public ActionResult Count(int id, string path) { int count = 0; Website w = websiteRepository.GetWebsiteByID(id); if (w != null) { Uri u = new Uri(path); Webpage wp = webpageRepository.GetWebpage(w.ID, u.AbsolutePath.Trim(), u.Query.Trim()); if (wp != null) { count = visitRepository.GetVisitsByWebpage(wp.ID).Count(); } } return(Content(count.ToString())); }
public ActionResult fr(int wid, Guid cc, string referer, string path, string wvri, string r, string b, int sw, int sh, int st, int sl, string occ) { Visit v = null; VisitPage vp = null; Webpage wp = null; //get the website Website w = websiteRepository.GetWebsiteByID(wid); if (w != null) { v = visitRepository.GetVisitByCC(cc); Uri u = new Uri(path); wp = webpageRepository.GetWebpage(w.ID, u.AbsolutePath.Trim(), u.Query.Trim()); if (wp == null) { wp = new Webpage() { DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, Path = u.AbsolutePath.Trim(), QueryString = u.Query.Trim(), Status = RecordStatus.Active, Website = w }; webpageRepository.InsertWebpage(wp); webpageRepository.Save(); } //if visit is not found than create a new visit if (v == null) { int? oldVisitID = null; Guid oldcc; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(occ)) { if (Guid.TryParse(occ, out oldcc)) { Visit oldVisit = visitRepository.GetVisitByCC(oldcc); if (oldVisit != null) { oldVisitID = oldVisit.ID; } } } v = new Visit() { CountryAbbr = "", DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, DateModified = null, IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress, LastPingDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Referer = referer, Status = RecordStatus.Active, WebsiteVisitorReferenceID = wvri, ClientCookie = cc, Website = w, BrowserName = b, ScreenHeight = sh, ScreenWidth = sw, LastVisitID = oldVisitID }; visitRepository.InsertVisit(v); visitRepository.Save(); } if (v != null) { vp = visitRepository.GetLastVisitedPageofVisit(v.ID); } //if visitpage is not found or visitpage does not match with webpage in current context //than create a new visitpage obj if (vp == null || vp.webpage.ID != wp.ID) { vp = new VisitPage() { LastPingDate = DateTime.UtcNow, visit = v, webpage = wp, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, BrowserWidth = null, BrowserHeight = null, ScrollLeft = sl, ScrollTop = st }; visitRepository.InsertVisitPage(vp); visitRepository.Save(); } } return(base.File(Server.MapPath("~/content/trans.png"), "image/png")); }