예제 #1
        private void CreateEditor(string filePath)
            //IVsInvisibleEditors are in-memory represenations of typical Visual Studio editors.
            //Language services, highlighting and error squiggles are hooked up to these editors
            //for us once we convert them to WpfTextViews.
            IVsInvisibleEditor invisibleEditor;

                                            , pProject: null
                                            , dwFlags: (uint)_EDITORREGFLAGS.RIEF_ENABLECACHING
                                            , pFactory: null
                                            , ppEditor: out invisibleEditor));

            //Then when creating the IVsInvisibleEditor, find and lock the document
            IntPtr       docData;
            IVsHierarchy hierarchy;
            var          runningDocTable = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable));

            uint docCookie;

                                            dwRDTLockType: (uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_ReadLock,
                                            pszMkDocument: filePath,
                                            ppHier: out hierarchy,
                                            pitemid: out uint itemId,
                                            ppunkDocData: out docData,
                                            pdwCookie: out docCookie));

            IntPtr docDataPointer;
            var    guidIVsTextLines = typeof(IVsTextLines).GUID;

                                            fEnsureWritable: 1
                                            , riid: ref guidIVsTextLines
                                            , ppDocData: out docDataPointer));

            _docData = (IVsTextLines)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(docDataPointer);

            //Make Buffer Readonly
            _docData.GetStateFlags(out uint oldFlags);
            _docData.SetStateFlags(oldFlags | (uint)BUFFERSTATEFLAGS.BSF_USER_READONLY);

            //Create a code window adapter
            _codeWindow = _editorAdapter.CreateVsCodeWindowAdapter(ProfilerPlugin.Instance.OLEServiceProvider);

            //Disable the splitter control on the editor as leaving it enabled causes a crash if the user
            //tries to use it here :(
            IVsCodeWindowEx codeWindowEx = (IVsCodeWindowEx)_codeWindow;

            INITVIEW[] initView = new INITVIEW[1];
            codeWindowEx.Initialize((uint)_codewindowbehaviorflags.CWB_DISABLESPLITTER,// | ((uint)TextViewInitFlags2.VIF_READONLY),
                                    szNameAuxUserContext: "",
                                    szValueAuxUserContext: "",
                                    InitViewFlags: 0,
                                    pInitView: initView);


            //Get a text view for our editor which we will then use to get the WPF control for that editor.
            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(_codeWindow.GetPrimaryView(out _textView));
            _textViewHost = _editorAdapter.GetWpfTextViewHost(_textView);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to call to cause us to place the file at the given path into our hosted editor.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetDisplayedFile(string filePath)

            //Get an invisible editor over the file, this makes it much easier than having to manually figure out the right content type,
            //language service, and it will automatically associate the document with its owning project, meaning we will get intellisense
            //in our editor with no extra work.
            IVsInvisibleEditorManager invisibleEditorManager = (IVsInvisibleEditorManager)GetService(typeof(SVsInvisibleEditorManager));

                                                                                       pProject: null,
                                                                                       dwFlags: (uint)_EDITORREGFLAGS.RIEF_ENABLECACHING,
                                                                                       pFactory: null,
                                                                                       ppEditor: out this.invisibleEditor));

            //The doc data is the IVsTextLines that represents the in-memory version of the file we opened in our invisibe editor, we need
            //to extract that so that we can create our real (visible) editor.
            IntPtr docDataPointer   = IntPtr.Zero;
            Guid   guidIVSTextLines = typeof(IVsTextLines).GUID;

            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.invisibleEditor.GetDocData(fEnsureWritable: 1, riid: ref guidIVSTextLines, ppDocData: out docDataPointer));
                IVsTextLines docData = (IVsTextLines)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(docDataPointer);

                //Get the component model so we can request the editor adapter factory which we can use to spin up an editor instance.
                IComponentModel componentModel = (IComponentModel)GetService(typeof(SComponentModel));
                IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService editorAdapterFactoryService = componentModel.GetService <IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService>();

                //Create a code window adapter.
                this.codeWindow = editorAdapterFactoryService.CreateVsCodeWindowAdapter(OleServiceProvider);

                //Disable the splitter control on the editor as leaving it enabled causes a crash if the user
                //tries to use it here :(
                IVsCodeWindowEx codeWindowEx = (IVsCodeWindowEx)this.codeWindow;
                INITVIEW[]      initView     = new INITVIEW[1];
                                        szNameAuxUserContext:  "",
                                        szValueAuxUserContext: "",
                                        InitViewFlags: 0,
                                        pInitView: initView);

                //Associate our IVsTextLines with our new code window.

                //Get our text view for our editor which we will use to get the WPF control that hosts said editor.
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.codeWindow.GetPrimaryView(out this.textView));

                //Get our WPF host from our text view (from our code window).
                IWpfTextViewHost textViewHost = editorAdapterFactoryService.GetWpfTextViewHost(this.textView);

                Debug.Assert(this.control != null);

                //We already have an open window, so just insert this editor in place of the old one.
                if (docDataPointer != IntPtr.Zero)
                    //Release the doc data from the invisible editor since it gave us a ref-counted copy.
예제 #3
        private void CreateVsCodeWindow()
            int  hr = VSConstants.S_OK;
            Guid clsidVsCodeWindow = typeof(VsCodeWindowClass).GUID;
            Guid iidVsCodeWindow   = typeof(IVsCodeWindow).GUID;
            Guid clsidVsTextBuffer = typeof(VsTextBufferClass).GUID;
            Guid iidVsTextLines    = typeof(IVsTextLines).GUID;

            // create/site a VsTextBuffer object
            _vsTextBuffer = (IVsTextBuffer)NuoDbVSPackagePackage.Instance.CreateInstance(ref clsidVsTextBuffer, ref iidVsTextLines, typeof(IVsTextBuffer));
            IObjectWithSite ows = (IObjectWithSite)_vsTextBuffer;

            //string strSQL = "select * from sometable";
            //hr = _vsTextBuffer.InitializeContent(strSQL, strSQL.Length);
            switch (NuoDbVSPackagePackage.Instance.GetMajorVStudioVersion())
            case 10:
                hr = _vsTextBuffer.SetLanguageServiceID(ref GuidList.guidSQLLangSvc_VS2010);

            case 11:
                hr = _vsTextBuffer.SetLanguageServiceID(ref GuidList.guidSQLLangSvc_VS2012);

            // create/initialize/site a VsCodeWindow object
            _vsCodeWindow = (IVsCodeWindow)NuoDbVSPackagePackage.Instance.CreateInstance(ref clsidVsCodeWindow, ref iidVsCodeWindow, typeof(IVsCodeWindow));

            INITVIEW[] initView = new INITVIEW[1];
            initView[0].fSelectionMargin = 0;
            initView[0].fWidgetMargin    = 0;
            initView[0].fVirtualSpace    = 0;
            initView[0].fDragDropMove    = 1;
            initView[0].fVirtualSpace    = 0;
            IVsCodeWindowEx vsCodeWindowEx = (IVsCodeWindowEx)_vsCodeWindow;

            hr = vsCodeWindowEx.Initialize((uint)_codewindowbehaviorflags.CWB_DISABLEDROPDOWNBAR | (uint)_codewindowbehaviorflags.CWB_DISABLESPLITTER,
                                           0, null, null,
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags.VIF_SET_WIDGET_MARGIN |
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags.VIF_SET_SELECTION_MARGIN |
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags.VIF_SET_VIRTUAL_SPACE |
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags.VIF_SET_DRAGDROPMOVE |
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags2.VIF_SUPPRESS_STATUS_BAR_UPDATE |
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags2.VIF_SUPPRESSBORDER |
                                           (uint)TextViewInitFlags2.VIF_SUPPRESSTRACKCHANGES |

            hr = _vsCodeWindow.SetBuffer((IVsTextLines)_vsTextBuffer);
            IVsWindowPane vsWindowPane = (IVsWindowPane)_vsCodeWindow;

            hr = vsWindowPane.SetSite(_editor);
            hr = vsWindowPane.CreatePaneWindow(this.Handle, 0, 0, this.Parent.Size.Width, this.Parent.Size.Height, out _hWndCodeWindow);

            IVsTextView vsTextView;

            hr = _vsCodeWindow.GetPrimaryView(out vsTextView);

            // sink IVsTextViewEvents, so we can determine when a VsCodeWindow object actually has the focus.
            IConnectionPointContainer connptCntr = (IConnectionPointContainer)vsTextView;
            Guid             riid = typeof(IVsTextViewEvents).GUID;
            IConnectionPoint cp;

            connptCntr.FindConnectionPoint(ref riid, out cp);
            cp.Advise(_editor, out cookie);

            // sink IVsTextLinesEvents, so we can determine when a VsCodeWindow text has been changed.
            connptCntr = (IConnectionPointContainer)_vsTextBuffer;
            riid       = typeof(IVsTextLinesEvents).GUID;
            connptCntr.FindConnectionPoint(ref riid, out cp);
            cp.Advise(_editor, out cookie);