// Constructor.
	internal BaseVsaEngine(String language, String version, bool supportDebug)
				applicationPath = String.Empty;
				assemblyVersion = version;
				compiledRootNamespace = null;
				engineMoniker = String.Empty;
				engineName = String.Empty;
				engineSite = null;
				errorLocale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
				executionEvidence = null;
				failedCompilation = false;
				genDebugInfo = false;
				haveCompiledState = false;
				isClosed = false;
				isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
				isEngineCompiled = false;
				isEngineDirty = false;
				isEngineInitialized = false;
				isEngineRunning = false;
				loadedAssembly = null;
				rootNamespace = String.Empty;
				scriptLanguage = language;
				startupClass = null;
				startupInstance = null;
				vsaItems = null;
예제 #2
        public BaseVsaEngine(string language, string version, bool supportDebug)
            this.language = language;

            // FIXME: I think we must ensure that version it's
            // compliant with versionformat Major.Minor.Build.Revision.
            // Not sure about what Exception throw.
            this.version = version;

            this.supportDebug = supportDebug;
            this.site         = null;
            this.rootMoniker  = "";
            this.running      = false;
            this.evidence     = null;
            this.compiled     = false;
            this.dirty        = false;

            this.lcid = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            this.name = "";

            this.rootNamespace   = "";
            this.namespaceNotSet = true;

            this.initNewCalled     = false;
            this.generateDebugInfo = false;
            this.closed            = false;
            this.items             = null;
            this.siteAlreadySet    = false;
예제 #3
        // === Constructor ===

        public BaseVsaEngine(string language, string version, bool supportDebug)
            // Set default property values and initial state
            this.applicationPath       = "";
            this.compiledRootNamespace = null;
            this.genDebugInfo          = false;
            this.haveCompiledState     = false;
            this.failedCompilation     = false;
            this.isClosed            = false;
            this.isEngineCompiled    = false;
            this.isEngineDirty       = false;
            this.isEngineInitialized = false;
            this.isEngineRunning     = false;
            this.vsaItems            = null;
            this.engineSite          = null;
            this.errorLocale         = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            this.engineName          = "";
            this.rootNamespace       = "";
            this.engineMoniker       = "";

            // Set implementation-dependent values
            this.scriptLanguage       = language;
            this.assemblyVersion      = version;
            this.isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
            this.executionEvidence    = null;
예제 #4
파일: basevsa.cs 프로젝트: ArildF/masters
    // === Constructor ===

    public BaseVsaEngine(string language, string version, bool supportDebug){
      // Set default property values and initial state
      this.applicationPath = "";
      this.compiledRootNamespace = null;
      this.genDebugInfo = false;
      this.haveCompiledState = false;
      this.failedCompilation = false;
      this.isClosed = false;
      this.isEngineCompiled = false;
      this.isEngineDirty = false;
      this.isEngineInitialized = false;
      this.isEngineRunning = false;
      this.vsaItems = null;
      this.engineSite = null;
      this.errorLocale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
      this.engineName = "";
      this.rootNamespace = "";
      this.engineMoniker = "";

      // Set implementation-dependent values
      this.scriptLanguage = language;
      this.assemblyVersion = version;
      this.isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
      this.executionEvidence = null;
예제 #5
 // Constructor.
 internal BaseVsaEngine(String language, String version, bool supportDebug)
     applicationPath       = String.Empty;
     assemblyVersion       = version;
     compiledRootNamespace = null;
     engineMoniker         = String.Empty;
     engineName            = String.Empty;
     engineSite            = null;
     errorLocale           = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
     executionEvidence     = null;
     failedCompilation     = false;
     genDebugInfo          = false;
     haveCompiledState     = false;
     isClosed             = false;
     isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
     isEngineCompiled     = false;
     isEngineDirty        = false;
     isEngineInitialized  = false;
     isEngineRunning      = false;
     loadedAssembly       = null;
     rootNamespace        = String.Empty;
     scriptLanguage       = language;
     startupClass         = null;
     startupInstance      = null;
     vsaItems             = null;
예제 #6
파일: VsaEngine.cs 프로젝트: ForNeVeR/pnet
 // Initialize a VSA engine in a non-VSA mode manually.
 // Use "CreateEngine" instead of this.
 public void InitVsaEngine(String rootMoniker, IVsaSite site)
     rootNamespace       = "JScript.DefaultNamespace";
     engineMoniker       = rootMoniker;
     engineSite          = site;
     isEngineDirty       = true;
     isEngineCompiled    = false;
     isEngineInitialized = true;
예제 #7
 public void InitVsaEngine(string moniker, IVsaSite site)
     RootMoniker   = moniker;
     Site          = site;
     InitNewCalled = true;
     RootNamespace = "JScript.DefaultNamespace";
     IsDirty       = true;
     compiled      = false;
예제 #8
파일: Vsa.cs 프로젝트: ForNeVeR/pnet
 public void Close()
     site = null;
예제 #9
파일: basevsa.cs 프로젝트: ArildF/masters
 public void SetSite(IVsaSite site){
   this.site = site;
예제 #10
파일: VsaEngine.cs 프로젝트: nickchal/pash
		public void InitVsaEngine (string moniker, IVsaSite site)
			RootMoniker = moniker;
			Site = site;
			InitNewCalled = true;
			RootNamespace = "JScript.DefaultNamespace";
			IsDirty = true;
			compiled = false;
예제 #11
 public void SetSite(IVsaSite site)
     this.site = site;
예제 #12
	public void Close()
				site = null;
예제 #13
 public void SetSite(IVsaSite site)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 // Methods
 public void SetSite(IVsaSite site)
예제 #15
	// Initialize a VSA engine in a non-VSA mode manually.
	// Use "CreateEngine" instead of this.
	public void InitVsaEngine(String rootMoniker, IVsaSite site)
				rootNamespace = "JScript.DefaultNamespace";
				engineMoniker = rootMoniker;
				engineSite = site;
				isEngineDirty = true;
				isEngineCompiled = false;
				isEngineInitialized = true;
예제 #16
파일: CodeBase.cs 프로젝트: ForNeVeR/pnet
 // Constructor.
 public CodeBase(String name, IVsaItem item)
     this.name = name;
     this.item = item;
     this.site = null;
예제 #17
	public CodeBase(String name, IVsaItem item, IVsaSite site)
				this.name = name;
				this.item = item;
				this.site = site;
예제 #18
파일: CodeBase.cs 프로젝트: ForNeVeR/pnet
 public CodeBase(String name, IVsaItem item, IVsaSite site)
     this.name = name;
     this.item = item;
     this.site = site;
	// Methods
	public void SetSite(IVsaSite site) {}
예제 #20
		public BaseVsaEngine (string language, string version, bool supportDebug)
			this.language = language;

			// FIXME: I think we must ensure that version it's 
			// compliant with versionformat Major.Minor.Build.Revision. 
			// Not sure about what Exception throw.
			this.version = version;

			this.supportDebug = supportDebug;
			this.site = null;
			this.rootMoniker = "";
			this.running = false;
			this.evidence = null;
			this.compiled = false;
			this.dirty = false;

			this.lcid = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.LCID;
			this.name = "";
			this.rootNamespace = "";
			this.namespaceNotSet = true;	

			this.initNewCalled = false;
			this.generateDebugInfo = false;
			this.closed = false;
			this.items = null;
			this.siteAlreadySet = false;
예제 #21
		public void SetSite (IVsaSite site)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
예제 #22
파일: vsaengine.cs 프로젝트: ArildF/masters
 // Use this method to initialize the engine for non-VSA use.  This includes JSC, JSTest, and the JSEE.
 public void InitVsaEngine(string rootMoniker, IVsaSite site){
   this.genStartupClass = false;
   this.engineMoniker = rootMoniker;
   this.engineSite = site;
   this.isEngineInitialized = true;
   this.rootNamespace = "JScript.DefaultNamespace";
   this.isEngineDirty = true;
   this.isEngineCompiled = false;
예제 #23
	// Constructor.
	public CodeBase(String name, IVsaItem item)
				this.name = name;
				this.item = item;
				this.site = null;