new CurrentLayer() { UserId = user.Id, LayersDelimited = layers, TimeStamp = timeStamp, CurrentZoneId = cZone }); } else { currentLayer.LayersDelimited = layers; currentLayer.TimeStamp = timeStamp; currentLayer.CurrentZoneId = cZone; } } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); //establish friend-requests for all of the mock users ////////////////////////////////////////// var ryan = await _context.ApplicationUsers .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Email.Equals(mdata.Email, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (ryan == null) { ryan = await _context.ApplicationUsers .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Email.Equals("*****@*****.**", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } mockedUsers = await _context.ApplicationUsers .Where(a => a.AccountType.Equals(AccountType.MockedData)) .ToListAsync(); foreach (var initiator in mockedUsers) { DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(randomMin.NextDouble() * 60)); var friendRequest = await _context.FriendRequests .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.InitiatorId.Equals(initiator.Id) && f.TargetId.Equals(ryan.Id)); if (friendRequest == null) { await _context.FriendRequests .AddAsync(new FriendRequest() { InitiatorId = initiator.Id, TargetId = ryan.Id, TimeStamp = DateTime.Now, Type = FriendRequestType.Normal }); } else { friendRequest.TimeStamp = timeStamp; } } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FriendGroup data /////////////////////////////////////////////////// }