public ReportSuspiciousFactTests()
            var builder   = new StructureMapContainerBuilder();
            var container = builder.Build(new Server.AppSettings());

            container.Inject(Substitute.For <IEventPublisher>());
            container.Inject(Substitute.For <IWebSiteChecker>());
            container.Inject <IEventStore>(container.GetInstance <InMemoryEventStore>());

            _commandSender  = container.GetInstance <ICommandSender>();
            _eventPublisher = container.GetInstance <IEventPublisher>();
            _webSiteChecker = container.GetInstance <IWebSiteChecker>();
            _webSiteChecker.IsOnline(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Configure simple DI container

            //Get parser and website checker instances
            ISiteCredentialParser parser         = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ISiteCredentialParser>();
            IWebSiteChecker       webSiteChecker = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IWebSiteChecker>();

            //If there are arguments, take first as filename. Would be a bit more sophisticated in real life of course.
            if (args.Length != 0)
                fileName = args[0];

            //Parse file
            List <Site> sites = parser.ParseFile(fileName);

            //And order results. I didn't put that in service not to generate not neeeded overhead. Not always we need sorted list.
            sites = sites.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList();

            //While printing each Site details we will count total credentials.
            //Could be done by var totalCredentials = (from s in sites select s.LoginCredentials.Count).Sum(); but we must pass the list anyway.
            int totalCredentials = 0;

            //Print results
            foreach (Site site in sites)
                    String.Format("{0}\tIsOnline: {1}", site.ToString(), webSiteChecker.IsOnline(site.Url).ToString())

                totalCredentials += site.LoginCredentials.Count;

            //Empty line and total number of credentials
            Console.WriteLine("Total number of credentials: " + totalCredentials);

예제 #3
 public ReportSuspiciousFactCommandHandler(IRepository repository, IWebSiteChecker webSiteChecker)
     this.repository     = repository;
     this.webSiteChecker = webSiteChecker;