public ActionResult AddToCart(ShirtVariation currentContent, decimal Quantity, string Monogram) { // LoadOrCreateCart - in EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IOrderRepositoryExtensions var cart = _orderRepository.LoadOrCreateCart <ICart>( PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId(), "Default"); //cart. // ...have a look at all the extension methods string code = currentContent.Code; // Manually checking - could have a look at the InventoryRecord - properties // ...could be part of an optional lab in Fund IWarehouse wh = _whRep.GetDefaultWarehouse(); InventoryRecord rec = _invService.Get(code, wh.Code); // ... can get: Sequence contains more than one matching element... // ...when we have two different lineitems for the same SKU // Use when the cart is empty/one LI for SKU with Qty --> no crash var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Code == code); //currentContent.IsAvailableInCurrentMarket(); // Below works for the same SKU on different LineItems... Changing back for the Fund //var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().First(x => x.Code == code); // Changed to this for multiple LI with the same code - crash if no cart // ECF 12 changes - market.MarketId IMarket market = _currentMarket.GetCurrentMarket(); if (lineItem == null) { lineItem = _orderFactory.CreateLineItem(code, cart); lineItem.Quantity = Quantity; // gets this as an argument for the method // ECF 12 changes - market.MarketId _placedPriceProcessor.UpdatePlacedPrice (lineItem, GetContact(), market.MarketId, cart.Currency, (lineItemToValidate, validation) => { }); // does not take care of the messages here cart.AddLineItem(lineItem); } else { // Qty increases ... no new LineItem ... // original for Fund. lineItem.Quantity += Quantity; // need an update // maybe do price validation here too } // Validations var validationIssues = new Dictionary <ILineItem, ValidationIssue>(); // ECF 12 changes - market.MarketId // RoCe - This needs to be updated to get the message out + Lab-steps added... var validLineItem = _lineItemValidator.Validate(lineItem, market.MarketId, (item, issue) => { }); cart.ValidateOrRemoveLineItems((item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), _lineItemValidator); //var someIssue = validationIssues.First().Value; if (validLineItem) // We're happy { // If MDP - error when adding, may need to reset IIS as the model has changed // when adding/removing the MetaField in CM lineItem.Properties["Monogram"] = Monogram; _orderRepository.Save(cart); } ContentReference cartRef = _contentLoader.Get <StartPage>(ContentReference.StartPage).Settings.CartPage; ContentReference cartPageRef = EPiServer.Web.SiteDefinition.Current.StartPage; CartPage cartPage = _contentLoader.Get <CartPage>(cartRef); var name = cartPage.Name; var lang = ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture; string passingValue = cart.Name; // if something is needed //return RedirectToAction("Index", new { node = theRef, passedAlong = passingValue }); // Doesn't work return(RedirectToAction("Index", lang + "/" + name, new { passedAlong = passingValue })); // Works }
public virtual TViewModel Create <TProduct, TVariant, TViewModel>(TProduct currentContent, string variationCode) where TProduct : ProductContent where TVariant : VariationContent where TViewModel : ProductViewModelBase <TProduct, TVariant>, new() { var viewModel = new TViewModel(); var market = _currentMarket.GetCurrentMarket(); var currency = _currencyservice.GetCurrentCurrency(); var variants = GetVariants <TVariant, TProduct>(currentContent) .Where(v => v.Prices().Any(x => x.MarketId == _currentMarket.GetCurrentMarket().MarketId)) .ToList(); var variantsState = GetVarantsState(variants, market); if (!TryGetVariant(variants, variationCode, out var variant)) { return(new TViewModel { Product = currentContent, CurrentContent = currentContent, Images = currentContent.GetAssets <IContentImage>(_contentLoader, _urlResolver), Media = currentContent.GetAssetsWithType(_contentLoader, _urlResolver), Colors = new List <SelectListItem>(), Sizes = new List <SelectListItem>(), StaticAssociations = new List <ProductTileViewModel>(), Variants = new List <VariantViewModel>() }); } variationCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(variationCode) ? variants.FirstOrDefault()?.Code : variationCode; var isInstock = true; var currentWarehouse = _warehouseRepository.GetDefaultWarehouse(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variationCode)) { var inStockQuantity = GetAvailableStockQuantity(variant, currentWarehouse); isInstock = inStockQuantity > 0; viewModel.InStockQuantity = inStockQuantity; } var defaultPrice = PriceCalculationService.GetSalePrice(variant.Code, market.MarketId, currency); var subscriptionPrice = PriceCalculationService.GetSubscriptionPrice(variant.Code, market.MarketId, currency); var discountedPrice = GetDiscountPrice(defaultPrice, market, currency); var currentStore = _storeService.GetCurrentStoreViewModel(); var relatedProducts = currentContent.GetRelatedEntries().ToList(); var associations = relatedProducts.Any() ? _productService.GetProductTileViewModels(relatedProducts) : new List <ProductTileViewModel>(); var contact = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetCustomerContact(); var baseVariant = variant as GenericVariant; var productRecommendations = currentContent as IProductRecommendations; var isSalesRep = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("SalesRep"); viewModel.CurrentContent = currentContent; viewModel.Product = currentContent; viewModel.Variant = variant; viewModel.ListingPrice = defaultPrice?.UnitPrice ?? new Money(0, currency); viewModel.DiscountedPrice = discountedPrice; viewModel.SubscriptionPrice = subscriptionPrice?.UnitPrice ?? new Money(0, currency); viewModel.Colors = variants.OfType <GenericVariant>() .Where(x => x.Color != null) .GroupBy(x => x.Color) .Select(g => new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = g.Key, Value = g.Key }).ToList(); viewModel.Sizes = variants.OfType <GenericVariant>() .Where(x => (x.Color == null || x.Color.Equals(baseVariant?.Color, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && x.Size != null) .Select(x => new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = x.Size, Value = x.Size, Disabled = !variantsState.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Key == x.Code).Value }).ToList(); viewModel.Color = baseVariant?.Color; viewModel.Size = baseVariant?.Size; viewModel.Images = variant.GetAssets <IContentImage>(_contentLoader, _urlResolver); viewModel.Media = variant.GetAssetsWithType(_contentLoader, _urlResolver); viewModel.IsAvailable = _databaseMode.DatabaseMode != DatabaseMode.ReadOnly && defaultPrice != null && isInstock; viewModel.Stores = new StoreViewModel { Stores = _storeService.GetEntryStoresViewModels(variant.Code), SelectedStore = currentStore != null ? currentStore.Code : "", SelectedStoreName = currentStore != null ? currentStore.Name : "" }; viewModel.StaticAssociations = associations; viewModel.Variants = variants.Select(x => { var variantImage = x.GetAssets <IContentImage>(_contentLoader, _urlResolver).FirstOrDefault(); var variantDefaultPrice = GetDefaultPrice(x.Code, market, currency); return(new VariantViewModel { Sku = x.Code, Name = x.Name, Size = x is GenericVariant ? $"{(x as GenericVariant).Color} {(x as GenericVariant).Size}" : "", ImageUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(variantImage) ? "" : variantImage, DiscountedPrice = GetDiscountPrice(variantDefaultPrice, market, currency), ListingPrice = variantDefaultPrice?.UnitPrice ?? new Money(0, currency), StockQuantity = _quickOrderService.GetTotalInventoryByEntry(x.Code) }); }).ToList(); viewModel.HasOrganization = contact?.OwnerId != null; viewModel.ShowRecommendations = productRecommendations?.ShowRecommendations ?? true; viewModel.IsSalesRep = isSalesRep; viewModel.SalesMaterials = isSalesRep ? currentContent.CommerceMediaCollection.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.GroupName) && x.GroupName.Equals("sales")) .Select(x => _contentLoader.Get <MediaData>(x.AssetLink)).ToList() : new List <MediaData>(); viewModel.Documents = currentContent.CommerceMediaCollection .Where(o => o.AssetType.Equals(typeof(PdfFile).FullName.ToLowerInvariant()) || o.AssetType.Equals(typeof(StandardFile).FullName.ToLowerInvariant())) .Select(x => _contentLoader.Get <MediaData>(x.AssetLink)).ToList(); viewModel.MinQuantity = (int)defaultPrice.MinQuantity; viewModel.HasSaleCode = defaultPrice != null ? !string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPrice.CustomerPricing.PriceCode) : false; return(viewModel); }
public InventoryRecord GetForDefaultWarehouse(string code) { return(_inventoryService.Get(code, _warehouseRepository.GetDefaultWarehouse().Code)); }