예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Strips model object's property values into Insert statement
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">IXivdbObject with properties set to insert values</param>
 /// <returns>Insert statement</returns>
 public static string CreateInsert(IXivdbObject model)
     var template = new StringBuilder(Data.Database.SQL.InsertTemplate);
     var valList = model.GetType().GetProperties()
         .Select(property => property.GetValue(model))
         .Select(objVal => objVal == null 
             ? "null" 
             : Convert.ToString(objVal))
     return template.Replace("{NAME}", model.GetType().Name)
         .Replace("{VALUES}", string.Join(",", valList))
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes an IXivdbObject into a Select query
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">Model object with properties used to build the query</param>
 /// <returns>Select statement with deserialized properties</returns>
 public static string Deserialize(IXivdbObject model)
     var template = new StringBuilder(Data.Database.SQL.SelectTemplate);
     //Loop through object to get non-null properties
     foreach (var property in model.GetType().GetProperties().Where(property => property.GetValue(model) != null))
         //If property is string or DateTime, surround comparison value in single quotes
         if (property.PropertyType == typeof (string) ||
             property.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
             template.AppendLine(" AND " + property.Name + " = '" + Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(model)) + "'");
             template.AppendLine(" AND " + property.Name + " = " + Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(model)));
     //Set table name and return
     return template.Replace("{TABLE}", model.GetType().Name).ToString();
예제 #3
 public static string CreateUpdate(IXivdbObject model)
     var template = new StringBuilder(Data.Database.SQL.UpdateTemplate);
     var valList = new List<string>();
     //Strip values
     foreach (var property in model.GetType().GetProperties().Where(prop => prop.Name != "Id"))
         var objVal = property.GetValue(model);
         var insertVal = objVal == null ? "null" : Convert.ToString(objVal);
         if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string) ||
             property.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
             valList.Add($"{property.Name} = '{insertVal}'");
             valList.Add($"{property.Name} = {insertVal}");
     //Replace placeholders and return
     return template.Replace("{NAME}", model.GetType().Name)
         .Replace("{VALUES}", string.Join(",", valList))
         .AppendLine($" AND Id = {model.Id}")