예제 #1
        public void Publish(IWork work, string routingKey = null, IBasicProperties properties = null)
            if (work == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(work));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(routingKey))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(routingKey));

            if (properties == null)
                properties = this.Channel.CreateBasicProperties();

                //properties.AppId = string.Empty;
                //properties.ClusterId = string.Empty;
                //properties.ContentEncoding = string.Empty;
                //properties.ContentType = "application/json"; // Set by the Message Serializer
                //properties.CorrelationId = string.Empty;
                properties.DeliveryMode = Constants.Persistent;
                //properties.Expiration = string.Empty;
                //properties.MessageId = string.Empty;
                //properties.Priority = 0;
                //properties.ReplyTo = string.Empty;
                //properties.Type = msg.GetType().Name; // Set by the Message Serializer, use this field to store the type of object encoded in the Body. Allows for a factory deserializer to easily determine what to return
                //properties.UserId = string.Empty;

            if (!this.Channel.IsOpen)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Channel is not open");

            var bytes = WorkSerializer.Serialize(work);
            properties.ContentEncoding = WorkSerializer.ContentEncoding;
            properties.ContentType = WorkSerializer.ContentType;
            properties.Type = work.GetType().FullName;

            var WorkExchange = Constants.WorkExchangeSettings;
            this.Channel.ExchangeDeclare(WorkExchange.Name, WorkExchange.ExchangeType, WorkExchange.Durable, WorkExchange.AutoDelete, WorkExchange.Arguments);
            this.Channel.BasicPublish(WorkExchange.Name, routingKey, properties, bytes);
예제 #2
        private void WorkItemHandler(IBasicProperties props, IWork iWork)
            var work = iWork as SampleWorkItem;
            if (work == null)
                throw new Exception($"Don't know how to work on '{iWork.GetType().FullName}' items");

            this.InternalState = InternalStateEnum.Busy;

            var currentStatus = new ServiceComponentStatus() { Process = this.Process, ServiceComponent = this.GetType().Name, Status = "Working", SubStatus = "Starting" };

            var workItemType = work.ItemType;
            var workItemId = work.ItemId;
            var workDelay = work.WorkDelay;

            currentStatus.SubStatus = "Executing";


            currentStatus.SubStatus = "Completing";

            this.InternalState = InternalStateEnum.Idle;