예제 #1
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
        public event ChangedGridSizeHandler GridWasChanged; // event when the grid was changed inside the Model class, during Search

        public Model(IViewGUI FormToModel)
            MyTable = new DataTable()
                TableName = "TableAsInGrid"
            };                                                          // initialize internal DataTable for storing the data from the GUI/Form1 class
            UpdatedTable = new DataTable()
                TableName = "TemporaryTableAfterSearch"
            };                                            // initialize temporary DataTable for storing intermidiate results after Search
            ModifiedGridSize = 0;                         // set the DataGrid size to 0 at the 1st run
            MyTable.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string)); // initialize columns for the DataTable
            MyTable.Columns.Add("Artist", typeof(string));
            MyTable.Columns.Add("Album", typeof(string));
            MyTable.Columns.Add("Genre", typeof(string));
            MyTable.Columns.Add("Year", typeof(string));
            MyTable.Columns.Add("FilePath", typeof(string));
            // initialize columns for the temporary DataTable
            UpdatedTable.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
            UpdatedTable.Columns.Add("Artist", typeof(string));
            UpdatedTable.Columns.Add("Album", typeof(string));
            UpdatedTable.Columns.Add("Genre", typeof(string));
            UpdatedTable.Columns.Add("Year", typeof(string));
            UpdatedTable.Columns.Add("FilePath", typeof(string));

            FormToModel.GridWasChangedSignUp(this); // sign up for the event, which occures when the Grid size was changed in Form1 class
            SearchBoxAfter = "";
            searchBox      = "";
예제 #2
        // triggered when Add button is pushed in GUI, after this all available tags are extracted from the audio files
        private void UserView_AddButtonPushed(IViewGUI sender) // sender is the object of Form1 class, through which we can access public properties
            FilePathForController = sender.FilePaths;          // receive FilePaths from Form1 via public Property file path which is defined in IView Interface.
            FileNameForController = sender.FileNames;          // receive FileName from Form1 class / GUI for Title, if its abasent
            int k = 0;                                         // iterator thgough filenames for Title

            for (int i = 0; i < FilePathForController.Length; i++)
                UltraID3 myMp3 = new UltraID3(); // initialize Tag class (external reference)
                    // if there is no titles in the Tag then substitute it with file name of the audio file
                    if (myMp3.Title == "")
                        sender.Title = FileNameForController[k].Substring(0, FileNameForController[k].IndexOf('.')); // extract file name without extension (.mp3)
                        sender.Title = string.Format("{0}", myMp3.Title); // send the extracted tag/Title to the Form1 class
                    sender.Year   = string.Format("{0}", myMp3.Year);     // send all tags to the Form1 class via public Properties to the Form1 class
                    sender.Artist = string.Format("{0}", myMp3.Artist);
                    sender.Album  = string.Format("{0}", myMp3.Album);
                    sender.Genre  = string.Format("{0}", myMp3.Genre);
                    // send all extracted Tags to the Form1 class via 2D array, where it is saved in private fields and where it is send to final DataGrid View
                    sender.TableContr[i] = new string[] { sender.Title, sender.Artist, sender.Album, sender.Genre, sender.Year, sender.FilePaths[i] };
                catch (HundredMilesSoftware.UltraID3Lib.ID3FileException) // Tags are not valid
                    MessageBox.Show("Reading ID3 Tag from file is wrong");
예제 #3
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 private void UserView_FormOpened(IViewGUI sender)
     TableFromModel = null;                             // prepare 2D array for sending results from  inner DataTable(with data from XML) to Form's Data Grid
     TableFromModel = new string[MyTable.Rows.Count][]; // initialize the new size of 2D array with the size of updated DataTable
     for (int i = 0; i < MyTable.Rows.Count; i++)
         TableFromModel[i] = new string[6];
         for (int j = 0; j < TableFromModel[i].Length; j++)
             TableFromModel[i][j] = MyTable.Rows[i].Field <string>(j); // populate 2D array from inner Data Table (Model Class)
     if (GridWasChanged != null)
         GridWasChanged(this);               // event triggered if the new Data Table size (and 2D array size too) are different from the previous size
         sender.TableContr = TableFromModel; // send new data via 2D array to the Form's Data Grid
         if (TableFromModel == null)         // if nothing to send
             sender.NewGridSize = 0;         // send the new size as 0 if there are no results in Data Table
             sender.NewGridSize = TableFromModel.Length;// send the new size as well
예제 #4
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 // method called when the Save button was pushedin GUI
 private void UserView_SaveButtonPushed(IViewGUI sender)
     TableFromModel = sender.TableContr; // receive data from Grid to the private double array (TableFromModel)
     if (TableFromModel != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < TableFromModel.GetLength(0); i++)
             MyTable.Rows.Add(TableFromModel[i][0], TableFromModel[i][1], TableFromModel[i][2], TableFromModel[i][3], TableFromModel[i][4], TableFromModel[i][5]);
예제 #5
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
        // this method is called when the text in the Search was  changed and corresponding event was fired
        private void UserView_SearchBoxTextChanged(IViewGUI sender)
            SearchBoxAfter = sender.SeachBoxText; // new search box text is saved to local variable
            // if the new text is shorter than the previous text in the Search box, then search in the "old" XML file (before change)
            // the new text also should be not empty
            if (SearchBoxAfter.Length < searchBox.Length && SearchBoxAfter.Length >= 0)
                ReadXMLPreviousResults();                          // read the "old" XML
                TableFromModel = null;                             // reset the 2D array
                TableFromModel = new string[MyTable.Rows.Count][]; // set new size (rows count) for the new data to be sent to the GUI
                // update the "new" 2D array with the updated data from the internal DataTable with the latest results
                for (int i = 0; i < MyTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                    TableFromModel[i] = new string[6];                            // initialize each new row in the 2D array
                    for (int j = 0; j < TableFromModel[i].Length; j++)            // fill each row in the 2D array with the "updated" data from the DataTable
                        TableFromModel[i][j] = MyTable.Rows[i].Field <string>(j); // populate each column in the new row
                if (GridWasChanged != null)             // check if Form1 class has signed up for the new grid size event
                    GridWasChanged(this);               // if the Grid was changed, then trigger the proper method in Form1 class
                    sender.TableContr = TableFromModel; // send the new data after search via the public 2D array
                    if (TableFromModel == null)         // if nothing was found , then just set the new DataGrid size to 0, it will show empty DataGrid in GUI
                        sender.NewGridSize = 0;         // send new 0 size if nothing was found
                        sender.NewGridSize = TableFromModel.Length; // send the new DataGrid size if at least 1 row was found

            UserView_SearchButtonPushed(sender); // perform automatic search with the new text from Search Box, it is similar to
        }                                        // pushing the Search button, which is not visible in our GUI
예제 #6
 // sign up for Add Button event
 public void AddButtonPrepare(IViewGUI userView)
     userView.AddButtonPushed += UserView_AddButtonPushed;
예제 #7
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 public void SearchBoxTextChangedSignUp(IViewGUI userView) // any changes in the Search box
     userView.SearchBoxTextChanged += UserView_SearchBoxTextChanged;
예제 #8
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 public void OpenFormSignUp(IViewGUI userView) // 1st start of the Form
     userView.FormOpened += UserView_FormOpened;
예제 #9
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 public void SaveButtonSignUp(IViewGUI userView)
     userView.SaveButtonPushed += UserView_SaveButtonPushed;
예제 #10
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 public void SearchButtonSignUp(IViewGUI userView)
     userView.SearchButtonPushed += UserView_SearchButtonPushed;;
예제 #11
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
 // methods for preparing for the button push events in the GUI
 public void AddButtonSignUp(IViewGUI userView)
     userView.AddButtonPushed += UserView_AddButtonPushed;
예제 #12
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
        // the methid is started when the Add button was pushed in GUI
        private void UserView_AddButtonPushed(IViewGUI sender)
            // initialize new DataTable for storing temporary results, and comparing them to the current results, in order to avoid adding duplicates to the DataGrid
            DataTable CompareTable = new DataTable();

            // initialize standard columns for new temporary DataTable
            CompareTable.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
            CompareTable.Columns.Add("Artist", typeof(string));
            CompareTable.Columns.Add("Album", typeof(string));
            CompareTable.Columns.Add("Genre", typeof(string));
            CompareTable.Columns.Add("Year", typeof(string));
            CompareTable.Columns.Add("FilePath", typeof(string));
            DataRow CurrentRow = CompareTable.NewRow(); // initialize a new row for the temporary DataTable

            ModifiedGridSize = 0;                       // size of the grid before adding is 0

            TableFromModel = sender.TableContr;         // receive Tag data from the Controller class to the internal 2D array (TableFromModel)
            // if the result DataTable, and the Grid are empty , then there will be no duplicates, and there is no need to compare Table results with the new ones
            if (MyTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < TableFromModel.GetLength(0); i++) // adding new rows to the DataTable according to the files from the OpenDialog in the GUI
                    // add new row with the tag data to the current DataTable
                    MyTable.Rows.Add(TableFromModel[i][0], TableFromModel[i][1], TableFromModel[i][2], TableFromModel[i][3], TableFromModel[i][4], TableFromModel[i][5]);
                    ModifiedGridSize++; // the Grid size is increased
                // the new size event is triggered in the Form1 class, and the new size with the new data is send to GUI
                if (GridWasChanged != null)
                    sender.TableContr = TableFromModel; // send the new data back to DataGrid
                    if (TableFromModel == null)
                        sender.NewGridSize = 0; // if there was no new data then send 0 results
                        sender.NewGridSize = TableFromModel.Length; //send the new size of the Grid to the GUI class - Form1
            else // if there was data in the DataGrid already then compare each row in the Grid against each new row
                for (int i = 0; i < TableFromModel.GetLength(0); i++)
                {   // Add new row from the new file to the temporary table
                    CompareTable.Rows.Add(TableFromModel[i][0], TableFromModel[i][1], TableFromModel[i][2], TableFromModel[i][3], TableFromModel[i][4], TableFromModel[i][5]);
                    // compare this new row against each exisitng rowin the current DataTable by using LINQ intersect command simmilar to the SQL query with intersect
                    var result = CompareTable.AsEnumerable().Intersect(MyTable.AsEnumerable(), DataRowComparer.Default);
                    // if there is no duplicate rows in the exisiting results, then it is allowed to add a new row to the current DataTable
                    if (result.Count <DataRow>() == 0)
                        ModifiedGridSize++; // increase the Grid size
                        // add the new row to the current DataTable without any duplicates
                        MyTable.Rows.Add(TableFromModel[i][0], TableFromModel[i][1], TableFromModel[i][2], TableFromModel[i][3], TableFromModel[i][4], TableFromModel[i][5]);
                    CompareTable.Clear(); // clean the temporary Datatable for the new compare cycle
                // update the 2D array with the new non-duplicated results for sending it back to the Grid/GUI
                TableFromModel = null;                             // clean 2D array before populating
                TableFromModel = new string[MyTable.Rows.Count][]; // initialize 2D array with the new empty rows/new size
                for (int i = 0; i < MyTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                    TableFromModel[i] = new string[6];                            // initialize new row in the datatable
                    for (int j = 0; j < TableFromModel[i].Length; j++)            // go through each column in the row
                        TableFromModel[i][j] = MyTable.Rows[i].Field <string>(j); // fill the 2D array with the new data
                if (GridWasChanged != null)
                    GridWasChanged(this);               // fire change Grid event
                    sender.TableContr = TableFromModel; // send the new data to the Grid via 2D array
                    if (TableFromModel == null)
                        sender.NewGridSize = 0; // send the 0 size if nothing was added
                        sender.NewGridSize = TableFromModel.Length; // send the new Grid size after adding
            UpdateXMLPreviousResults(); // Save current DataTable to XML after adding a new batch of files, because after adding we have an initial result set for the future searches
                                        // and in case if form is closed then at 1st run this data will be retreived from "previous" XML
예제 #13
파일: Model.cs 프로젝트: us5nar/MMLibrary
        }                                        // pushing the Search button, which is not visible in our GUI

        // The method is called when the Search button is pushed, but because this button is invisible, the method is called automatically,
        // when the text is changed the Search box
        private void UserView_SearchButtonPushed(IViewGUI sender)
            searchBox = sender.SeachBoxText;                  // save the search word to local string

            if (TableFromModel != null)                       // if local 2D array is not empty, the perform Search on the Grid
                foreach (DataRow resultedRow in MyTable.Rows) // Creat new table from old table based on search filter
                    // compare the text in the search box to each column (Tag) in the DataRow
                    if (resultedRow["Title"].ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchBox.ToLower()) ||
                        resultedRow["Artist"].ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchBox.ToLower()) ||
                        resultedRow["Album"].ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchBox.ToLower()) ||
                        resultedRow["Genre"].ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchBox.ToLower()) ||
                        resultedRow["Year"].ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchBox.ToLower()) ||
                        DataRow newRow = UpdatedTable.NewRow();                       // if found at least in one column , then initialize the new row in the temporary DataTable
                        newRow.ItemArray = resultedRow.ItemArray.Clone() as object[]; // copy one full row from the current DataTable to the temporary DataTable
                        UpdatedTable.Rows.Add(newRow);                                // copy from initial DataTable to the temporary DataTable
                // if nothing was found than "new" and "old" DataTables should be the same size
                if (UpdatedTable.Rows.Count != MyTable.Rows.Count)
                    ModifiedGridSize = UpdatedTable.Rows.Count; // update the new size of the DataGrid, for sending it to Form1 class
                    // if nothing was found then "new" Updated DataTable has 0 rows,
                    // otherwise copy all data from "new" DataTable to 2D array for sending it to Form1 via event "GridWasChanged"
                    if (UpdatedTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        TableFromModel = null;                                  // reset the 2D array before writing new data
                        TableFromModel = new string[UpdatedTable.Rows.Count][]; // initialize 2D array with the new size
                        for (int i = 0; i < UpdatedTable.Rows.Count; i++)       //
                            TableFromModel[i] = new string[6];                  // initialize new row with 6 columns like in the DataTable
                            for (int j = 0; j < TableFromModel[i].Length; j++)
                                TableFromModel[i][j] = UpdatedTable.Rows[i].Field <string>(j); // copy all data from the temporary DataTable with search results to the
                            }                                                                  // 2D array for sending it to the Form1 / GUI
                        if (GridWasChanged != null)
                            GridWasChanged(this); // Grid was certainly changed after search
                            if (TableFromModel != null)
                                sender.TableContr = TableFromModel; // send new data to the GUI
                                if (TableFromModel == null)
                                    sender.NewGridSize = 0; // if nothing was found send the new 0 size
                                    sender.NewGridSize = TableFromModel.Length; // else send the poper "updated" Grid size
                    else // if search has found nothing, then send empty table to the GUI and new size of the Grid is 0
                        TableFromModel = null; // clear DataTable
                        if (GridWasChanged != null)
                            sender.TableContr = TableFromModel; // send the empty results to the Grid/GUI
                            if (TableFromModel == null)
                                sender.NewGridSize = 0;
                                sender.NewGridSize = TableFromModel.Length;
                MyTable.Clear();               // clear the internal results table, before writing the new data after search
                MyTable = UpdatedTable.Copy(); // copy all results of the search from temporary table to the current DataTable
                UpdatedTable.Clear();          // clan the temporary DataTable
            UpdateXMLNewResults();             // update the current XML file with the search results